All Classes All Packages
- gclid - Variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.OriginValueProvider
- GeneralInformationDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.systeminfo
Obtain general information like date, user locale, etc
- GeneralInformationDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.systeminfo.GeneralInformationDataProvider
- generate(SessionImplementor, Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GuidGenerator
to generate the identifier. - generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.content.activitystream.ContentAdminActivityPrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.content.activitystream.ContentCreatedToEndUserActivityPrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityPrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.PortalManagementActivityPrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentActivityPrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.CreateMessagePrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItActivityPrioritizer
- generateActivityPriorities(Activity) - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPostActivityPrioritizer
- generateClientScript(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.PortalUtil
- GenerateContentButtonControl - Class in lumis.content.control.button
Responsible for generating random content for development purposes.
- GenerateContentButtonControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.button.GenerateContentButtonControl
- GenerateContentResource - Class in lumis.content.control.button
Responsible for providing rest json information for content generation
- GenerateContentResource() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.button.GenerateContentResource
- generateControlId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutContentFieldsControl
- generateControlId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- generateControlId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.primarykey.PrimaryKeyControl
- generateControlId() - Method in class lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks.AutoLayoutPublishToSocialNetworksAdministrationListControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowActionControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowAssignedToControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowSendToControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowStateControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAdministrationListControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutDetailsControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutFieldsControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutListControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPropertyPageControl
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- generateControlIdPrefix() - Method in class
- generateDefaultLayout(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- generateDefaultLayout(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- generateDocumentation() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.documentation.GenerateDocumentationProcessActionHandler
- generateDocumentation(String, boolean, Locale, boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.documentation.IDocumentationManager
Generates documentation for one or more services and static directories specified in a documentationdefinition.xml file
- generateDocumentationForLocale(Locale) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.documentation.GenerateDocumentationProcessActionHandler
- GenerateDocumentationProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.documentation
- GenerateDocumentationProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.documentation.GenerateDocumentationProcessActionHandler
- generateDocumentPublishedContextURL(ContentTableSource, ISourceData, String) - Method in class lumis.service.announcement.AnnouncementBigDataPersister
- generateDocumentPublishedContextURL(ContentTableSource, ISourceData, String) - Method in class
- generateDocumentPublishedContextURL(ContentTableSource, ISourceData, String) - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContentBigDataPersister
- generateDocumentPublishedContextURL(ContentTableSource, ISourceData, String) - Method in class
- generateDocumentPublishedContextURL(ContentTableSource, ISourceData, String) - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPostBigDataPersister
- generateDocumentPublishedContextURL(S, ISourceData, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Generates the URL For a published context to refer a row on a service instance.
- generateDocuments(ContentTableSource, ISourceData) - Method in class lumis.content.bigdata.ContentTableSourceBigDataPersister
- generateDocuments(S, ISourceData) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Generates the documents to be stored for a given source data.
- generateDocumentType(ContentTableSource) - Method in class lumis.content.bigdata.ContentTableSourceBigDataPersister
- generateDocumentType(S) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Generates the document type definition for documents relative to the specified source.
The default implementation generates a document type using as identifier the result ofTabularSourceBigDataPersister.getDocumentTypeId(S)
and this document type contains a field, with identifier of the result ofTabularSourceBigDataPersister.getDocumentTypeFieldId(S)
, that holds the source fields' values. - generateEclipseIntegrationFiles(String, IFile, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.DeploymentProcessActionHandler
- generateHashtagLink(DouiContext, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.util.URLGenerator
Method that generates the hashtag hyperlink for the correct 'view hashtag results' interface instance.
- generateId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.AbstractLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Utility method for generating a unique identifier for a component.
- generateInClause(int) - Static method in class lumis.util.JdbcUtil
Deprecated.Since replaced by
JdbcUtil.generateInClause(String, int)
. - generateInClause(String, int) - Static method in class lumis.util.JdbcUtil
Generates a SQL IN statement for a field.
- generateInlineInClause(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class lumis.util.JdbcUtil
Generates a SQL IN statement for a field.
- generateKey(int, String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Generates a key.
- generateLogURI(HttpServletRequest, StringBuilder, SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerLogger
- generateLogURI(HttpServletRequest, StringBuilder, SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.log.NavigationLogger
- generateMailBody(String, String, String, Answer, PageWebResource) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
Generate the HTML body of the e-mail to be sent as a notification when someone answers a form
- generateMenu(Node, IMenuItemParser, Element) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManagerSPI
Generates a configuration menu XML definition for use by Portal Studio.
- generateMenu(Node, IMenuItemParser, Element) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- generateMenuItemXml(Object, Element) - Method in interface
Generates the XML used for rendering a menu item.
- generateModuleMavenFiles(String, IFile, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.DeploymentProcessActionHandler
- generateNewGuid() - Static method in class lumis.util.PortalUtil
- generateNewQueueId() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.SendMailDaoHib
- generateNewQueueId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.ISendMailDao
Returns a new generated queue id.
- generateNewQueueId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.ISendMailManager
Returns a new generated queue id.
- generateNewQueueId() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.SendMailManager
- generateNextPage(GenerationSelectStrategy) - Method in class
Generates next outdated page cache, according to the given strategy.
- generatePage(String) - Method in interface
Generates a page cache.
- generatePage(String) - Method in class
- generatePage(PageCacheConfig) - Method in class
- generatePageLayout() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
Returns the page layout.
- generatePreviousParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
Generate the previous parameters for this portal request parameters instance, storing it for automatic later retrieval.
- generateQueryStatementFromSQL(QueryBase, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.hibernate.QueryAdapterHibernate
- generateQueryStatementFromSQL(QueryBase, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- generateRandomChannelPrefix(ITransaction) - Method in class
- generateRandomChannelPrefix(ITransaction) - Method in interface
Generates a new random channel prefix, that is not already in use.
- generateRssXmlFile(SessionConfig, RssConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssManager
Generate the Rss Xml File
- generateRssXmlFile(SessionConfig, RssConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
- GenerateRssXmlTask(String) - Constructor for class lumis.service.rss.RssObserver.GenerateRssXmlTask
- generateServiceDocumentation(String, boolean, Locale, boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.documentation.IDocumentationManager
Generates documentation for a given service.
- generateSessionId() - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Generates a new session identifier.
- generateSiteMap(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.sitemap.SitemapManager
Given a service instance id, this method renders the sitemap.xml files in the lumisdata/shared/data/sitempafiles directory.
- GenerateSitemapProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.seo.sitemap
Generates the sitemaps for a given sitemap service instance
- GenerateSitemapProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.seo.sitemap.GenerateSitemapProcessActionHandler
- generateSpan(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
Generates the Colspans and Rowspans of the component.
- generateSql(Document, String) - Method in class lumis.util.AbstractSqlGenerator
- generateSql(Document, DatabaseType) - Method in class lumis.util.AbstractSqlGenerator
Generates the sql according to the given database definition for the specified database type.
- generateStaticDocumentation(String, Locale) - Method in interface lumis.portal.documentation.IDocumentationManager
Generates documentation given a root directory.
- generateStyles(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
Generates the style of the component.
- GenericAclActionHandler<S extends Source> - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl
Generic process action handler for Access Control List manipulation.
- GenericAclActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclActionHandler
- GenericAclControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl
- GenericAclControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- GenericAclManager - Class in
- GenericAclManager() - Constructor for class
- GenericAclProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl
- GenericAclProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclProcessActionHandler
- GenericApplicationServerManager - Class in lumis.portal.appserver
Generic application server manager implementation.
- GenericApplicationServerManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.appserver.GenericApplicationServerManager
- GenericChannelChild - Class in
- GenericChannelChild() - Constructor for class
- GenericCompiledScriptStyle - Class in
Generic script style that holds a compiled version of the transformation script.
- GenericCompiledScriptStyle(CompiledScript, IScriptingStyleTemplate) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with the given compiled script and style factory.
- GenericEnumUserType - Class in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate
Generic hibernate user type for Java
fields. - GenericEnumUserType() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericEnumUserType
- GenericHibernateDao<T,ID extends Serializable> - Class in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate
Implements the generic CRUD data access operations using Hibernate APIs.
- GenericHibernateDao(Class<T>) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateDao
Create a new DAO instance for beans of the specified class.
- GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao<T,ID extends Serializable> - Class in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate
Implements the generic CRUD data access operations using Hibernate APIs.
- GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao(Class<T>) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao
- GenericHyperLinkResolver - Class in lumis.portal.hyperlink
A generic implementation for resolving hyperlinks.
- GenericHyperLinkResolver() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.hyperlink.GenericHyperLinkResolver
- GenericJaveFFMPEGExecutableLocator - Class in lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder
This is a generic implementation of
. - GenericJaveFFMPEGExecutableLocator(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder.GenericJaveFFMPEGExecutableLocator
- GenericMarkupResourceStreamProvider - Class in lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout
Markup resource stream provider for standard table or tableless layouts.
- GenericMarkupResourceStreamProvider(boolean, IPortalMode, boolean) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.GenericMarkupResourceStreamProvider
Class Constructor.
- GenericProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.doui.processaction
Generic process action handler that performs no operation
- GenericProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.processaction.GenericProcessActionHandler
- GenericQueryAdapterJdbc - Class in lumis.util.query.jdbc
Generic query adapter, that generates ANSI 92 compatible SQLs for queries structures.
- GenericQueryAdapterJdbc() - Constructor for class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- GenericQueryAdapterJdbc.Parameter - Class in lumis.util.query.jdbc
- GenericScriptingStyle - Class in
Generic scripting style.
- GenericScriptingStyle(String, ScriptEngine, IScriptingStyleTemplate) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance using the given script text, style factory and script engine.
- GenericService - Class in lumis.portal.service
A generic service implementation.
- GenericService() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
- GenericServiceClock - Class in lumis.portal.service
Generic implementation of the
interface. - GenericServiceClock() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.service.GenericServiceClock
- GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider<T extends TabularSource<? extends ITabularSourceField>> - Class in lumis.service.tag
Generic data provider that read the used tags in contents of a given set of service instances.
This data provider uses the defaultbig data repository
to read the data.
By default, this data provider uses a search like the one performed in the default search service. - GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
- GenericServiceInterface - Class in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Generic implementation for Service Interfaces.
- GenericServiceInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
- GenericStringResource - Class in lumis.portal.localization
Generic string resource that initially is created without any string resource path.
- GenericStringResource() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.localization.GenericStringResource
Creates a new instance without any resource path.
- GenericStringResource(String...) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.localization.GenericStringResource
Creates a new instance with the given resource paths.
- GenericStructureElementPropertiesAccessor - Class in lumis.portal.structure
A generic implementation class for
. - GenericStructureElementPropertiesAccessor(StructureElement) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.structure.GenericStructureElementPropertiesAccessor
The constructor for
. - GenericTableSourceField - Class in lumis.doui.table.field
A generic table source field.
- GenericTableSourceField() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- GenericURLResolver - Class in lumis.portal.url
Generic implementation of
. - GenericURLResolver() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.url.GenericURLResolver
- GenericWarDeployer - Class in lumis.portal.deployment
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 the use of
has been deprecated. - GenericWarDeployer() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.deployment.GenericWarDeployer
- GEO_POINT - lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField.DataType
Geo point data type.
- GeoDistanceAggregation - Class in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation that aggregates the documents based on a
center point
and a collection ofranges
This aggregation produces a result of typeIGeoDistanceAggregationResult
. - GeoDistanceAggregation(String, DocumentTypeField, GeoPoint) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceAggregation
Creates a new instance of the aggregation.
- GeoDistanceFilter - Class in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
- GeoDistanceFilter(DocumentTypeField, GeoPoint, Distance) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceFilter
Creates a new instance.
- GeoDistanceSearchQuerySort - Class in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Sort documents by the distance to a given point.
- GeoDistanceSearchQuerySort(DocumentTypeField, GeoPoint, SearchQuerySort.Order) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceSearchQuerySort
Creates a new instance.
- GEOLOCATION - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Client
User geolocation field.
- GeoLocationManager - Class in lumis.portal.geolocation
Geo Location Manager.
- GeoLocationManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.geolocation.GeoLocationManager
- GeoLocationUtil - Class in lumis.portal.geolocation
Geo location utilities.
- GeoLocationValuesProvider - Class in lumis.portal.monitor.impl
Geo location value provider based on the user's IP address.
- GeoLocationValuesProvider(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.GeoLocationValuesProvider
- GeoPoint - Class in lumis.portal.geolocation
Geo point used to locate a geographic point using latitude and longitude.
- GeoPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.geolocation.GeoPoint
Creates a new instance.
- get() - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.CurrentPageDocType
Returns the current doc type, if any.
- get() - Static method in class lumis.util.collections.DummyStringfy
Returns a new
. - get(ID, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateDao
Returns the bean with the given id.
- get(ID, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao
Returns the bean with the given id.
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceData
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularData
Delegates the call to the first row, or returns null if there is no first row.
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Document
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.HibernatePortalCache
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver.GetOnlyMap
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.CustomUserAttributesMap
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserPropertiesCustomAttributes
- get(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserPropertiesCustomAttributesMap
- get(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.AbstractSourceData
- get(Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceData
Returns a data value, converted to the expected class.
- get(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularData
Delegates the call to the first row, or returns null if there is no first row.
- get(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContext
Gets the value from context property.
- get(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContext
- get(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
- get(String) - Method in interface
Returns a page cache given its identifier.
- get(String) - Method in class
- get(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.propertybag.IPropertyBagManager
Returns the property bag with the given identifier.
- get(String) - Method in class
Returns the
with the given identifier. - get(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeManager
Returns the custom auto administration navigation tree by identifier.
- get(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplateManager
Returns the email template with the given identifier.
- get(String) - Method in interface
Returns the MediaConfig for a media with the given id.
- get(String) - Method in class
- get(String, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.InterfaceInstanceHtmlCache
Returns the value of the key if the maxAge has not expired since the last put in the cache for the current key.
- get(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.UserService
Get a
object by its identifier - get(String, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControlDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControlManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.dao.IDouiDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.processaction.IProcessActionDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.processaction.IProcessActionManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the channel with the specified channelId.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockDao
Get the configuration of the clock.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssDao
Get the CSS.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FilesDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFilesDao
Get the files.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringLocalizationDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ICustomStringLocalizationDao
Get the CustomString object
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.metatag.IMetaTagDao
Get a meta-tag object.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the page.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the page link.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalDao
Get the principal.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceDao
Get the service.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.type.IServiceTypeDao
Get the service's type.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.type.ServiceTypeDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get the service's instance.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Get the configuration of the service instance.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceDao
Get the service's interface.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type.IServiceInterfaceTypeDao
Get the type of the service's interface.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type.ServiceInterfaceTypeDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get the service's interface's instance.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
get the user.
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerDaoJdbc
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.CategoryDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.ICategoryDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.IModelDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.IScheduleDao
Gets a
based on it's id. - get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.ISubscriptionDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.ModelDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.ScheduleDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.SubscriptionDaoHib
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssDao
Get the Rss
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssDao
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the ACL (Access Control List).
- get(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContextValueProvider
Gets the property value.
- get(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.ExpressionLanguageContextValueProvider
- get(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.FixedValueContextValueProvider
- get(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.CurrentPageDocType
Returns the current doc type, if any.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.wizard.ContentWizardManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.IContentWizardManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.acl.PortalAclManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Channel's Access Control List Channel.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Channel's configuration.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockManager
Get the configuration of the clock.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssManager
Get a CSS configuration.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns the FileConfig for a file with the given fileId.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Group's Access Control List.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the group with the specified identifier.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.metatag.IMetaTagManager
Get a meta-tag object
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Page's Access Control List.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the configuration of the page.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the page link configuraton.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Page Template's Access Control List.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalManager
Get the Principal.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.acl.IServiceAclManager
Get the Service's Access Control List.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.acl.ServiceAclManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceManager
Get the configuration of the service.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.IServiceInstanceAclManager
Get the Service Instance's Access Control List.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstanceAclManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list.IServiceInterfaceListManager
Get the data of the service interface list.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list.ServiceInterfaceListManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get the configuration of the service interface instance.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManager
Get user configuration from userId.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.document.IDocumentManager
Returns the DocumentConfig for a document with the given id.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssManager
Returns the RssConfig for a Rss with the given id.
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- get(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.acl.IPortalAclManager
Get the Portal's Access Control List.
- get(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.acl.PortalAclManager
- get(DocumentTypeField) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Document
Returns the value stored in this document using the given field identifier as key.
- get(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.urlshortener.IURLShortenerManager
Returns the
URL shortener
for the givenchannel
. - get(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.URLShortenerManager
- get(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.urlshortener.IURLShortenerManager
Returns the
URL shortener
for the given service instance. - get(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.URLShortenerManager
- GET - lumis.service.portalmanagement.testautomation.HttpMethod
- getAbortedByProcessId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.progress.IProgressDao
- getAbortedByProcessId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.progress.IProgressManager
- getAbortedByProcessId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressDaoJdbc
- getAbortedByProcessId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressManager
- getAbortIfViolated() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigForeignKey
- getAbsolutePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 it is not recommended to be used anymore due to the filesystem abstraction layer. Every file operation should use the
interface, that can be obtained fromIFileSystemManager.getFile(PortalFilePath)
. The direct usage of Java file API can produce unpredictable portal behavior. The newfilesystem
API is highly recommended to be used instead. - getAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.AbstractPortalBaseFolder
- getAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFilePortalBaseFolder
- getAbsolutePath(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.filesystem.IPortalBaseFolder
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 it is not recommended to be used anymore due to the filesystem abstraction layer. Every file operation should use the
interface, that can be obtained fromIFileSystemManager.getFile(PortalFilePath)
. The direct usage of Java file API can produce unpredictable portal behavior, when not using the LumisPortal default filesystem implementations. The newfilesystem
API is highly recommended to be used instead. - getAbsolutePath(String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalBaseFolder
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 it is not recommended to be used anymore due to the filesystem abstraction layer. Every file operation should use the
interface, that can be obtained fromIFileSystemManager.getFile(PortalFilePath)
. The direct usage of Java file API can produce unpredictable portal behavior. The newfilesystem
API is highly recommended to be used instead. - getAbsolutePath(String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.PortalContext.RelativePathType
- getAcceptableLocales() - Method in class
Returns this channel's acceptable locales.
If this channel does not define this property, it will be searched in parents recursively until a parent that defines it could be found or the root channel is reached. - getAcceptableLocalesLocal() - Method in class
Returns this channel's acceptable locales.
If this channel does not define this property,null
will be returned.
If the inheritance should be used, consider usingChannelConfig.getAcceptableLocales()
Only the locales that exists in LumisPortal global locales are returned. - getAcceptedPurposes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IDataPrivacy
Returns the accepted process purposes identifiers.
- getAccessAuditLogger() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns a new
to audit access entries. - getAccessAuditLogger() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns a new
to audit access entries. - getAccessControlDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializableConfig
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlEntry
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
Returns the access control list.
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the accessControlList.
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns the identifier of this channel's ACL.
- getAccessControlListId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlEntry
Returns this access control entrie's list identifier.
- getAccessDeniedOutput(ServiceContainerRenderRequest, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainer
- getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Deprecated.Since 6.0.2, replaced by
IWorkflowManager.getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig, String, EnumSet, ITransaction)
- getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig, String, EnumSet<StateScope>, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns a collection of workflow's accessible states.
- getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig, String, EnumSet<StateScope>, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
- getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the transitions that are accessible by the
's user for a specified contentLocale. - getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, WorkflowStateConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
- getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, WorkflowStateConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, WorkflowStateConfig, String, EnumSet<TransitionScope>, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the transitions that are accessible by the
's user, originating from a specific workflow state in the specified service instance. - getAccessibleTransitions(SessionConfig, WorkflowStateConfig, String, EnumSet<TransitionScope>, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAccessOrigin() - Method in class
Returns the accessOrigin.
- getAccount() - Method in class lumis.content.socialnetwork.integration.SocialNetworkAccountServiceInstanceAssociation
Returns the account.
- getAccount() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the social network account this item belongs to.
- getAccounts() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Returns the accounts.
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl.ChannelAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl.PageAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl.PageTemplateAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl.PortalAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl.ServiceAclControl
- getAcl(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.ServiceInstanceAclControl
- getAclEntries(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclForObjectId() - Method in class
- getAclIdsByPrincipalId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclIdsByPrincipalId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the ACL list for the specified principal.
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.acl.PortalAclManager
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.acl.ServiceAclManager
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstanceAclManager
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getAclInternal(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.acl.PortalAclManager
- getAclManager() - Method in class
- getAclManager() - Method in class
- getAclManager() - Method in class
- getAclManager() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.serialization.ServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager
- getAclManager() - Method in class
- getAction() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the action of this activity.
- getAction() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getAction() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.ContentWizardControllerHtml
Returns the action.
- getAction() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the action.
- getAction(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getAction(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManager
Returns the action of given identifier.
- getActionHandlers() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the action handlers for this workflow.
- getActionId() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the action identifier.
- getActionId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getActionId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getActionJavascript(ServiceInstanceConfig, Element) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceMenuItem
Returns the javascript code to be executed when this menu item is triggered by the user.
- getActionJavascript(ServiceInstanceConfig, Element) - Method in class
- getActionJavascript(IServiceInterfaceMenuItemRequest) - Method in class
- getActionJavascript(IServiceInterfaceMenuItemRequest) - Method in class
- getActionJavascript(IServiceInterfaceMenuItemRequest) - Method in interface
Returns the javascript code to be executed when this menu item is triggered by the user.
- getActionName() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the action name.
- getActionName() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getActionName() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getActionRequest() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getActionResponse() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getActionValidatorControls(Node[]) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getActiveExperiments(HttpSession) - Static method in class
Returns all valid
in the current session. - getActiveSchedules(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.IScheduleDao
Get all active schedule objects
- getActiveSchedules(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.ScheduleDaoHib
- getActiveUsers(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getActiveUsers(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns all the active chat users given the conversation id
- getActiveUsersWithExpiredLastAccess(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getActiveVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the active version of the content in this locale.
- getActiveVersionByItemId(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
Returns the
active version
of theContentLocale
that theContentVersion
with the given item id belongs to. - getActiveVersionEquivalentOfItemId(String) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController
active version
based on givenitem id
. - getActiveVersionItemIdByItemId(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
Try to find the
item id
of theactive version
of theContentLocale
that theContentVersion
with the given item id belongs to. - getActivities(String, DateParam, int) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResource
Returns the list of
activity documents
returned byActivityStreamManager.getRecentActivities
using the given parameters. - getActivitiesMaxAgeInDays() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getActivitiesMaxAgeInDays() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Get the number of days an
can exist before being removed. - getActivity() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument
Returns an API for accessing the activity fields in this document.
- getActivityAnonymizationPolicy() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the activityAnonymizationPolicy.
- getActivityDocument() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentAddedEvent
The activity document that has been added to the big data.
- getActivityObjectTypesList(String) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResourceInternal
Returns possible activity object type values.
- getActivityProcessorConfig(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
Returns the activity processor configuration with the given identifier.
- getActivityProcessorConfig(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Returns the activity processor of the given identifier.
- getActivityProcessorId(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getActivityProcessorId(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Get the activity processor identifier of the given channel.
- getActivityProcessorId(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getActivityProcessorId(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Get the activity processor identifier of the given service instance.
- getActivityStreamManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager for portal activity streams.
- getActivityStreamManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for portal activity streams.
- getActor() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the actor of this activity.
- getActor() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getAddedData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourcePostAddDataEvent
Returns the added data.
- getAddedFiles() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ModuleDiff
Returns the added files.
- getAddInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the default add interface id for this source.
- getAdditionalBaseURLs() - Method in interface
Returns the additional base URLs of this web site.
- getAdditionalBaseURLs() - Method in class
Returns the additional base URLs of this web site.
- getAdditionalBaseURLs() - Method in class
- getAdditionalParameters(Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getAdditionalParameters(Node, boolean) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getAdditionalPostParameters(Node) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.PublishToSocialNetworkButtonControl
- getAdditionalText() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the additional text
- getAddress() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets address.
- getAdjustmentBasePath() - Method in class
Returns the adjustmentBasePath.
- getAdministrationBarChannelIds(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManager
Get the Ids of the administration bar of the Channel.
- getAdministrationBarChannelIds(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getAdministrationInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the main administration interface id for this source.
- getAdminListButtonsControl() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutContentAdministrationListControl
- getAdminListButtonsControl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAdministrationListControl
- getAdminListButtonsControl() - Method in class lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks.AutoLayoutPublishToSocialNetworksAdministrationListControl
Returns the Buttons controls.
- getAdminListControl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAdministrationListControl
- getAdminListControl() - Method in class lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks.AutoLayoutPublishToSocialNetworksAdministrationListControl
Returns the administration list.
- getAggregatedValuesXML(DocumentTypeField, Set<Object>) - Method in class
Returns a XML string containing the aggregated values (user's applied filters).
The expected XML string format is as follows:
Service News Service instance 46F55AF56C5149CB999B66A01C99BF40 Products Product Type B460F41DFF9E4839B64DDFBC1A0C0850 Digital Reflex Camera Color Red Red - getAggregation() - Method in class
Returns the aggregation.
- getAggregationId(DocumentTypeField) - Method in class
Returns the aggregation identifier to be used in aggregation of the given field.
- getAggregationResultXML(DocumentTypeField, IAggregationResult) - Method in class
Returns a XML string of the given aggregation results for the given field.
The expected XML string format is as follows:
Service News 10 lumis.service.document Documents 5 - getAggregations() - Method in class
Returns the aggregations that will be performed in search.
- getAggregations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISearchResults
Returns the aggregation results (unmodifiable) map.
- getAggregations() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns an unmodifiable list of the added aggregations.
- getAlbumContentId() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the album content identifier.
- getAlbumPhotos(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.album.AlbumDaoJdbc
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.MessageDigestCipher
Returns the message digest algorithm to be used.
- getAlias() - Method in class
- getAlias() - Method in class
- getAlias() - Method in class
Returns the alias.
- getAliases() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserGroups
Returns the groups aliases in this document.
- getAll(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssManager
- getAll(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssDaoJdbc
- getAll(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssDao
Get all CSSs
- getAllAvailableResources() - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns all available resources of all deployed modules.
- getAllBoostFields(String) - Method in class
Executes the boost field auto-complete
- getAllDocumentTypes() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
- getAllDocumentTypes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.spi.IBigDataRepositorySPI
Returns all document types, indexed by document type identifier.
- getAllEventDocumentTypeIds() - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the identifiers of document types of all monitor events.
- getAllEvents() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns all monitor events.
- getAllEvents() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getAllFieldGroups() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns all monitor field groups.
- getAllFieldGroups() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getAllFields() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns all monitor fields.
- getAllFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getAllFields() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns a collection of all fields.
- getAllFlows() - Static method in class
Returns all flows.
- getAllHibernateCache(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCacheUtil
Returns all hibernate cache for the given database id.
- getAllIndicesNames(DocumentType) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Return all portal indices names for a type - for each locale - include null - generate a index name.
- getAllMemberships() - Static method in class
Returns all memberships.
- getAllNodes() - Method in class
Returns all nodes of this flow.
- getAllowedConsumers() - Method in class
- getAllowedServiceInstances(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.AutoAdministrationValidatorUtil
Returns a collection of allowed service instances for the current user.
- getAllowedUserProfileMapping() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Currently unsupported
- getAllowHeaders() - Method in class
Returns the allowHeaders.
- getAllowMethods() - Method in class
Returns the allowMethods.
- getAllowPermissions() - Method in class
- getAllowPermissionsInheriting() - Method in class
- getAllPrincipals() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.Principals
Returns all principals
- getAllProducers(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerManagerImpl
- getAllProjects() - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProjectManagerSPI
Returns all projects.
- getAllProjects() - Method in class lumis.portal.project.ProjectManager
- getAllRelatableNodeRelationshipType(String, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.dao.RelationshipDAO
Gets the relatableNode that have some relation between the relatable nodes in params.
- getAllThemes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.IThemeManagerSPI
Returns all registered themes
- getAllThemes() - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Returns all existent themes.
- getAllUserIds(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Returns all user ids.
- getAllUserIds(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- getAllValidatorControls() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getAllWebsites() - Method in class
Returns all websites existent in the portal.
- getAllWorkflows(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns all registered workflows.
- getAllWorkflows(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getAlternativeLogins(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Returns the alternative logins of an user.
- getAlternativeLogins(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- getAlternativeLogins(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManager
Returns the alternative logins for an user.
- getAlternativeLogins(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getAmount() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.DateHistogramAggregation.Interval
Returns the amount.
- getAmount() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.Distance
Returns the amount.
- getAnalyticsApp(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Get App enum from the given request.
- getAnalyticsServiceInstanceFilter(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class
Returns the appropriate filter for restricting events for the analytics service instance or
if no filter is required. - getAnalyzed() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorStringField
Returns the value of analyzed token version of the string stored in this document.
- getAnalyzedName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Tag
Returns the tag analyzed name.
- getAnalyzer() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns this field analyzer.
The analyzer is an identifier that must be recognized by the currentIBigDataRepository
implementation. - getAncestor(Class<T>) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
Searchs for an ancestor control assignable to the given class.
- getAndValidateNotAnonymousUser(FlowContext) - Static method in class
Returns the user from flow context.
- getAnswer(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
Get the
with the specified identifier - getAnswerDate() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Answer
- getAnswers() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
- getAnswersReport(String) - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderResource
Returns the answers report of the given form.
- getAnswersReport(String) - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.QuestionnaireResource
Returns the answers report of the given questionnaire in the required format.
- getAnswerValues() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Answer
Returns the JSON String with the values of all
answered by the user in theForm
. - getAnswerValues() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Answer
Get json string with all answer values
- getApiURL() - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.CustomURLShortener
- getApiURL() - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.DummyURLShortener
- getApiURL() - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.TinyURLShortener
- getApmMetricManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the APM metric manager.
- getAppConfigBaseFolder(String, IModule) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app configuration base folder.
- getAppConfigByAppCompositeId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app config by the given composite id.
- getAppConfigFile(String, IModule) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app config file.
- getAppId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the appId.
- getAppId(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIUtils
Returns the mobile app identifier present in request headers or
if there's no such information. - getAppIdFromPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app id from the given path.
- getApplication() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the application to which this account will publish to.
- getApplicationFactory() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileFilter
- getApplicationRequestedPath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the path requested by the browser relative to the current
website base URL
. - getApplicationRequestedPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getApplicationRequestedPath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the requested path, relative to the web application root.
- getApplications() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetwork
Returns the applications.
- getApplicationScopeMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the application scope map.
- getApplicationScopeMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getApplicationScopeMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getApplicationServerConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getApplicationServerManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getApplicationServerManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getAppliedAreaTags() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagUsageConfig
Returns the (locally) applied area tags.
- getAppliedAreaTags(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagManager
- getAppliedAreaTags(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.areatag.IAreaTagManagerSPI
Return the applied area tags in the given channel.
- getAppliedAreaTags(ChannelConfig, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagManager
Returns the applied area tags in the given channel.
- getAppliedAreaTags(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagManager
- getAppliedAreaTags(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.areatag.IAreaTagManagerSPI
Returns the applied area tags in the given service instance.
- getAppliedAreaTags(ServiceInstanceConfig, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagManager
Returns the applied area tags in the given service instance.
- getAppliedThemeIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUsageConfig
Returns the (locally) applied themes identifiers.
- getAppliedThemeIdsForThemeResolving() - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUsageConfig
Returns the (locally) applied themes identifiers for theme resolving.
- getAppliedThemes(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.StyleEditorUtil
Get the applied themes for this interface.
- getAppliedThemesIds(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Return the applied themes (identifiers) in the given channel.
- getAppliedThemesIds(PageConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Returns the applied themes (identifiers) in the given page.
- getApplyStyleRule() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getAppURL(MobileAppConfig) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app access URL.
- getAppVersion(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIUtils
Returns the mobile app version present in request headers or
if there's no such information. - getArea() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getAreaCode() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets area code.
- getAreaTagManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for area tag.
- getAreaTags(HttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.itempicker.AreaTagsResource
Returns the list of area tags.
- getAssignedTo() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.WorkflowMetaData
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getAssignedTo() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Returns the principal identifier to which the content is assigned to.
- getAssignedToPrincipal() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Utility method that returns the
in current transaction that corresponds to theContentWorkflowMetaData.getAssignedTo()
stored in this ContentWorkflowMetaData. - getAssignedValue(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
- getAssignedValue(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getAssignedValue(QueryBase) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns the value assigned as this field's value in the given query.
- getAssignedValue(QueryBase) - Method in class
- getAssignedValue(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getAssociatedContent() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentAssociation
- getAssociatedTabularDataControl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
Returns the tabular data control referenced (either explicitly or automatically detected) by this button for row actions or parameter value.
- getAssociationType() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
- getAssociationType() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl
- getAssociationType() - Method in class lumis.service.association.AssociationDataProvider
- getAssociationType() - Method in class lumis.service.categorization.AssociatedTermsDataProvider
- getAttachments() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailBody
Returns a collection of attachments for this mail.
