Class DummySourceBigDataPersister<S extends Source<?>>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addContextDocuments​(java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String contextId)
      Adds all documents corresponding to the given source and context to the portal big data repository.
      void addDocuments​(S source, java.util.Collection<? extends ISourceData> data)
      Adds documents to the portal big data repository for the given source data entries.
      void addDocuments​(S source, ISourceData... data)
      Adds documents to the portal big data repository for the given source data entries.
      void deleteBigData​(S source)
      Deletes all structure stored in the portal big data repository relative to a source.
      void deleteContextDocuments​(java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String contextId)
      Deletes documents from the portal big data repository for the specified source in a context.
      void deleteDocuments​(S source, java.lang.String... itemIds)
      Deletes documents from the portal big data repository that corresponds to the data with the given primary key values.
      void deleteDocuments​(S source, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> itemIds)
      Deletes documents from the portal big data repository that corresponds to the data with the given primary key values.
      void initBigData​(S source)
      Initializes the big data repository with elements specifics to a source.
      void updateBigData​(S source)
      Updates the big data repository according to a source.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait