A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- WAIT_LOCAL_PROCESSING - lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterTransmission.Flag
When sending this transmission, the
method waits until the transmission is processed locally before returning. - WAIT_LOCAL_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.cluster.AbstractClusterManager
Wait local processing timeout in milliseconds.
- WaitAction() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.AutomationFlow.Node.WaitAction
- WaitActionNode - Class in lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.action
Action node that waits a given time (suspends the flow).
- WaitActionNode(String, String, FlowNode, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.action.WaitActionNode
- WaitActionNode(JSONObject, FlowEntry) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.action.WaitActionNode
Creates a new instance from the given JSON configuration.
- WaitForEventActionNode - Class in lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.action
The wait for event node.
- WaitForEventActionNode(String, String, FlowNode, FlowNode, TimeUnit, Integer, EventFilterData) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.action.WaitForEventActionNode
- WaitForEventActionNode(JSONObject, FlowEntry) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.action.WaitForEventActionNode
- waitForGeneration(String, long) - Method in interface lumis.portal.page.cache.IPageCacheManager
Waits for the generation of a page cache.
- waitForGeneration(String, long) - Method in class lumis.portal.page.cache.PageCacheManager
- waitForPagesReadyToGenerate(long, boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.page.cache.IPageCacheManager
Waits for new pages to be ready to be generated.
- waitForPagesReadyToGenerate(long, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.page.cache.PageCacheManager
- WAITING - lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.WaitingForEventFlow.Status
- WaitingContentPublishing - lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageStatus
Indicates that the publish date has already expired but the content associated to the message has not yet been published in the LumisXP.
- WaitingForEventFlow - Class in lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow
A flow that is waiting for an event to happen.
- WaitingForEventFlow() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow.WaitingForEventFlow
- WaitingForEventFlow.Status - Enum in lumis.portal.analytics.automationflow
- WallPostsDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.dataprovider
Data Provider class used to load user-wall posts.
- WallPostsDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.dataprovider.WallPostsDataProvider
- warn(Object) - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Log a message with warn log level.
- warn(Object) - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
- warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Log an error with warn log level.
- warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
- WARN - lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckResult.ResultType
- WARN - lumis.util.log.ILogger.Level
- WARNING - lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentMessageLevel
Represents a warning.
- WARNING - lumis.portal.deployment.PackageOutcome
Indicates the package has one or more steps ignored.
- WARNING - lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationMessage.Level
- WARNING - lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig.Type
- wasGeneratedWithError() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Return whether this transformed file had an error during its generation.
- WEB_RESOURCE - lumis.portal.url.IRequestedURI.RequestProcessType
Requires that the web resource is provided for this request.
- WEB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
The attribute name used to store web resource in the request.
- WebFileReplication - Class in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Configuration of a replication of web files.
- WebFileReplication() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
- WebFileReplicationObserver - Class in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Observer that replicates files and directories.
- WebFileReplicationObserver() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationObserver
- WebFileReplicationProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication
Process Action Handler for all Web File Replication actions.
- WebFileReplicationProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationProcessActionHandler
- WebFileReplicationPropertiesControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication
Control that creates the user interface for web file replication properties.
- WebFileReplicationPropertiesControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationPropertiesControl
- WebFileReplicationProperty - Class in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Custom property of a web file replication type.
- WebFileReplicationProperty() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationProperty
- WebFileReplicationPropertyValue - Class in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Custom property value of a web file replication.
- WebFileReplicationPropertyValue() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationPropertyValue
- WebFileReplicationType - Class in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Type of a web file replication.
- WebFileReplicationType() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationType
- WebPage - Class in lumis.service.webpage
- WebPage() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webpage.WebPage
- WebPageParameterDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.webpage
Data provider for web page parameter.
- WebPageParameterDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webpage.WebPageParameterDataProvider
- WebPageProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.webpage
- WebPageProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webpage.WebPageProcessActionHandler
- webResource - Variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml
- webResource - Variable in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
- WebResource - Class in lumis.portal.url
Represents a resource that is accessible through a web server.
- WebResource() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.WebResource
- WebResource() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
- WebResourceDiscoveryFilter - Class in lumis.portal.url
Detects the web resource for the a request.
- WebResourceDiscoveryFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
- webResourceExists(NavigationContext.WebResourceResume) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.ContextValidatingPortalMode
Verifies that the page and channel referenced by the specified web resource exists.