- getAttachments() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the attachments in this search content.
- getAttendantId() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getAttendedTime() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the attribute with the given name.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getAttribute(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the value of the named attribute as an
, ornull
if no attribute of the given name exists. - getAttribute(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getAttribute(String) - Method in interface lumis.util.ITransaction
Returns the value of the named attribute, or
if no attribute of the given name exists. - getAttributeName() - Method in class lumis.portal.apm.metric.ApmMetric
Returns the JMX attribute name used to obtain the value for this metric.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Returns the set of attribute names for the current PortalMode.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalModeSPI
Returns the set of attribute names for the current PortalMode.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getAttributeNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns an
containing the names of the attributes available to this request. - getAttributeNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns an
containing the names of the attributes available to this request. - getAttributeNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getAttributes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getAttributes() - Method in class
- getAttributes() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the hit's
. - getAttributes() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the query's
, that define additional information to be passed to the search engine. - getAttributes() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the result's
. - getAttributeValues(String) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Returns all the values related to the attribute named as specified.
- getAttributeValues(String) - Method in class
- getAttributeValues(String) - Method in class
- getAudioBitRate() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getAudioBitRate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the audio bit rate metadata.
- getAudioChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getAudioChannels() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the number of audio channels metadata.
- getAudioSamplingRate() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getAudioSamplingRate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the audio sampling rate metadata.
- getAuditManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the Audit manager.
- getAuthenticationDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getAuthenticationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getAuthenticationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getAuthenticationResponse() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the authentication response sent by validation/authorization process.
- getAuthenticationState(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.http.HttpHandshakeAuthenticator
Returns the authentication state for the given request.
- getAuthor() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the ownerId.
- getAuthorEmail() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the authorEmail.
- getAuthorHref() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the authorHref.
- getAuthorName() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the authorName.
- getAutoAdministrationPageId(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.AutoAdministrationHelper
Discovers the pageId from the nearest auto administration service instance.
- getAutoAdministrationPageIdForServiceInstance(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.AutoAdministrationHelper
Returns the page identifier to be used for the specified auto administration service instance.
- getAutoCompleteResourceURL() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag.TagControl
Returns the auto complete resource URL that will be used by the TagIt API to provide the auto complete.
- getAutoCompleteResourceURL() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.areatag.AreaTagsControl
- getAutoCompleteResourceURL() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.server.ConfigurationTagsControl
- getAutoCompleteSuggestions(SearchQuery, AutoCompleteSuggestionConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
- getAutoCompleteSuggestions(SearchQuery, AutoCompleteSuggestionConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataSearcher
Returns a list of auto complete suggestions for the given auto complete suggestion configuration and the search query.
- getAutomaticFriendlyId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Generates a friendly identifier for the element based on the given value.
- getAvailableUserAttributes(ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserAttributeManagerSPI
Returns all user attributes that the service instance ha permission to use.
- getAvailableUserAttributes(ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeManager
- getAvgWebResourceRenderDurationOfLastFiveMinutes() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getAvgWebResourceRenderDurationOfLastFiveMinutes() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the average render time of the web resources, in the last five minutes.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the backgroundColor.
- getBannerClickMonitor(ServiceInstanceConfig, String, String, ContentVersion, PageConfig, WebResource, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerMonitorUtil
Returns a monitor for the "" event.
- getBannerControllerHtml() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerControl
- getBannerControllerUrl() - Static method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerController
- getBannerViewMonitor(ServiceInstanceConfig, String, String, ContentVersion, PageConfig, WebResource, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerMonitorUtil
Returns a monitor for the "lumis.portal.monitor.ev.banner.view" event.
- getBaseFolder() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 replaced by
due to the deprecation ofPortalBaseFolder.WWW
. This deprecated implementation works if thisPortalFilePath
is based on one of the enumPortalBaseFolder
options, otherwise it throws aClassCastException
. This works on a full legacy code, since only the those enum options exist in such case. - getBaseInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
Returns the identifier of the service interface instance this instance derives from.
- getBaseItemForItem(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ReplaceInterfacesStorage
Returns the base item (root item) that is being replaced for the given item.
- getBasePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.resource.ResourceEnumerator
Returns the base path to be used in path relativizations.
- getBasePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.AbstractPortalBaseFolder
Returns the path that corresponds to this base folder.
- getBasePath() - Method in interface
Returns the base path of this base folder.
- getBaseQuery(TabularSource) - Method in class lumis.service.singleblog.SingleBlogTagListDataProvider
- getBaseQuery(IComponent) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil.ComponentDeploymentMessageSummary
- getBaseQuery(IModule) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil.ModuleDeploymentMessageSummary
- getBaseQuery(O) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil.DeploymentMessageSummary
- getBaseQuery(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the base search query.
- getBaseServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
Returns the base service interface instance.
- getBaseSourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.ServerConfiguration
Returns the server base source path.
- getBaseURI() - Method in class
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the relative path to this workflow's definition directory.
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getBaseURL() - Method in class
Returns the baseURL.
- getBaseURLCompositeId(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the base URL composite id.
- getBaseURLDecomposedId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Decompose base URL id.
- getBasicContentTreeData(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeDaoJdbc
- getBasicContentTreeData(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.contenttree.IDouiContentTreeDao
- getBasicData(String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicData(String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel considering area tags from each channel.
- getBasicData(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicData(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel.
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeManager
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.contenttree.IDouiContentTreeManager
Returns the basic tree data of a content.
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeManager
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.contenttree.IDouiContentTreeManager
Get the basic tree data of the content.
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel.
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel.
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel.
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel.
- getBasicData(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeControllerXml
- getBasicData(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicDataWithAreaTags(String, String, boolean, Collection<String>, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicDataWithAreaTags(String, String, boolean, Collection<String>, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel (with a given root channel) considering area tags from each child channels.
- getBasicDataWithRootChannel(String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getBasicDataWithRootChannel(String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the basic tree data of the channel (with a given root channel).
- getBcc() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.ISingleMail
Returns the bcc field value for this mail.
- getBeforeListSubControls() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.progress.ProgressPanelControl
- getBeforeResponseString() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletResponse
- getBeforeResponseString() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getBeforeWriter() - Method in class
- getBeforeWriter() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getBeforeWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletResponse
- getBeforeWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getBeforeWriter() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getBeforeWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getBeforeWriterOutput() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
Returns the output written to
. - getBeforeWriterOutput() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getBeginTimeMillis() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getBeginTimeMillis() - Method in interface lumis.portal.transaction.spi.ITransactionSPI
Returns the time when this transaction began in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.
- getBestBaseURLForChannel(String) - Static method in class
Returns the best URL for the given channel.
- getBestTermName(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationUtil
Returns the best name of the specified term to be shown to current user.
- getBestTermName(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationUtil
Returns the best name of the specified term to be shown to current user.
- getBigDataFilter() - Method in interface
- getBigDataFilter(ISearchQueryFilter...) - Method in class
Returns the big data filter for search user segmentation.
- getBigDataManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager for bigdata repositories.
- getBigDataManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for bigdata repositories.
- getBigDataPersister() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
- getBigDataPersister() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the ISourceBigDataPersister implementation to be used for this source.
- getBigDataRepositoryClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the class name of big data repository implementation to use.
- getBigDataRepositoryErrorLevel() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getBigDataRepositoryErrorLevel() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the big data cluster status.
- getBigDataRepositoryType() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the configured big data repository type.
- getBirthday() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets birthday.
- getBlockInterval() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the interval, in seconds, to wait when a block of
mails are sent. - getBlockSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the block size.
- getBody() - Method in class
Returns the html.
- getBody() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the body of this mail.
- getBodyAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.BodyComponent
- getBodyTemplate() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the body template.
- getBroadcaster() - Method in class lumis.portal.atmosphere.BaseAtmosphereHandler
Returns the broadcaster used by this handler.
- getBroadcaster(String) - Method in class lumis.util.log.LogAtmosphereHandler
- getBroadcasterId() - Method in class lumis.portal.atmosphere.BaseAtmosphereHandler
Returns the broadcaster identifier.
- getBroadcasterId() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamAtmosphereHandler
- getBroadcasterId() - Method in class lumis.util.log.LogAtmosphereHandler
- getBucket(T) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IMultiBucketAggregationResult
Returns the bucket with the given identifier or
if there's no such bucket. - getBuckets() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IMultiBucketAggregationResult
Returns an unmodifiable map of the existent buckets.
- getBufferSize() - Method in class
- getBufferSize() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getBufferSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getBuild() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IVersion
Returns the build version number.
- getBuild() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Version
- getBuildConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getBuildConfig() - Method in exception lumis.upgrade.UpgradeException
- getBuildNumber() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getBuildSequence() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getBulkProcessor() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns an internal bulk processor used by this repository.
- getBusinessContext() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getBusinessContext() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
- getBusinessContext() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns the business context for this request.
- getBusinessContext() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the business context for this request.
- getBusinessContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getBusinessContext(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextManager
- getBusinessContext(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.IBusinessContextManagerSPI
Get a businessContext previously built.
- getBusinessContext(IServiceInterfaceRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextManager
- getBusinessContext(IServiceInterfaceRequest) - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.IBusinessContextManagerSPI
Get a businessContext previously built.
- getBusinessContextKeys() - Method in class
Returns the business context keys that will contribute to the REST interface cache key generation.
- getBusinessContextManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for business context.
- getBusinessContextProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the value with the given property id.
- getBusinessContextProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getBusinessContextProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getByBaseUrl(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceDao
Returns a ServiceConfig by it's baseUrl.
- getByBaseUrl(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceDaoHib
- getByChannelId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Return the local users IDs of the specified channel
- getByChannelId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- getByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get all local groups from the specified channel
- getByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManager
Returns the local users of the specified channel
- getByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getByConnectionId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getByConnectionId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.transaction.ITransaction
- getByConnectionId(String) - Method in interface lumis.util.ITransaction
Returns an
that represents the same transaction but that returns the connection with the given id as default. - getByEmailFormat(String, int, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.ISubscriptionDao
- getByEmailFormat(String, int, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.SubscriptionDaoHib
- getById(String) - Static method in class
Returns the flow entry by the given identifier.
- getById(String) - Method in interface
Returns the segmentation with the given identifier or
if no segmentation exists with the given identifier. - getById(String) - Method in class
- getByItemId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getByItemId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getByItemId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getByItemId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getByItemIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getByJourneyStage(String) - Method in class
Returns the segmentation of a journey stage or
if there's none. - getByNameAndServiceInstance(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns flow entry by name and service instance identifiers.
- getByNameAndServiceInstance(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the segmentation of the given name and service instance.
- getByNameAndServiceInstance(String, String) - Method in class
- getByOrigin(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Return the user ids, searching by the user's origin.
- getByOrigin(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- getByOrigin(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the local groups configuration for the specified origin.
- getByOrigin(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManager
Return the users, searching by the user's origin.
- getByOrigin(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getByPageId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get page links associated with one page
- getByPageId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByPageId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the page link ids associated to a page
- getByPageId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByProcessId(String, Timestamp) - Method in interface lumis.portal.progress.IProgressDao
- getByProcessId(String, Timestamp) - Method in interface lumis.portal.progress.IProgressManager
- getByProcessId(String, Timestamp) - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressDaoJdbc
- getByProcessId(String, Timestamp) - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressManager
- getByRestShortName(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get the service's instance by rest short name, only for valid service instance.
- getByRestShortName(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManagerSPI
Get the service's instance by rest short name.
- getByRestShortName(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getByRestShortName(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getByServiceInstance(String) - Static method in class
Returns all flows entries by service instance identifiers.
- getByServiceInstance(String) - Method in interface
Returns the segmentations of the given service instance.
- getByServiceInstance(String) - Method in class
- getByServiceInstance(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplateManager
Returns the email templates of a given service instance.
- getByShortId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalDao
Get the principal by his's short Id
- getByShortId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalDaoJdbc
- getByShortId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalManager
Get the Principal given the shortId.
- getByShortId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
- getByteArray() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerServletOutputStream
- getByTypeAndWebsite(int, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a list of page links given a type and website.
- getByTypeAndWebsite(int, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByTypeAndWebsite(SessionConfig, int, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 this method was specialized and replaced by
IPageLinkManagerSPI.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction)
andIPageLinkManagerSPI.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction)
. - getByTypeAndWebsite(SessionConfig, int, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByTypeAndWebsite(SessionConfig, int, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 this method was specialized and replaced by
IPageLinkManager.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, ITransaction)
andIPageLinkManager.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, ITransaction)
. - getByTypeAndWebsite(SessionConfig, int, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByTypeAndWebsiteIdentifier(SessionConfig, int, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the list of
page links
with the given type and website identifier. - getByTypeAndWebsiteIdentifier(SessionConfig, int, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByTypeWebsiteAndChannelId(int, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the page link given type, website and channelId.
- getByTypeWebsiteAndChannelId(int, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByTypeWebsiteAndChannelId(SessionConfig, int, String, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 this method was specialized and replaced by
IPageLinkManagerSPI.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction)
andIPageLinkManagerSPI.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction)
. - getByTypeWebsiteAndChannelId(SessionConfig, int, String, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getByTypeWebsiteAndChannelId(SessionConfig, int, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 this method was specialized and replaced by
IPageLinkManager.getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, ITransaction)
andIPageLinkManager.getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, ITransaction)
. - getByTypeWebsiteAndChannelId(SessionConfig, int, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCache(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
- getCacheCapacity() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheMultiDataProvider.IRequest
The total capacity of the cache triggering this request.
- getCacheCapacity(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.CacheManager
- getCacheCapacity(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheManager
Returns the capacity to be used for the specified cache.
- getCacheConfig(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Returns the REST interface cache configuration.
- getCacheConfig(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.CacheManager
- getCacheConfig(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheManager
Returns a persistent cacheConfig instance.
- getCacheControl() - Method in class
- getCacheControl() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getCacheControl() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getCacheControl() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getCacheDefaultCapacity() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the default capacity for portal's caches.
- getCachedResourcePaths() - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ILocalizationManager
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, this method is no longer available and always returns an empty iterable.
- getCachedResourcePaths() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocalizationManager
- getCachedStyle(String) - Method in interface
Returns the cached version of the style in the given path.
- getCachedStyle(String) - Method in class
- getCachedStyle(String, List<ITheme>) - Method in interface
Returns the cached version of the style in the given path.
- getCachedStyle(String, List<ITheme>) - Method in class
- getCacheEnabled() - Method in class
Returns the cache enabled flag (if any).
- getCacheExpiration() - Method in class
Returns the cache expiration timeout in seconds (if any).
- getCacheExpiration() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns the cacheExpiration.
- getCacheExpiration() - Method in class
Returns the cache expiration.
- getCacheId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheMultiDataProvider.IRequest
The identifier of the cache triggering this request.
- getCacheIds() - Static method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
- getCacheKey(IDouiRestInterfaceRequest, RestInterfaceCacheConfig) - Method in class
- getCacheKey(IDouiRestInterfaceRequest, RestInterfaceCacheConfig) - Method in interface
Returns the cache key for the given request using the given cache configuration.
- getCacheKey(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IInterfaceInstanceCacheKeyProvider
Generates the cache key for a specific
. - getCacheKey(MarkupContainer, Class<?>) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getCacheKeyBusinessContextProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns the cacheKeyBusinessContextProperties.
- getCacheKeyProviderClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns the cacheKeyProvider.
- getCacheLevel() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getCacheLevel() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getCacheLevel(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the cacheLevel property of an interface instance.
- getCacheLevel(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getCacheManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getCacheManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the portal cache framework manager.
- getCacheMaxAgeSeconds() - Method in class
Returns the membership cache maximum age.
- getCacheOverflowType() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the overflow type for portal's caches.
- getCachePage() - Method in class
- getCachePage() - Method in interface
- getCachePage(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getCachePage(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCachePages() - Method in class
- getCachePages(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCachePages(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getCachePersonalization() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getCachePersonalization() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getCachePersonalization(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the cachePersonalization property of an interface instance.
- getCachePersonalization(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getCacheServerSideInclude() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getCacheServerSideInclude(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the cacheServerSideInclude property of an interface instance.
- getCacheServerSideInclude(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getCacheSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheMultiDataProvider.IRequest
The size occupied in the cache triggering this request.
- getCacheType() - Method in class
- getCacheUserSegmentationExpirationAmount() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the cache user segmentation member expiration amount.
- getCacheUserSegmentationExpirationMillis() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the cache user segmentation expiration in milliseconds.
- getCacheUserSegmentationExpirationUnit() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the cache user segmentation member expiration unit.
- getCallbackFunction() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.SelectItemTabularDataControl
- getCallbackFunctionRequestParameterName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.SelectItemTabularDataControl
- getCallbackScriptFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectchannel.SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl
Returns the callback function implementation.
The function signature isfunction (channelId, channelName, pageId, pageName)
. - getCallbackScriptFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControlWithCustomCallbackFunction
- getCallbackUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.RemoveInterfaceBehavior
- getCallbackUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.SaveHoldersLayoutBehavior
- getCallerServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getCallerServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getCallerServiceInterfaceInstancePreferences() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getCallerServiceInterfaceInstancePreferences() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns the preferences of the
caller service interface instance
at level that corresponds to the menu level returned byIServiceInterfaceRequest.getCallerServiceInterfaceMenuLevel()
. - getCallerServiceInterfaceMenuLevel() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getCallerServiceInterfaceMenuLevel() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns the service interface menu level that called the interface processed by this request.
- getCanonicalUrl() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the canonical URL to be used on the detail page that displays this content.
- getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class
Returns the canonical URL for this web resource.
- getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL used for the canonical URL link element for the
. - getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL used for the canonical URL link element for the
. - getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class
Returns the canonical link URL of the web resource.
- getCanonicalUrl() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the canonical URL.
- getCanonicalUrl(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the canonical URL for the specified
if defined. - getCanonicalUrl(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getCanPersist() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getCapabilities() - Method in class lumis.portal.device.Device
Returns the device's capability map.
- getCapabilities() - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDevice
Returns the device's capability map.
- getCapabilities() - Method in class
Returns the capabilities.
- getCapability(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.device.Device
Returns string representing the device's capability
- getCapability(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDevice
Returns string representing the device's capability
- getCapacity() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheConfig
Returns the capacity configured for the cache.
- getCapacity() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Returns the current capacity of this portal cache.
- getCategories() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCategories() - Method in class
Returns the categories.
- getCategories() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getCategories() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.UserSubscription
- getCategories() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the categories.
- getCategories() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
Returns the categories.
- getCategoriesBySubscriptionId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.ISubscriptionDao
- getCategoriesBySubscriptionId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.SubscriptionDaoHib
- getCategorizationDetail(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationResource
Redirects the request to the nearest page that contains the categorization details service interface with the given item identifier.
- getCategory() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditEntryType
- getCategory(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerDaoJdbc
- getCategory(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Gets the
for the specified categoryId. - getCategory(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCategoryBanners(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerDaoJdbc
- getCategoryContent(SessionConfig, String, Date, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.NewsletterManager
- getCategoryContentId() - Method in class
- getCategoryContentItemIds(Locale, Category, Date, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.CategoryDaoHib
- getCategoryContentItemIds(Locale, Category, Date, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.ICategoryDao
- getCategoryId() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getCategoryLinks(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCatServiceInstId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the catServiceInstId.
- getCause() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AccessError
Gets the cause of the access error.
- getCc() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.ISingleMail
Returns the cc field value for this mail.
- getCenterPage() - Method in class
- getCenterPage(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getCenterPage(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCenterPages() - Method in class
- getCenterPages(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCenterPages(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a boolean indicating wheter the page must be centralized.
- getChangedFiles() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ModuleDiff
Returns the changed files.
- getChannel() - Method in class
- getChannel() - Method in class
- getChannel() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl.ChannelAclControl
Returns the channel whose acl this control edits.
- getChannel() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the identifier of the channel related to this rule.
- getChannelAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getChannelAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannelAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getChannelAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannelBaseId() - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetwork
Returns the channel base id.
- getChannelBaseId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the channelBaseId.
- getChannelChild(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance.ServiceInstanceProvider
- getChannelChild(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Given a child Id, this method returns a IChannelChild object that represents the child.
- getChannelChild(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelChild(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.ServiceInstanceProvider
- getChannelChildren(String, String) - Method in class
Get all children from the referenced channel
- getChannelChildren(String, String, String) - Method in class
Get all children from the referenced channel including his service instance but filtered by the referenced service id
- getChannelChildren(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelChildren(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getChannelComponent(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getChannelComponent(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManagerSPI
Returns the component associated to the channel.
- getChannelCount() - Method in class
- getChannelDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getChannelFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationConfig
Returns the channel filter for this serialization.
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig
- getChannelId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of the channel this web resource represents.
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in interface
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getChannelId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the identifier of the component channel.
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in class
The channel id for a page link applies only to the type 0.
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext.WebResourceResume
Returns the channel identifier.
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
- getChannelId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProject
Returns the channel identifier.
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.project.Project
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getChannelId() - Method in exception lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDuplicatedInChannelException
Returns the channelId in which the service has been duplicated.
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in class
Returns the channelId.
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeExclusion
Returns the channelId.
- getChannelId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the channelId.
- getChannelId() - Method in class
- getChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.ChannelNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.NamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.PageNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.ServiceInstanceNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getChannelIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getChannelIdsUsingCss(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssDaoJdbc
- getChannelIdsUsingCss(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssDao
- getChannelIdsUsingCss(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssManager
- getChannelIdsUsingCss(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssManager
- getChannelLinkBySourceId(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelLinkBySourceId(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.since 6.0.0,
is for internal use only. - getChannelLinks(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelLinks(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.since 6.0.0,
is for internal use only. - getChannelManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getChannelManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannels() - Method in class
- getChannelsChanged() - Method in class
Returns the channels whose render data may have changed.
- getChannelsChildren(String, boolean, boolean, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getChannelsChildren(String, boolean, boolean, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelsChildren(String, boolean, String, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
- getChannelsChildren(String, boolean, String, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance.ServiceInstanceProvider
- getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Given a set of parentChannelIds, this method is responsible for returning a List of the children.
- getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.ServiceInstanceProvider
- getChannelSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getChannelSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannelTemplateLink() - Method in class
- getChannelTemplateLinkInfo() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns information of the channel template element this channel is linked to.
- getChannelTemplateLinks() - Method in class
- getChannelTemplateManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getChannelTemplateManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannelTemplateSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getChannelTemplateSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannelTree(String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTree(String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getChannelTreeCount(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTreeCount(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTreeCount(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getChannelTreeCount(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the number of channels in the tree for which the root is the given channelId.
- getChannelTreeDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getChannelTreeIds(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTreeIds(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTreeIds(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the tree identifiers of the root channel identified by the given identifier.
- getChannelTreeIds(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns all the ids of channels in the tree for which the root is the given channelId.
- getChannelTreeIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTreeIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChannelTreeIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getChannelTreeIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns all the ids of channels in the tree for which the root is the given channelId.
- getChannelTreeManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getChannelUsingPrefixId() - Method in exception
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getCharset() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the charset of this mail.
- getCharset() - Method in class lumis.util.CharsetUtil
- getChatConversationId() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getChatConversationId() - Method in class lumis.service.chatroom.ChatRoomConfig
- getChatManager() - Static method in class
Returns a chat manager instance.
- getChecker() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigForeignKey
- getCheckFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.WebsiteChangeCheckControl
Returns the check function name.
- getChecksum() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getChecksum() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the hexadecimal string MD5 checksum of this component.
If this component belongs to an editable module (i.e. - getChecksum() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the hexadecimal string MD5 checksum of this module.
If this module is an editable module (i.e. - getChecksum() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getChecksum() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Returns the checksum of this object.
- getChecksumListener() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Returns the checksum listener of this object.
- getChild(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
- getChildControls() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getChildControls() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getChildNodes() - Method in class
- getChildren() - Method in class lumis.contentservices.util.HierarchicalElement
Returns this
children. - getChildren() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the children.
- getChildren() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the children.
- getChildren(String, String, int) - Method in interface
Returns the entries in the specified folder.
- getChildren(String, String, int) - Method in class
- getChildren(SessionConfig, String, String, int, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentManager
- getChildren(SessionConfig, String, String, int, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.document.IDocumentManager
Returns the entries in the specified folder.
- getChildrenData(String, int, int, int, int, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChildrenData(String, int, int, int, int, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the tree childen's data of the channel.
- getChildrenData(String, int, int, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getChildrenData(String, int, int, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChildrenData(String, int, String, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
- getChildrenData(String, int, String, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, int, int, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance.ServiceInstanceProvider
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, int, int, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Given a parentChannelId, this method is responsible for returning a List of the children.
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, int, int, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, int, int, IResource, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.ServiceInstanceProvider
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeManager
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.contenttree.IDouiContentTreeManager
Returns the children's tree data of a content.
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeManager
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.contenttree.IDouiContentTreeManager
Get the children's tree data of the content.
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, int, int, int, int, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, int, int, int, int, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the children's tree data of the channel.
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, int, int, int, int, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getChildrenData(SessionConfig, IChannelChildProvider, String, int, int, int, int, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the children's tree data of the channel.
- getChildrenData(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeControllerXml
- getChildrenData(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCipher() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Returns a new
instance, according to current configurations. - getCity() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.ExtendedGeoPoint
Returns an optional city information.
- getClass(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getClass(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManager
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0 deployed resources or classes should be accessed using the class loader provided by
. Uses ofIDeploymentManager.getClass(className)
method may be replaced byIDeploymentManager.getClassLoader()
. - getClassAliases() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getClassCallString(Class<?>) - Method in class
- getClassCallString(Class<?>) - Method in class
- getClassCallString(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Returns the string used to call the class.
- getClasses() - Method in class
- getClassLoader() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getClassLoader() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManager
Returns a class loader that provides access to classes and resources in all deployed JAR modules and the portal.
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlConfig
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionConfig
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceConfig
- getClassName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityNotifierConfig
The name of notifier class to be used.
- getClassName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityPrioritizerConfig
The name of prioritizer class to be used.
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.ObserverConfig
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckInfo
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.type.ServiceTypeConfig
- getClassName() - Method in class
- getClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type.ServiceInterfaceTypeConfig
- getCleanInterval() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditConfig
Returns the time interval (in days) for audit entries clean up.
- getClientEventHandlerScript(String, boolean) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.PublishToSocialNetworkButtonControl
- getClientEventHandlerScript(String, boolean) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getClientId() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getClientSideUpdatableControlContainerId(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getClientUniqueId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadRequiredValueValidatorControl
- getClientUniqueId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getClockClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the full class name for this clock implementation.
- getClockDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getClockIds(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockDaoJdbc
- getClockIds(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockDao
Get a list of ids of the clock.
- getClockIdsByServiceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockDaoJdbc
- getClockIdsByServiceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockDao
Get a list of ids by passing the id of the service.
- getClockIdsByServiceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockManager
- getClockIdsByServiceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockManager
Return the Ids of all clocks registered for the specified service.
- getClockManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getClockManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getClocks(SessionConfig, ServiceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
- getClocks(SessionConfig, ServiceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceClockDefinitionProvider
- getClockTickInterval() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getClonedPortlets() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.Registration
- getClusterConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getClusterConfig(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterManager
Returns a persistent cluster configuration object.
- getClusterConfig(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.JGroupsClusterManager
- getClusterConfig(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.SingleServerClusterManager
- getClusterManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getClusterManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getCodecByFormat(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder.MultiMediaFormatEncoder
Returns the codec for the file format.
- getColor() - Method in class
Returns the color (if any).
- getColorDepth() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getColorDepth() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the color depth metadata.
- getColorLight() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getColorLight() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the light color for displaying this state.
- getColorStrong() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getColorStrong() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the strong color for displaying this state.
- getColspan() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getColumn() - Method in class lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationMessage
Returns the column.
- getColumnName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
Returns the column name attribute set for this field.
- getColumnName() - Method in class
Returns the column name for this field.
- getColumnName() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.FieldResume
Returns the column name.
- getCommand() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterCommandSPI
Returns the inner callable.
- getCommandPaletteManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the command palette manager.
- getComment() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.CommentConfig
- getComment() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the comment.
- getComment(String) - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItResource
Returns a
by its identifier. - getCommentDate() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns this comment's creation date.
- getComments() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the comments for the content in this locale.
- getComments(String) - Method in class lumis.content.control.comments.CommentsAddControl
- getComments(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getComments(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getCommentsItems(String, List<String>, Integer) - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItResource
Get the newest
objects of the specified items, organized inCommentItResource.CommentsItem
structures, up to the specified amount. - getCommentText() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentComment
Returns this comment's text.
- getCommentText() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns this comment's text.
- getCommitted(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the lastest committed version of the page.
- getCommitted(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCommunityMembership(String, String) - Method in class
Returns information about the membership of a user in a community.
- getCommunityMembershipRequest(String, String) - Method in class
Returns information about the request of membership in a community sent by a user.
- getComparatorOrder() - Method in enum
Create a index integer to helps the sort Comparable for class {link FieldReportCSV}
- getComparatorOrder(String) - Static method in enum
Create a index integer to helps the sort Comparable for class {link FieldReportCSV}
- getCompareWithAmount() - Method in class
Returns the compareWithAmount.
- getCompareWithAmount() - Method in class
Returns the compareWithAmount.
- getCompareWithType() - Method in class
Returns the compareWithType.
- getCompareWithType() - Method in class
Returns the compareWithType.
- getComponent(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getComponent(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManager
Returns the component with the specified identifier.
- getComponentFactory() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileTag
Returns the factory to be used to generate the component implementation for this tag.
- getComponentFile(IComponent) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain an archive file relative to a component.
- getComponentFile(IComponent, ComponentFolder) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the relative folder path within a component.
- getComponentPathById(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the component path by it's id.
- getComponentPathById(String, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the component path by it's id.
- getComponents() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getComponents() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManagerSPI
Returns the list of all installed components.
- getComponents() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns an unmodifiable list of components that belongs the module.
- getComponents() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigPersistence
- getConfigDeleter() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDeletion
- getConfigDeletions() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getConfigFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalReaderConfig
Get config file path
- getConfigId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDeletion
- getConfigPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getConfigPath(BaseSerializationContext, String) - Method in class
Get the full path for the serialization file.
- getConfigPersistence(IConfigPersister) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getConfigPersistence(IConfigPersister) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getConfigPersister() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigPersistence
- getConfiguration() - Method in class
Returns the configuration.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Gets question configuration
- getConfigurationType() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileApplication
- getConnecTimeout() - Method in class
Returns the HTTP connect timeout.
- getConnection() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HikariConnectionProvider
- getConnection() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getConnection() - Method in interface lumis.portal.dao.jdbc.ITransactionJdbc
Returns the default jdbc connection for this transaction.
- getConnection(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getConnection(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.dao.jdbc.ITransactionJdbc
Returns the jdbc connection associated with the specified id.
- getConnectionId() - Method in class
Returns the connection identifier to use to access the view.
- getConnector(SocialNetwork) - Static method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkConnectorFactory
Returns the most adequate social network connector for the given social network.
- getConsentDate() - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.UserConsent
Returns the consentDate.
- getConsents() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the consents.
- getConstraints() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
Returns the constraints.
- getConsumerKey() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Returns the consumerKey for this application in this network.
- getConsumerName() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
Currently unsupported
- getConsumerSecret() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Returns the consumerSecret token to authenticate this application in this social network.
- getContent() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentLocale
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getContent() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the content this object refers to.
- getContent() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextConfig
Gets the content from xml file.
- getContent() - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagConfig
- getContent() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns the content of this attachment.
- getContent() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the content data for this attachment.
- getContent() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getContent(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
- getContent(String) - Method in interface lumis.content.core.IContentManager
Returns a persistent content instance.
- getContentAssociations() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the contents associated with this version.
- getContentByItemId(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
- getContentByItemId(String) - Method in interface lumis.content.core.IContentManager
Returns the content related with the specified business data.
- getContentContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getContentDispositionType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns the content disposition type set for this attachment.
- getContentId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData.TermData
- getContentId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns the content identifier used to construct the URI used refer to this attachment when it is inline.
- getContentId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns the identifier of the content this holder is personalized for.
- getContentId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssResultRow
- getContentId(String) - Static method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUtilInternal
Returns the
content identifier
based on the given identifier ornull
if none could be inferred. - getContentIdByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class
Returns the contentId corresponding to the given primary key.
- getContentIds() - Method in class
- getContentIds() - Method in class
- getContentInputStream() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Gets the content input stream for this mail attachment.
- getContentLength() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getContentLocale() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getContentLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentComment
Returns the
this comment belongs to. - getContentLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the content-locale object this version belongs to.
- getContentLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.socialnetwork.integration.ContentMessageIntegration
Returns the contentLocale.
- getContentLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Utility method that returns the
in current transaction that corresponds to theContentWorkflowMetaData.getContentLocaleId()
stored in this ContentWorkflowMetaData. - getContentLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowActionExecutedEvent
Returns the ContentLocale on which the workflow action was executed.
