Class ConfigDependencyAnalyzer<T extends ICloneableConfig<T>>

    • Field Detail

      • configForeignKeys

        protected final java.util.List<ConfigForeignKey> configForeignKeys
      • hasViolation

        protected boolean hasViolation
      • dependencyKeys

        protected final java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> dependencyKeys
      • canPersist

        protected boolean canPersist
    • Method Detail

      • getHasViolation

        public boolean getHasViolation()
      • setHasViolation

        public void setHasViolation​(boolean hasViolation)
      • getOriginalConfig

        public T getOriginalConfig()
      • getPersistableConfig

        public T getPersistableConfig()
        Returns the persistable config, which represents a clone of original config, with its foreign keys updated to be non-violated.
        persistable config
      • getMappedPersistableConfig

        public T getMappedPersistableConfig()
        Returns a mapped cloned of the persistable config, which, in turn, represents a clone of original config, with its foreign keys updated to be non-violated.
        mapped cloned of the persistable config
      • getDependencyKeys

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getDependencyKeys()
      • getCanPersist

        public boolean getCanPersist()
        true, if the persistable config can be persisted.
      • analyze

        public void analyze​(IConfigPersister configPersister)
        Analyze the original config, generating a persistable config and scheduling the persistence of original config to be performed after the dependencies were resolved. It also determines if the persistable config can be persisted.
        configPersister -
      • analyzeForeignKeys

        protected void analyzeForeignKeys()
        Analyze the original config, generating a persistable config. It also determines if the persistable config can be persisted.
      • addDependentConfigOperation

        protected void addDependentConfigOperation​(IConfigPersister configPersister)
      • foreignKeysExists

        public boolean foreignKeysExists()
        Verify that all foreign key mapped values match persisted objects
        true, if all foreign key mapped values match persisted objects.