- WebResourceForwardFilter - Class in lumis.portal.url
Resolves what is the proper handling for a request, according to the request's and web resource's properties.
- WebResourceForwardFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceForwardFilter
- WebResourcePostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource
that substitutes the creatorWebResourceId for it's Web Resource path in source. - WebResourcePostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource.WebResourcePostLoadProcessor
- WebResourceRedirectionDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource
Data provider for
source. - WebResourceRedirectionDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource.WebResourceRedirectionDataProvider
- WebResourceResume(String, String, String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext.WebResourceResume
Creates a new instance.
- WebResourceServiceProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource
Process Action Handler to handle WebResources deletion.
- WebResourceServiceProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource.WebResourceServiceProcessActionHandler
- WebResourceUtil - Class in lumis.portal.url
Utility class for
. - WebResourceUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceUtil
- WebServerIntegrationForwardFilter - Class in lumis.portal.webserver
Filter used to perform integration with web servers.
- WebServerIntegrationForwardFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webserver.WebServerIntegrationForwardFilter
- WebServerIntegrationInitFilter - Class in lumis.portal.webserver
Filter used to perform integration with web servers.
- WebServerIntegrationInitFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webserver.WebServerIntegrationInitFilter
- WebServicePortalFault - Exception in lumis.portal.webservice
Generic exception thrown by LumisXP web services when operations fail.
- WebServicePortalFault() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault
- WebServicePortalFault(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault
- WebServicePortalFault(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault
- WebServicePortalFault(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault
- WebServicePortalFault.FaultBean - Class in lumis.portal.webservice
Fault bean used in the
web fault
. - WebServiceUtil - Class in lumis.portal.webservice
Utility class for Web Services implementations.
- WebServiceUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webservice.WebServiceUtil
- WebServiceViewer - Class in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
Web service viewer
- WebServiceViewer() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewer
- WebServiceViewerConfigurationDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
Data provider for web service viewer configuration.
- WebServiceViewerConfigurationDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerConfigurationDataProvider
- WebServiceViewerConfigurationProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
- WebServiceViewerConfigurationProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerConfigurationProcessActionHandler
- WebServiceViewerException - Exception in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
- WebServiceViewerException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerException
- WebServiceViewerException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerException
- WebServiceViewerException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerException
- WebServiceViewerException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerException
- WebServiceViewerException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerException
- WebServiceViewerException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerException
- WebServiceViewerParametersDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
- WebServiceViewerParametersDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerParametersDataProvider
- WebServiceViewerParametersProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
- WebServiceViewerParametersProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.webserviceviewer.WebServiceViewerParametersProcessActionHandler
- Website - Class in lumis.portal.website
Website entity implementation.
- Website() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Website
- Website() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.website.Website
- WEBSITE - lumis.portal.url.IURLManager.PathReferenceType
path is fixed with the complete website url.
- WEBSITE_PROJECT_IDS - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocumentType.MonitorUserFields
- WEBSITE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
- WebsiteChangeCheckControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control
Website check control.
Integrates withSelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControlWithCustomCallbackFunction
to call theWebsiteControllerHtml
and verify if the selected channel belongs to other website then the current one. - WebsiteChangeCheckControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.WebsiteChangeCheckControl
- WebsiteControllerHtml - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control
Implements operations over
. - WebsiteControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.WebsiteControllerHtml
Creates a new instance with the given parameters.
- WebsiteControllerHtml.Method - Enum in lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control
Supported methods.
- WebsiteDiscoveryFilter - Class in lumis.portal.website
Discovers which
is being requested. - WebsiteDiscoveryFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.website.WebsiteDiscoveryFilter
- WebsiteDiscoveryFilter.WebsiteRequest - Class in lumis.portal.website
Represents a
driven request. - WebsiteFilesFolder - Class in lumis.service.websitefiles
Entity that represents a folder in a website configured to be edited using the Website Files service.
- WebsiteFilesFolder() - Constructor for class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesFolder
- WebsiteFilesResource - Class in lumis.service.websitefiles
Resource used by website files editor to manage website files.
- WebsiteFilesResource() - Constructor for class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesResource
- WebsiteManager - Class in lumis.portal.website
Implementation of website related high-level operations.
- WebsiteManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.website.WebsiteManager
- WebsiteManager.UnmodifiableWebsite - Class in lumis.portal.website
implementation. - WebsitePostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.website
This post load processor calculates the informations (Main URL, static directory path) used on the administration list.
- WebsitePostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.website.WebsitePostLoadProcessor
- WebsitePriorityDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.website
This data provider calculates the list of priority values based on the all websites added on the portal.
- WebsitePriorityDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.website.WebsitePriorityDataProvider
- WebsiteProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.website
This class represents the custom process action handler of the website administration.
- WebsiteProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.website.WebsiteProcessActionHandler
- WebsiteProcessActionHandler.BaseURL - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.website
- WebsiteRequest(IWebsiteBaseURL, String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.website.WebsiteDiscoveryFilter.WebsiteRequest
Creates a new instance with the given
base URL
and adjustment path. - WebsiteUtil - Class in lumis.portal.website
Website utility class.
- WebsiteUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.website.WebsiteUtil
- WEEK - lumis.portal.bigdata.query.DateHistogramAggregation.Interval.Type
- WEEK - Static variable in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.DateHistogramAggregation.Interval
Interval of 1 week.
- WEEKLY - lumis.service.analytics.eventanalytics.bean.EventAnalyticsDashboard.EmailType
- WHITELIST - lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule.ListType
- Widget - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean
Represents a widget registration.
- Widget() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- WidgetContentInterfaceInstanceDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.postloadprocessor
Data provider used in add widget interface that contains information about the interface instance to be used for the widget.
- WidgetContentInterfaceInstanceDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.postloadprocessor.WidgetContentInterfaceInstanceDataProvider
- WidgetInstance - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean
instance. - WidgetInstance(String) - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstance
Creates a new widget instance for the specified widget.
- WidgetInstanceHolder - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean
A holder for
widget instances
. - WidgetInstanceHolder(String, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Creates a new widget instance holder.
- WidgetListPostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.postloadprocessor
Post load processor responsible for indicating which widgets are allowed to be dragged into the personalized page.
- WidgetListPostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.postloadprocessor.WidgetListPostLoadProcessor
- WidgetListServiceInterface - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.serviceinterface
Widgets holder service interface.
- WidgetListServiceInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.serviceinterface.WidgetListServiceInterface
- WidgetManipulationAction - Interface in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction
Interface that must be implemented by classes responsible for manipulating user widgets.
- WidgetRenderDataChangedObserver - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.observer
Observes render data changed event of widgets and generates corresponding events for their holders.
- WidgetRenderDataChangedObserver() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.observer.WidgetRenderDataChangedObserver
- WidgetSelectProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization
Executes the user operation of selecting a widget
- WidgetSelectProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.WidgetSelectProcessActionHandler
- WidgetUsedByDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider
implementation that returns the id widgets from request - WidgetUsedByDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider.WidgetUsedByDataProvider
- WikiArticleSelectProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.wiki
Sets the link of an article for content link.
- WikiArticleSelectProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wiki.WikiArticleSelectProcessActionHandler
- WikiContentVersionDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.wiki
Provides data about the versions of a wiki article.
- WikiContentVersionDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wiki.WikiContentVersionDataProvider
- WikiService - Class in lumis.service.wiki
Wiki service class.
- WikiService() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wiki.WikiService
- WikiViewArticlePaneControl - Class in lumis.service.wiki
Control to evaluate a content, setting the correct pane for exhibition.
- WikiViewArticlePaneControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wiki.WikiViewArticlePaneControl
- WindowStatesDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.producer
responsible for populating aTabularData
with the possible WSRP windowStates to be selected on screen. - WindowStatesDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.WindowStatesDataProvider
- WITH_TABLES - lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.channel.Channel.LayoutPageType
- WITH_TABLES - lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.page.Page.PageLayoutType
- WITHOUT_HOLDER_ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.page.PageLayoutUtil
Holder identifier used for interfaces without holder.
- WORDS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Search
Search words field.
- workflow - Variable in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- workflow - Variable in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- WORKFLOW - lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject.ObjectType
- WORKFLOW_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.WorkflowMetaDataFields
Field that corresponds to the identifier of the
applied to the content of this document. - WORKFLOW_META_DATA - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentLocaleFields
Field that corresponds to the content workflow metadata for this content locale.
- WORKFLOW_META_DATA - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.WorkflowMetaDataFields
Field that corresponds to the content workflow metadata for a content locale.