- getContentLocale(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
- getContentLocale(String) - Method in interface lumis.content.core.IContentManager
Returns the a content locale by its identifier.
- getContentLocale(Locale, boolean) - Method in class lumis.content.core.Content
Returns the locale specific content object, for the given locale, optionally using the default locale.
- getContentLocaleId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
The identifier of the
this workflow metadata belongs to. - getContentLocaleId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
Returns the content locale identifier.
- getContentLocales() - Method in class lumis.content.core.Content
Returns the locale specific objects of this content.
- getContentManager() - Static method in class lumis.content.ContentManagerFactory
Returns the content manager instance.
- getContentMessageIntegrations(ContentLocale) - Static method in class lumis.content.socialnetwork.integration.ContentMessageIntegration
Returns a list of integrations by a content locale.
- getContentPickerInputControl() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
- getContentProvider() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Attachment
Returns the content data for this attachment.
- getContents() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataInfoController
- getContentServiceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.content.ContentManagerFactory
- getContentTableSource() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
Returns the content table source from the item id.
- getContentTreeChildrenData(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.contenttree.DouiContentTreeDaoJdbc
- getContentTreeChildrenData(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.contenttree.IDouiContentTreeDao
- getContentType() - Method in class
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Attachment
Returns the MIME content type for this attachment.
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileParameter
- getContentType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IDownloadableFile
Returns the file content type
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the contentType.
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the contentType.
- getContentType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns the mime content type of this attachment.
- getContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getContentType() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the MIME content type for this attachment.
- getContentType(File) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileUtil
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
. - getContentType(File) - Static method in class lumis.util.parse.TikaUtil
Extracts the content type from the given file.
- getContentType(InputStream) - Static method in class lumis.util.parse.TikaUtil
Extracts the content type from the given input stream.
- getContentType(InputStream, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileUtil
Returns the content type based on the given file name and input stream.
- getContentType(String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadUtil
Gets content type based on the given file path.
- getContentType(String, InputStream) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IContentTypeProvider
Returns the content type for the given file.
If no content type could be inferred,null
should be returned. - getContentType(IFile) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileUtil
Gets content type based on the given file.
- getContentUrl(String) - Method in class
- getContentVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument
Returns an API for accessing the content version fields in this document.
- getContentVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentAssociation
- getContentVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Returns the content version this publication belongs to.
- getContentVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentRenderDataChangedEvent
Returns the content version to which this render data was generated to.
- getContentVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentTag
of this tag. - getContentVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController.MetaDataPersistenceResult
- getContentVersion() - Method in interface lumis.content.table.IContentTableSourceAddDataResult
Returns the content version of the data added.
- getContentVersion() - Method in interface lumis.content.table.IContentTableSourceUpdateDataResult
Returns the updated content version.
- getContentVersion() - Method in class
Returns the contentVersion.
- getContentVersion() - Method in class
Returns the content version of this dashboard.
- getContentVersion(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
- getContentVersion(String) - Method in interface lumis.content.core.IContentManager
Returns the a content version by its identifier.
- getContentVersionByItemId(String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
- getContentVersionByItemId(String) - Method in interface lumis.content.core.IContentManager
Returns the a content version that refers the given itemId.
- getContentWizardManager() - Static method in class lumis.content.ContentManagerFactory
- getContentWorkflowMetaData() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
Returns the content workflow metadata.
- getContentWorkflowMetaData() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
Returns the content workflow metadata.
- getContentWorkflowMetaData(ContentTableSource) - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- getContentWorkflowMetaData(ContentTableSource) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
Returns the content workflow meta data from the given source and control's itemId.
- getContentWorkflowMetaData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Deprecated.Since 4.2.0, replaced by
IWorkflowManager.getContentWorkflowMetaData(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ITransaction)
. - getContentWorkflowMetaData(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getContentWorkflowMetaData(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the content workflow metadata for a content locale.
- getContentWorkflowMetaData(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getContext(IServiceInterfaceRequest, IServiceInterfaceResponse, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
Instantiate DouiContext with the current request and response.
- getContextId() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextUsage
Returns the context identifier.
- getContextIds() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the context identifiers present in this document.
- getContextPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeployConfig
Deprecated.Returns the context path where the war is to be deployed into.
- getContextPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
Returns the contextPath where this service config is installed.
- getContextPath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the context path which is the path prefix associated with the deployed application.
- getContexts() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Publication
Returns the access to the fields belonging to the contexts fields in this publication.
- getControlById(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getControlByType(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getControlContainer() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getControlDao() - Static method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoFactory
- getControlFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns a query filter to be applied to the search.
- getControlFilter() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns a query filter to be applied to the search.
- getControlId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowActionControl
Returns the Control id based on given row identifier.
- getControlId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowAssignedToControl
Returns the Control id based on given row identifier.
- getControlId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowSendToControl
Returns the Control id based on given row identifier.
- getControlId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowStateControl
Returns the Control id based on given row identifier.
- getControlManager() - Static method in class lumis.doui.DouiManagerFactory
- getControlQuery() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the control query, which is the system-defined portion of the
, usually containing criteria related to some metadata indexed with the content (e.g. - getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutContentIdentificationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutMetaDataInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutSeoInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutTagInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.comments.CommentsControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.language.LanguageControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals.PublishToPrincipalsControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.PublishToSocialNetworkControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.tag.InputTagControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.SelectWorkflowControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowSendToControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autorefresh.AutoRefreshControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.AccessControlButton
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.DeleteButtonControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.PositionFieldOrderButtonControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.CalendarControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.MonthPickerControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FiltersControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorBlocksValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.interfaceheaderbuttons.InterfaceHeaderButtonsControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.label.LabelControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadExtensionCheckControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadRequiredValueValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.pagination.PaginationControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateCompareValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateDataTypeValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.EmailValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileNameValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.LengthValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RegularExpressionValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RequiredValuesDescriptorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RequiredValueValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag.TagControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowSendToControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.service.document.control.DocumentPickerControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.server.EnviromentPropertiesControl
- getControlResource() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.control.SelectPageControl
- getControls(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XsltEditorResource
- getControlsByIdMap() - Method in class
Returns the controls by id map.
- getControlsByIdVariableName() - Method in class
- getControlsByIdVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the controls by id map variable name.
- getControlsByTypeMap() - Method in class
Returns the controls by type map.
- getControlsByTypeVariableName() - Method in class
- getControlsByTypeVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the controls by type map variable name.
- getControlsDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getControlsMap() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
Returns the map with the controls in this control container.
- getControlToValidate() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadExtensionCheckControl
- getControlToValidate() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getControlToValidateIds() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Returns a collection with the ids of the controls to be validated by this validator control.
- getControlToValidateIds() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getControlToValidateSourceFieldName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
Returns the source field name associated with the control to be validated.
- getControlXML(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XsltEditorResource
- getConversation(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getConversation(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a chat conversation config object.
- getConversationId() - Method in class
- getConversationId() - Method in class
- getConverter() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
- getConverter() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataControl
Returns the converter that is able to convert this control's value.
- getConverter() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
Tabular data control uses no converter.
- getConverter() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
- getConverter() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the converter for data of this type.
- getConverter() - Method in interface lumis.doui.render.IRenderer
Returns the default converter to be used with the renderable data.
- getConverter() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getConverter() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns the default converter for this field's values.
- getConverter() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
Returns the converter for this field's values.
- getConverters() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getCookie(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.controller.ControllerHtml
Deprecated.Since 4.0.7, use
CookieUtil.getCookie(HttpServletRequest, String)
instead. - getCookie(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getCookie(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the requested cookie or
if the cookie does not exist in request. - getCookie(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getCookie(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.util.PortalUtil
Given a cookie name, the cookie value if exists in the request object is returned.
- getCookie(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.CookieUtil
Given a cookie name, the cookie value if exists in the request object is returned.
- getCookie(IServiceInterfaceRequest, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.CookieUtil
Given a cookie name, the cookie value if exists in the request object is returned.
- getCookieConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Get Node of all cookies options, if wasn't set at lumispotalconfig.xml, will get the default cookies options.
- getCookieMap() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceResponse
Returns a map containing the cookies set in this response.
- getCookies() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the cookies.
- getCookies() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getCookies() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getCookies() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getCookies() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the request's cookies.
- getCount() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the count value.
- getCount() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getCount() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getCountFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the count field identifier.
- getCountFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getCountFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getCountry() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.ExtendedGeoPoint
Returns an optional country information.
- getCountSourceFieldId(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the count source field identifier.
- getCrawlDelay() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgent
Returns the crawlDelay.
- getCreatedBy() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentLocale
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCreatedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentComment
Returns the identifier of the principal that created this object.
- getCreatedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the identifier of the principal that created this object.
- getCreatedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.CommentConfig
- getCreatedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentLocale
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentComment
Returns the date-time this comment was created.
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the creation date-time of this entry.
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.CommentConfig
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the date-time this user was created.
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the date-time this web resource was created.
- getCreatedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.HtmlFieldWidgetInstance
Returns the created date time.
- getCreatedDateTimeMillis() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the date/time this activity was created.
- getCreatedDateTimeMillis() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCreateNewIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationConfig
- getCreateTableScript(QueryCreateTable, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryAdapter
- getCreateTableScript(QueryCreateTable, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getCreation() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the creation.
- getCreation() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Post
Sets the date and time of post creation
- getCreationDate() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
Returns the creationDate.
- getCreationDate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelatable
Gets the IRelatable creation date.
- getCreationDate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationship
Gets the IRelatable creation date.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelatableNode
- getCreationDate() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipNode
- getCreationDate() - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetwork
Returns the creation date.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the creationDate.
- getCreationTimeMillis() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getCreationTimeMillis() - Method in interface lumis.portal.transaction.spi.ITransactionSPI
Returns the time this transaction object was created.
- getCredits() - Method in class
- getCredits() - Method in class
- getCrossSiteRequestManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the cross-site request manager.
- getCryptographicProtocol() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the cryptographic protocol to be used.
- getCryptoManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager for cryptographic related operations.
- getCryptoManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for cryptographic related operations.
- getCssDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getCssId() - Method in class
- getCssId() - Method in class
- getCssIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCssIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the ids of the channel's CSS.
- getCssIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the ids of the page's CSS.
- getCssIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCssIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCssIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of CSS Ids of the Channel.
- getCssIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of Css Ids of the page.
- getCssIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCssIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCssIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of Css Ids of the Channel including inherited Css.
- getCssIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of Css Ids of the page including inherited Css.
- getCssIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getCssList() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.itempicker.CssResource
- getCssManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getCssManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getCsss() - Method in class
- getCsss() - Method in class
- getCsss() - Method in class
- getCsss() - Method in class
- getCsss() - Method in class
- getCssSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getCssSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getCurrentBuildInfo(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.upgrade.IUpgradeDao
- getCurrentBuildInfo(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.upgrade.IUpgradeManager
Get the current build information
- getCurrentBuildInfo(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.upgrade.UpgradeDaoJdbc
- getCurrentBuildInfo(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.upgrade.UpgradeManager
- getCurrentChannel() - Static method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncUtil
Returns the channel that corresponds to the file currently being read or written.
- getCurrentChannelPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getCurrentConfiguration() - Static method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the current configuration.
- getCurrentConfiguration() - Static method in class lumis.portal.configuration.ServerConfiguration
Returns the current server configuration.
- getCurrentConfiguration() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalConfiguration
Returns the current portal configuration.
- getCurrentItemId(IServiceInterfaceRequest) - Static method in class lumis.content.service.DetailsUtil
Deprecated.Returns the itemId stored by
. - getCurrentlyInstalledComponentsRemoved() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed components that will have it's register removed.
- getCurrentlyInstalledComponentsReprocessed() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed components that will be reprocessed.
- getCurrentlyInstalledComponentsUnchanged() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed components that will remain unchanged.
- getCurrentlyInstalledComponentsUndeployed() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed components that will be undeployed.
- getCurrentlyInstalledComponentsUpgraded() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed components that will be upgraded.
- getCurrentlyInstalledModulesReprocessed() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed modules that will be reprocessed.
- getCurrentlyInstalledModulesUnchanged() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed modules that will remain unchanged.
- getCurrentlyInstalledModulesUndeployed() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed modules that will be undeployed.
- getCurrentlyInstalledModulesUpgraded() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the currently installed modules that will be upgraded.
- getCurrentMembers(String) - Static method in class
Returns the current members of the given segmentation.
- getCurrentMonitorUserId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManager
Returns the identifier of the current monitor user.
- getCurrentMonitorUserId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getCurrentMonitorUserTrackId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns the track identifier of the current monitor user.
- getCurrentMonitorUserTrackId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getCurrentPortalMembers(String) - Static method in class
Returns the current members of the given segmentation.
- getCurrentRowNumber() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceAddMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Returns the number of current row being processed, 1-based.
- getCurrentRowNumber() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Returns the number of current row being processed, 1-based.
- getCurrentSegmentations(String) - Static method in class
Returns the current segmentations of the given monitor user.
- getCurrentSessionConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.SessionConfig
Returns the current session config object.
- getCurrentTransaction() - Static method in class lumis.portal.transaction.PortalTransactionFactory
Returns the transaction associated with the current thread.
- getCurrentUser() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserResource
Returns the current logged in user.
- getCurrentUserPrincipals() - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalManagerSPI
Returns the current user's principals.
This method follows the same rules ofIPrincipalManagerSPI.getPrincipalPrincipals(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction)
. - getCurrentUserPrincipals() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
- getCustomAttributes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserProperties
Returns a mutable map of the global custom attributes - the local attributes will not be returned.
- getCustomAttributes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns an unmodifiable map of the global custom attributes - the local attributes will not be returned.
- getCustomAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getCustomAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getCustomAttributesMap() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserProperties
Returns custom attributes map for each service instance identifier.
- getCustomAttributesMap() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns custom attributes map for each service instance identifier.
- getCustomAttributesMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getCustomAttributesMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserPropertiesCustomAttributes
Returns a synchronized map with List
- getCustomClassScript() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunClassStepExecutable
Returns the custom class to be executed.
- getCustomData() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the custom data stored in this activity.
- getCustomData() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getCustomDefaultStyleId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceDao
Get the id of the custom default style.
- getCustomDefaultStyleId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceDaoHib
- getCustomDeploymentInterfaceId(DeployConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.GenericWarDeployer
- getCustomDeploymentInterfaceId(DeployConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IPortalDeployer
Deprecated.Returns the service interface id to be called when the deployment will use this deployer.
- getCustomDeploymentInterfaceId(DeployConfig) - Method in class lumis.portlet.container.deployment.PortletDeployer
- getCustomFilters() - Method in class
Returns the customFilters.
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentDetailsServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentGenericListServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiDetailsServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiGenericListServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.login.LoginInterface
- getCustomMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.login.LogoutInterface
- getCustomProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstancePersistableConfig
- getCustomProperties() - Method in class
- getCustomProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the customProperties.
- getCustomProperties(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get all service instance's custom properties.
- getCustomProperties(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getCustomProperties(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get all custom properties of the specified service insterface instance.
- getCustomProperties(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getCustomProperties(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Gets all the custom properties of a specified service instance.
- getCustomProperties(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getCustomProperties(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns a Map containing all name/value pairs of custom properties from the specified service interface instance.
- getCustomProperties(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getCustomProperty(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get service instance´s custom property.
- getCustomProperty(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getCustomProperty(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get the custom property of the service's interface's instance.
- getCustomProperty(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getCustomProperty(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Returns the specified custom property.
- getCustomProperty(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getCustomProperty(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the specified custom property.
- getCustomProperty(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getCustomPropertyId() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamObjectTypesCustomPropertyProcessActionHandler
- getCustomPropertyId() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamScopesCustomPropertyProcessActionHandler
- getCustomString(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ILocalizationManager
Get the Custom String object
- getCustomString(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocalizationManager
- getCustomStringId() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringConfig
- getCustomStringLocalizationDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getCustomTrustedAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns custom untrusted user attributes.
- getCustomUntrustedAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns custom untrusted user attributes.
- getCustomUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.CustomURLShortener
Returns the custom URL set on this shortener.
- getCustomUserAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.reader.ActiveDirectoryPrincipalReader
Returns the custom attributes to be read for each user.
- getCustomUserProfileMapping() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Currently unsupported
- getCustomWebsiteURL() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the customWebsiteURL.
- getDashboard() - Method in class
Returns the dashboard.
- getDashboardDetails(String) - Method in class
- getDashboards() - Method in class
Get dashboards that have this User Segementation.
- getDashboardsPendingToSendEmail() - Static method in class
Returns the dashboards that are pending either to be sent via email or to have the schedule date filled.
- getDashboardTemplateInstancesIds() - Static method in class
Returns the dashboards template instances identifiers.
- getData - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns this source's data.
- getData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
- getData() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterMessage
Returns the data sent in this message.
- getData(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list.IServiceInterfaceListDao
Get the data of the service's interface list.
- getData(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list.ServiceInterfaceListDaoJdbc
- getDatabaseDocument(String) - Method in class lumis.util.SqlGenerator
Returns the database document for the given database definition path.
- getDatabaseLatency() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getDatabaseLatency() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the latency of the used database.
- getDatabaseTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckGeneral
- getDatabaseType() - Static method in enum lumis.util.DatabaseType
Returns an instance of
corresponding to the database the portal's default transaction accesses. - getDatabaseType(Connection) - Static method in enum lumis.util.DatabaseType
Returns an instance of
corresponding to the database the given connection is connected to. - getDatabaseTypeAttributeValue(DatabaseType) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunSqlStepExecutable
Returns the respective attribute "database-type" value for the
. - getDatabaseValues() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
Returns the database values configuration for this field.
- getDatabaseViewGroupTypeConfig() - Method in class
- getDataDirectory() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getDataId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
- getDataId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataBoundControl
Returns the fieldId of the source that the data bound control is associated to
- getDataId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.list.AdministrationListControl
- getDataId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameter
Get a data id.
- getDataId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.SourceFieldBoundControl
Returns the data identifier for this control.
- getDataPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 use
filesystem API
to perform filesystem operations in portal known files. - getDataPreviewMode() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the mode of the portal when the page is required.
- getDataPreviewMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getDataPreviewMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getDataPrivacy() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument
Returns an API for accessing the data privacy fields in this document.
- getDataProvider() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the data provider for this source.
- getDataProviderClass(Node, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.doui.source.DataProviderFactory
- getDataProviderClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceConfig
- getDataType() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
Returns the data type for this control.
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getDataType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns the data type of this field.
- getDataType() - Method in class
Returns the data type of this field.
- getDataType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns this field data type.
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the data type of this attribute.
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationProperty
Returns the data type of the property.
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.FieldResume
Returns the data type.
- getDataType() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
Returns the LPS data type of this field.
- getDate() - Method in class
Returns the event date.
- getDate() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Answer
Get answer creation date
- getDatePosted() - Method in class
- getDatetime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of date time stored in this document.
- getDayofmonth() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of day of month stored in this document.
- getDayOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the day of month for a date.
- getDayofweek() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of day of week stored in this document.
- getDayOfWeek(Date) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the day of week for a date.
- getDefaultAssociationType() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
- getDefaultAssociationType() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl
- getDefaultBehavior(boolean) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.serviceinterface.OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior
Returns the default behavior.
- getDefaultBigDataPersister() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
- getDefaultBigDataPersister() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the default ISourceBigDataPersister implementation to be used for this source if the big data persisting is not disabled and no specific persister class is configured for this source.
- getDefaultBigDataPersister() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
- getDefaultBigDataPersister() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableSource
- getDefaultChannelId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectChannelChildControl
Returns the default channel id to be used when the tree select structure is opened.
- getDefaultCharset() - Method in class lumis.util.CharsetUtil
Retrieves the default Charset
- getDefaultControlDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getDefaultControlDefinition() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns the default control definition to be used for this field.
- getDefaultErrorPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the most appropriate error page, based on the given website base URL.
- getDefaultErrorPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getDefaultExtractor(FileMacrotype) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.MetadataExtractorFactory
Returns the default
instance, based on theFileMacrotype
. - getDefaultFilterControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType
- getDefaultFilterControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
- getDefaultFilterControlType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the default filter control type for this data type.
- getDefaultFromAddress() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the default from e-mail address, that will be used if no from is specified for a e-mail to be sent.
- getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the most appropriate home page is identified based on the website, priority and Context Rules.
- getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the most appropriate home page, based on the given website base URL.
- getDefaultHomePage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getDefaultInputControlDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.MetaDataSourceField
- getDefaultInputControlDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getDefaultInputControlDefinition() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns the default input control definition to be used for editing this field's value.
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.ContentParentContentDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowAssignedToDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the default input control type for this data type.
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.BooleanDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ChannelDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DoubleDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.IntegerDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.LongDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageOrPageTemplateDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageTemplateDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ParentContentDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PrincipalDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.StringDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TextDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.service.image.field.ImageDataType
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class
- getDefaultInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication.PasswordDataType
- getDefaultInsertValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.Content
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getDefaultLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.core.Content
Returns the default locale for this content.
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in class
Returns the default locale of this channel.
If this channel does not define a default locale, it will be inherited from parent channel recursively. - getDefaultLocale() - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ILocalizationManager
Returns the portal default locale.
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocalizationManager
- getDefaultLocale() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.since 8.1.0 replaced by
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in class
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in class lumis.util.converter.AbstractConverter
- getDefaultLocaleLocal() - Method in class
Returns the default locale of this channel.
If this channel does not define a default locale,null
will be returned. - getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the most appropriate login page is identified based on the website, priority, Context Rules and destination channel identifier.
- getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the most appropriate login page, based on the given website base URL and destination channel identifier.
- getDefaultLoginPage(SessionConfig, IWebsiteBaseURL, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateCompareValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.LengthValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessageParameters() - Method in class
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadRequiredValueValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateCompareValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.EmailValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileNameValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.LengthValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RegularExpressionValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RequiredValueValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class
- getDefaultMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.service.doui.filters.FilterUniqueIdValidator
- getDefaultNamespacePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.AbstractLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns the default namespace prefix for the tags processed by this filter.
- getDefaultNamespacePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalAdministrationMarkupFilter
- getDefaultNamespacePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublisherMarkupFilter
- getDefaultNamespacePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el.ELMarkupFilter
- getDefaultNamespacePrefix() - Method in class
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, String, int, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManagerSPI
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, String, int, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, String, int, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManager
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, String, int, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, IWebsiteBaseURL, int, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManager
Get the default Page.
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, IWebsiteBaseURL, int, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, IWebsiteBaseURL, IPortalMode, PortalRequestContext, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManagerSPI
Get the default Page.
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, IWebsiteBaseURL, IPortalMode, PortalRequestContext, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, IWebsiteBaseURL, IPortalMode, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManagerSPI
Get the default Page.
- getDefaultPage(SessionConfig, String, String, IWebsiteBaseURL, IPortalMode, PortalRequestContext, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getDefaultPageDocType() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getDefaultPageWebSiteURL(HttpServletRequest, IPortalMode) - Static method in class
Returns the URL to the current website with page id to the defined portal mode.
- getDefaultPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
- getDefaultPattern() - Method in class lumis.util.converter.AbstractConverter
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl.ChannelAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl.PageAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl.PageTemplateAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl.PortalAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl.ServiceAclControl
- getDefaultPermission(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.ServiceInstanceAclControl
- getDefaultPopupPageId(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
- getDefaultPreferences() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstancePersistableConfig
- getDefaultProviderClass() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
- getDefaultProviderClass() - Method in class
- getDefaultProviderClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Abstract method that returns the default data provider class name.
- getDefaultProviderClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns data provider class for the source.
- getDefaultProviderClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableSource
- getDefaultRegistrationData() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
Currently unsupported
- getDefaultRepository() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.BigDataManager
- getDefaultRepository() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataManager
Returns the default big data repository.
- getDefaultSerializer() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
Returns the default object serializer for this serialization context.
- getDefaultServiceInstanceMenu(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
- getDefaultServiceInstanceMenu(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiService
- getDefaultServiceInstanceMenu(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
- getDefaultServiceInstanceMenu(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Returns the default service instance menu definition to use for a service instance.
- getDefaultServiceInterfaceInContextEdit() - Static method in class lumis.portal.incontextedit.ServiceInterfaceInContextEditFactory
Returns the default implementation of
. - getDefaultSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContainer
- getDefaultSourceSearchContentFillerClassName() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0 this method is no longer used and remains only for binary compatibility, due to being replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata. Consider using
instead. - getDefaultSourceSearchContentFillerClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0 this method is no longer used and remains only for binary compatibility, due to being replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata. Consider using
instead. - getDefaultStructureRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.StructureSyncManager
- getDefaultStyle() - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceInterface
- getDefaultStyle() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
- getDefaultStyleId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceDao
Get the default style of the service's interface.
- getDefaultStyleId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceDaoHib
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectPageTemplateControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheMultiDataProvider
The value to use for requested keys not returned by
. - getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.Property
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContentHtmlTextAreaControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.service.navigation.NavigationHtmlTextAreaControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate.DefaultPageTemplateControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ScheduleDateTimePickerControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ScheduleStartDateTimePickerControl
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class
- getDefaultValues() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns the list of default values stored for this property.
- getDefaultValues() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.Property
Returns the default value list or
if there's no property default. - getDefaultViewControlDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getDefaultViewControlDefinition() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns the default control definition to be used for viewing this field's value.
- getDefaultViewControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
- getDefaultViewControlType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the default control type for viewing this data type's values.
- getDefaultViewControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType
- getDefaultViewControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType
- getDefaultWebsite() - Method in interface
Returns the website flagged as the default website.
- getDefaultWebsite() - Method in class
- getDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the definition for this workflow, as a string.
- getDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiConfig
- getDefinition() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getDefinition() - Method in class
- getDefinition() - Method in class
- getDefinition() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getDefinitionDocument(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.util.PortalUtilInternal
Returns the XML Document for a definition file.
- getDefinitionFromPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app config from the given path.
- getDefinitionLocale() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
Returns the locale to be used to parse the values of this data type in a definition xml file.
- getDefinitionLocale() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the locale to be used to parse the values of this data type in a definition xml file.
- getDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiConfig
- getDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getDefinitionNode() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Deprecated.hopefully this should not be used.
- getDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Deprecated.This method may not be public in the future.
- getDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getDefinitionPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 use
filesystem API
to perform filesystem operations in portal known files. - getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
Returns the pattern to be used to parse the values of this data type in a definition xml file.
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the pattern to be used to parse the values of this data type in a definition xml file.
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DoubleDataType
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.IntegerDataType
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.LongDataType
- getDefinitionPattern() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType
- getDefinitionRootPath() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getDefinitions() - Method in interface
Returns the parameters definitions.
- getDefinitions() - Method in class
- getDefinitionXML() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.BusinessContextObject
Returns the definition XML.
- getDefinitionXmlNode() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Deprecated.Since 4.0.11, this method is no longer used and may be removed in the future.
- getDefinitionXmlNode() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getDefinitionXmlNode() - Method in class
- getDefinitionXmlNode() - Method in class
- getDelayAfterStabilization() - Method in class
Returns the delay each thread will wait after it has no more demand.
- getDelayBetweenGenerations() - Method in class
Returns the delay each thread will wait between generations.
- getDelegate() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the underlying Elasticsearch client of this repository.
- getDelegate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataRepository
Returns an underlying big data implementation object, if available.
- getDeleteButtonScript(String, ISourceData, boolean) - Method in class
- getDeletedData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourcePreDeleteDataEvent
Returns the data that will be deleted.
- getDeletedFields() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.IEditFieldParams
- getDeletedFields() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.EditFieldsParams
- getDeletedItemIds() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceDeleteDataEvent
Returns the item identifiers that will be deleted.
- getDeletedWidgetsData(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.PagePersonalizationManager
- getDeletedWidgetsData(String[]) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.PagePersonalizationManager
- getDeleteStatement(QueryDelete, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryAdapter
- getDeleteStatement(QueryDelete, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getDenyPermissions() - Method in class
- getDenyPermissionsInheriting() - Method in class
- getDepartament() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets department
- getDependableNode() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.Dependency
- getDependencies() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializableConfig
- getDependencies() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the dependencies.
- getDependenciesOfDependentServiceInstances(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Returns a map with all the dependencies of a given service instance (grouped by the dependency type).
- getDependenciesOfDependentServiceInstances(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getDependency(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
- getDependency(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getDependencyIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get the ids of all the service instances that the given service instance depends on
- getDependencyIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getDependencyIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Returns the service instance ids that the given service instance id depends on
- getDependencyIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getDependencyKeys() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getDependencyType() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependencyConfig
- getDependencyType() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependency
- getDependentConfigPersistences() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getDependentConfigPersistences() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
- getDependentKeys() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.DependentConfigOperationCollection
- getDependentNode() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.Dependency
- getDependentServiceInstance() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependency
- getDependentServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependencyConfig
- getDependentServiceInstanceIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
- getDependentServiceInstanceIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getDependentServiceInstances(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Returns the service instances that are dependent on the specified service instance.
- getDependentServiceInstances(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getDeployer() - Method in class lumis.portal.appserver.GenericApplicationServerManager
- getDeployer() - Method in interface lumis.portal.appserver.IApplicationServerManager
Returns the deployer for this application server.
- getDeployer() - Method in class lumis.portal.appserver.TomcatAppServerManager
- getDeployFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeployConfig
Deprecated.Returns the file to be deployed.
- getDeploymentDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getDeploymentDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the date-time of the deployment of this module.
- getDeploymentDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the date-time of the deployment of this module.
- getDeploymentDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getDeploymentManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getDeploymentManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getDeploymentMessageWriters() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
Returns the deployment message writer to be used.
- getDeploymentMessageWriters() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.ProcessObserversStepExecutable
- getDeploymentMessageWriters() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildClassloadersStepExecutable
- getDeploymentMessageWriters() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.ReloadRestConfigurationsStepExecutable
- getDeploymentMessageWriters() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.AbstractScriptStepExecutable
- getDeployMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getDeployMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns a message of all errors and warnings occurred during deployment process.
- getDeployMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns a message of all errors and warnings occurred during deployment process.
- getDeployMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the description for this workflow.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the description for this state.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the description for this transition.
- getDescription() - Method in interface
Returns the parameter description.
- getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityProcessorConfig
Returns the description of this activity processor.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditCategory
Returns the category description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditEntryType
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the component description.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the module description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ComponentObject
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.ComponentStructureSyncStepExecutable
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UpdateComponentChannelIdsStepExecutable
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildEntityManagerFactoriesStepExecutable
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UpdateMonitorDefinitionStepExecutable
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the description of this group type.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckInfo
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns the description of the step.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStepExecutable
Returns the description of the step.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the description of this event.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the (localizable description).
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getDescription() - Method in enum
Returns the description of the event.
- getDescription() - Method in enum
Returns the description of the measure type.
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the description for the page web resource.
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the page web resource description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Returns the description of the current PortalMode.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalMode
Returns the description of the current PortalMode.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns the description of this attachment.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSDirectory
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSShallowDirectory
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.IDirectory
Generate a general description of the directory, used mainly to compose exception messages.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.sub.SubDirectory
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the description of this theme.
- getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerCategoryConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
The document description.
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the display description for this schedule.
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssResultRow
- getDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets description
- getDescription(MBeanAttributeInfo) - Method in class lumis.portal.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMBean
- getDescription(MBeanInfo) - Method in class lumis.portal.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMBean
- getDescription(MBeanOperationInfo) - Method in class lumis.portal.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMBean
- getDescription(MBeanOperationInfo, MBeanParameterInfo, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMBean
- getDescriptionFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getDescriptionFromPortlet(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.IPortletServiceManager
Returns the description from portlet.
- getDescriptionFromPortlet(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.PortletServiceManager
- getDescriptionFromPortlet(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManager
Returns the description from portlet.
- getDescriptionFromPortlet(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV1
- getDescriptionFromPortlet(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV2
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
Returns the description of this step.
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.CopyComponentPublicFilesStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.DeployComponentStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.RegisterComponentStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.RemoveComponentPublicFilesStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.RemoveComponentRegisterStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UnregisterComponentStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UpgradeComponentStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.PostProcessModuleMetadataStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.ProcessObserversStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildClassloadersStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RegisterModuleStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RegisterModuleStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UnregisterModuleStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UnregisterModuleStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UpdateModuleResgistryStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.ReloadRestConfigurationsStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.DisplayMessageStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RemoveBigDataDocumentTypesStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RemoveGlobalNonReferencedEntriesStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunClassStepExecutable
- getDescriptionInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunSqlStepExecutable
- getDeserializationContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
- getDeserializedPermissions() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionPersistenceData
- getDestinationChannelId() - Method in class
- getDestinationChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelTemplateLinkInfo
Returns the identifier of the channel where a template is applied (the root of the appliance).
- getDestinationChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.ChannelTemplateLink
- getDestinationId() - Method in class
- getDestinationId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.ChannelTemplateLink
- getDestinationInterfaceHolderId(String) - Method in class
- getDestinations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMultipleMail
Returns a collection of destinations for this mail.
- getDestServiceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getDestServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getDestServiceInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getDestServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getDetailedFollowList(String, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.UserFollowsManager
Method designed to retrieve a list of users who follows the current user, or the users followed by this same user in a given social network.
- getDetailsInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the default details interface id for this source.
- getDetectLocaleFromUserBrowser() - Method in class
- getDeviceDetectionNode() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the Device Detection node that was defined on lumisPortalConfig.
- getDeviceEntry() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestContext
Returns the Device Request Context thats contains all information about the device that is making the current request.
- getDeviceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for devices.
- getDeviceSkinManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for devices skins.
- getDirectCategories() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Categories
Returns the direct categories of this document.
- getDirectFields() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEventSPI
Returns the fields that are associated with this event directly (not through a field group).
- getDirectFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getDirection() - Method in interface
Returns the direction of the ordination.
- getDirectory() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getDirectoryChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
- getDirectoryChannelId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.sync.IFileStructureElement
Returns the identifier of the channel that corresponds to the directory this element's file resides in.
- getDirectoryChannelId() - Method in class
- getDirectoryChannelId() - Method in class
- getDirectoryChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
- getDirectoryPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSDirectory
- getDirectoryPath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.IFSDirectory
- getDirectoryPath() - Method in class
- getDirectTermAssociationsContentIds(CategorizationDataType.Data) - Static method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationUtil
Returns a list of all direct term associations related the a collection of
term data tree
- getDirtyItems() - Method in class lumis.portal.commandpalette.CommandPaletteManager
- getDirtyItems() - Method in interface lumis.portal.commandpalette.ICommandPaletteManagerSPI
Returns the existent dirty items.
- getDisabledClocks(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockDaoJdbc
- getDisabledClocks(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockManager
- getDisabledClocks(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockDao
Get disabled clocks
- getDisabledClocks(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockManagerSPI
Get disabled clocks.
- getDisplayDataId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
- getDisplayName() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityAction
Returns the display name of this action.
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's display name stored in this document.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the display name of this object.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObjectType
Returns the display name of this object type.
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityProcessorConfig
Returns the display name of this activity processor.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class
- getDisplayName() - Method in class
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the module display name.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getDisplayName() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the display name.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class
Returns the display-name for this configuration.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class
Returns the generator's display name.
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.IServiceInstancePermission
- getDisplayName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
Returns the display name to be used for this service interface instance.
- getDisplayName(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the display name for a service interface instance.
- getDisplayName(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getDisplayQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getDisplayQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns the query field to be used for display purposes for this field.
- getDisplayQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class
- getDisplayQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.render.CharSequenceRenderableWrapper
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in interface lumis.doui.render.IRenderable
Returns the string to be displayed for representing this instance, when a short display is required.
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.render.RenderDataValue
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.LocalizableCharSequenceValue
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ChannelDataType.Data
Returns the localized name of the channel.
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType.Data
Returns the display string, as defined in
, of each file in this files data, separated by comma. - getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PrincipalDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class
- getDisplayString(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ResourcesDataType.Data
Returns the display string, as defined in
, of each Resource in this Resources data, separated by comma. - getDisplayValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectchannel.SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl
Returns the name to be displayed for the user.
- getDistance() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceFilter
Returns the distance.
- getDistinct() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the distinct property of the source.
- getDocCount() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.AbstractSubAggregationAwareAggregationResult
- getDocCount() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISubAggregationAwareAggregationResult
Returns the document count at this aggregation.
- getDoctype() - Method in class
- getDocTypeDeclaration() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.PageDocType
- getDocument() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISearchHit
Returns the
object related to the hit, containing all stored fields. - getDocument() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post attached document identifier.
- getDocument(File) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getDocument(InputStream) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Parses a XML document from an input stream.
- getDocument(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getDocument(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getDocument(IFile) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Returns the
associated with the given file. - getDocument(IMonitorEvent, Deque<IMonitorValuesProvider>) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the document for the given event with the given values or
if some required field is missing. - getDocumentAgeThreshold() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentStandardBigDataDocumentPopularityProviderConfiguration
Returns the documentAgeThreshold.
- getDocumentationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getDocumentCount() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IMultiBucketAggregationResult.IBucket
Returns the document count within this bucket.
In LumisXP's default big data implementation (that uses Elasticsearch as big data engine), this value may not be accurate. - getDocumentCount() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISingleBucketAggregationResult
Returns the document count of the aggregation.
- getDocumentCount() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentStandardBigDataDocumentPopularityProviderConfiguration
Returns the documentCount.
- getDocumentElement() - Method in class
- getDocumentFieldBaseId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
Returns the base identifier to use for values of this field in a big data document.
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.AbstractSourceFieldDataType
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.type.ISourceFieldDataType
Returns the document field values to be stored in big data for a given value.
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType
- getDocumentFieldValues(Object) - Method in class
- getDocumentFile() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
- getDocumentFromFile(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getDocumentId() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
- getDocumentManager() - Static method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentManagerFactory
Returns a document manager instance.
- getDocumentPopularity(StandardDocument, S, ISourceData) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Returns the popularity of the given document.
- getDocumentPublishToPrincipals(String) - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentManager
- getDocumentPublishToPrincipals(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.document.IDocumentManager
Return a the list of principals for which the
is published to. - getDocumentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Document
Returns the
document type
of this document. - getDocumentType(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
- getDocumentType(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataRepository
Returns the document type of the given identifier.
- getDocumentTypeByIndex(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Return the
for index name. - getDocumentTypeField(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
- getDocumentTypeField(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataRepository
Return the document type field of the field that has the given identifier.
- getDocumentTypeField(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the repository document type by raw field identifier.
- getDocumentTypeFieldId(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the normalized full field identifier.
- getDocumentTypeFieldId(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the normalized full field identifier.
- getDocumentTypeFieldId(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DouiBigDataUtil
Returns the identifier of the big data document type source field to be used.
- getDocumentTypeFieldId(Source<?>) - Static method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DouiBigDataUtil
Returns the identifier of the big data document type source field to be used.
- getDocumentTypeFieldId(S) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Returns the identifier to use for the document type source field
- getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.AbstractSourceFieldDataType
- getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
- getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
- getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType
- getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.type.ISourceFieldDataType
Returns the document type field templates to be used as a base by
source fields
to create their document type fields. - getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType
- getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() - Method in class
- getDocumentTypeId(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DouiBigDataUtil
Returns the identifier of the big data document type to be used, by default, for a source.
- getDocumentTypeId(Source<?>) - Static method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DouiBigDataUtil
Returns the identifier of the big data document type to be used, by default, for a source.
- getDocumentTypeId(IMonitorEvent) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the big data document type identifier for the given event.
- getDocumentTypeId(S) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Returns the identifier to use for the document type generated to the given source.
- getDocumentTypeIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns the identifiers of document types set as the scope for this search query.
- getDocumentURI() - Method in class
- getDocumentValue(MonitorUserDocument) - Method in class
Return the value in elasticsearch document that FieldReportCSV represents.
- getDocumentVariableName() - Method in class
- getDocumentVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the
variable name. - getDomain() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeUrlValue
Returns the value of URL domain stored in this document.
- getDomain() - Method in interface
Returns the domain of this website base URL.
- getDomain() - Method in class
- getDomConfig() - Method in class
- getDouiConfigDao() - Static method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoFactory
- getDouiContentTreeDao() - Static method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoFactory
- getDouiContentTreeManager() - Static method in class lumis.doui.DouiManagerFactory
- getDouiContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getDouiContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionContainer
- getDouiContext() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceContext
Returns the doui context this source context belongs to.
- getDouiContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns this source's doui context.
- getDouiContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContainer
- getDouiContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContext
- getDouiContext() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface.IDouiRequestCycle
Returns the
used when processing this request cycle. - getDouiDefinitionProcessor() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
Returns a doui definition processor that evaluates the ELs present, according to this doui context.
- getDouiHyperlink() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getDouiHyperlinkItemParameterField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the information about the field that is associated with the item id page parameter.
- getDouiHyperlinkItemParameterField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
- getDouiManager() - Static method in class lumis.doui.DouiManagerFactory
- getDouiRestInterfaceRequest() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContextSPI
Returns the DOUI REST interface request.
- getDouiServiceDefinitionNode(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiManager
- getDouiServiceDefinitionNode(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.IDouiManager
- getDouiServiceInterfaceDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getDouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition(SessionConfig, String, IDouiDefinitionProcessor, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiManager
- getDouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition(SessionConfig, String, IDouiDefinitionProcessor, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiManager
- getDouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition(SessionConfig, String, IDouiDefinitionProcessor, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.IDouiManager
Return the doui definition for a service interface instance.
- getDownProtocol() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.DurableNAKACK
- getDurableMessageTimeToLive() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterConfig
Returns the time to live of the durable message, in minutes.
- getDuration() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getDuration() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the duration metadata, in milliseconds.
- getDuration() - Method in interface lumis.portal.fileparser.IFileMetadata
Deprecated.Returns the duration metadata.
- getDuration() - Method in enum
Returns the duration of the event.
- getDynamicPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the dynamic path to access this web resource.
- getDynamicStyle(String) - Method in interface
Returns the dynamic version of the style in the given path.
- getDynamicStyle(String) - Method in class
- getDynamicStyle(String, String, List<ITheme>) - Method in interface
Returns the cached version of the style in the given path.
- getDynamicStyle(String, String, List<ITheme>) - Method in class
- getDynamicStyle(String, List<ITheme>) - Method in interface
Returns the dynamic version of the style in the given path.
- getDynamicStyle(String, List<ITheme>) - Method in class
- getEditableThemes(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getEditableThemes(PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getEditButtonScript(String, ISourceData, IServiceInterfaceUrl) - Method in class
- getEditedImageFile() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
Returns the edited image file or null if it does not exist.
- getEditInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the default edit interface id for this source.
- getEditTheme(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getElasticsearchBulkConcurrentRequests() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of bulk requests to be sent concurrently.
- getElasticsearchFlushInterval() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the interval in milliseconds for flush elastic search data.
- getElasticsearchIndexNamePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the Elasticsearch index names prefix.
- getElasticsearchQuery(SearchQuery) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the Elasticsearch search query for the given
. - getElasticsearchRestConnectionAddresses() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the connection addresses to use when initializing the Elasticsearch Rest client.
- getElementById(String) - Method in class
- getElementCountInMemory() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.HibernatePortalCache
- getElementCountOnDisk() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.HibernatePortalCache
- getElementsByTagName(String) - Method in class
- getElementsByTagNameNS(String, String) - Method in class
- getELVariableName() - Method in class
- getELVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the
variable name. - getEmail() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType.Data
This method get email string.
- getEmail() - Method in class
Returns the email.
- getEmail() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getEmail() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns the e-mail.
- getEmail() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getEmail() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getEmail() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getEmail() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.UserSubscription
- getEmail() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
Returns the email for this subscription.
- getEmail() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets email
- getEmailAddress() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailDestination
Returns the mail address of this destination.
- getEmailBody(ActivityDocument.IActivity, Locale) - Method in class
Generate an e-mail body for the activity.
The default implementation gets the localized STR_EMAIL_HTML_BODY, and runs the EL evaluator to return the complete body HTML. - getEmailDestinations(ActivityDocument.IActivity, Collection<UserConfig>) - Method in class
Generate a list of email destinations to be added to an email of the activity.
the default implementation adds all users that have an email to the list. - getEmailDestinationStringAsCollection(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.smtp.SmtpMailSender
Translates an email destination string into a collection of Strings, each one contaning an email destination.
- getEmailFormat() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
Returns the emailFormat.
- getEmailNextDateToSend() - Method in class
Returns the emailNextDateToSend.
- getEmailSubject(ActivityDocument.IActivity, Locale) - Method in class
Generate an e-mail subject for the activity.
The default implementation gets the localized STR_EMAIL_SUBJECT, and runs the EL evaluator to return the complete subject. - getEmailTargets() - Method in class
Returns the emailTargets.
- getEmailTime() - Method in class
Returns the emailTime.
- getEmailType() - Method in class
Returns the emailType.
- getEmailWeekday() - Method in class
Returns the emailWeekday.
- getEmptyBigDataFilter(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class
Returns the empty big data filter to bring all users with the default fields and in context.
- getEmptyClone() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList
- getEnableCache() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getEnableCache(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the enableCache property of an interface instance.
- getEnableCache(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getEnabledMetrics(boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.apm.metric.ApmMetricManager
- getEnabledMetrics(boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.apm.metric.IApmMetricManagerSPI
Returns the enabled metrics of the given type.
- getEncodingAttributes(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder.MultiMediaFormatEncoder
Returns the encoding attributes correctly built for given content type and target format.
- getEncodingType() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.form.FormControl
- getEncodingType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IFormControl
- getEncryptionConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getEncryptor() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalEncryptorFactory
- getEndDate() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getEndDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the time the processed ended.
- getEndDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the endDateTime.
- getEndHighlightTag() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.HighlightConfig
Returns the custom end highlight tag.
- getEndScriptTag() - Method in class
- getEndScriptTag() - Method in interface
Returns the end script tag.
- getEndTime() - Method in class
- getEnforce8Bit() - Method in class lumis.util.CharsetUtil
Gets the enforce8Bit flag, in case we do not want to ever get a US-ASCII encoding.
- getEntities() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.persistence.PersistenceEvent
Returns the entities affected by this persistence event.
- getEntities() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.persistence.PostUpdateEvent
- getEntities() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.persistence.PreUpdateEvent
- getEntityId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getEntityManager() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getEntityManager() - Method in interface lumis.portal.dao.jpa.ITransactionJPA
Returns the default entity manager for this transaction.
- getEntityManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the entity manager for the current transaction.
- getEntityManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the entity manager for the current transaction.
- getEntityManager(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getEntityManager(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.dao.jpa.ITransactionJPA
Returns the entity manager associated with the specified database.
- getEntityManagerFactory() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil
Returns the default entity manager factory, that access the portal's main database.
- getEntityManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil
Returns the entity manager factory associated with the given id.
- getEntityVersion() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getEntries() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList
- getEntries() - Method in class
- getEntries() - Method in class
- getEntry(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestContext
Returns the specific request context based on Key parameter.
- getEntry(String) - Method in class
- getEnvironments() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.AbstractScriptStepExecutable
- getEnvironments() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.IScriptStepExecutable
Returns the environments.
- getEnvironmentStandardBigDataDocumentPopularityProviderConfiguration() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the standard big data document popularity provider configuration.
- getErrorCode() - Method in class lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationMessage
Returns the errorCode.
- getErrorColor() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the errorColor.
- getErrorLevel() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.RemoveEventOrphanIndicesTask
- getErrorLevel() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.postupgrade.PostUpgradeTaskManager.AbstractPostUpgradeTask
Returns the error level to use when this task fail.
- getErrorListener() - Method in class
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidationMessages
- getErrorMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Deprecated.since 7.1 replaced by
. - getErrorMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getErrorMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailSendStatus
Returns the error message of the last try to send the mail.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class
Returns the errorMessage.
- getErrorPage() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getErrorResultList() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil.DeploymentMessageSummary
Returns the errorResultList.
- getErrorsSince(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.testautomation.TestAutomationResource
Returns the info log error messages since the given date time.
- getErrorString() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AccessError
Gets the String Id for the current access error cause.
- getErrorSummaryControl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getEscapedString(String) - Method in class
- getEscapedString(String) - Method in class
- getEscapedString(String) - Method in interface
Returns the escaped version of the given string.
- getETag() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
- getETag() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
- getEvent(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManager
Returns an unmodifiable event.
- getEvent(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getEventAttributeId() - Method in class
Returns the eventAttributeId.
- getEventAttributeId() - Method in class
Returns the eventAttributeId.
- getEventAttributes() - Method in class
Returns the eventAttributes.
- getEventData() - Method in interface
Returns an unmodifiable map with the attributes of the event that triggered the experience automation flow.
The Java type of the attribute depends on the data type of the attribute as follows:
String, Text, Keyword: String Double: Double Boolean: Boolean Long: Long Date time: Date URL: URL Geopoint: ExtendedGeoPoint
The attributes may be wrapped within a list.
The maps keys are the monitor field's identifier. - getEventDate() - Method in class
Returns the eventDate.
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.content.bigdata.ContentIndexerObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUrlUpdateObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DouiBigDataUtil.DouiBigDataInitObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamBigDataInitObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.ClusterMembershipObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.commandpalette.CommandPaletteBigDataInitializedEventObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.AbstractPortalEventObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in interface lumis.portal.event.IPortalEventObserver
Returns the event filter for this observer.
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocalizationCacheClearObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorBigDataInitObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.HtmlProcessorEventObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityDocumentObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
Returns the eventFilter.
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
Returns the eventFilter.
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
Returns the eventFilter.
- getEventFilter() - Method in interface
Returns the eventFilter.
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.AutoAdministrationObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItContentDeleteObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectorEventObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItContentDeleteObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.pageblockviewer.PageBlockRenderDataChangedObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfilePortalObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPostContentPublicationUpdateObserver
- getEventFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDeleteObserver
- getEventFilterData() - Method in class
Returns the eventFilterData.
- getEventFromCache(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns the event with the given identifier using the internal monitor manager events cache.
- getEventFromCache(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getEventGroups() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.AbstractPortalEvent
- getEventGroups() - Method in interface lumis.portal.event.IPortalEvent
Returns the event group identifiers for which this event was raised.
- getEventId() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the event identifier.
- getEventId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getEventId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getEventProcessingPortlets(QName) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletDescriptorHolderImpl
- getEventProperties(SessionConfig, ITransaction, Map<String, IMonitorField>, Map<String, Object>, IMonitorEvent, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the event fields values.
- getEventPropertyValue(String, FlowContext) - Static method in class
Returns event field value in flowContext.
- getEventPublishingPortlets(QName) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletDescriptorHolderImpl
- getExactlyOperatorAutoComplete(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
- getException() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.ITransmissionResult
Returns the transmission execution exception.
- getException() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.TransmissionResult
- getExceptionDetailsHtml(Throwable, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.util.PortalUtil
- getExcludedPrincipalIds() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityDocumentPriority
Returns the identifiers of principals this priority must not be applied to.
- getExcludedPrincipalIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityPriority
Returns the set containing identifiers of principals excluded from being applied this priority.
- getExclusions() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the exclusions.
- getExclusiveLocks() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueTaskScheduleConfig
Returns the exclusive locks for this task.
- getExecutable() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
Returns this step's executable.
- getExecutedProcessActionServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the service interface instance identifier of the service interface instance target of the process action.
- getExecutedProcessActionServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getExecutedProcessActionServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getExecutionStatus() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
Returns the executionStatus.
- getExecutorManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the portal executor manager.
- getExecutorManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the portal executor manager.
- getExecutorMaxThreads() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the maximum number of threads to be kept alive by
. - getExecutorMinThreads() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the minimum number of threads to be kept alive by
. - getExistingStyleAction() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getExpectedVersion() - Method in exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureVersionException
Returns the expected version.
- getExperimentContent() - Method in class
Returns the experimentContent.
- getExperimentId() - Method in class
Returns the experimentId.
- getExperimentName() - Method in class
Returns the experimentName.
- getExpirationLimit() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of web resource caches that can be expired in a single render data changed event.
- getExpirationLimit() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of web resource caches that can be expired in a single render data changed event.
- getExposeHeaders() - Method in class
Returns the exposeHeaders.
- getExtendedProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getExtendedProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getExtendedProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getExtendedProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getExtendedProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getExtendedProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getExtendedPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getExtendedPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getExtendedPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getExtension() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the extension.
- getExtension() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns this file's extension or
if this file doesn't have an extension. - getExternalDependencies() - Method in class
- getExternalDependencies() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getExternalDependenciesSerializationSettings() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.ISerializationManager2
- getExternalDependenciesSerializationSettings() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationManager2
TODO: Método movido para SerializationContext e deprecated.
- getExternalServiceInstanceDependencies() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getExtractor(FileMacrotype, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.MetadataExtractorFactory
Returns an
based on service instance andFileMacrotype
. - getFailed() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueStatistics
Returns the amount of process in Failed status in the queue.
- getFalseNodeFromJson(FlowEntry, JSONObject) - Method in class
Returns the false node from the next nodes JSON object.
- getFaultInfo() - Method in exception lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault
Returns the
This method is described in the specification, in the section 2.5. - getFeature(String, String) - Method in class
- getFFMPEGExecutablePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder.GenericJaveFFMPEGExecutableLocator
- getFFMPEGExecutablePath() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the absolute file path of the FFMPEG customized by the user.
- getField() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns the field that has this database values.
- getField() - Method in interface
Returns the field to be ordered by.
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.CardinalityAggregation
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.FieldPresenceClause
Returns the field that will be checked.
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceAggregation
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceFilter
Returns the field.
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceSearchQuerySort
Returns the field.
- getField() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IFieldAwareAggregation
Returns the field this aggregation is bound to.
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.TermsAggregation
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ValueCountAggregation
- getField() - Method in class
Returns the field this entry operates on.
- getField() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorFieldInstance
Returns the field.
- getField() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorFieldInstance
- getField() - Method in class
Returns the field.
- getField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc.Parameter
- getField(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the field with the given id.
- getField(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManager
Returns an unmodifiable field.
- getField(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getField(String) - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryTable
- getField(MetaDataSourceField.Type) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Returns the filed based on the metadata type passed in.
- getField(QueryField) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getFieldAlias() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
- getFieldAliases() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getFieldAliasesForClass(Class) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getFieldById(String) - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getFieldClass(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns the class object of the field.
- getFieldControlValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutFieldControl
Returns the value of the field control that it created.
- getFieldGroup() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorFieldGroupInstance
Returns the field group.
- getFieldGroup() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorFieldGroupInstance
- getFieldGroup(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManager
Returns an unmodifiable field group.
- getFieldGroup(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getFieldHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
- getFieldHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.announcement.AnnouncementTabularDataControl
- getFieldHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, String, int) - Method in class
- getFieldHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalTabularDataControl
- getFieldHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileSystemTabularData
- getFieldHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerAdminListTabularDataControl
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.DouiHyperlinkItemParameterField
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFieldClause
Returns the field identifier for this search clause.
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuerySort
Returns the field id.
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamObjectTypesCustomPropertyProcessActionHandler
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamScopesCustomPropertyProcessActionHandler
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
- getFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the field identifier.
- getFieldId(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.This method may be removed in the future, because it is public and references field xml definition.
- getFieldIdByPublishFieldType(String) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl
- getFieldIdByPublishFieldType(String) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
- getFieldIdByPublishFieldType(MetaDataSourceField.Type) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
- getFieldIds(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.This method may be removed in the future, because it is public and references field xml definition.
- getFieldItemIds() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.HtmlFieldWidgetInstance
Returns the widget's items identifiers.
- getFieldList() - Method in interface
Returns the requested field list.
- getFieldName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
Returns the field name that the data control is associated to.
- getFieldName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataBoundControl
Returns the field name that the data control is associated to.
- getFieldName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.SourceFieldBoundControl
Returns the name of the field this control is bound to.
- getFieldName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings.CollectionAliasSettings
- getFieldName() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
- getFieldName(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns the field name given a field id.
- getFields() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.ITable
- getFields() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns a unmodifiable list of the fields in this source.
- getFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentType
Returns an unmodifiable map of fields, using the field identifier as the key.
- getFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeBuilder
- getFields() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IDocumentTypeBuilder
Returns an unmodifiable map of fields in this builder.
- getFields() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the fields that should be collected for this event.
- getFields() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorFieldGroup
Returns the fields of this field group.
- getFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorFieldGroup
- getFields() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getFields(String) - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns a collection of fields with the given name.
- getFields(List<ITabularSourceField>) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlFieldTabularSourceFieldWrapper
Returns the datagrid fields list.
- getFields(Node) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlField
Returns the fields list
- getFields(Node, ServiceConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.SourceResumeDataProvider
Returns all fields from source node XML.
- getFieldsBoost() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns the field boosting configuration.
- getFieldsBoost(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
Returns the fields boosts of the given service instance or
if the user is using the default configuration. - getFieldsBoost(SessionConfig, SearchSource, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the fields boosts configuration.
- getFieldsDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returs the fields node of the source.
- getFieldServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.HtmlFieldWidgetInstance
Returns the HTML field's service instance identifier.
- getFieldsGroups() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEventSPI
Returns the field groups associated with this event.
- getFieldsGroups() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getFieldSourceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.HtmlFieldWidgetInstance
Returns the HTML field's source identifier.
- getFieldsToBeAggregated() - Method in class
Returns a collection of fields that will be aggregated in search.
- getFieldsToSelect() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.TableSourceFieldMapping
- getFieldValues(String) - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the values of all fields with the given name.
- getFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemEvent
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
. - getFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.ClusterMirroredLocalDataFile
- getFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFile
- getFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncInSelectedElement
Returns this element's serialized file or folder.
- getFile(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.moduleeditor.ModuleEditorResource
- getFile(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getFile(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesResource
Returns the content of a requested file.
- getFile(SessionConfig, FileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getFile(SessionConfig, FileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
IFileManager.getPortalFile(SessionConfig, FileConfig, ITransaction)
. When not using the LumisPortal's default file systems, this method may raise an exception. - getFile(PortalFilePath) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemManager
- getFile(PortalFilePath) - Method in interface lumis.portal.filesystem.IFileSystem
Returns a
portal file
to be manipulated for a givenportal file path
Implementations must not returnnull
Theportal file path
parameter will never benull
. - getFile(PortalFilePath) - Method in interface lumis.portal.filesystem.IFileSystemManager
Returns the
to perform operations in portal known files. - getFile(PortalFilePath) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.ClusterMirroredFileSystem
- getFile(PortalFilePath) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.SingleCopyFileSystem
- getFileConfigId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the fileConfigId.
- getFileConfigsByFilesId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getFileConfigsByFilesId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns a collection of FileConfig of file entries belonging to the files with the given id.
- getFileConfigsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
Returns all file configs by a given service instance id.
- getFileDescription(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadControl
Returns the files description used on open file system window.
- getFileDownloadMonitor(FileConfig, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileMonitorUtil
Returns a monitor for the "" event.
- getFileDownloadUrl(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileDownloadControllerHtml
Returns the URL for downloading the file with the given id.
- getFileDownloadUrl(String, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileDownloadControllerHtml
Returns the URL for downloading the file with the given id.
- getFileDownloadUrl(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileDownloadControllerHtml
Returns the URL for downloading the file with the given id.
- getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.FileUtil
Returns the extension of given file.
- getFileHref(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getFileHref(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns the href that is used to access the specified file.
- getFileHref(SessionConfig, TransformedFileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
- getFileHref(SessionConfig, TransformedFileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IFileTransformationManagerSPI
Returns the href for linking to the given transformed file in a portal's page.
- getFileId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getFileId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.PostAttachment
Gets the FileId associated to this attachment.
- getFileItem() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.Returns the current FileItem that is being processed.
- getFileItem() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
The current file item to be added.
- getFileItem() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.Returns the current FileItem that is being processed.
- getFileManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getFileManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getFileName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameterItem
Gets file name.
- getFileName() - Method in class
- getFilenameParameterName(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
- getFileParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getFileParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getFileParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the uploaded file by the given parameter name.
- getFileParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getFileParser(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.parse.ParserFactory
Returns the file parser object for a specified MIME content type.
- getFilePath() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameterItem
Gets file path.
- getFilePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssConfig
- getFilePath() - Method in class
Returns the path to the cache file, relative to the portal application web root.
- getFilePath() - Method in class
- getFilePath() - Method in class
- getFilePath() - Method in class
- getFilePath() - Method in class
- getFilePath() - Method in class
- getFilePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the filePrefix.
- getFileResource() - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileUtil
Returns the file resource.
- getFiles() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ModuleObject
Returns a map with all files present in this module.
- getFilesConfig(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getFilesConfig(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns the FilesConfig for a files with the given filesId.
- getFilesDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getFileSize() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getFileSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getFileSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IDownloadableFile
Returns the file size
- getFileSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the fileSize.
- getFileSufix() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the fileSufix.
- getFileSystemImplementation() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the portal's file system implementation class name.
- getFileSystemManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the portal file system manager.
- getFileSystemManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the portal file system manager.
- getFileText(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.moduleeditor.ModuleEditorResource
- getFileText(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getFileTransformation() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleTransformationParameter
Returns the fileTransformation.
- getFileTransformation() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the fileTransformationId.
- getFileTransformation(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
- getFileTransformation(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IFileTransformationManager
Return a given persisted transformation.
- getFileTransformationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the transformation manager.
- getFileTransformations() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
- getFileTransformations(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
Gets all fileTransformations using an serviceInstance´s id..
- getFileTransformationsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
- getFileTransformationsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IFileTransformationManager
Returns all transformations for the given service instance.
- getFileUploadDeniedExtensionsPattern() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the pattern for matching file extensions whose upload are to be denied.
- getFileUploadMonitor(FileConfig, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileMonitorUtil
Returns a monitor for the "lumis.portal.monitor.ev.file.upload" event.
- getFileWriter(String, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.util.TextUtil
Deprecated.Since 4.0.9 because this method uses the system default charset encoding.
- getFilter() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the filter for this source.
- getFilter() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.TableSourceFieldMapping
- getFilter() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableSource
- getFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.FilterAggregation
Returns the filter.
- getFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.NestedObjectFilter
Returns the filter that will be applied to each value, separately, of the nested object field available at
. - getFilter() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.NotFilter
Returns the filter to be negated.
- getFilter() - Method in class
Returns the big data filter.
- getFilter() - Method in interface
Returns the big data filter.
- getFilter() - Method in class
Returns the filter.
- getFilter() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getFilter(int) - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilterGroup
- getFilter(String) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.filter.ISourceFilter
Returns the filter with the given id.
- getFilter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.AbstractTableSourceFilter
- getFilter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.CompositeTableSourceFilter
- getFilter(String) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.filter.ITableSourceFilter
- getFilter(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getFilter(QuerySelect) - Method in interface
Returns a query filter that may be used to filter the principals that are accepted by this formula statement.
- getFilterChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the filter channel id.
- getFilterConcatenation() - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
- getFilterConcatenation() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilterBase
- getFilterName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
- getFilterNodes(Node, HashSet<String>) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiInterfaceDefinition
Search whithin the filters XML structure of a source for the field Ids being referenced.
- getFilterOperator() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilter
- getFilterOperatorSQL() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilter
Returns the ANSI SQL operator value for the filterOperator.
- getFilterPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the path filter.
- getFilters() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFilterGroup
Returns the filters in this group.
- getFilters() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the filters in this group.
- getFilters() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getFilters() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilterGroup
- getFilterServiceInstaceIds(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the filter service instance identifiers.
- getFilterServiceInstaceIds(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.TagServiceInstanceTagListDataProvider
- getFiltersNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the "filters" node of the source.
- getFilterValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
- getFilterValue() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance.FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter
- getFinalStateId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the identifier for the final state of this transition.
- getFirst() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserName
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getFirstChild() - Method in class
- getFirstIdByChannelId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the id of the first child page.
- getFirstIdByChannelId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getFirstIdByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getFirstIdByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getFirstMessage() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getFirstMessageId() - Method in class
- getFirstName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns the first name.
- getFirstName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getFirstName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getFirstName() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getFirstNode() - Method in class
Returns the first node of the flow.
- getFirstPageByChannelIdRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the first page for a channel, including pages in sub-channels.
- getFirstPageByChannelIdRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getFirstPageWebResource(ChannelWebResource) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.URLUtil
Returns the page web resource for the first page whithin the channel of the given channel web resource.
- getFirstUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL the corresponds to the first page of this list.
- getFlags() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterTransmission
Returns the flags for this transmission.
- getFlags() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
Returns the flags set in this header.
- getFlow() - Method in interface
Returns information about the experience automation flow being executed.
- getFlow() - Method in class
Returns the flow.
- getFlow() - Method in class
Returns the flow.
- getFlowEntry() - Method in class
Returns the flowEntry.
- getFlowEntry() - Method in class
Returns the flowEntry.
- getFlowEntryId() - Method in class
Returns the flowEntryId.
- getFlowFromJson(JSONObject, FlowEntry) - Static method in class
Returns a
by parsing the givenJSONObject
. - getFlowsByServiceInstance() - Method in class
Returns the flows of the given service instance as a JSON array.
- getFlowUser() - Method in interface
Returns the user that generated the event that triggered the flow.
- getFlushAck(SEQUENCER.SequencerHeader) - Static method in class org.jgroups.protocols.SequencerHeaderUtil
. - getFolder() - Method in enum lumis.portal.theme.IThemeSPI.ResourceFolder
Returns the resource folder name.
- getFolder(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl
Returns the information about the folder represented by the content with the given folderId as its primary key value.
- getFolderChildren(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.moduleeditor.ModuleEditorResource
- getFolderChildren(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getFolderChildren(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesResource
returns the children files and folders given a website and root path.