- WORKFLOW_META_DATA_RELATION_ID - Static variable in class lumis.content.table.ContentQueryBuilder
The relation id for the workflow metadata table.
- WORKFLOW_META_DATA_RELATION_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.WorkflowStatusQueryBuilder
The relation id for the workflow metadata table.
- WORKFLOW_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class lumis.service.autoadministration.WorkflowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider
- WORKFLOW_SERVICE_INSTANCE_RELATION_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.WorkflowStatusQueryBuilder
The relation id for the workflow service instance table.
- WorkflowActionControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
Control that sets the workflow action for the content.
- WorkflowActionControl - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Control that sets the workflow action for content from control's itemId.
- WorkflowActionControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowActionControl
- WorkflowActionControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowActionControl
- WorkflowActionExecutedEvent - Class in lumis.content.workflow
Event generated when a content's workflow action is executed.
- WorkflowActionExecutedEvent(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ContentWorkflowMetaData, ContentWorkflowMetaData, ITransaction) - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowActionExecutedEvent
- WorkflowAssignedTo - lumis.content.source.field.MetaDataSourceField.Type
- WorkflowAssignedToControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
Displays the assignedTo information for a content.
- WorkflowAssignedToControl - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Displays the assignedTo information for content from control's itemId.
- WorkflowAssignedToControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowAssignedToControl
- WorkflowAssignedToControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowAssignedToControl
- WorkflowAssignedToDataType - Class in lumis.content.source.field.type
Data type for a workflow assigned to.
- WorkflowAssignedToDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowAssignedToDataType
- WorkflowAssignedToFilterControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
A control used in administration list to filter workflow assignedTo field.
- WorkflowAssignedToFilterControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowAssignedToFilterControl
- WorkflowAssignedToSourceField - Class in lumis.content.source.field
A workflow's assigned to source field.
- WorkflowAssignedToSourceField() - Constructor for class lumis.content.source.field.WorkflowAssignedToSourceField
- WorkflowConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow
Contains the definition information for a workflow.
- WorkflowConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
- WorkflowController - Class in lumis.content.workflow
Mediates content workflow operations from a process action handlers to
. - WorkflowController(IParameters, ContentTableSource, ITransaction) - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowController
- WorkflowException - Exception in lumis.content.workflow
Workflow related exception.
- WorkflowException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowException
- WorkflowException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowException
- WorkflowException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowException
- WorkflowException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowException
- WorkflowException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowException
- WorkflowException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowException
- WorkflowManager - Class in lumis.content.workflow
The default implementation for IWorkflowManager.
- WorkflowManager() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- WorkflowMetaDataControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
Base control for controls that uses data in the content workflow meta data.
- WorkflowMetaDataControl - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Base control for controls that uses data in the content workflow meta data.
- WorkflowMetaDataControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- WorkflowMetaDataControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- WorkflowObject - Class in lumis.portal.deployment.process
Workflow object.
- WorkflowPermission - Class in lumis.content.workflow
A workflow permission, that associates a principal with a role for a given service instance.
- WorkflowPermission() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowPermission
- WorkflowPermissionPersistenceData - Class in lumis.content.workflow.serialization
Data to be used in a lazy workflow permission persistence
- WorkflowPermissionPersistenceData(String, ArrayList<WorkflowPermission>) - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionPersistenceData
- WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow.serialization
Serializable value object for Workflow permission structure properties
- WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig
- WorkflowProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.workflow
- WorkflowProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.workflow.WorkflowProcessActionHandler
- WorkflowRegisterHelper - Class in lumis.portal.deployment
Helper that handles workflow register in a module.
- WorkflowRegisterHelper(IComponent, Collection<IModule>, boolean) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.deployment.WorkflowRegisterHelper
- WorkflowRegisterHelper(IModule, Collection<IModule>, boolean) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.deployment.WorkflowRegisterHelper
- WorkflowRoleConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow
Value class for workflow role.
- WorkflowRoleConfig(Node) - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowRoleConfig
Creates a new role instance based on the given node.
- WorkflowSendMailActionHandler - Class in lumis.content.workflow.action
Sends e-mails notifying the new assigned to users of the content state.
- WorkflowSendMailActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.action.WorkflowSendMailActionHandler
- WorkflowSendToControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
Control that is used to specify the principal to which assign the content.
- WorkflowSendToControl - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Control that is used to specify the principal to which assign the content from control's itemId.
- WorkflowSendToControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowSendToControl
- WorkflowSendToControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowSendToControl
- WorkflowSendToUsersDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.workflow
Implements the workflow data provider
- WorkflowSendToUsersDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.workflow.WorkflowSendToUsersDataProvider
- WorkflowSerializableConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow.serialization
Serializable value object for Workflow structure properties
- WorkflowSerializableConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializableConfig
- WorkflowSerializationManager - Class in lumis.content.workflow.serialization
Manager for Workflow serialization
- WorkflowSerializationManager() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializationManager
- WorkflowSerializationMessageConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow.serialization
Information about a workflow to be used in serialization progress messages
- WorkflowSerializationMessageConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializationMessageConfig
- WorkflowSerializationMessageConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationManager2.WorkflowSerializationMessageConfig
- WorkflowServiceInstanceAclControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow
Acl control for a service instance with workflow.
- WorkflowServiceInstanceAclControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow.WorkflowServiceInstanceAclControl
- WorkflowServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow
Service instance acl process action handler with workflow support.
- WorkflowServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow.WorkflowServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler
- WorkflowState - lumis.content.source.field.MetaDataSourceField.Type
- WorkflowStateConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow
Value class for content's workflow state information.
- WorkflowStateConfig(Node) - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Constructs a WorkflowStateConfig, parsing its data from a state XML Element.
- WorkflowStateControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
- WorkflowStateControl - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Control to display the current content state from the control's itemId.
- WorkflowStateControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowStateControl
- WorkflowStateControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowStateControl
- WorkflowStateDataType - Class in lumis.content.source.field.type
Data type for a workflow state.
- WorkflowStateDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType
- WorkflowStateDataType.Data - Class in lumis.content.source.field.type
Data object for a workflow state.
- WorkflowStateFilterControl - Class in lumis.content.control.workflow
A control used in administration list to filter workflow state field.
- WorkflowStateFilterControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowStateFilterControl
- WorkflowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration
Provides the workflow state data, grouping all states from localized name.
- WorkflowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.WorkflowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider
- WorkflowStatusAdvancedTabularDataControl - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Render the advanced tabular data to render contents with pending workflow actions, and their workflow sub controls to make available the actions.
- WorkflowStatusAdvancedTabularDataControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowStatusAdvancedTabularDataControl
- WorkFlowStatusDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration
Data provider to get contents witch need execute transitions to forward at work flow.
- WorkFlowStatusDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.WorkFlowStatusDataProvider
- WorkflowStatusQueryBuilder - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.table
Query builder specific for
Add all necessary tables and joins to execute a select query. - WorkflowStatusQueryBuilder(IParameters, TableSource, ITransaction) - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.WorkflowStatusQueryBuilder
Creates the object.
- WorkflowStringResource - Class in lumis.content.workflow
String resource for the workflow framework.
- WorkflowStringResource() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStringResource
- WorkflowTransitionConfig - Class in lumis.content.workflow
A transition between two workflow states.
- WorkflowTransitionConfig(WorkflowStateConfig, Node) - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
- WorkflowTransitionConfig.WorkflowLockAction - Enum in lumis.content.workflow
Defines the possible actions that should be taken regarding lock in the ContentLocale.
- WorkflowUtilInternal - Class in lumis.content.workflow
Utility class for workflow classes
- WorkflowUtilInternal() - Constructor for class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowUtilInternal
- WorklowStateTableSourceFilter - Class in lumis.service.autoadministration.table.filter
Source filter for workflow states.
- WorklowStateTableSourceFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.filter.WorklowStateTableSourceFilter
- WRAPPED_BCAST - Static variable in class org.jgroups.protocols.SequencerHeaderUtil
Same as
. - write(byte[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Writes the given bytes in this file.
- write(char[], int, int, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(char[], int, int, String, PortalPrintWriter.WritePosition) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(char[], String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(char[], String, PortalPrintWriter.WritePosition) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(int) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerServletOutputStream
- write(int, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(int, String, PortalPrintWriter.WritePosition) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(File) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Writes the contents of the given file into this file.
- write(InputStream) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Copies the given input stream's content into this file.
- write(Writer) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
- write(Writer, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
- write(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Writes the given string in this file using
encoding. - write(String, int, int, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(String, int, int, String, PortalPrintWriter.WritePosition) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Writes the given string in this file using the given charset name.