- getFolderIdsByParentAndName(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the ids of the folders child of the given parent and with the given name.
- getFolderIdsByParentAndName(String, String, String) - Method in class
- getFolderIdsByParentAndName(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentManager
- getFolderIdsByParentAndName(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.document.IDocumentManager
Returns the ids of the folders child of the given parent and with the given name.
- getFolderPath(String) - Method in interface
Returns the virtual path to the folder.
- getFolderPath(String) - Method in class
- getFolderPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentManager
- getFolderPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.document.IDocumentManager
Returns the virtual path to the folder.
- getFollowedUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Returns the followedUserId.
- getFollowedUserName() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollowsDecorator
Returns the followedUserName.
- getFollowerUserName() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollowsDecorator
Returns the followerUserName.
- getFollowUps() - Method in class
- getFollowUps() - Method in class
- getFollowUps() - Method in class
Returns all possible follow up nodes.
- getFor(int) - Static method in enum
- getFor(URI) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.resource.ResourceEnumeratorFactory
Returns the appropriate
for the givenbase path
. - getForCreate() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext.ImportMemberRules
- getForeignKeyName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns the foreign key name for this database option values.
- getForm(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
Get the Form with the specified identifier
- getFormAnswers(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
- getFormat() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getFormat() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the format metadata.
- getFormat() - Method in interface lumis.portal.fileparser.IFileMetadata
Deprecated.Returns the format metadata.
- getFormat(Node) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui.ClonedPortletUsePostLoadProcessor
Returns the format to be parsed.
- getFormatEncoder(String, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder.FormatEncoderFactory
Returns a
class instance based on content type and target format. - getFormattedDescription() - Method in class
Returns a formatted description.
- getFormattedDescription(IMonitorField) - Method in enum
Returns a formatted description for the metric and the given field.
- getFormattedString() - Method in class
Returns a formatted string.
- getFormatter() - Method in class lumis.util.converter.DateTimeConverter.ISO8601DateTimeFormat
- getFormControl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getFormField(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
Get the
form field
with the specified fieldId and formId - getFormFields(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
- getFormId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Answer
- getFormId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
- getFormName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getForProcess(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.IScheduleDao
Gets a Schedule object setting it's status to
. - getForProcess(String) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.ScheduleDaoHib
- getForum(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getForumContentId() - Method in class
- getForumIdByTopicId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getForumIdsByCategory(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getForumTopicIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getForUpdate() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext.ImportMemberRules
- getFragmentSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.HighlightConfig
Returns the highlight fragment size.
- getFrameworkUrl() - Method in class
Returns the frameworkUrl used to generate html cache.
- getFrameworkUrl() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
due to the inclusion of multiple websites.For best compatibility, this method resolves based on the default website's main non-secure URL. If there is no default website, it will throw an
. - getFriendlyId() - Method in class
Returns the channel's friendly identifier.
- getFriendlyId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the friendly identifier of this user.
- getFriendlyId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getFriendlyId() - Method in class
Returns the page's friendly identifier.
- getFriendlyId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Returns the service instance's friendly identifier.
- getFriendlyId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
- getFriendlyId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns the friendly identifier of this user.
- getFriendlyIdBaseValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the base value from the given value.
- getFriendlyIdMaxLength() - Method in class
- getFriendlyIdMaxLength() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the maximum length of friendly identifier.
- getFriendlyIdUserField() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns the field used to calculated the monitor user's friendly id for portal users.
- getFriendlyIdUserField() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getFriendlyIdValueForCounter(String, Integer) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the result of base value inserting the given counter.
- getFriendlyPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the friendly path to access this web resource.
- getFriendlyPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getFriendlyPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the friendly path of a channel.
- getFriendlyPathType() - Method in class
- getFriendlyPathUserDefined() - Method in class
- getFriendlyURLPattern() - Method in class
Returns the friendly URL pattern specific for this channel (non-inheritable).
- getFriendlyURLPattern() - Method in class
- getFriendlyURLPattern() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the pattern to be used to resolve friendly URL for this web resource.
- getFrom() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.Range
Returns the from.
- getFrom() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the from field of this mail.
- getFromFileId(String) - Method in interface
Returns the MediaConfig for given file identifier.
- getFromFileId(String) - Method in class
- getFromJsonString(IMonitorField.DataType, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeUtil
Returns a value from a raw JSON value in String.
- getFromPage(PageConfig, Object) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.url.IURLManager.PathReferenceType
- getFromUserId() - Method in class
- getFromValue(String) - Static method in enum lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPVersionFromTo
Returns a
which contains the same value ofvalue
. - getFull() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserName
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getFullCategories() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Categories
Returns the full (direct and inherited) categories of this document.
- getFullId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns the full identifier of this field (the parent full identifier concatenated with the
identifier). - getFullName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns the full name.
- getFullName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getFullName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getFullPath() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getFullPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getFullPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the fullPath starting from the "files/" directory.
- getFullUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeUrlValue
Returns the value of full URL stored in this document.
- getFunctionMapper() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
- getFunctionMapper() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getFunctionMapper() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI
Returns the
for this request. - getFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.AddInterfaceBehavior
- getFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.MoveInterfaceBehavior
- getGCMProjectId() - Static method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIUtils
Returns the currently configured GCM project id.
- getGCMProjectId() - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIV10
Returns the GCM project identifier.
- getGenerateIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.AbstractLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns the prefix to be used by
. - getGenerateIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalAdministrationMarkupFilter
- getGenerateIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublisherMarkupFilter
- getGenerateIdPrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el.ELMarkupFilter
- getGenerateIdPrefix() - Method in class
- getGenerationLock(String) - Method in class
Gets a lock for generating a cached page.
- getGeneratorPageCacheId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getGeneratorPageCacheId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml
Returns the identifier of the page cache the current request is generating.
- getGeneratorProfile() - Method in class
Returns the generator profile for this generator.
- getGenericAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getGenericAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getGeoLocationIPAddressUpdateLicenseKey() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the geoLocationIPAddressUpdateLicenseKey.
- getGeoLocationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the GeoLocation manager.
- getGeoLocationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the GeoLocation manager.
- getGeoNameId() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.City
Returns an optional geo name identifier.
- getGeoNameId() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.State
Returns an optional geo name identifier.
- getGeoPointByAddress(InetAddress) - Method in interface lumis.portal.geolocation.IGeoLocationManager
Returns the extended geo point based on the given ip address or
if Geolocation service is disabled or the address couldn't be found. - getGeoPointByIpOrHostName(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.geolocation.IGeoLocationManager
Returns the extended geo point based on the given ip address or host name or
if Geolocation service is disabled or the address couldn't be found. - getGeoPointByRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface lumis.portal.geolocation.IGeoLocationManager
Returns the extended geo point based on the given request or
if Geolocation service is disabled or the address couldn't be found. - getGeoPointByServiceInterfaceRequest(IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI) - Method in interface lumis.portal.geolocation.IGeoLocationManagerSPI
Returns the extended geo point based on the given request or
if Geolocation service is disabled or the address couldn't be found. - getGlobalFilePath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.sync.IFileGlobalElement
Returns the path of the file to be stored in global area.
- getGlobalFilePath() - Method in class
- getGlobalFilePath() - Method in class
- getGlobalFilePath() - Method in class
- getGlobalFilePath() - Method in class
- getGlobalFilePath() - Method in class
- getGlobalGroups() - Method in class
Returns the global groups for serializing.
- getGlobalGroups() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
Returns the global groups for serializing.
- getGlobalLocales(HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class
Get global locales
- getGlobalPrincipalIds() - Method in class
- getGoogleAnalyticsAPIKey() - Method in interface
Returns the Google Analytics API access key.
- getGoogleAnalyticsAPIKey() - Method in class
- getGoogleAnalyticsAPIKey() - Method in class
- getGoogleMapsAPIKey() - Method in interface
Returns the Google Maps API access key.
- getGoogleMapsAPIKey() - Method in class
- getGoogleMapsAPIKey() - Method in class
- getGraph(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the JSON data for a requested graph request.
- getGroup() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterMessage
The group where the data was sent to.
- getGroupAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getGroupAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getGroupAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getGroupAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getGroupBy() - Method in class
Returns the groupBy.
- getGroupBy() - Method in class
Returns the groupBy.
- getGroupBy() - Method in interface
Returns the groupBy.
- getGroupByType() - Method in class
Returns the groupByType.
- getGroupConfig() - Method in class
Returns the group configuration this formula entry belongs to.
- getGroupConfigurationInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getGroupConfigurationInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getGroupConfigurationInterfaceId() - Method in interface
Returns the interface identifier for editing configurations at a group scope.
- getGroupConfigurationInterfaceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the interface identifier for editing membership configurations of groups of a specific group type.
- getGroupId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of the group this configuration refers to.
- getGroupId() - Method in class
- getGroupId() - Method in class
- getGroupId() - Method in class
Returns the group identifier.
- getGroupIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.Principals
Returns the group ids.
- getGroupingField() - Method in class
Returns the grouping field (if any).
- getGroupingTyping() - Method in class
Returns the grouping type.
- getGroupLocalizedName() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclControl
Returns the localized name of the group whose acl this control edits.
- getGroupManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getGroupManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getGroupMembershipProviderClassName() - Method in class
Returns the class name of the
to be used for this group type. - getGroups() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.Data
Returns the categorization grouped by each categorization service instance identifier.
- getGroups() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.CacheItem
Returns the groups of this cache item.
- getGroups() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheMultiDataProvider.IRequest
The groups that were indicated for the key.
- getGroups() - Method in class
- getGroups() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the groups of associate user with the monitor user by
stored in this document. - getGroups() - Method in class
- getGroups(String) - Method in class
- getGroups(String) - Method in interface
Returns the groups of a principal.
- getGroups(String) - Method in class
- getGroupsAliasesInUserSession(SessionConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationUtil
Returns the groups of the user of the given session.
- getGroupSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getGroupSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getGroupShortId(Attributes) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.reader.ActiveDirectoryPrincipalReader
Returns the shortId for the group with the given attributes.
- getGroupsIdsInUserSession(SessionConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationUtil
Returns the groups of the user of the given session.
- getGroupsNamesInUserSession(SessionConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationUtil
Returns the groups of the user of the given session.
- getGroupType() - Method in class
Returns the group type this instance is providing group membership to.
- getGroupType() - Method in class
Returns the group type this configuration is for.
- getGroupType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a group type.
- getGroupTypeConfig() - Method in class
Returns the group type configuration this field definition belongs to.
- getGroupTypeConfigurationInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getGroupTypeConfigurationInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getGroupTypeConfigurationInterfaceId() - Method in interface
Returns the interface identifier for editing configurations at a group type scope.
- getGroupTypeConfigurationInterfaceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the interface identifier for editing membership configurations for a group type.
- getGroupTypeId() - Method in class
- getHash() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.HashPK
- getHashtag() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.HashOccurrence
Returns the hashtag value
- getHasViolation() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getHeadBeforeWrites() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceCacheEntry
Returns the head before write.
- getHeadEndMarkers() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
Returns the head end markers (or
if there's no marker to be inserted). - getHeader() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getHeader(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the header with the given name.
- getHeader(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getHeader(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getHeader(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getHeader(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the requested header or
if the header does not exist in request. - getHeaderGroup(int) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalAdministrationHelper
Get the menu group name from the mode identifier.
- getHeaderName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule
Returns the headerName.
- getHeaders(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the headers with the given name.
- getHeaders(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getHeaders(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getHeadStartMarkers() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
Returns the head start markers (or
if there's no marker to be inserted). - getHealthChecks() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthMonitorManager
- getHealthChecks() - Method in interface lumis.portal.healthmonitor.IHealthMonitorManager
Returns a list of all available health checks.
- getHealthMonitorManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the portal health monitor manager.
- getHeight() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
Returns the height metadata.
- getHeight() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the height metadata.
- getHeight() - Method in interface lumis.portal.fileparser.IFileMetadata
Deprecated.Returns the height metadata.
- getHeight() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getHeight() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getHelpText() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the help text.
- getHibernateType() - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc.Parameter
- getHideAxisLabels() - Method in class
Returns the hideAxisLabels.
- getHighlight() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns the highlight configuration.
- getHighlight(ISearchHit, ISourceData) - Method in class
Returns the highlight value for the given row.
- getHighlightConfiguration() - Method in class
Returns the highlight configuration.
- getHighlightEndDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getHighlightEndDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Returns the date-time when this publication should no longer be highlighted.
- getHighlightEndDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getHighlightFieldIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.HighlightConfig
Returns the highlight fields identifiers.
- getHighlightInterfaceInst() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getHighlights() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISearchHit
Returns the highlight fragments, if any.
- getHit(int) - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns a
of the collection. - getHitCount() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheStatistics
Returns the number of searchs that successfully found the entry in the cache.
- getHitCount() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the number of
in the collection. - getHits() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISearchResults
Returns a list of
. - getHolder() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.HolderWidgetInstance
Returns the holder on which this widget instance is.
- getHolderContentId(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.PagePersonalizationUtil
Returns the identifier of the content the holder is personalized for.
- getHolderId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of the holder rendered by this component.
- getHolderPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.HolderWidgetInstance
Returns the position of this widget instance on its holder.
- getHolderPriority() - Method in class
- getHolderPriority() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getHolderServiceInterfaceInstanceIds(String, Document) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PageRendererUtil
Returns the identifiers of the service interface instances in a holder.
- getHomePage() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileApplication
- getHost(URI) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.URLUtil
Returns the host of the given URI or
if none could be inferred. - getHtml() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
Returns the html.
- getHtmlBlockData(String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.CKEditorResource
Returns the conditions HTML blocks source field.
- getHtmlCache() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceCacheEntry
Returns the html cache.
- getHtmlCodeSnippet(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class lumis.service.tagmanager.util.TagManagerUtil
Returns the HTML snippet to inject tag manager script.
- getHtmlContent() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getHtmlContent() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
- getHtmlData(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.html.HtmlDataProvider
Returns the html data for a Html interface instance.
- getHtmlEvaluationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for evaluation of HTML accessibility.
- getHtmlFileExtension() - Method in class
Returns the extension used for html files.
- getHtmlFilesFromThemeByHint(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.layoutfile.LayoutFileUtil
Get all html files from www or def directory in a given Theme.
- getHtmlFilesFromThemesByHint(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.layoutfile.LayoutFileUtil
Get Html files from a list of themes applied and his inheritance themes in a given channel or his parent, based on a given type
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.HTMLFragmentComponent
Returns the HTML code fragment to be output by this component.
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.PageBodyMiddleTableComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.PageBodyMiddleTablelessComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceSubHeader
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.EmptySubHeader
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.HolderIdComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalAdministrationFooterComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalAdministrationHeaderComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalSettingsNavigationComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalStudioBodyMiddleComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.RenderPortalSettingsWorkPaneHeaderComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.RenderWorkPaneHeaderComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PersonalizationSubHeader
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublicationDashboardSubHeader
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublisherFancyBoxScriptInjectorComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublisherLumItemIdInjectorComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el.OutComponent
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
- getHTMLFragment(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XsltResultPageBodyMiddleComponent
- getHtmlGenerationConfig() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the configuration for the html generation.
- getHtmlMsg() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailBody
The HTML message in the body, or null if there is no HTML message.
- getHtmlProcessorsPriority() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Returns the HTML processors priority.
- getHttpAuthenticator() - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.http.HttpAuthenticatorFactory
Returns the
configured for the Portal. - getHttpAuthenticator() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the configured
class name. - getHttpServletRequest() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletRequest
- getHttpServletRequest() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI
Returns the
. - getHttpServletResponse() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
Returns the
HTTP servlet response
, either stored during theComponent.beforeRender()
or available through the current page'sWebResponse
. - getHyperlink(ISourceData, String, String, IURLFactory) - Static method in class
Returns the hyperlink URL for a link source row.
- getHyperLinkConfig(Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.DouiHyperlink
- getHyperlinkDefaultParameters() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
- getHyperlinkDefaultParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the default parameters that should be used when creating a hyperlink url from this source.
- getHyperlinkDefaultParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
- getHyperlinkDefinitionNodes() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getHyperlinkItemId() - Method in class
- getHyperLinkManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getHyperLinkManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getHyperlinkNode(String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.ParentFilterHyperlink
- getHyperlinkNode(String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.DouiHyperlink
- getHyperlinksDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getHyperlinkServiceId(SessionConfig, HyperLinkConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkManager
- getHyperlinkServiceId(SessionConfig, HyperLinkConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.hyperlink.IHyperLinkManager
Returns the id of the service related to the given hyperlink.
- getIcon() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getIcon() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileMimeTypeConfig
- getIcon() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- getIconsFile(String, IModule) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the icons file.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.Content
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentLocale
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.Content
Returns this content's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentAssociation
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Return the unique identifier for this publication object.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentTag
Returns the tag identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the identifier for this content version.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.CommentConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.ContentParentContentDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowAssignedToDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.wizard.ContentWizardServiceConfig
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns this workflow's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowRoleConfig
Returns this role's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the identifier for this state.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the identifier for this transition.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.contentservices.util.HierarchicalElement
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlField
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlFieldTabularSourceFieldWrapper
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.datagrid.IDataGridControlField
Returns the value of the id attribute.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.IFolder
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameterItem
Returns the ID of item.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the id for this data type.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.processaction.IProcessActionHandler
Returns the identifier for the process action handler.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.BooleanDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ChannelDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DoubleDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType
Return email Id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.GuidDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.IntegerDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.LongDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageOrPageTemplateDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageTemplateDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ParentContentDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PrincipalDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.StringDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TextDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the source id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.AbstractTableSourceFilter
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the identifier of this activity.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityAction
Returns the identifier of this action.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityActor
Returns the identifier of this actor.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityActor
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's identifier stored in this document.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the identifier of this object.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObjectType
Returns the identifier of this object type.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityProcessorConfig
Returns the identifier of this activity processor.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in interface
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.apm.metric.ApmMetric
Returns this metric's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditCategory
Returns the category id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditConfig
Returns the audit configuration id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditEntryType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Document
Returns the identifier of this document.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentType
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeBuilder
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.AbstractSubAggregationAwareAggregationResult
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IDocumentTypeBuilder
Returns the identifier of the document type this builder would build.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.ISynonym
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IAggregation
Returns the aggregation identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IAggregationResult
Returns the identifier of the aggregation that produced this result.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Categories.Category
Returns the category identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Publication.Context
Returns the published context identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContextProperty
Returns property id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContext
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextConfig
Gets the BusinessContext identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextProperty
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.IBusinessContextSPI
Returns the registration id for this business context.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheConfig
Returns the identifier of the cache.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in interface
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the identifier for this clock.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterTransmission
Returns a unique identifier for this transmission.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.css.serialization.CssSerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the component identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the module identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Returns the identifier of this object.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.ObserverConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileMimeTypeConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FilesConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.ITransformationParameter
Returns the transformation parameter id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleParameterType
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleTransformationParameter
Only to be used by JPA
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of this field.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of this entry.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier for this configuration.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier for this instance.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier for this group type.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckInfo
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns the identifier of this process.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
Returns the identifier of this process.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
Returns the Step Id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagConfig
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorElementSPI
Returns the identifier of this element.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the identifier for this event.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the identifier of this field.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorFieldGroup
Returns the field group identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorFieldGroup
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the identifier of this user.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserJourneys
Returns the value of journey identifiers stored in this document.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserJourneys.IMonitorUserJourneyStage
Returns the value of journey stage identifiers stored in this document.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier for this generation configuration.
- getId() - Method in enum
Returns the key of the measure type.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier for this generator configuration.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Returns the id of the current PortalMode.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalMode
Returns the id of the current PortalMode.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalReaderConfig
Get id
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get id
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the id of the process in the queue.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProject
Returns the project identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.project.Project
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns the identifier of this property.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns the identifier of this property bag.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.MailQueue
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the id of this mail.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns a unique identifier for this attachment.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailDestination
Returns a unique identifier for this destination.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationMessageConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.type.ServiceTypeConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDependencySerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependencyConfig
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type.ServiceInterfaceTypeConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelatable
Gets the IRelatable identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationship
Gets the IRelatable identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationshipType
Gets the IRelationshipType identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelatableNode
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipNode
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns this channel's identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.sync.IFileStructureElement
Returns the element's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
Get the
for this PageCss - getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformation
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceCustomProperty
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependency
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflow
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermission
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the identifier of this theme.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the unique identifier for this web resource.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.serialization.UserSerializableConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the identifier of this user attribute.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the identifier of the replication.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationProperty
Returns the identifier of the property.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationPropertyValue
Returns the identifier of the value.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationType
Returns the identifier of the type.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getId() - Method in interface
Returns the identifier of this website.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of this website.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeExclusion
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerCategoryConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.chatroom.AnyDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.chatroom.ChatRoomConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns this comment's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.FieldResume
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the identifier of the template.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Answer
Returns this
identifier. - getId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Form
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the
identifier. - getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.image.field.ImageDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns this liking's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Category
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.UserSubscription
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstance
Returns the identifier of this widget instance.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns the identifier of this holder.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.AbstractAction
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.IAction
Returns the object identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication.PasswordDataType
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.ProcessPurpose
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Answer
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
Returns the identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ResourcesDataType
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the rule's identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.RobotsTxtSitemap
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgent
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgentPermission
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Hash
Returns the object-Id (composite key
) - getId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Post
Returns the object-Id
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.PostAttachment
Returns the Id
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets identifier
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post identifier.
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesFolder
- getId() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetwork
Return the id of the social network.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the id.
- getId() - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile.ISocialProfile
Gets identifier.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetwork
Returns the Id of the social network.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the account's id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Returns the application's id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Retrieves the message's id.
- getId() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId(IWebsiteBaseURL) - Static method in class
Returns the identifier of the given
website base URL
. - getId(MobileAppConfig, IModule) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the composite id of the given app config.
- getIdByChannelPrefix(ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdByChannelPrefix(ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getIdByMimeType(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemimetype.FileMimeTypeDaoJdbc
- getIdByStringInfo(CustomStringConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringLocalizationDaoJdbc
- getIdByStringInfo(CustomStringConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ICustomStringLocalizationDao
Get CustomStringId from stringId, resourcePath and localeCode
- getIdByUserId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the id of the user's home page.
- getIdByUserId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdentification() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the identification.
- getIdentification() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
- getIdentification() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryTable
- getIdentifier(DouiConfig) - Method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoHib
- getIdentifier(PageConfig) - Method in class
- getIdentifier(ServiceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceDaoHib
- getIdentifier(ServiceInterfaceMenuGroupTypeConfig) - Method in class
- getIdentifier(ServiceInterfaceMenuItemTypeConfig) - Method in class
- getIdentifier(ServiceInterfaceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceDaoHib
- getIdentifier(Category) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.CategoryDaoHib
- getIdentifier(Model) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.ModelDaoHib
- getIdentifier(Schedule) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.ScheduleDaoHib
- getIdentifier(Subscription) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.SubscriptionDaoHib
- getIdentifier(T) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao
- getIdentifiesUserOverride() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorFieldSPI
Returns whether this field identifies the user and must have its value modified when anonymized according to configuration of the current environment.
- getIdentifiesUserOverride() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getIdentifyUserAttributes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserAttributeManagerSPI
Returns all attributes that identify user.
- getIdentifyUserAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeManager
- getIdentityPropagationType() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Currently no identity propagation is not allowed.
- getIdFieldValue() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the value of the identifier field.
- getIdMapping(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationConfig
- getIdMapping(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getIdMapping(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
- getIds() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserGroups
Returns the groups identifiers in this document.
- getIds(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get all groups.
- getIds(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Get the ids of all services instances
- getIds(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getIdsByBaseInterfaceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Returns a list of ids of interface instances that have the given base interface instance id.
- getIdsByBaseInterfaceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByBaseServiceInterfaceInstance(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManagerSPI
Returns the identifiers of derived interface instances that derives from the interface instance with the given identifier.
- getIdsByBaseServiceInterfaceInstance(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByChannelId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the list of page's ids given the channel's id.
- getIdsByChannelId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Get the ids of the services instances by passing the channel id.
- getIdsByChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getIdsByChannelIdAndServiceId(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get a list of ids in a given channel and of a given service.
- getIdsByChannelIdAndServiceId(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByChannelTree(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Get the ids of the services instances of all the channel tree by passing the tree's root channel id.
- getIdsByChannelTree(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getIdsByChannelTreeAndAreaTags(SessionConfig, String, Collection<String>, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Returns the identifiers of services instances that belong to the channel tree inside the specified root channel, and contains any of the specified area tags.
- getIdsByChannelTreeAndAreaTags(SessionConfig, String, Collection<String>, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getIdsByInterfaceInstanceId(String, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Static method in class
- getIdsByInterfaceStyleId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Returns a list of ids of interface instances that uses the given interface style id.
- getIdsByInterfaceStyleId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByPageId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get a list of ids by passing the page's id.
- getIdsByPageId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByPageTemplateId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByPageTemplateId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Ids of all channels that have the specified page template as the default page template
- getIdsByPageTemplateId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByPageTemplateId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Retrieves the Ids of all channel that uses the specified page template as default page template
- getIdsByParentChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of sub channel's id given the parent Channel's id.
- getIdsByParentChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns all the pages that have the given channel as their parent channel.
- getIdsByParentChannelId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentChannelIdRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getIdsByParentChannelIdRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.metatag.IMetaTagDao
Get a list of meta-tag ids given the parentId
- getIdsByParentId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagDao
- getIdsByParentId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Return the Ids of the ACLs that has the given parentId.
- getIdsByParentId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.metatag.IMetaTagManager
Get a list of meta-tag ids given the parent channelId or pageId
- getIdsByParentId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagManager
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the Ids of all channels associated with the specified template id.
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Add the CSS to the page.
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Retrieves the Ids of all channel that uses the specified channel template.
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getIdsByParentTemplateId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByRssServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssDao
Returns the
ids by the RSS service instance identifier. - getIdsByRssServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssDao
- getIdsByServiceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceDao
Get all interfaces ids from a given service.
- getIdsByServiceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the service interface ids from a given service.
- getIdsByServiceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceDaoHib
- getIdsByServiceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getIdsByServiceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Get the ids of the services instances by passing the service id.
- getIdsByServiceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInstanceAndDependencyType(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get the ids of the service instances that the given service instance depends on by the given dependency type.
- getIdsByServiceInstanceAndDependencyType(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInstanceAndEmail(String, String, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.newsletter.ISubscriptionDao
Returns the ids of the subscriptions for the given email in the specified service instance id.
- getIdsByServiceInstanceAndEmail(String, String, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.SubscriptionDaoHib
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get a list of ids given the id of the id of the service's instance.
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssDao
Get the Rss ids by the Service Instance Id
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssDao
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get the Ids given the ServiceInstanceId.
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get a list of ids by passing the id of the service instance.
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssManager
Get the Rss ids by the Service Instance Id
- getIdsByServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get a list of ids given the id of the service's interface.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get a list of ids given the id of the service's interface.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get a list of ids by passing the ids of the service interface.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get a list of ids by passing the ids of the service interface.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceId(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(String, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get a list of ids given the id of the service's interface and the id of the service's instance.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(String, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get a list of ids given the id of the service's interface and the id of the service's instance.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get a list of ids by passing the ids of service interface and the service instance.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get a list of ids by passing the ids of service interface and the service instance.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceIdAndServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceStyleId(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get the id given the id of the service's interface's style.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceStyleId(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceStyleId(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get the Ids given the ServiceInterfaceStyleId.
- getIdsByServiceInterfaceStyleId(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getIdsByStyleFilePath(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
- getIdsOfDependentServiceInstances(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get the ids of all service instances that depends on the given service instance.
- getIdsOfDependentServiceInstances(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getIfDoesNotExistInDestination() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get the option of execution when the user or group doesn't exists in destination
- getIfDoesNotExistInSource() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get the option of execution when the user or group doesn't exists in source.
- getIfExistsInDestination() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get the option of execution when the user or group exists in destination.
- getIgnoredDate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns the date time that indicates when the step was ignored by user.
- getIgnoredDate() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
- getIgnoredUserId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns the userId who ignored the step.
- getIgnoredUserId() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
- getIgnoringChannel() - Method in class
Returns the channel that makes the given channel to be ignored.
- getImage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the image.
- getImage() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getImage() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getImage() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getImage() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
- getImage() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the image.
- getImageEditionFolderPath(SessionConfig, String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
Returns the image edition folder path of the given image edition id.
- getImageId() - Method in class lumis.service.image.field.ImageDataType.Data
- getImageLarge() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getImageLarge() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the href for the large image icon to be used for this state.
- getImageSmall() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getImageSmall() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the href for the small image icon to be used for this state.
- getImplementation() - Method in class
- getImplementationClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getImplementationClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getImpliedPermissions(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.PermissionXmlUtil
- getImplies() - Static method in enum lumis.portal.acl.PortalPermissions
- getImplies() - Static method in enum
- getImplies() - Static method in enum
- getImplies() - Static method in enum
- getImplies() - Static method in enum
- getImplies() - Static method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
- getImplies() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstancePermissions
- getImplies(Class<T>) - Static method in class
- getImportMemberRules() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getImportPrincipalManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalManagerFactory
Returns a import principal manager instance.
- getIncludeContent() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getIncludeContent() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getIncludedEntries() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityDocumentPriority
Returns the entries specifying the principals this priority applies to.
- getIncludedPrincipalIds() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityDocumentPriorityIncludedEntry
Returns the identifiers of principals the priority may be applied to.
- getIncludedPrincipalIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityPriority.IncludedEntry
Returns the set containing identifiers of principals included to be applied an
. - getIncludeUserMembership() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
Indicates if information about users being member of a group being exported is to be included.
- getInContextEditMenu(SessionConfig, IURLFactory, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.incontextedit.ContentServiceInterfaceInContextEdit
- getInContextEditMenu(SessionConfig, IURLFactory, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.incontextedit.IServiceInterfaceInContextEdit
Returns in context edit menu XML string for the given content (represented by a version's item id).
- getInContextEditMenu(SessionConfig, IURLFactory, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.incontextedit.ContentServiceInterfaceInContextEdit
- getInContextEditMenu(SessionConfig, IURLFactory, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.incontextedit.IServiceInterfaceInContextEdit
Returns in context edit menu XML string for the given service interface instance.
- getIndent() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the item indent.
- getIndexConfig() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.BaseTableDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
- getIndexerEngineId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
- getIndexerId() - Method in class
- getIndexerId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
- getIndexMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns the index mode.
- getIndexTemplateSettings(Locale) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the index template settings for the given locale.
- getIndices(SearchQuery) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the indices to be used for a search query.
- getInfo(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Get information (current version and strings) used to create buildInformation html
- getInheritAllFields() - Method in class
Returns the inheritAllFields that indicates if should returns all fields in REST interface request.
- getInheritMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns the inherit mode for this property.
- getInheritMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.Property
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Static method in enum
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Static method in enum
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Static method in enum
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Static method in enum
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Static method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstancePermissions
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl.ChannelAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl.PageAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl.PageTemplateAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl.PortalAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl.ServiceAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPermissionsMap() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.ServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler
- getInheritPublishTo() - Method in class
Returns whether the publish to principals for this media is inherited from its
parent folder
. - getInheritsMetaTags() - Method in class
- getInheritsStylesheets() - Method in class
- getInitialPriority() - Method in class
Returns the initial priority value for this page cache.
- getInitialStateId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the identifier for the initial state of this transition.
- getInitialTree(String, String, HttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class
Returns the JSON string with a list of the first subchannel level from the Portal root channel with only the desired service instances.
- getInitialTree(String, HttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class
Returns the JSON string with a list of the first subchannel level from the Portal root channel.
- getInitParamMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the init parameters.
- getInitParamMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getInitParamMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getInnerField(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.CompositeDocumentTypeField
Returns the inner field with the given identifier or
. - getInnerFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.CompositeDocumentTypeField
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the inner fields.
- getInnerFields() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns an unmodifiable collection of inner fields.
- getInnerFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getInnerObjects() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Returns a collection with the inner objects.
- getInnerProgressId() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getInnerTerms() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData.TermData
Returns the inner terms.
- getInputControlType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.filter.ISourceFilter
Returns the input control type for this filter doui frontend.
- getInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.AbstractTableSourceFilter
- getInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.CompositeTableSourceFilter
- getInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.MonthTableSourceFilter
- getInputControlType() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
- getInputEncoding() - Method in class
- getInputFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get input file path
- getInputStream() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IInputStreamProvider
Returns an input stream to be used.
- getInputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns an
to be used to read this file. - getInputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFile
- getInputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalStudioMarkupResourceStream
- getInputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionRequest
- getInputStream(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSDirectory
- getInputStream(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSShallowDirectory
- getInputStream(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.IDirectory
Get an
to a repository file. - getInputStream(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.sub.SubDirectory
- getInputStream(String) - Method in class
Get an
to a repository file. - getInsertMarkers(String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XsltEditorResource
- getInsertStatement(QueryInsert, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryAdapter
- getInsertStatement(QueryInsert, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getInstallationId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns the last installation identifier registered in the database, that this this execution plan has been based on.
- getInstallPath() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.portal.clock.PortalClock
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFilePortalBaseFolder
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.portal.incontextedit.InContextEditResource
Returns the instance.
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocumentType
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.portlet.container.pluto.PlutoPortletContainer
Returns the current instance of
. - getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.EmailTemplateManagerFactory
Returns the
instance. - getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.CommentManager
Singleton method that retrieves a instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.HashOccurrenceManager
Singleton method that retrieves a instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostAttachmentManager
Singleton method that retrieves a instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostManager
Singleton method that retrieves a instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.UserFollowsManager
Singleton method that retrieves a instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.util.URLGenerator
Returns URLGenerator Instance
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ServiceInterfaceInstanceOwner
- getInstance() - Static method in class lumis.upgrade.postupgrade.PostUpgradeTaskManager
Returns the instance of this manager.
- getInstance(String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.datatype.DouiDataTypeFactory
Creates and returns a doui data type instance.
- getInstance(String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.SourceFieldTypes
- getInstance(String) - Static method in class
Returns the instance with the given identifier.
- getInstance(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
Gets the instance that is controlling the writes in the given request.
- getInstanceByUserAndJourney(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns the journey instance for the user in the journey.
- getInstanceByUserAndStage(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns the journey instance for the user in the stage.
- getInstances() - Method in class
Get all the dashboard reports.
- getInstances() - Method in class
Gets all the report dashboards.
- getInstancesByUser(String) - Static method in class
Finds the instances of the given user.
- getInt() - Method in enum
- getInteractionName() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the interaction name.
- getInteractionName() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getInteractionName() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getInteractionType() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the interaction type.
- getInteractionType() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getInteractionType() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getInteractiveProcessManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager providing access to the interactive process framework.
- getInteractiveProcessManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the
for interactive processes. - getInterestingContent(SessionConfig, TabularSource<?>, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Get contents that must be interesting for user by running a query on elasticSearch.
- getInterfaceHolderId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.ContentPickerControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectchannel.SelectChannelControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectchannel.SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectchannel.SelectChannelTemplateControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectChannelChildControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectPageControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectPageOrPageTemplateControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectPageTemplateControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance.SelectServiceInstanceControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Returns the service interface identifier of this application.
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.service.document.SelectDocumentServiceInstanceControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.SelectEmailTemplateServiceInstanceControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.SelectPagePersonalizationServiceInstanceControl
Returns the interface to allow the repository selection.
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization.SelectImportFileControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication.SelectChannelControl
- getInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.service.tag.SelectTagServiceInstanceControl
Returns the interface to allow the repository selection.
- getInterfaceInstance() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- getInterfaceInstanceHtmlCache(String, IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManagerSPI
Get the HTML Cache of the Interface Instance.
- getInterfaceInstanceHtmlCache(String, IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getInterfaceInstanceHtmlCache(SessionConfig, String, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Deprecated.since 7.0.0 deprecated without replacement. LumisXP manages interface instance caches transparently and solutions should not interfere.
- getInterfaceInstanceHtmlCache(SessionConfig, String, Locale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.content.preview.PreviewUtil.PreviewInformation
Returns identifier for the interface instance that can be used to preview the content
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.PPInterfaceInstanceToBeDeleted
Returns the interfaceInstanceId.
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstance
Returns the identifier of the service interface instance that corresponds to this widget instance.
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns the identifier of the service interface instance this holder belongs to.
- getInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.PagePersonalizationManager.DeletedWidgetData
Returns the interfaceInstanceId.
- getInterfaceInstanceIds() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ClonedPortlet
Returns the interface instances the cloned portlet is being used.
- getInterfaceInstanceNode() - Method in class
- getInterfaceInstanceNodeList(Document) - Static method in class
- getInterfaceInstances() - Method in class
- getInterfaceSourceFieldsNode(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
Utility method that merges the fields in the given nodes and returns the merged resultant node.
- getInterfaceStyle() - Method in class
- getInterfaceStyleId() - Method in class
- getInterfaceStyleId() - Method in class
Returns the interface style identifier.
- getInterfaceStylePK() - Method in class
- getInterfaceTitleBarStyle() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getInterfaceType() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getInternalFilter() - Method in class
Returns the internal filter object.
- getInterval() - Method in class lumis.portal.apm.metric.ApmMetric
Returns the interval for collecting this metric in minutes.
- getInterval() - Method in class
Returns the interval.
- getInterval() - Method in class
Returns the interval.
- getInterval() - Method in interface
Returns the interval.
- getIntroduction() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getIntroduction() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the introduction for this content version.
- getIntroduction() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's introduction stored in this document.
- getIntroduction() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the introduction text of this object.
- getIntroduction() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the introduction present in this document.
- getIntroduction() - Method in class lumis.service.chatroom.ChatRoomConfig
- getIntroduction() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the introduction.
- getIntroduction() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the introduction.
- getIntroductionField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the field that is the introduction of this source.
- getIntroductionImageField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the field that is the introduction image of this source.
- getIntroductionImageFileId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the file identifier of the introduction image present in this document.
- getIntroductionImageHref() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the href (absolute or relative to portal root) of the introduction image present in this document.
- getIntroductionImageUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's introduction image url stored in this document.
- getIntroductionImageUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the URL of the introduction image of this object.
- getIntroductionText() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the introduction for text mode.
- getISOCode() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.Country
Returns an optional ISO code that represents this country.
- getISOCode() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.State
Returns an optional ISO code that represents this state.
- getIsolatedInterfaceStyles() - Method in class
- getIsolationAllowedConsumers() - Method in class
Returns a list of identifiers of elements that are allowed to use this style.
- getIsolationLevel() - Method in class
Returns the isolation level for this style.
- getIsolationLevel() - Method in class
- getIsolationLevel() - Method in class
- getIsTarget(ContainerRequest, EntityID) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.WSRPContainer
- getIsWidget() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns the isWidget.
- getIsWidgetDefault() - Method in class
Returns the isWidgetDefault.
- getItemAddedAverageThroughput() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getItemAddedAverageThroughput() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Health indicator of the average of the throughput of items added in monitor process queue (how many items have been added in one second).
- getItemAlias() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings.CollectionAliasSettings
- getItemClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings.CollectionAliasSettings
- getItemId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getItemId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the identifier for the business data this content version refers to.
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getItemId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceAddDataResult
The item identifier of the data added.
- getItemId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceUpdateDataResult
The item identifier of the data updated.
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.IDocumentPopularityProvider.DocumentPopularityKey
Returns the item identifier.
- getItemId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the item identifier present in this document.
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.ExecuteScriptControl
Returns the itemId.
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
Returns the itemId.
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns the identifier of the entity which this comment is related.
- getItemId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns the identifier of the entity which this liking is related.
- getItemId(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUtilInternal
Returns the
item identifier
based on the given identifier ornull
if none could be inferred. - getItemIdsToDelete() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
Returns the item identifiers to be deleted.
- getItemKeyFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getItemKeyFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.OrderedMultiItemPickerControl
- getItemMax() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getItemName() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns the title of the entity which this comment is related.
- getItemName() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns the title of the entity which this liking is related.
- getItemNameFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getItemNameFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.OrderedMultiItemPickerControl
- getItemProcessedAverageThroughput() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getItemProcessedAverageThroughput() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Health indicator of the average of the throughput of items processed in monitor process queue (how many items have been added in one second).
- getItemProgressMax() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getItemProgressValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getItemRejectedAverageThroughput() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getItemRejectedAverageThroughput() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Health indicator of the average of the throughput of items rejected by the monitor process queue (how many items have been rejected in one second).
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.content.control.language.LanguageFilterControl
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowAssignedToFilterControl
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowStateFilterControl
- getItems() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameter
Returns a collection of
. - getItems() - Method in class
Returns the backing list object for this result list.
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResource.ActivityDocumentListResult
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItResource.CommentsItemList
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItResource.CommentsList
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItResource.LikesItemList
- getItems() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItResource.LikesList
- getItemsAddedAverageThroughput() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the average of the items enqueued throughput (items per second).
- getItemServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns the identifier of the service instance from the entity which this comment is related.
- getItemServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns the identifier of the service instance from the entity which this liking is related.
- getItemsProcessedAverageThroughput() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the average of the items processed throughput (items per second).
- getItemsRejectedAverageThroughput() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the average of the items rejected throughput (items per second).
- getItemType() - Method in class
- getItemType() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.ChannelTemplateLink
- getItemUrl() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns the URL to the details page of entity which this comment is related.
- getItemUrl() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns the URL to the details page of entity which this liking is related.
- getItemValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getJavascriptMessage(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.ExecuteScriptControl
Returns a javascript alert.
- getJoinOperator() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryJoin
- getJoins() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.TableSourceFieldMapping
- getJoins() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySelect
- getJoinType() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryJoin
- getJoinType() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryTable
- getJourney() - Method in class
Returns the journey.
- getJourney(String) - Static method in class
Returns the journey with the given identifier.
- getJourneyEntityId() - Method in class
Returns this node journey entity identifier.
- getJourneyId() - Method in class
Returns the journeyId.
- getJourneyId() - Method in class
Returns the journeyId.
- getJourneyIdsByServiceInstance(String) - Static method in class
Returns all journeys of the service instance with the given identifier.
- getJourneys() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns all
stored in this document. - getJourneys() - Method in class
Returns the journeys of service instance.
- getJourneyStage(String) - Method in class
Returns the journeys of service instance.
- getJourneyStageId() - Method in class
Returns the journey stage identifier.
- getJson() - Method in class
Returns the filter jsonData.
- getJSONData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getJSONData() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
Returns the render data in JSON format.
- getJSONData() - Method in class
Returns the render data in JSON format.
- getJsonFromFlow(Flow) - Static method in class
Returns a
by converting the givenFlow
. - getJsonFromXml(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XsltEditorResource
- getJSONInnerObject(JSONObject, String, boolean, Class<T>) - Static method in class lumis.util.JsonUtil
Returns an inner object of the given JSON as an instance of the given desired class.
- getKey() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditCategory
Returns the category key.
- getKey() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditEntryType
- getKey() - Method in enum lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager.AuditType
Returns the key.
- getKey() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IMultiBucketAggregationResult.IBucket
Returns the id (the key) of the bucket.
- getKey() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.CacheItem
Returns the key of this cache item.
- getKey() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheMultiDataProvider.IRequest
The key that was requested.
- getKey() - Method in enum
Returns the key.
- getKey() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttribute
Returns the identifier of this attribute stored in this document.
- getKey() - Method in enum
Returns the key of the event.
- getKey() - Method in enum
Returns the key.
- getKey() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters.PreviousParameters
The key for the previous parameters.
- getKey() - Method in enum lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerMonitorUtil.Event
Returns the key.
- getKey() - Method in enum
- getKey() - Method in interface
Returns the (JSON) key.
- getKey() - Method in enum
- getKeySet() - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContext
Returns a Set with the keys contained in this BusinessContext, will bring parent's key set and it's parent's key set if the parent has a business context configured.
- getKeySet() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContext
- getKeywords() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getKeywords() - Method in class
- getKeywords() - Method in class
Returns the keywords for the page web resource.
- getKeywords() - Method in class
- getKeywords() - Method in class
Returns the page web resource keywords.
- getKeywordsField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
- getKind() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getLabel() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Returns the (translatable) label of this application.
- getLabel() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the label of this attribute (yet to be localized using
). - getLabel(String, IResource) - Static method in enum
Get localized label for the field.
- getLabel(ServiceConfig) - Method in class
Whill return self label field localized by service resource string
- getLabel(IResource) - Method in enum
Get localized label for the field.
- getLabels() - Method in class
Returns the labels.
- getLanguageContentId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getLanguageId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getLanguageId() - Method in class
- getLast() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserName
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getLastAccessDate() - Method in class
- getLastChild() - Method in class
- getLastContentNotRead(SessionConfig, TabularSource<?>, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Get last contents that wasn't read by me.
- getLastContentRead(SessionConfig, TabularSource<?>, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Get last contents read by me, by running a query on elasticSearch.
- getLastDeployInstallationId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getLastDeployInstallationId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManagerSPI
Returns the Last Deploy Installation identifier.
- getLastExecutedStep() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns the last executed step.
- getLastExecutedStep() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
- getLastExecutedStepDate() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
Returns the lastExecutedStepDate.
- getLastInfoLogMessageDate() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.testautomation.TestAutomationResource
Returns the last info log message's date time as a string.
- getLastLogin() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns the date and time of last login for this user.
- getLastMessageDate() - Method in class
- getLastMessageDate() - Method in class
- getLastMessageUser() - Method in class
- getLastMessageUser() - Method in class
- getLastModified() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns the time that the file or directory was last modified.
- getLastModified() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Currently unsupported
- getLastModifiedBy() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the identifier of the last principal that modified this version.
- getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getLastModifiedDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getLastModifiedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the last modification date-time for this version.
- getLastModifiedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getLastModifiedDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the last modified date.
- getLastModifiedItemDate(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class lumis.service.tagmanager.util.TagManagerUtil
Returns the last modified date time of the contents of the given service instance.
- getLastName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns the last name.
- getLastName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getLastName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getLastName() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getLastPortalAdminMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext
- getLastPostedMessageId(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the id of the last message posted on the specified topic.
- getLastPostedTopicId(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the id of the last updated topic on the specified forum.
- getLastProcessDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getLastRun() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalReaderConfig
Get date of last execution
- getLastRun() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get date of last execution
- getLastTick() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the date-time this clock has completed its last execution.
- getLastTickStart() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the date-time this clock has started its last execution.
- getLastUpgradeStepExecuted() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
Returns the lastUpgradeStepExecuted.
- getLastUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext.WebResourceResume
Returns the last URL.
- getLastUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL the corresponds to the last page of this list.
- getLastUrl(IPortalMode) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext
- getLatestMessages(SessionConfig, String, String, int, boolean, Date, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getLatestMessages(SessionConfig, String, String, int, boolean, Date, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 4.0.11 this method was replaced by
IChatManager.getLatestMessages(SessionConfig, String, String, int, int, boolean, Date, ITransaction)
. - getLatestMessages(SessionConfig, String, String, int, int, boolean, Date, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getLatestMessages(SessionConfig, String, String, int, int, boolean, Date, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns up to maxMessages messageConfigs for a given conversationId.
- getLatestMessages(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getLatestMessagesCount(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, Date, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getLatestMessagesCount(SessionConfig, String, String, boolean, Date, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the number of messages that exists and would be available for the
#getLatestMessages(String, String, int, int, boolean, Date, ITransaction)
method. - getLatestRemoteId(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action.AbstractMessageAction
Retrieves the latest remote id for a message.
- getLatitude() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.GeoPoint
Returns the latitude.
- getLayout() - Method in class
- getLayoutFile(HttpServletResponse, String, Integer, String, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.layoutfile.LayoutFileResource
Returns the list of Layout Files related to a specific theme.
- getLayoutFilePath() - Method in class
Returns the path for the layout file for use by this channel.
- getLayoutFilePath() - Method in class
Returns the path for the layout file for use by this page.
- getLayoutFilePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getLayoutFilePath(PageWebResource) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PageRendererUtil
Returns the path to the layout file.
- getLayoutFilePollIntervalSecs() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the polling interval for changes in a layout file, in seconds.
- getLayoutInterfaceInstanceNodes(Document) - Static method in class
- getLayoutPagesType() - Method in class
Returns the layout format for pages.
- getLayoutPagesType(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getLayoutPagesType(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a the page layout format.
- getLayoutServiceInstanceIds(Document) - Static method in class
- getLayoutType() - Method in class
- getLayoutType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.ILayoutPropertiesAccessor
Returns the layout type.
- getLayoutType(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the layout type used for rendering the page to the end user.
- getLayoutType(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getLecZipDirectory() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization.BaseImportLecProcessActionHandler
returns the lec zip directory of the given import operation.
- getLeftField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryAssignment
- getLeftField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilter
- getLeftField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryJoin
- getLeftParentheses() - Method in class
Returns a string containing left parentheses set in this entry.
- getLegend() - Method in class
- getLegend() - Method in class
- getLength() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns the length of the file.
- getLevel() - Method in class lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationMessage
Returns the level.
- getLevel() - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Returns the current minimum logging level logged by this instance.
- getLevel() - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
- getLifetime() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Returns the lifetime if this ProducerEntity for the given consumer.
- getLifetime() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.Registration
- getLike(String) - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItResource
Returns a
by its identifier. - getLikeDate() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns this liking's expression date.
- getLikesItems(String, List<String>) - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItResource
Get all
s of the specified items, organized inLikeItResource.LikesItem
structures. - getLine() - Method in class lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationMessage
Returns the line.
- getLink() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssResultRow
- getLink() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post attached link.
- getLinkChannelId() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkChannelId.
- getLinkContent() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkContent.
- getLinkDocumentId() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkDocumentId.
- getLinkFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getLinkmetainfo() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post attached link meta information.
- getLinkOpeningType() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkOpeningType.
- getLinkPageId() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkPageId.
- getLinkPopUpProperties() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkPopUpProperties.
- getLinkUrl() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the linkUrl.
- getListType() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule
Returns the listType.
- getListValues(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.JsonUtil
Returns a
from . - getListValues(JSONObject, String, Function<K, T>) - Static method in class lumis.util.JsonUtil
Returns a
from . - getLoad() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the load property.
- getLoadAveragePerProc() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getLoadAveragePerProc() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Returns the System Load Average per Available Core Processors.
- getLoadingHtmlMessage() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getLoadingMessage() - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.LoadingMessage
Returns the loading message based on the current locale of the user.
- getLocalActivityProcessorId(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getLocalActivityProcessorId(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Get the local activity processor identifier of the given channel.
- getLocalActivityProcessorId(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getLocalActivityProcessorId(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Get the local activity processor identifier of the given service instance.
- getLocalAreaTags(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagManager
- getLocalAreaTags(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.areatag.IAreaTagManagerSPI
Returns the
area tag usage
for the given channel. - getLocalAreaTags(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagManager
- getLocalAreaTags(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.areatag.IAreaTagManagerSPI
Returns the
area tag usage
for the given service instance. - getLocalContexts(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextManager
Returns the
business context usage
for the given channel. - getLocalContexts(PageConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextManager
Returns the
business context usage
for the given page. - getLocalDataPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the local data path.
- getLocale() - Method in class
- getLocale() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentLocale
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the locale this object refers to.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType.Data
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getLocale() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's locale stored in this document.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the locale of this object.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.SessionConfig
- getLocale() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.ISynonym
Returns the locale.
- getLocale() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns this document locale.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocaleConfig
Returns the locale code.
- getLocale() - Method in class
Returns the locale where the change applies.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getLocale() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailBody
Returns the locale of the message in this mail body.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the locale for this web resource.
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the locale of this model
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets locale
- getLocale() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the locale.
- getLocaleCode() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringConfig
- getLocaleForEmail(ActivityDocument.IActivity) - Method in class
Returns the locale to localize the email
- getLocaleId() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocaleConfig
Returns the localeId, a guid for identifying the locale in the portal database.
- getLocalEntries() - Method in class
- getLocales() - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ILocalizationManager
Returns all locales currently available in the portal.
- getLocales() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocalizationManager
- getLocales() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getLocales(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.ILocalizationManager
Returns the available locales for the portal.
- getLocales(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocalizationManager
Returns a collection of locale config
- getLocalGroupPrefix() - Method in class
- getLocalGroupPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getLocalId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
This field identifier.
- getLocalizableName() - Method in enum lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPVersionFromTo
Returns this constant localizable string.
- getLocalizationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getLocalizationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getLocalizedDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the localized description of this event.
- getLocalizedDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the localized description of this field.
- getLocalizedDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getLocalizedDescription() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getLocalizedDescription() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the localized description (using the current user's session locale or the portal's default locale).
- getLocalizedDisplayName() - Method in class
- getLocalizedDisplayName() - Method in class
Returns the localized display name of this object type using the resolver locale.
- getLocalizedDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityAction
Returns the localized display name of this action.
- getLocalizedDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObjectType
Returns the localized display name of this object type.
- getLocalizedDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class
- getLocalizedDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class
- getLocalizedErrorMessage() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Returns the error message generated for the control.
- getLocalizedErrorMessage() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getLocalizedLabel() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the result of localizing
using the current session's locale. - getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckException
- getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception lumis.portal.PortalException
- getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception lumis.upgrade.UpgradeException
- getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception lumis.portal.PortalException
- getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception lumis.upgrade.UpgradeException
- getLocalizedName() - Method in class
- getLocalizedName() - Method in interface
- getLocalizedName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the localized name of this event.
- getLocalizedName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the localized name of this field.
- getLocalizedName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getLocalizedName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getLocalizedName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the localized name (using the current user's session locale or the portal's default locale).
- getLocalizedUnit() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the localized unit of this field.
- getLocalizedUnit() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getLocalizedVerb() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the localized verb of this event.
- getLocalizedVerb() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getLocalMember() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterManager
Returns the current cluster member object.
- getLocalMember() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.JGroupsClusterManager
- getLocalMember() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.SingleServerClusterManager
- getLocalName() - Method in class
- getLocalProjectByChannelId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProjectManagerSPI
Returns an optional project based on the given channel identifier.
- getLocalProjectByChannelId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.project.ProjectManager
- getLocalProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns a property in this property bag.
- getLocalPropertyMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns all the properties in this property bag.
- getLocalPropertyValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Gets the property for a given property name from local properties.
- getLocalPropertyValues(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Gets the property values for a given property name from local properties.
- getLocalServerOnly() - Method in class
Deprecated.Since 4.2.2, local server only no longer supported.
- getLocalThemes(ChannelConfig, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Returns the
theme usage
for the given channel. - getLocalThemes(PageConfig, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Returns the
theme usage
for the given page. - getLocalValue(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.preferences.IPreferences
Returns the first String value associated with the specified key of this preference.
- getLocalValue(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
- getLocalValues(String, String[]) - Method in interface lumis.portal.preferences.IPreferences
Returns the String array value associated with the specified key in this preference.
- getLocalValues(String, String[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
- getLock(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.lock.ILockManager
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
- getLock(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.LockManager
- getLockAction() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the lockAction for this transition.
- getLockDefaultDeadlineMinutes() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getLockedBy() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns who created the lock.
- getLockedDate() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the date the lock was created.
- getLockExpirationDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.MailQueue
- getLockManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getLockManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getLockType() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the lock for the current content-locale.
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
Returns the logger to be used.
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.CopyComponentPublicFilesStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.DeployComponentStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.RegisterComponentStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.RemoveComponentPublicFilesStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.RemoveComponentRegisterStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UnregisterComponentStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UpgradeComponentStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.PostProcessModuleMetadataStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.ProcessObserversStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildClassloadersStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RegisterModuleStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RegisterModuleStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UnregisterModuleStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UnregisterModuleStructuralElementsStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UpdateModuleResgistryStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.ReloadRestConfigurationsStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.DisplayMessageStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RemoveBigDataDocumentTypesStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RemoveGlobalNonReferencedEntriesStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunClassStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunSqlStepExecutable
- getLogger() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
to obtain a logger instead of calling this method. - getLogger(Class) - Static method in class lumis.util.log.LoggerFactory
Returns a logger instance to be used by the given class.
- getLoggerClicks() - Static method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerController
- getLoggerViews() - Static method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerController
- getLogicalOperator() - Method in class
Returns the logical operator used between this entry and the next.
- getLogin() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.LumisLoginModule
Returns the login provided by the user
- getLogin() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the login of associate user with the monitor user by
stored in this document. - getLogin() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.serialization.UserSerializationMessageConfig
- getLogin() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getLogin() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getLoginModuleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.http.SpnegoAuthenticator
Returns the login module name to use for SPNEGO authentication.
- getLoginRedirectURL() - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIV10
Returns the after-login redirect URL or
if there's none. - getLoginValidator() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getLogoFile(String, IModule, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the logo file.
- getLogoFileName() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the logoFileName.
- getLongitude() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.GeoPoint
Returns the longitude.
- getLumisDataPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalConfiguration
Returns the lumis data path.
- getLumisServersTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckGeneral
Returns the LumisXP servers time.
- getMac() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Returns a new
instance, according to current configurations. - getMacroType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
Returns the file macro type.
- getMacroType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the macro type metadata.
- getMagicId() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
- getMailConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.smtp.SmtpMailSender
Returns the MailConfig with the configurations to be used when sending the e-mail.
- getMailConfig(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.ISendMailManager
Returns the IMailConfig containing the configurations for sending e-mails.
- getMailConfig(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.SendMailManager
- getMailConfig(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.SendMailDaoHib
- getMailConfig(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.ISendMailDao
Returns the IMailConfig containing the configurations for sending e-mails.
- getMailingList() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Form
Returns the mailingList.
- getMailingList() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
Returns the mailing list.
- getMailLoggingString() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns a String used for logging this mail.
- getMailSender(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.SendMailManager
Returns a new instance of the
to be used by this manager for sending e-mails. - getMailSenderClass() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the class that should be used for sending mails.
- getMailType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the type of this mail.
- getMainNonSecureBaseURL() - Method in interface
Returns the main non-secure base URL of this website.
- getMainNonSecureBaseURL() - Method in class
Returns the main non-secure base URL of this website.
- getMainNonSecureBaseURL() - Method in class
- getMainPublishedContextUrlValue(ISearchHit) - Method in class
Returns the main context URL value that user has access permission.
- getMainPublishedContextUrlValue(ISearchHit) - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the main context URL value that user has access permission.
- getMainSecureBaseURL() - Method in interface
Returns the main secure base URL of this website.
- getMainSecureBaseURL() - Method in class
Returns the main secure base URL of this website.
- getMainSecureBaseURL() - Method in class
- getMainStringLocalizationDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getMajor() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IVersion
Returns the major version number.
- getMajor() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Version
- getMajorVersion() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the major version of the portal.
- getMajorVersion() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getManagedPropertiesPattern() - Method in class
- getManagedPropertiesPattern() - Method in class
- getManagedPropertiesPattern() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getManagedPropertiesPattern() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the property name spaces.
- getManagePermission() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Returns the permission required so that a user can manage the mode.
- getMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ReplaceInterfacesStorage
Returns the replace map.
- getMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
- getMap(String) - Method in interface
Selects a node with the given XPath and converts it to a
, by usingIXPath.toMap(Node)
. - getMap(String) - Method in class
- getMap(String, Node) - Method in interface
Selects a node with the given XPath and converts it to a
, by usingIXPath.toMap(Node)
. - getMap(String, Node) - Method in class
- getMapFromString(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPUtils
Adjustment for 'com.sun.portal.wsrp.common.Util'.
- getMappedId() - Method in interface lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.IStructureElement
Returns the mapped identifier.
- getMappedPersistableConfig() - Method in class
- getMappedPersistableConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
Returns a mapped cloned of the persistable config, which, in turn, represents a clone of original config, with its foreign keys updated to be non-violated.
- getMappedPersistableConfig() - Method in class
- getMappedServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
- getMappedServiceInterfaceInstancePersistableConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getMaps(String) - Method in interface
Selects nodes with the given XPath and converts them to a
, by usingIXPath.toMap(Node)
in each of these nodes. - getMaps(String) - Method in class
- getMaps(String, Node) - Method in interface
Selects nodes with the given XPath and converts them to a
, by usingIXPath.toMap(Node)
in each of these nodes. - getMaps(String, Node) - Method in class
- getMarkupCacheKey(LayoutFilePage) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the key used for caching the markup used to render the page.
- getMarkupCacheKey(LayoutFilePage) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getMarkupEndpoint() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getMarkupFilterClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileMarkupResourceStream
Returns the Markup Filter Class.
- getMarkupFilterClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
- getMarkupFilterClass() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalModeSPI
Returns markup filter for parser to use to render page.
- getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer, Class<?>) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer, Class<?>) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.GenericMarkupResourceStreamProvider
- getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer, Class<?>) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.LayoutFileMarkupResourceStreamProvider
- getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer, Class<?>) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalStudioMarkupResourceStreamProvider
- getMarkupResourceStreamProvider(LayoutFilePage) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the provider for the markup resource stream to be used to render the page.
- getMarkupResourceStreamProvider(LayoutFilePage) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getMarkupResourceStreamProvider(LayoutFilePage) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XsltResultControllerHtml.XsltResultPageRenderer
- getMarkupStream() - Method in exception lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileMarkupException
- getMaxAge() - Method in class
Returns the maxAge.
- getMaxAgeSeconds() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Returns the current maximum age for entries in this cache.
- getMaxEntryAge() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentMonitorConfiguration
Returns the maxEntryAge in days.
- getMaxFileUploadSize() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the maximum size for file uploads.
- getMaximumValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getMaximumValue() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
- getMaxItems() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the maxItems.
- getMaxLength() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getMaxLength() - Method in exception lumis.service.formbuilder.AnswerInvalidLengthException
- getMaxLength() - Method in exception lumis.service.questionnaire.QuestionInvalidLengthException
- getMaxLoginFailures() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of login failures before a given user is blocked.
- getMaxLoginFailuresOrDefault() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of login failures before a given user is blocked or the default value.
- getMaxResults() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of results requested to be returned in this ListResult.
- getMaxRows() - Method in interface
Returns the requested maximum number of rows.
- getMaxRows() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns the maximum rows that data of this source shold contain.
- getMaxRows() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
- getMaxRows() - Method in class
- getMaxRows() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getMaxRows() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySelect
- getMaxRows(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the maximum number of rows to be returned in source.
- getMaxRunTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the maximum run time for this clock in seconds.
- getMaxSendThreads() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the maximum number of threads to process the sendmail queue.
- getMedia() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post attached media identifier.
- getMedia(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class lumis.content.control.button.GenerateContentResource
- getMediaFile() - Method in class
- getMediaFile() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the media file identifier.
- getMediaId() - Method in class
- getMediaId() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the media identifier.
- getMediaManager() - Static method in class
Returns an media manager instance.
- getMediaPublishToPrincipals(String) - Method in interface
Return a the list of principals for which the
is published to. - getMediaPublishToPrincipals(String) - Method in class
- getMediaServiceInstance() - Method in class
Returns the media service instance used to pick the media.
- getMemberGroups(SessionConfig, String, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns an array of groups of the given member.
- getMemberGroups(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns an array of groups of the given member.
- getMemberId() - Method in class
- getMemberId() - Method in class
Returns the member identifier.
- getMemberId() - Method in class
Returns the member identifier.
- getMembers() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterManager
Returns a collection with information about the current members of this cluster.
- getMembers() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.JGroupsClusterManager
- getMembers() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.SingleServerClusterManager
- getMembers() - Method in class
- getMembers() - Method in class
- getMembers(String, int) - Method in class
- getMembers(String, int) - Method in interface
Returns the members of a group.
- getMembers(String, int) - Method in class
- getMembers(SessionConfig, String, int, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the immediate group members.
- getMemberSegmentations(String) - Method in interface
Returns a collection of segmentations of the given user.
- getMemberSegmentations(String) - Method in class
- getMemberSegmentations(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Returns a collection of segmentations of the given user.
- getMemberSegmentations(String, boolean) - Method in class
- getMembersFormula() - Method in class
Returns the membership formula statement, according to this configuration.
- getMembershipCacheExpirationMillis() - Method in interface
Returns the member cache expiration in milliseconds.
- getMembershipCacheExpirationMillis() - Method in class
- getMemberships() - Method in class
Returns the memberships.
- getMenu(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getMenu(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
- getMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceMenu
- getMenu(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.StyledServiceInterface
- getMenuGroupType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the menu group type.
- getMenuGroupType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getMenuItemDefinition() - Method in interface
The definition of the menu item being requested.
- getMenuItemType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the menu item type.
- getMenuItemType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getMenuItemXml(SessionConfig, String, ServiceInterfaceMenuLevel, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManagerSPI
Returns the XML for the menu item in the specified service interface instance and menu level.
- getMenuItemXml(SessionConfig, String, ServiceInterfaceMenuLevel, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getMenuXml(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManagerSPI
Returns the configuration menu in XML for a service instance.
- getMenuXml(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getMenuXml(SessionConfig, String, ServiceInterfaceMenuLevel, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the XML for the menu for the specified service interface instance and menu level.
- getMenuXml(SessionConfig, String, ServiceInterfaceMenuLevel, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getMessage() - Method in class
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.SocialNetworkMessageWrapper
Returns the message in question
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.content.socialnetwork.integration.ContentMessageIntegration
Returns the message.
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.event.ClusterMessageReceivedEvent
Returns the cluster message received.
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.ComponentStructureSyncStepExecutable
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UpdateComponentChannelIdsStepExecutable
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildEntityManagerFactoriesStepExecutable
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.UpdateMonitorDefinitionStepExecutable
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckResult
The message in HTML format that should be shown to the end user.
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationMessage
Returns the message.
- getMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns the message of the step.
- getMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStepExecutable
Returns the message of the step.
- getMessage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStepOutcome
Returns the message.