- write(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(String, String, DeploymentMessageLevel) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentMessageWriter
Writes the given message as a package message, a module message and / or a component message accordingly to the provided identifiers.
- write(String, String, PortalPrintWriter.WritePosition) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
- write(IFile) - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FTPFileReplicator
- write(IFile) - Method in interface lumis.portal.webfilereplication.IFileReplicator
Writes a file or directory on the replication destination.
- write(IFile) - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.LocalFileReplicator
- write(OutputNode, PropertyDefault) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyDefault.PropertyDefaultConverter
- WRITE - lumis.portal.lock.LockType
Write lock.
- writeFile(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.util.TextUtil
Deprecated.Since 4.0.8, use
TextUtil.writeFile(String, String, String, boolean)
because this method uses the system default charset encoding. - writeFile(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.util.TextUtil
- writeFile(PortalFile, byte[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemManager
- writeFile(PortalFile, byte[]) - Method in interface lumis.portal.filesystem.IFileSystemManager
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
. - writeFile(PortalFile, InputStream) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemManager
- writeFile(PortalFile, InputStream) - Method in interface lumis.portal.filesystem.IFileSystemManager
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
. - writeFileOnDisk(IFile, byte[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckGeneral
Method to write a file with the given input array as the content.
- writeHead(String, String, PortalPrintWriter.WritePosition) - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
Inserts the item to be written in head.
- writeIfModified(IFileElement, IFile, ChannelResume) - Static method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncUtil
Writes a structure file, only if the semantics in the object is different.
- writeIfNotYetWritten(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.page.PageWebResourceFunctionMapper
Returns the given fragment if the given key was not used yet.
- writeLock() - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.SimpleReadWriteLock
- writeNodeString(String, Node, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- writePrincipals(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.IImportPrincipalManager
Read a xml file with user's and group's configuration and import them to Lumis database.
- writePrincipals(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalManager
- writeReplace() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
as the serialization of this portal mode. - writeTo(DataOutput) - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
- writeTo(Object, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in class lumis.portal.rest.CustomMoxyJsonProvider
- WrongFKIndexCorrection - Class in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_10_3_0_180824_0
Class responsible for validate the LUM_FK_USER2 and LUM_FK_PREFPRINC2 mistaken INDEX.
- WrongFKIndexCorrection() - Constructor for class lumis.upgrade.custom.build_10_3_0_180824_0.WrongFKIndexCorrection
- WSRP_PORTLET_MODES - Static variable in class lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPUtils
Array of strings containing the default possible portletModes to be used with WSRP.
- WSRP_PRODUCER_KEY - Static variable in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerRouterServlet
- WSRP_WINDOWS_STATES - Static variable in class lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPUtils
Array of strings containing the default possible windowStates to be used with WSRP.
- WSRPCheckBoxListControl - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.producer
- WSRPCheckBoxListControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.WSRPCheckBoxListControl
- WSRPConsumerService - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer
Service that consumes remote portlets using WSRP.
- WSRPConsumerService() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.WSRPConsumerService
- WSRPContainer - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer
A customized
for use in LumisXP. - WSRPContainer() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.WSRPContainer
- WSRPContextListener - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.producer
Initializes the WSRP layer.
- WSRPContextListener() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.WSRPContextListener
- WSRPProducerUtils - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.producer
WSRP Producer utility class.
- WSRPProducerUtils() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.WSRPProducerUtils
- WSRPUtils - Class in lumis.service.wsrp.common
WSRP utility class.
- WSRPUtils() - Constructor for class lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPUtils
- WSRPVersionFromTo - Enum in lumis.service.wsrp.common
Enum that holds values from
to be shown in the interface. - WurflDeviceManager - Class in lumis.portal.device
Manages Device informations
- WurflDeviceManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.device.WurflDeviceManager
Constructor that initialize the Wrufl holder based on deviceDetectionNode defined on lumisportalconfig.
- WWW - lumis.portal.deployment.ComponentFolder
Public files folder.
- WWW - lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalBaseFolder
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
due to the inclusion of multiple websites, and consequently, multiple web roots.For best compatibility, this enumeration value refers to the default website's web root folder. If there is no default website, it will cause an exception when converting the paths.
- WWW - lumis.portal.PortalContext.RelativePathType
- WWW - lumis.portal.theme.IThemeSPI.ResourceFolder
The "www" folder.
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