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.StepOutcome
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getMessage() - Method in class
Returns the message stored in this error entity.
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault.FaultBean
Returns the message.
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResource.MessageVO
Returns the message.
- getMessage() - Method in class
- getMessage() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getMessage() - Method in exception lumis.upgrade.UpgradeException
- getMessage(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Gets the
for the specified message id. - getMessage(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getMessage(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a message config object.
- getMessageContent() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Returns the message's content.
- getMessageContent() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the messageContent.
- getMessageId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the messageId.
- getMessageInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
Returns the message.
- getMessageInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.ProcessObserversStepExecutable
- getMessageInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildClassloadersStepExecutable
- getMessageInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.ReloadRestConfigurationsStepExecutable
- getMessageInternal() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.AbstractScriptStepExecutable
- getMessageMaxLength() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetwork
Returns the maximum size a message may have in this social network.
- getMessages() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getMessages(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getMessages(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getMessages(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns all the messages for a given conversationId.
- getMessagesXml(SessionConfig, Collection<ChatMessageConfig>, boolean, List<IResource>, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getMessagesXml(SessionConfig, Collection<ChatMessageConfig>, boolean, List<IResource>, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the xml for the given messages.
- getMessageType() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getMetadata() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getMetadata() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
Returns this component's metadata.
- getMetadata() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
Returns this module metadata.
- getMetadata() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
Retrieves the metadata of the file.
- getMetadata() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileParameter
Retrieves the metadata of the file.
- getMetadata() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the metadata.
- getMetadataForComparing() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
Returns the meta data that should be used for comparing this component (or its inner objects) to other one.
- getMetadataForComparing() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
Returns the meta data that should be used for comparing this module (or its inner objects) to other one.
- getMetaDataId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.CommentConfig
- getMetaDataId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Deprecated.Since 4.2.0, replaced by
. - getMetaDataManager() - Static method in class lumis.content.ContentManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 4.2.0, replaced by
. - getMetadataPrincipals(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns a map of distinct principals that is assigned to content metadata in the given service instance.
- getMetaDataSourceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the metaDataId.
- getMetaTagDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getMetaTagIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getMetaTagIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of meta-tags ids of the Channel including inherit Meta-tag.
- getMetaTagIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list of Meta-Tags Ids of the page including inherited Meta-Tags.
- getMetaTagIdsRecursively(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getMetaTagManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getMetaTagManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getMetaTags() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
Returns the meta tags map for the page web resource.
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
Returns the page meta tags in a map.
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
- getMetaTags() - Method in class
- getMetaTagsByParentId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.metatag.IMetaTagManagerSPI
Get a list of meta-tag object given the parent pageId
- getMetaTagsByParentId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagManager
- getMethod() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getMethod() - Method in class
Returns the method.
- getMethodName() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckInfo
- getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns the metrics.
- getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns the metrics.
- getMetrics() - Method in interface
Returns the metrics.
- getMiddle() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserName
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getMiddleName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserPropertiesReadOnly
Returns the middle name.
- getMiddleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getMiddleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserProperties
- getMiddleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getMimeType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileMimeTypeConfig
- getMimeType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getMimeType(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns a mime type information.
- getMinimumDocumentCount() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.TermsAggregation
Returns the minimum document count a value should have in order to produce a bucket in response
- getMinimumValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getMinimumValue() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
- getMinor() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IVersion
Returns the minor version number.
- getMinor() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Version
- getMinorVersion() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the minor version of the portal.
- getMinorVersion() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getMissCount() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cache.ICacheStatistics
Returns the number of searchs that did not found the entry in the cache.
- getMobileAppManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the mobile App manager.
- getMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getMode() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getModelId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getModerator() - Method in class
- getModerator() - Method in class
- getModeRootUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
- getModeRootUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalMode
- getModeUrl(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
- getModifiableClone() - Method in class
Clones this website returning a modifiable
instance. - getModule() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getModule() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the owner module of the component.
- getModule(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getModule(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManager
Returns the module with the specified identifier.
- getModuleDefinitionFromJarModule(File) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the module descriptor for a module JAR file.
- getModuleDir(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.moduleeditor.ModuleEditorResource
- getModuleFile(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain an archive file relative to a module.
- getModuleFile(IModule, ModuleType) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain an archive file relative to a module.
- getModuleId() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getModuleLocalDataFile(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain an archive file relative to a module.
- getModuleLocalDataFile(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain an archive file relative to a module.
- getModuleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.LumisLoginModule
Returns the Login module name used to display information to standard out.
- getModuleRelativePath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the module's relative file path.
- getModuleRelativePath(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the module's relative file path.
- getModules(ModuleType) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getModules(ModuleType) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManager
Returns the currently installed modules of the specified type.
- getMonitor() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the monitor.
- getMonitorConfiguration() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the monitor configuration.
- getMonitorContext() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManager
Returns the current monitor context.
- getMonitorContext() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
- getMonitorContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getMonitorFieldOriginName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.ClientOriginValuesProvider
- getMonitorFieldOriginName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.InitialOriginValuesProvider
- getMonitorFieldOriginName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.OriginValueProvider
Returns the monitor field for the origin name.
- getMonitorFieldOriginType() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.ClientOriginValuesProvider
- getMonitorFieldOriginType() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.InitialOriginValuesProvider
- getMonitorFieldOriginType() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.OriginValueProvider
Returns the monitor field for the origin type.
- getMonitorFieldOriginUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.ClientOriginValuesProvider
- getMonitorFieldOriginUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.InitialOriginValuesProvider
- getMonitorFieldOriginUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.OriginValueProvider
Returns the monitor field for the origin URL.
- getMonitorHelper() - Static method in class
- getMonitoringValuesProviders() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorContext
Returns a view of aggregation values stored in this monitor context.
- getMonitorManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager for monitoring operations.
- getMonitorManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for monitoring operations.
- getMonitorUser() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument
Returns an API for accessing the monitor user fields in this document.
- getMonitorUser() - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.UserConsent
Returns the monitorUser.
- getMonitorUserId() - Method in class
Returns the monitorUserId.
- getMonitorUserIdByTrackId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns the user identifier for a track identifier.
- getMonitorUserIdByTrackId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getMonitorUserPrincipal(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns the principal object that represents a monitor user.
- getMonitorUserPrincipal(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getMonitorUserTrackId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns the track identifier for a monitor user.
- getMonitorUserTrackId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getMonitorValuesProviderFieldValues(SessionConfig, IMonitorValuesProvider, IMonitorField, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the value for a field from a
. - getMonth() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of month stored in this document.
- getMonth(Date) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the month for a date.
- getMostLikedOrCommentedOrViewsRecommendedContents(SessionConfig, TabularSource<?>, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Get most like, commented or viewed recommend contents.
- getMostLikedOrCommnentedOrViewsContents(SessionConfig, TabularSource<?>, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Get most like, commented or viewed contents.
- getMostLowHtmlForBigXml() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckGeneral
Returns the cases that interfaces instances has the minor usage XML Data in your HTML.
- getMultiPartFormParameters() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the multi part form parameters, usually present in file uploads requests.
- getMultiPartFormParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getMultiPartFormParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getMultiPartFormServiceInterfaceInstance() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the service interface instance identifier of the service interface instance source of
multi part form parameters
. - getMultiPartFormServiceInterfaceInstance() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getMultiPartFormServiceInterfaceInstance() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getMySqlStylePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.script.install.DeploymentSqlGenerator
- getMySqlStylePath() - Method in class lumis.util.AbstractSqlGenerator
Returns the stylesheet file path for MySql.
- getMySqlStylePath() - Method in class lumis.util.SqlGenerator
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentTag
Returns the tag name, as it was persisted at first time.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData.TermData
Returns the term name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType.Data.Tag
Returns the tag name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.ITable
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the name for this workflow.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowRoleConfig
Returns the name for this role.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the name for this state.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the name for this transition.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.contentservices.util.HierarchicalElement
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlField
- getName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlFieldTabularSourceFieldWrapper
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.datagrid.IDataGridControlField
Returns the value of the name attribute.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.IFolder
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
Returns the name for this control.
- getName() - Method in interface
Returns the parameter name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
- getName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getName() - Method in interface
Returns the flow's name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditCategory
Returns the category name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditEntryType
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.LumisPrincipal
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Attachment
Returns the name for this attachment.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Categories.Category
Returns the category name.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Tag
Returns the tag name.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContextProperty
Returns property name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextConfig
Gets the BusinessContext name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextProperty
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentProperty
Returns this property name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.css.serialization.CssSerializableConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.BusinessContextObject
Returns the context name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.ObserverConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IDownloadableFile
Returns the file name
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IParameterType
Returns the parameter name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleParameterType
Returns the parameterName.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns the name of the file or directory.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns the name of this PortalFilePath or an empty
if this PortalFilePath is the root of base folder. - getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this group type.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckInfo
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocaleConfig
Returns the display name for this locale.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the name of this event.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the (localizable) name of this field.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserJourneys
Returns the names of the journeys stored in this document.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserJourneys.IMonitorUserJourneyStage
Returns the value of journey stage names in this document.
- getName() - Method in enum
Returns the name of the event.
- getName() - Method in enum
Returns the name of the measure type.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Returns the name of the current PortalMode.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalMode
Returns the name of the current PortalMode.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProject
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.project.Project
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns the name of this property.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailAttachment
Returns the name of this attachment.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailDestination
Return the name of this destination.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigForeignKey
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.serialization.ServiceSerializationMessageConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializableConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationMessageConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.serialization.ServiceInterfaceSerializationMessageConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationshipType
Gets the display name to source.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipType
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.Property
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformation
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceCustomProperty
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the name of this theme.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the name for this web resource.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.serialization.UserSerializableConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the name of the replication.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationProperty
Returns the name of the property.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationType
Returns the name of the type.
- getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this website.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this website.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the name for this attachment.
- getName() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the field name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeExclusion
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerCategoryConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.FieldResume
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.Widget
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the rule's name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets name
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesFolder
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ClonedPortlet
- getName() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getName() - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetwork
Returns the name of the social network.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetwork
Returns the name of the social network.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Returns the name of the application.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName(Locale...) - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.City
Returns an optional name of this city that is in some of the given locales.
- getName(Locale...) - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.Country
Returns an optional name of this country that is in some of the given locales.
- getName(Locale...) - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.State
Returns an optional name of this state that is in some of the given locales.
- getNames() - Method in class
- getNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.City
Returns an unmodifiable map of this city names, grouped by locale.
- getNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.Country
Returns an unmodifiable map of this country names, grouped by locale.
- getNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.State
Returns an unmodifiable map of this state names, grouped by locale.
- getNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
- getNamespace() - Method in class
- getNamespace() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
Returns the namespace for this control.
- getNamespace() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerResponse
- getNamespace() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getNamespacePrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.AbstractLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns the namespace prefix used for
in the current markup. - getNamespaceURI() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.AbstractLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns the namespace URI whose prefix will be determined to be returned by
. - getNamespaceURI() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalAdministrationMarkupFilter
- getNamespaceURI() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublisherMarkupFilter
- getNamespaceURI() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el.ELMarkupFilter
- getNamespaceURI() - Method in class
- getNamespaceURI() - Method in class
- getNavigateScript() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationMessageConfigNode
- getNavigateToParentOnClick(String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.ParentFilterHyperlink
- getNavigationContext(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext
- getNestedObjectField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.NestedObjectFilter
Returns the
nested object
field whose values are to be considered independently when applying the filter available atNestedObjectFilter.getFilter()
. - getNestedObjectsFilters() - Method in class
Returns the nested object filters of this event data filter (grouped by the nested object full identifier).
- getNetworkAccount() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Returns the account that published this message.
- getNewComponentsInstalling() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the new components that will be installed.
- getNewComponentsReplacing() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the new components that will replace other ones.
- getNewComponentsUpgrading() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the new components that will upgrade other ones.
- getNewDataContentId() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController
Returns the identifier of the content to use for new data.
- getNewDataContentId() - Method in class lumis.content.table.LegacyContentMetaDataController
- getNewDataDefaultLocale() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController
Returns whether the new data should be the default locale.
- getNewDataLocale(Locale) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController
Returns the new
value to use for new data. - getNewDataLocale(Locale) - Method in class lumis.content.table.LegacyContentMetaDataController
- getNewModulesInstalling() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the new modules that will be installed.
- getNewModulesUpgrading() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentExecutionPlan
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the new modules that will upgrade other ones.
- getNewsLetterManager() - Static method in class lumis.service.newsletter.NewsletterManagerFactory
- getNewVersionModuleFile(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain the new version of the archive file relative to a module.
- getNewVersionModuleLocalDataFile(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain the new version of the archive file relative to a module.
- getNewVersionModuleRelativePath(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the module's new version relative file path.
- getNextActivities(String, Integer, Long, UserSegmentationRestAPI.NextActivitiesRequest) - Method in class
Returns only activities of user for be appended in the activities of user.
- getNextBuild(String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.upgrade.IUpgradeManager
Deprecated.this method may change during a future refactor.
- getNextBuild(String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.upgrade.UpgradeManager
- getNextGenerationDate() - Method in class
Returns the date-time of the next generation of this page cache.
- getNextMembersGeneration() - Method in interface
Returns the next members generation.
- getNextMembersGeneration() - Method in class
- getNextNode() - Method in class
Returns the next node.
- getNextNodeInJson(JSONObject, String, FlowEntry) - Static method in class
Returns the next node from the given JSON object, using the given
parameter as object key. - getNextPageForGeneration(GenerationSelectStrategy) - Method in class
Returns the next page cache to be generated.
- getNextProcessDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getNextQueueTaskProcessForExecution() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IProcessQueueManagerSPI
Returns the next task process for execution.
- getNextQueueTaskProcessForExecution() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueManager
- getNextScheduleDate() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the date-time for which this clock is scheduled for its next execution.
- getNextSchedules(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockDaoJdbc
- getNextSchedules(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockDao
Get next schedules.
- getNextScheduleTime(SessionConfig, ClockConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IServiceClock
Returns the scheduled date-time for the next execution of a clock.
- getNextScheduleTime(SessionConfig, ClockConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericServiceClock
- getNextSibling() - Method in class
- getNextStep() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
Returns the next step to be executed.
- getNextUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL the corresponds to the next page of this list.
- getNode(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.IRelationshipManager
Gets the relatable node.
- getNode(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.RelationshipManager
- getNode(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.IRelationshipManager
Gets the relatable node or creates a new node with the values in type and objectId params if the param createNode is equal to true.
- getNode(String, String, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.RelationshipManager
- getNodeId() - Method in class
Returns the nodeId.
- getNodeId() - Method in class
Returns the nodeId.
- getNodeInterfaceInstanceId(Node) - Static method in class
Gets the service interface instance identifier present into its
. - getNodeLogLabel() - Method in class
Returns the label node to log.
- getNodeName() - Method in class
- getNodeType() - Method in class
- getNodeValue() - Method in class
- getNonSSLConnectorPort() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
due to the inclusion of multiple websites.For best compatibility, this method resolves based on the default website's main non-secure URL. If there is no default website, it will throw an
. - getNormalizedName() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentTag
Returns the normalized tag name.
The normalized tag name is the original tag name inlower case
(usingEnglish locale
) with white spaces replaced by '-'. - getNormalizedName() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType.Data.Tag
Returns the tag normalized name.
- getNormalizedName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Tag
Returns the tag normalized name.
- getNormalizedToken() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorStringField
Returns the value of normalized token version of the string stored in this document.
- getNormalizedToken(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the string normalized token version if string is not null, otherwise returns null.
- getNotifierConfigs() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityProcessorConfig
Returns a collection of
in this activity processor. - getNumberOfActiveThreads() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the number of currently active processor threads.
- getNumberOfActiveThreads() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getNumberOfActiveThreads() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Health indicator of the number of currently active monitor process threads.
- getNumberOfCachedPagesExpiredSince5m() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfCachedPagesExpiredSince5m() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Returns the number of cached pages expired under five minutes ago.
- getNumberOfCachedPagesWithError() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfCachedPagesWithError() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator for the number of page cache with error.
- getNumberOfClocksExecutingMoreThanTwoMinutes() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfClocksExecutingMoreThanTwoMinutes() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the number of clocks running more than two minutes.
- getNumberOfFragments() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.HighlightConfig
Returns the maximum number of fragments returned by the search.
- getNumberOfLocks15SecondsOld() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfLocks15SecondsOld() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the number of locks creates in more than fifty seconds.
- getNumberOfMessages() - Method in class
- getNumberOfMessages() - Method in class
- getNumberOfMonitoredUsers() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfMonitoredUsers() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Returns the number o monitored users.
- getNumberOfOptions() - Method in class
- getNumberOfPortalCachesFull() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfPortalCachesFull() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the number of portal cache with full capacity.
- getNumberOfRegisteredUsers() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfRegisteredUsers() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Returns the number o registered users.
- getNumberOfServiceInstanceFiles(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getNumberOfServiceInstanceFiles(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns the number of files for a service instance.
- getNumberOfStandardGroupMembers() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfStandardGroupMembers() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Returns the number of standard group members.
- getNumberOfSuggestions() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.AutoCompleteSuggestionConfig
Returns the requested number of suggestions.
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the number of processor threads.
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Health indicator of the number of monitor process threads.
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in class
Returns the number of generation threads for general use.
- getNumberOfThreadsForImmediateUseOnly() - Method in class
Returns the number of generation threads for immediate use only.
- getNumberOfTopics() - Method in class
- getNumberOfViews() - Method in class
- getNumberOfVotes() - Method in class
- getNumberOfVotes() - Method in class
- getNumberOfWebResources() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getNumberOfWebResources() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Returns the number of web resources.
- getNumComments(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getNumComments(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getNumErrors() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getNumErrors() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the amount of errors in the last deployment operation over the module.
- getNumErrors() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the amount of errors in the last deployment operation over the module.
- getNumErrors() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getNumErrors() - Method in class
Returns the number of consecutive generation errors for this page cache.
- getNumVersions(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getNumVersions(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getNumWarnings() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getNumWarnings() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the amount of warnings in the last deployment operation over the module.
- getNumWarnings() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the amount of warnings in the last deployment operation over the module.
- getNumWarnings() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getObject() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the direct object of this activity.
- getObject() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getObjectId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelatable
Gets the object identifier.
- getObjectId() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelatableNode
- getObjectName() - Method in class lumis.portal.apm.metric.ApmMetric
Returns the JMX object name used to obtain the value for this metric.
- getObjectType(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getObjectType(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManager
Returns the object type of given identifier.
- getObjectType(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.content.activitystream.ContentActivityStreamUtil
Get the
for the specified service and source - getObjectTypeId(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.content.activitystream.ContentActivityStreamUtil
Get the
identifier for the specified service and source - getObjectTypes() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getObjectTypes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Returns list of persisted activity object types.
- getObserver(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.event.IPortalEventManager
Returns an observer configuration.
- getObserverByClassName(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.event.IPortalEventManager
Searches for an observer configuration based on its class name.
- getOccurrences() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.HashOccurrence
Returns the number of occurrences of a given hashtag value
- getOldEntities() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.persistence.PostUpdateEvent
Returns the entity state before the update.
- getOldEntities() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.persistence.PreUpdateEvent
Returns the entity state before the update.
- getOldVersionModuleFile(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain the old version of the archive file relative to a module.
- getOldVersionModuleLocalDataFile(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Utility method to obtain the old version of the archive file relative to a module.
- getOldVersionModuleRelativePath(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns the module's old version relative file path.
- getOmittedCollections() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getOmittedCollectionsForClass(Class) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getOnClick(String, String, ISourceData, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.DouiHyperlink
- getOnClickLinkType() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getOnClickPageId() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getOnClickUrl() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getOneWayCipher() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.CryptoManager
- getOneWayCipher() - Method in interface lumis.portal.crypto.ICryptoManager
Returns a one-way cipher.
- GetOnlyMap() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver.GetOnlyMap
- getOpenRuntimeInterfaceWithActiveParentBehavior() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the default open runtime interface behavior set for this theme when the runtime interface needs the parent interface to be kept active.
- getOpenRuntimeInterfaceWithoutActiveParentBehavior() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.ITheme
Returns the default open runtime interface behavior set for this theme.
- getOpenScript(IServiceInterfaceRequest, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Returns the script for opening this URL based on the provided parameters.
- getOpenScript(IServiceInterfaceRequest, OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Returns the script for opening this URL based on the provided parameters.
- getOperationType() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.AbstractPortalEvent
- getOperationType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.event.IPortalEvent
Returns the type of operation that generated this event.
- getOperator() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
- getOperator() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.FieldPresenceClause
Returns the operator of this clause.
- getOperator() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFieldClause
Returns the operator for this clause.
- getOperator() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFilterGroup
Returns the operator for grouping the filters.
- getOperator() - Method in class
Returns the operator used in this entry.
- getOperator() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the operator for this clause.
- getOperator() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the operator for grouping the filters.
- getOptionId() - Method in class
- getOptions() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
Return the map of options of the field.
- getOptions() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the options for this field.
- getOptionTitle() - Method in class
- getOptionType() - Method in class
- getOracleStylePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.script.install.DeploymentSqlGenerator
- getOracleStylePath() - Method in class lumis.util.AbstractSqlGenerator
Returns the stylesheet file path for Oracle.
- getOracleStylePath() - Method in class lumis.util.SqlGenerator
- getOrAddServiceInterfaceRunTimeInstance(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Get or Add the ServiceInterfaceRunTimeInstance.
- getOrAddServiceInterfaceRunTimeInstance(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getOrCreateNode(String, Node) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getOrCreateSubscriptionId(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.mobileapp.IMobileAppManagerSPI
Returns the subscription identifier (
if there isn't one) of the given user user in the given website. - getOrCreateSubscriptionId(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAppManager
- getOrCreateSubscriptionId(IWebsite) - Method in interface lumis.portal.mobileapp.IMobileAppManagerSPI
Returns the subscription identifier (
if there isn't one) of the current user in the given website. - getOrCreateSubscriptionId(IWebsite) - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAppManager
- getOrder() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuerySort
Returns the sort order.
- getOrderBy() - Method in interface
Returns the ordering.
- getOrderDirection() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySortOrder
- getOrGeneratePersonalizedHolder(String, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.PagePersonalizationManager
Returns an existent personalized holder or generates a new one, copying the widget instances from the corresponding default holder.
- getOrGenerateTemporaryHolder(String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.PagePersonalizationManager
Returns an existent temporary holder or generates a new one, copying the widget instances from the corresponding default holder.
- getOrigin() - Method in class
- getOrigin() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalReaderConfig
Get the origin
- getOrigin() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get origin
- getOrigin() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns the origin of this user.
- getOrigin() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getOriginalConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
- getOriginalContentWorkflowMetaData() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowActionExecutedEvent
Returns the
value that existed before the action being executed. - getOriginalData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourcePreUpdateDataEvent
Returns the data that corresponds to the item identifier being updated.
- getOriginalEventDate() - Method in class
Returns the originalEventDate.
- getOriginalGroupPrefix(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getOriginalItemId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceUpdateDataEvent
Returns the item identifier of the data that will be updated.
- getOriginalName(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.ChannelNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getOriginalName(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.NamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getOriginalName(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.PageNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getOriginalName(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor.ServiceInstanceNamePathConverterPostLoadProcessor
- getOriginPattern() - Method in class
Returns the originPattern.
- getOriginServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the identifier of the service instance origin of the activity.
- getOriginServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getOtherContacts() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets others contacts
- getOtherLocales() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the other locales of this document.
- getOutcome() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
Returns the outcome of this step.
- getOutputByteArray() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.BufferedHttpServletResponse
Returns the output body for this response as a byte array.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalReaderConfig
Get the output file path
- getOutputProperties() - Method in class
- getOutputProperty(String) - Method in class
- getOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns an
that writes to this file. - getOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFile
- getOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletResponse
- getOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.BufferedHttpServletResponse
- getOutputStream(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSDirectory
- getOutputStream(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSShallowDirectory
- getOutputStream(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.IDirectory
Get an
to a repository file. - getOutputStream(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.sub.SubDirectory
- getOutputStream(String) - Method in class
Get an
to a repository file. - getOutputString() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.BufferedHttpServletResponse
Returns the output body for this response as a string.
- getOutVariableName() - Method in class
- getOutVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the output variable name.
- getOverallMax() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getOverallProgressMax() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getOverallProgressValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getOverallValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getOwner() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns the owner of this process.
- getOwner() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
- getOwner() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
Returns the owner.
- getOwner() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Post
Gets the id from post owner
- getOwnerDocument() - Method in class
- getOwnerId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.AbstractScriptStepExecutable
- getOwnerId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.IScriptStepExecutable
Returns this step's owner identifier.
- getOwnerId() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueTaskScheduleConfig
Returns the owner identifier set in this configuration.
- getOwnerType() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.AbstractScriptStepExecutable
- getOwnerType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.IScriptStepExecutable
Returns this step's owner type.
- getOwnerUser() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns the owner user identifier of this process.
- getOwnerUser() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
- getOwnServiceInstance(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the own service instance.
- getPaddingBottom() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getPaddingLeft() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getPaddingRight() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getPaddingTop() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getPage() - Method in class
Returns the page this web resource is based on.
- getPage() - Method in class
- getPage() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl.PageAclControl
Returns the page whose acl this control edits.
- getPage() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl.PageTemplateAclControl
Returns the page template whose acl this control edits.
- getPage() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the identifier of the page related to this rule.
- getPageAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPageAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getPageAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageBlockInfo(String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getPageByPageCache(SessionConfig, PageCacheConfig, ITransaction) - Static method in class
Returns the page that will be rendered when accessing a web resource.
- getPageCache() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the cache definition for this web resource.
- getPageCacheGenerationState(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0, replaced by
for better performance and easier use. - getPageCacheGenerationState(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPageCacheGeneratorUserAgent() - Static method in class
Returns the user agent string to be used when requesting a page for cache generation.
- getPageCacheId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
Returns the identifier of the page cache this request renders to.
- getPageCacheManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getPageCacheManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageCacheMonitor(PageCacheConfig) - Static method in class
Returns a
by apage cache configuration
. - getPageConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPageConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getPageDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getPageDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the page description.
- getPageDescription(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the description for the specified
if defined. - getPageDescription(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getPageDocType() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileMarkupResourceStream
Returns the DOCTYPE for the markup of this resource stream.
- getPageDocType() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getPageDocTypeByName(String) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.PageDocType
- getPageDocTypeByPublicDTDName(String) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.PageDocType
Returns the
for a public DTD name. - getPageHolderHtmlByServiceInterfaceInstance(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.util.PortalUtilInternal
Returns the service interface instance pageholder HTML fragment, if there is any.
- getPageHolderInfo(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
- getPageId() - Method in class
- getPageId() - Method in class
- getPageId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.NavigationContext.WebResourceResume
Returns the page identifier.
- getPageId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getPageId() - Method in class
- getPageId() - Method in class
- getPageId() - Method in class lumis.service.content.preview.PreviewUtil.PreviewInformation
Returns identifier for the page that can be used to preview the content.
- getPageIdsUsingCss(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssDaoJdbc
- getPageIdsUsingCss(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssDao
- getPageIdsUsingCss(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.css.CssManager
- getPageIdsUsingCss(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.css.ICssManager
- getPageInterfaceInstanceIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get the ids of the page's interface's instance.
- getPageInterfaceInstanceIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getPageLayout() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
Returns the layout of the current Page.
- getPageLayout(SessionConfig, PageWebResource, ITransaction, int) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PageRendererUtil
Returns current page's layout
. - getPageLayoutHolderIds(Document, PageWebResource) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PageRendererUtil
Returns a collection of holder ids for the given page layout
if thePageWebResource
has a layout file path, else returns null. - getPageLinkDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getPageLinkManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPageLinkManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPageManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageParameterValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
- getPageRenderer() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
Returns the page renderer for this page.
- getPageRequestTimeout() - Method in class
Returns the timeout, in milliseconds, for a cached page request.
- getPageRuntimeDataProviderClassName() - Method in class
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 replaced by
. - getPageRuntimeDataProviderType() - Method in class
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 replaced by
. - getPages() - Method in class
- getPagesChanged() - Method in class
Returns the pages whose render data may have changed.
- getPageSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getPageSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageSimpleTitle() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getPageSimpleTitle() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the simple title to be used on the detail page that displays this content.
- getPageSocialDescription(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the social description for the specified
if defined. - getPageSocialDescription(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getPageSocialImageFileId(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the social image file id for the specified
if defined. - getPageSocialImageFileId(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getPageSocialTitle(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the social title for the specified
if defined. - getPageSocialTitle(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getPageTemplateAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPageTemplateAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageTemplateId() - Method in class
- getPageTemplateIdRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPageTemplateIdRecursively(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the PageTemplateId for the specified channel (local or inherited from a parent channel)
- getPageTemplateManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPageTemplateManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPageTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the page title if defined.
- getPageTitle(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the title for the specified
if defined. - getPageTitle(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getPageTitlePattern() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the page title pattern to be used on the detail page that displays this content.
- getPageTitlePattern() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the page title pattern if defined.
- getPageTitlePattern(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the page title pattern for the given page and locale.
- getPageTitlePattern(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
Returns the page title pattern for the given page and locale.
- getPageUrl() - Method in class
- getPageWebResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
Returns the PageWebResource for this page.
- getPageWebResource() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns the
of this request. - getPageWebResource() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the
of this request. - getPageWebResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getPageWebResourceBeingRendered(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml
Returns the page web resource being rendered in the given request (if any).
- getPageWebResourceData() - Method in class
Returns the data generated in runtime for this page web resource.
- getPageWebResourceData() - Method in class
Template method for filling up a page web resource data properties.
- getPageWebResourceData() - Method in interface
Returns the data about a page web resource.
- getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName() - Method in class
Returns the class name for the page web resource data provider.
- getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName() - Method in class
Returns the class name for the page web resource data provider.
- getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the default
class name for the child pages of a channel. - getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the
class name for the given page. - getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPageWebResourceDataProviderType() - Method in class
Returns the page web resource data provider type.
- getPageWebResourceDataProviderType() - Method in class
Returns the page web resource data provider type.
- getParameter() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.ITransformationParameter
Returns the parameter.
- getParameter() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleTransformationParameter
Returns the transformation parameters.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.This method overrides the parent method returning the appropriate value for the current row being inserted.
- getParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameterItem
Returns a parameter value for a given parameter name.
- getParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.doui.processaction.IProcessActionHandler
Returns the parameter value.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
This method overrides the parent method returning the appropriate value for the current row being inserted.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceAddMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
This method overrides the parent method returning the appropriate value for the current row being added.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Returns the parameter value from.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.This method overrides the parent method returning the appropriate value for the current row being inserted.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableAddMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.This method overrides the parent method returning the appropriate value for the curren row being inserted.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Deprecated.Returns the parameter value from.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the parameter with the given name.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getParameter(String) - Method in class
- getParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the value of a request parameter as a
, ornull
if the parameter does not exist. - getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the value of a parameter for this web resource.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class
- getParameter(String) - Method in class
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.categorization.UpdateCategorizationRepositoryProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.doui.positionfield.PositionFieldUpdateProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaAddMultipleProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaAddPublicProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.processactionhandler.PagePersonalizationContentTableAddProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.processactionhandler.PagePersonalizationContentTableEditProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.AddMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.EditMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.doui.UpdatePrivacyTermRepositoryProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.processactionhandler.MicroblogAttachmentsProcessActionHandler
Transitory solution.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.tagmanager.doui.AddTagProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.tagmanager.doui.EditTagProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.PostAddProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.util.parameter.IParameters
- getParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.util.parameter.Parameters
- getParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.AddMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.EditMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getParameter(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface lumis.doui.processaction.IProcessActionHandler
Returns the parameter value converted to the expected class.
- getParameter(String, Class<T>) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
- getParameterClass(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the class given a parameter name.
- getParameterMap() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.IMultiFileUploadParameterItem
Returns a field parameter map, it's a map
where the key is a dataId and the value is the parameter value. - getParameterMap() - Method in class
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the parameter map.
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getParameterMap() - Method in class
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
- getParameterMap() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns a
of the parameters of this request. - getParameterMap() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns a
of the parameters of this request. - getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns a map containing all parameters for this web resource.
- getParameterName(MBeanOperationInfo, MBeanParameterInfo, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMBean
- getParameterNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getParameterNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Get the given String parameter to this URL.
- getParameterNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns an
objects containing the names of the parameters contained in this request. - getParameterNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns an
objects containing the names of the parameters contained in this request. - getParameterNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidationMessages
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.PreparedUrl
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceAddDataEvent
Returns the data provided to the add operation as parameters.
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceUpdateDataEvent
Returns the data parameters provided to the update operation.
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunClassStepExecutable
Returns the parameters to be passed to the custom class.
- getParameters() - Method in class
Returns the parameters where the change applies.
- getParameters() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the
. - getParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.CustomURLShortener
Returns the parameter map associated with this shortener.
- getParameters() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.QuestionSource
Get table source parameters map
- getParameterValue(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
Returns the value for this control, reading from request the parameters based on the specified name.
- getParameterValue(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
- getParameterValue(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns a parameter value previously set.
- getParameterValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag.TagControl
- getParameterValues(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns an array of
objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, ornull
if the parameter does not exist. - getParameterValues(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getParameterValues(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the values of a parameter for this web resource.
- getParent() - Method in class
- getParent() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns the parent
. - getParent() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.ClusterMirroredLocalDataFile
- getParent() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFile
- getParent() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns the parent PortalFilePath or
if this is already the root of base folder. - getParent() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorFieldSPI
Returns the parent field.
- getParent() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
Returns this field parent field.
- getParent() - Method in class
- getParent() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the web resource of the parent element of this web resource.
- getParent() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the parent.
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl.ChannelAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl.PageAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl.PageTemplateAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl.PortalAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl.ServiceAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentAcl() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.ServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler
- getParentChannel() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns the channel parent of this channel.
- getParentChannelIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getParentContentId() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the parentContentId.
- getParentContentPrimaryName(String, TableSource, String) - Method in class lumis.content.control.parentcontent.SelectContentParentContentControl
- getParentContentPrimaryName(String, TableSource, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.parentcontent.SelectParentContentControl
Returns the primary name for the given value.
- getParentControl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getParentControl() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getParentField() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns this field's parent field, if any.
- getParentFolder() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
- getParentFolder() - Method in class
- getParentId() - Method in class lumis.contentservices.util.HierarchicalElement
Returns the parent identifier.
- getParentId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.IFolder
- getParentId() - Method in class
- getParentId() - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagConfig
- getParentId() - Method in class
- getParentId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList
- getParentId() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the identifier of the parent of this hit.
- getParentId() - Method in class
- getParentInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class
- getParentInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getParentItemPath() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the item parent path.
- getParentNestedField(DocumentTypeField) - Static method in class
Returns an optional parent nested object of the given field.
- getParentNode() - Method in class
- getParentNodes() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationMessageConfigNode
- getParentPathIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the Ids of parent channels recursively.
- getParentPathIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getParentPortalFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFile
- getParentPropertyBag() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns the parent property bag object.
- getParentPropertyBagId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
- getParentServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getParentServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.metadata.IMetaDataManager
- getParentServiceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataManager
- getParentTemplate() - Method in class
Returns the parent template (if any).
- getParentTemplateId() - Method in class
- getParentTemplateId() - Method in class
- getParentTemplateId() - Method in class
- getParsedGroupBy() - Method in class
Returns the parsed groupBy.
- getParsedMetrics() - Method in class
Returns the parsed metrics.
- getParser() - Method in class lumis.util.converter.DateTimeConverter.ISO8601DateTimeFormat
- getPartialInitialTree(String, String, HttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class
- getPassword() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.LumisLoginModule
Returns the password provided by the user
- getPassword() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getPath() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.IFolder
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType.Data
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.NestedObjectAggregation
Returns the path of nested field.
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ServiceObject
Returns the service path.
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.WorkflowObject
Returns the workflow path.
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns the
that represents this file or directory. - getPath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeUrlValue
Returns the value of URL path stored in this document.
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext.RelativePath
- getPath() - Method in class
Returns the path.
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncInSelectedElement
Returns the relative path for this element's serialized file or folder.
- getPath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IRequestedURI
Returns the path component of this URI, starting with '/' and relative to the web application root.
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the path to access this web resource.
- getPath() - Method in interface
Returns the path part of this website base URL.
- getPath() - Method in class
- getPath() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getPath(boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns the relative path to this channel's directory.
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the full path of the Channel.
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the complete path beginning from the root channel to the page.
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get the full path of the Channel.
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the complete path beginning from the root channel to the page.
- getPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPathClashSuffix() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
Returns a random unique suffix to be appended to web resource friendly paths whenever a path clash happens.
- getPathFromAppId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the app path from the given app id.
- getPathIds() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl.IFolder
- getPathIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPathIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get Ids of channel and its parents.
- getPathNames(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getPathNames(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a list of strings each representing the name of the channel between the root portal channel and the channel solicited.
- getPathPattern() - Method in class
Returns the pathPattern.
- getPathPortalMode(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PortalModeDiscoveryFilter
Returns the portal mode that corresponds to the given servlet path.
- getPattern() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
- getPercentageExecuted(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Returns the percentage of executed steps.
- getPermission() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPermissionProvider
Returns the IPermission for the portal mode.
- getPermission() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.ManagePageSecurityPermissionProvider
Returns PagePermissions.MANAGE_PAGE_SECURITY for IPortalModeSPI.
- getPermission() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.PublishContentPermissionProvider
Returns PagePermissions.PUBLISH_CONTENT for IPortalModeSPI.
- getPermission() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.ViewPagePermissionProvider
Returns PagePermissions.VIEW_PAGE for IPortalModeSPI.
- getPermissionId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.ServiceInstancePrincipalPickerControl
Return the permission Id to perform the search of principals.
- getPermissionProvider() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Returns the permission provider of the current PortalMode.
- getPermissionProvider() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalModeSPI
Returns the permission provider of the current mode.
- getPermissions() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializableConfig
- getPermissions() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgent
Returns the permissions.
- getPermissions() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetwork
Retrieves needed permissions when registering application to an account in this social network.
- getPermissions() - Method in class
- getPermissions(StateScope) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns all permissions available for a given scope.
- getPermissions(TransitionScope) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns all permissions available for a given scope.
- getPermissions(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.IServiceInstanceAclManager
- getPermissions(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstanceAclManager
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.acl.PortalPermissions
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Static method in enum
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Static method in enum
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Static method in enum
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Static method in enum
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
- getPermissionsDefinition(Locale) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstancePermissions
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl.ChannelAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl.PageAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl.PageTemplateAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl.PortalAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl.ServiceAclControl
- getPermissionsNode(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.ServiceInstanceAclControl
- getPermissionsScopeAll() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Deprecated.Since 6.0.2, replaced by
. - getPermissionsScopeAll() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Deprecated.Since 6.0.2, replaced by
. - getPermissionsScopeAssignedTo() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Deprecated.Since 6.0.2, replaced by
. - getPermissionsScopeAssignedTo() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Deprecated.Since 6.0.2, replaced by
. - getPersistableConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
Returns the persistable config, which represents a clone of original config, with its foreign keys updated to be non-violated.
- getPersistentClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateDao
Returns the class whose persistence this DAO controls.
- getPersistentClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao
Returns the class whose persistence this DAO controls.
- getPersistIfViolated() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigForeignKey
- getPersonalPageId() - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetwork
Returns the personal page id.
- getPersonalPageId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the personalPageId.
- getPhone() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets phone
- getPhoto() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets photo
- getPin() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceAggregation
Returns the center point of the aggregation.
- getPin() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceFilter
Returns the pin.
- getPin() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceSearchQuerySort
Returns the pin.
- getPk() - Method in class
- getPk() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlEntry
- getPk() - Method in class
Returns the primary key.
- getPointWeight() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getPopularity() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns this document popularity.
- getPopularityProvider() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentStandardBigDataDocumentPopularityProviderConfiguration
Returns the popularityProvider.
- getPopupAddInterfaceServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.dynamiclist.TermDynamicListControl
- getPopupAddInterfaceServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.dynamiclist.DynamicListControl
- getPopupRunTimeInterfaceDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.ContentPickerControl
- getPopupRunTimeInterfaceDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.TermPickerControl
- getPopupUrl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
- getPopupUrl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getPopupUrl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
- getPopupUrl() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.ServiceInstancePrincipalPickerControl
- getPopupWindowProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getPort() - Method in interface
Returns the port of this website base URL.
- getPort() - Method in class
- getPortalAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPortalAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPortalBaseFolder() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns the base folder for this path.
- getPortalContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPortalDeployer(DeployConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getPortalDeployer(DeployConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManager
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 the use of
has been deprecated. - getPortalEntity() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.EntityObject
Returns the portal entity.
- getPortalEventManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPortalEventManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPortalFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemEvent
Returns the affected file or folder.
- getPortalFile(SessionConfig, FileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
- getPortalFile(SessionConfig, FileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.IFileManager
Returns the File object for accessing the corresponding file in the portal filesystem.
- getPortalFile(SessionConfig, TransformedFileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
- getPortalFile(SessionConfig, TransformedFileConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IFileTransformationManagerSPI
Returns the
related to the givenTransformedFileConfig
. - getPortalFilePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFile
- getPortalInfo() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the name and version of the portal.
- getPortalMembers(String) - Method in interface
Returns the segmentation members.
- getPortalMembers(String) - Method in class
- getPortalMemberSegmentations(String) - Method in interface
Returns a collection of segmentations of the given (portal) user.
- getPortalMemberSegmentations(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Returns a collection of segmentations of the given (portal) user.
- getPortalMemberSegmentations(String, boolean) - Method in class
- getPortalMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getPortalMode() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the requested portal mode.
- getPortalMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getPortalMode(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PortalModeDiscoveryFilter
Returns current portal mode.
- getPortalMode(IServiceInterfaceRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PortalModeDiscoveryFilter
Returns current portal mode.
- getPortalModeFromId(int) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.PortalModes
Returns a given portal mode from a mode id.
- getPortalModes() - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.PortalModes
- getPortalRequestContext(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestContext
Returns the Portal Request Context from a given request.
- getPortalRequestContext(IServiceInterfaceRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestContext
Returns the Portal Request Context from a given request.
- getPortalUserId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getPortalUserMembers(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalManager
Returns the members that are (portal) users of the given principal.
The return value will be:
If the given principal is a user: a set with a single entry that is the given user itself. If the given principal is a user segmentation: a set with the users that are members of the given segmentation. If the given principal is a group: a set containing the result of a recursion in this method with each direct member of the given group. - getPortalUserMembers(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
- getPortletCloneName(SessionConfig, String, Source<?>, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui.ClonePortletPostLoadProcessor
Returns the portlet clone processed name.
- getPortletDescription(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.IPortletServiceManager
Returns the portlet description.
- getPortletDescription(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.PortletServiceManager
- getPortletDescription(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getPortletDescription(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManager
Returns the PortletDescription for the given portletHandle.
- getPortletDescription(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV1
- getPortletDescription(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV2
- getPortletHandle() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ClonedPortlet
- getPortletInputStream() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getPortletInputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionRequest
- getPortletManager() - Static method in class lumis.portlet.container.manager.PortletManagerFactory
- getPortletMode() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
- getPortletMode() - Method in class
Returns the portlet mode for the target in this page web resource.
- getPortletMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
- getPortletMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPortletMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
- getPortletName(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.IPortletServiceManager
Returns the portlet name.
- getPortletName(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.PortletServiceManager
- getPortletName(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManager
Returns the portlet display name.
- getPortletName(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV1
- getPortletName(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV2
- getPortletOutputStream() - Method in class
- getPortletOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getPortletOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getPortletOutputStream() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getPortletProperties(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.IPortletServiceManager
Returns the portlet properties.
- getPortletProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.PortletServiceManager
- getPortletProperties(String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManager
Returns the portlet properties.
- getPortletProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV1
- getPortletProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV2
- getPortletPropertyDescription(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManager
Returns the portlet property description.
- getPortletPropertyDescription(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV1
- getPortletPropertyDescription(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemotePortletManagementManagerV2
- getPortletRegistryContext() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletRegistryContextFactoryImpl
- getPortletRegistryContext(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletRegistryContextFactoryImpl
- getPortletServiceManager(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.PortletServiceManagerFactory
Returns an instance of a PortletServiceManager.
- getPortletSession() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPortletSession(boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.contentservices.util.HierarchicalElement
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class
- getPosition() - Method in class
- getPosition() - Method in interface
- getPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position of this entry in the formula.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagConfig
- getPosition() - Method in class
- getPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the display position of the
. - getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the current order of the media in their album.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the position.
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Gets question position
- getPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getPosition() - Method in class
- getPositionField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns the position field of this source.
- getPossibleAssignedTo(SessionConfig, String, WorkflowStateConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the possible assignedTo values for a workflow state.
- getPossibleAssignedTo(SessionConfig, String, WorkflowStateConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getPossibleAssignedToForAction(SessionConfig, String, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Deprecated.Since 4.2.0, replaced by
IWorkflowManager.getPossibleAssignedTo(SessionConfig, String, WorkflowStateConfig, ITransaction)
. - getPossibleAssignedToForAction(SessionConfig, String, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getPost() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Post
Gets the post value, itself.
- getPost() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post text.
- getPostedByUser() - Method in class
- getPostId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the postId.
- getPostId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.HashPK
- getPostId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.PostAttachment
Gets the PostId associated to this attachment.
- getPostsUsingHashtag(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostManager
Returns a list of posts that contains a given hashtag.
- getPreBuiltChannelFiles(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceManager
Returns a collection of paths to the pre built channel files for the specified service.
- getPreBuiltChannelFiles(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceManager
- getPreferences() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPreferences() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getPreferences(SessionConfig, String, int) - Method in interface lumis.portal.preferences.IPreferencesManager
Deprecated.Since 10.2.0, replaced by
IPreferencesManager.getServiceInterfaceInstancePreferences(String, PreferencesLevel)
. - getPreferences(SessionConfig, String, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.preferences.PreferencesManager
- getPreferencesManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPreferencesManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPrefix() - Method in exception
- getPrefix() - Method in class
- getPrepareForReadScript() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getPrepareForReadScript() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorControl
- getPrepareForReadScript() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getPresentationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPresentationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPreviewScript() - Method in class
Returns the preview javascript for the requested service instance.
- getPreviousParametersStorageId() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
Returns the previous parameters storage id.
- getPreviousParametersXmlString() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the existing previous parameters as XML string when a page is requested.
- getPreviousParametersXmlString() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getPreviousParametersXmlString() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getPreviousSibling() - Method in class
- getPreviousStoredValue(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
Returns a previously stored value.
- getPreviousUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL the corresponds to the previous page of this list.
- getPrimaryColor() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the primaryColor.
- getPrimaryKey() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getPrimaryKeyByContentId(String) - Method in class
Returns the primary key through the given contentId.
- getPrimaryKeyField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns the field id of the primary key field.
- getPrimaryKeyFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getPrimaryKeyFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.SelectItemTabularDataControl
- getPrimaryKeyFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getPrimaryKeyFieldId() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryCreateTable
Returns the field id of the field that should be created as the primary key.
- getPrimaryKeyFilterGroup(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getPrimaryKeyValues() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ValidateContentReferencesProcessActionHandler
- getPrimaryKeyValues() - Method in class
- getPrimaryName() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getPrimaryName() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the primary name for this content version.
- getPrimaryName() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getPrimaryNameField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the field that is the primary name of this source.
- getPrimaryNameFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.SelectItemTabularDataControl
- getPrincipalDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getPrincipalId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowPermission
Returns the identifier of the principal this permission instance is granting a role.
- getPrincipalId() - Method in class
- getPrincipalId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlEntry
- getPrincipalId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermission
Returns the principal identifier.
- getPrincipalId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermissionXml
Returns the principal identifier.
- getPrincipalId() - Method in class
- getPrincipalIds() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the principal identifiers this publication was made to.
- getPrincipalIds() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Returns the identifiers of the principals this publication is done to.
- getPrincipalIds() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Publication
Returns the principal identifiers present in this publication.
- getPrincipalManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getPrincipalManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPrincipalPrincipals(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalManagerSPI
Returns the principals of the given principal.
The return value will be:
If the given principal is a user: a set with an entry that is the given user itself and the result of the recursion in this method for each group and segmentation the user is member of. - getPrincipalPrincipals(SessionConfig, String, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
- getPrincipalRoles(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getPrincipals(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.IPrincipalManager
Returns the principals of the given principal.
The return value will be:
If the given principal is a user: a set with an entry that is the given user itself and the result of the recursion in this method for each group and segmentation the user is member of. - getPrincipals(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
- getPrincipalSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getPrincipalSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getPrincipalShortIdField() - Method in class
Returns the name of the field in the view that contains the principal short identifier.
- getPrincipalsInfo(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlControlBlockConditionsHelper
Returns a JSON with principal fields label, value and type mapped by principalId that exists in HTML field value.
- getPrincipalType() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig
- getPrincipalType() - Method in class
- getPrincipalType() - Method in class
- getPrincipalType() - Method in class
- getPrintable() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getPrintable(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the printable property of an interface instance.
- getPrintable(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getPriorities() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the priority mappings in this document.
- getPrioritizerConfigs() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityProcessorConfig
Returns a collection of
in this activity processor. - getPriority() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityDocumentPriority
The priority value.
- getPriority() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityPriority
Returns the priority value.
- getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the current priority value for this page cache.
- getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the priority of the page link.
- getPriority() - Method in class
- getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the priority of this website for detecting which website responds to a request.
- getPriority() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post priority used for ordering.
- getPriorityGreaterThan() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityNotifierConfig
Returns minimum priority (exclusive) in which the notifier will be executed.
- getPriorityGreaterThanOrEqualTo() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityNotifierConfig
Returns minimum priority (inclusive) in which the notifier will be executed.
- getPriorityLessThan() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityNotifierConfig
Returns maximum priority (exclusive) in which the notifier will be executed.
- getPriorityLessThanOrEqualTo() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityNotifierConfig
Returns maximum priority (inclusive) in which the notifier will be executed.
- getPriorityModifier() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityPrioritizerConfig
The modifier value to be applied to the priorities returned by the prioritizer class.
- getPriorityQueueIds() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of the queues that have priority for this generator.
- getPrivacyFilter(ServiceInstanceConfig, DocumentTypeField) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the privacy term part filter.
- getPrivacyProcessPurposes(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.privacyterm.IPrivacyTermManagerSPI
Returns all privacy term process purposes identifier of analytics service instance.
- getPrivacyProcessPurposes(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.PrivacyTermManager
- getPrivacyTermContent() - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.ProcessPurpose
Returns the privacyTermContent.
- getPrivacyTermManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the privacy term manager.
- getPrivacyTermManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the privacy term manager.
- getPrivateParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getProbability() - Method in class
Returns the probability.
- getProbability() - Method in class
Returns the probability.
- getProcess() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns the process owner of the step.
- getProcess() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
- getProcess(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IInteractiveProcessManager
Returns the process of the given identifier.
The parameterprocessId
is required. - getProcess(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.InteractiveProcessManager
- getProcessActionContainer() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getProcessActionDao() - Static method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoFactory
- getProcessActionDefinitionNodes(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getProcessActionHandlerDefinitionNodesByActionId(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionContainer
- getProcessActionHandlerParameterName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
Define the name of the process action parameter to be set.
- getProcessActionHandlerParameterName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
Define the name of the process action parameter to be set.
- getProcessActionIds() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
- getProcessActionIds() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataControl
Returns the process action identifiers for which this control sets parameters to.
- getProcessActionIds() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionContainer
- getProcessActionManager() - Static method in class lumis.doui.DouiManagerFactory
- getProcessActionsDefinitionNode() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getProcessCallbackHandler() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
Converts the Process Callback Handler from bytes to object and returns it.
- getProcessId() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getProcessId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getProcessId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getProcessId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action.AbstractMessageAction
Returns the process Id in which the task is being performed.
- getProcessId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the processId.
- getProcessInfo(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.commandpalette.CommandPaletteServiceResource
Returns information about a given process.
- getProcessors() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
Returns the
HTML processors
of this service. - getProcessors(PageWebResource) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IPresentationManagerSPI
Returns a list with the
HTML processors
for the givenweb resource
. - getProcessors(PageWebResource) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationManager
- getProcessPriority() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
Returns the processPriority.
- getProcessPurposeId() - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.UserConsent
Returns the processPurposeId.
- getProcessQueueFailedItems() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getProcessQueueFailedItems() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the process queue statistics, this is for retrieve the number of failed items in queue.
- getProcessQueueManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the spi queue manager.
- getProcessQueueManagerAPI() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the 'public' queue manager.
- getProcessQueueMaximumSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the process queue maximum size.
- getProcessQueueMaximumSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getProcessQueueMaximumSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Heath indicator of the monitoring process queue maximum size.
- getProcessQueueQueuedItems() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getProcessQueueQueuedItems() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the process queue statistics, this is for retrieve the number of waiting items in queue.
- getProcessQueueRunningItems() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getProcessQueueRunningItems() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the process queue statistics, this is for retrieve the number of running items in queue.
- getProcessQueueScheduleItems() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getProcessQueueScheduleItems() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the process queue statistics, this is for retrieve the number of schedule items in queue.
- getProcessQueueSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the process queue size.
- getProcessQueueSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getProcessQueueSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Heath indicator of the monitoring process queue size.
- getProcessQueueTotalProcess() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.Health
- getProcessQueueTotalProcess() - Method in interface lumis.portalmanagement.jmx.HealthMBean
Health indicator of the process queue statistics, this is for retrieve the total number of items in queue.
- getProcessTime() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getProducer(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerManagerImpl
- getProducer(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerManagerImpl
- getProducerEntity() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.Registration
- getProducerEntity(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
- getProducerEntityId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerFactory
Returns the producerEntityId configured for the specified service instance.
- getProducerEntityIds() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
- getProducerEntityManager(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerFactory
Returns the
for a WSRP producer service instance. - getProductName() - Method in enum lumis.util.DatabaseType
- getProfileAccounts(SocialNetworkAccount) - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.connector.FacebookConnector
Get all available accounts for the currently logged in user.
- getProfileImage() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl.ProfileImageData
- getProfileImage(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserInternalResource
Get the profile image file of the specified user based on his identifier or sends redirect to default image of no profile image is set.
- getProfileImageHref() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
Get principal profile image href.
- getProfileImageHref() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns the href of this user profile image.
- getProgressDeserializationItemCount() - Method in class
- getProgressDeserializationItemCount() - Method in interface
Get the number of steps of a channel deserialization process.
- getProgressEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getProgressManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getProgressManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getProgressSerializationItemCount() - Method in class
- getProgressSerializationItemCount() - Method in interface
Get the number of steps of a channel serialization process.
- getProject() - Method in class
Returns the project this channel belongs to (if any).
- getProject() - Method in class
- getProject() - Method in class
- getProject() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the project this web resource belongs to (if any).
It is important to notice that the relation webresource <-> project is not persisted. - getProjectByChannelId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProjectManagerSPI
Returns an optional project based on the given channel identifier.
- getProjectByChannelId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.project.ProjectManager
- getProjectByWebsiteId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.project.IProjectManagerSPI
Returns an optional project based on the given website identifier.
- getProjectByWebsiteId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.project.ProjectManager
- getProjectId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagUsageConfig
Returns the projectId.
- getProjectId(SessionConfig, Deque<IMonitorValuesProvider>, boolean, boolean, boolean, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.ProjectIdMonitorValuesProvider
Returns the project identifier from the given monitor value providers, inferring it if necessary.
- getProjectIdFilter(ServiceInstanceConfig, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns a search query filter to filter the data with the appropriated area tags.
- getProjectManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the project manager.
- getProperFields(Collection<? extends ISourceField>) - Static method in class lumis.service.doui.publisherfilters.PublisherFiltersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
Method that return a list of proper fields.
- getProperties() - Method in class
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns an immutable map of the environment properties.
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.PortalVariableResolver.EnvironmentBean
- getProperties() - Method in class
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalConfiguration.SystemBean
Returns the system properties.
- getProperties() - Method in class
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the properties for this web resource.
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationType
Returns the custom properties of the type.
- getProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getProperty() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationPropertyValue
Returns the property associated with the value.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns a property of this property bag.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getPropertyBag() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns the parent property bag of this property.
- getPropertyBag() - Method in class
- getPropertyBag() - Method in class
- getPropertyBag() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
- getPropertyBagId() - Method in class
- getPropertyBagId() - Method in class
- getPropertyBagId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getPropertyBagId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the property bag identifier.
- getPropertyBagId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns the identifier of this channel's property bag.
- getPropertyBagManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager for the property bag API.
- getPropertyBagManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for the property bag API.
- getPropertyBagSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getPropertyBagSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the property bag serialization manager.
- getPropertyLocalValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.GenericStructureElementPropertiesAccessor
- getPropertyMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns the aggregated properties of this property bag.
- getPropertyName(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContext
- getPropertyName(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.IBusinessContextSPI
Returns the name for the registered BusinessContext.
- getPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getPropertyNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getPropertyToSetValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns the property to set value on.
- getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the value of the property that has the given name.
- getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.GenericStructureElementPropertiesAccessor
- getPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.IStructureElementPropertiesAccessor
Returns the property value for a given property name.
- getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the property value for a given property name.
- getPropertyValues() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the properties values of the replication.
- getPropertyValues(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns an immutable set of values of the property that has the given name.
- getPropertyValues(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns the property values for a given property name.
- getProtocol() - Method in class
- getProtocol() - Method in class
- getProtocolScheme(SessionConfig, int, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Return the protocol Scheme of the page given a protocol type.
- getProtocolScheme(SessionConfig, int, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getProtocolType(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getProtocolType(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the protocolType of the given channel.
- getProtocolType(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the protocolType of the given page.
- getProtocolType(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getProvider() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.MessageDigestCipher
Returns the message digest provider to be used.
- getPubDateFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getPublicationDestination() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the publicationDestination path this application uses when publishing in this social network.
- getPublications() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the access to the fields belonging to the
fields in this document. - getPublications() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the publications defined for this version.
- getPublications() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the access to the fields belonging to the
fields in this document. - getPublications(ISearchHit, ISourceData, SearchSource) - Method in class
Returns the publications of the given search hit.
- getPublicationToken() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the publicationToken this application uses when publishing in this social network.
- getPublicFilesChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getPublicFilesChannelId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the public files channel Id.
- getPublicFilesChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ComponentObject
Returns the channel identifier used to discover the public files website directory.
- getPublicHtml(String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlControlBlockConditionsHelper
Removes the HTML block parts that are not public.
- getPublicParameterDescriptions(String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getPublicParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getPublishDate() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssResultRow
- getPublishDate() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Returns the message's scheduled publishing date.
- getPublishDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the publish date time in this document.
- getPublishDateTime() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the publishDateTime.
- getPublishedContentVersion(String, String) - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentManager
- getPublishedContentVersion(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.content.core.IContentManager
Returns the published version more appropriated to the current user for the specified content and service instance.
- getPublishedContextIdsIncludedInSearch(SearchSource, ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class
Returns the identifiers of the published contexts that should be included in search.
- getPublishedPrincipalIds(ContentTableSource, ISourceData) - Method in class lumis.content.bigdata.ContentTableSourceBigDataPersister
- getPublishedPrincipalIds(S, ISourceData) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Returns the published principal identifiers to compose
that will be added toStandardDocumentType#FIELD_PUBLICATIONS
. - getPublishedVersion() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the published version of the content in this locale.
- getPublishEndDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getPublishEndDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Returns the maximum date-time limit for this publication.
- getPublishEndDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getPublishStartDateField() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the field that is the publish start date of this source.
- getPublishStartDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getPublishStartDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Returns the initial date-time from which the publication is to be done.
- getPublishStartDateTime() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getPublishToPrincipals() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataInfoController
- getPublishToServiceInstances() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataInfoController
- getQuarter() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of quarter stored in this document.
- getQuarter(Date) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the quarter for a date.
- getQueryAdapter(ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.util.query.QueryAdapterFactory
- getQueryAssignments() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.CategorizationSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.TagSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.FileTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.HtmlTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns a list of query assignments to be used in the given query insert.
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class
- getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.CategorizationSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.TagSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.FileTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.HtmlTableSourceField
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns a list of query assignments to be used in the given query update.
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class
- getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.ContentParentContentDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.AbstractSourceFieldDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.BooleanDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ChannelDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DoubleDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.GuidDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.IntegerDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.type.ISourceFieldDataType
Returns a
constant for a query data type the value of this source field data type is best suited to be kept in. - getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.LongDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageOrPageTemplateDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageTemplateDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ParentContentDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PrincipalDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.StringDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TextDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.service.chatroom.AnyDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication.PasswordDataType
- getQueryDataType() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ResourcesDataType
- getQueryfield() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySortOrder
- getQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.WorkflowAssignedToSourceField
- getQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.ExperimentalGenericTableSourceField
- getQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
Returns the main query field for this source field.
- getQueryField(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.SingleColumnTableSourceField
- getQueryField(QueryBase, boolean) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
Returns the query field for this field.
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.CategorizationSourceField
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.TagSourceField
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns a query filter for this field.
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in class
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, TableSourceFilter) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.CompositeTableSourceFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.filter.ITableSourceFilter
Returns the query filter to be used with the given query.
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
Returns a query filter corresponding to this source filter definition.
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.filter.MyLastModifiedDateTimeTableSourceFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.filter.WorklowStateTableSourceFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.StatusFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.VersionFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryBase, IParameters) - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.QuestionnaireListFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.content.source.filter.MetaDataSourceFilter
Deprecated.Generate a query filter that filters the queryField by the metadata related to the given value (itemId request parameter).
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.MonthTableSourceFilter
Generate a query filter that filters the queryField by the month of the given value.
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
Creates a query filter, filtering the query field by the value, according to this filter definitions.
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityDateFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.filter.MyLastModifiedDateTimeTableSourceFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.table.filter.WorklowStateTableSourceFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItTextFilter
- getQueryFilter(QueryField, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.activitystream.ActivityDateFilter
- getQuerySortOrders(QueryBase, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
- getQuerySortOrders(QueryBase, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getQuerySortOrders(QueryBase, String) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns a list of sort orders to be applied when it is to be ordered by this field.
- getQuerySortOrders(QueryBase, String) - Method in class
- getQuerySortOrders(QueryBase, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getQueryString() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IRequestedURI
Returns the query string component of this URI.
- getQueryStringParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.servlet.ServletUtil
Tries to read a request parameter from its
query string
. - getQuestion() - Method in class
- getQuestionId() - Method in class
- getQuestionnaire() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Answer
Get this answer questionnaire
- getQuestionnaire() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Gets question questionnaire
- getQuestions() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
- getQueueAverageDuration() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorStatistics
Returns the average duration an item remains in the process queue (since it was added to the queue until it is fully processed) in milliseconds.
- getQueueAverageDuration() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealth
- getQueueAverageDuration() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.jmx.MonitorHealthMBean
Health indicator of the average of the duration an item remains on the process queue, since it was added until it is fully processed.
- getQueued() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueStatistics
Returns the amount of process in Queued status in the queue.
- getQueuedDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the time the process was added to the queue.
- getQueueLockTimeout() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the time in seconds for mail queue lock timeout.
- getQueueSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentMonitorConfiguration
Returns the queueSize.
- getQueueStatistics() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IProcessQueueManager
Retrieves the current situation statistics of the queue.
- getQueueStatistics() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueManager
- getQuoteButtonScript(String, ISourceData, IServiceInterfaceUrl) - Method in class
- getRanges() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.GeoDistanceAggregation
Returns the range list.
- getRank() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the rank value.
- getRawMaxEntryAge() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentMonitorConfiguration
Returns the raw of maxEntryAge in days.
- getRawQueueSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentMonitorConfiguration
Returns the raw value ofqueueSize.
- getRawThreadPoolSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentMonitorConfiguration
Returns the raw value of the monitoring thread pool size.
- getRawVersion() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
Returns the rawVersion.
- getRawVersion() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ComponentObject
Returns the raw version.
- getReadActivityIds(long) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
- getReadActivityIds(long) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManager
Returns the identifiers of activities read by the current user since the specified time millis.
- getReadData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
- getReader() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
- getReader() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionRequest
- getReadLock(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.lock.ILockManager
Returns a non-exclusive read lock object for the specified resource.
- getReadLock(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.LockManager
- getRealPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
due to the inclusion of multiple websites, and consequently, multiple web roots.For best compatibility, this method resolves based on the default website's web root folder. If there is no default website, it will throw an
. - getReceiverId() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.event.ClusterMessageReceivedEvent
The identifier of the server that received the message.
- getRecentlyLock(long) - Method in interface lumis.portal.lock.ILockManagerSPI
Return write locks for the last millisenconds
- getRecentlyLock(long) - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.LockManager
- getRecommendedFileExtension() - Method in class
- getRecommendedFileExtension() - Method in class
- getRecommendedFileExtension() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the file extension recommended for this web resource, according to its configurations.
- getRecommendToMe(SessionConfig, TabularSource<?>, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Get contents recommend to me by running a query on elasticSearch.
- getRecursiveImplies(Class<T>, IPermission) - Static method in class
- getRecursiveImplies(IPermission) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstancePermissions
- getRedirectDestination() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
- getRedirectedURL() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
Returns the redirect destination set by a call to
. - getRedirectedURL() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
- getReferencedCssIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getReferencedServiceInterfaceIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getReferencedServiceInterfaceStyleIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getRefererPath(String, IWebsiteBaseURL, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.URLUtil
Get the Web Resource path from the given URL
- getRefererRelativeUri(String, IWebsiteBaseURL, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.URLUtil
Returns the URI relative to the application root, without the mode root path, including the query string.
- getRegionName() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.HibernatePortalCache
- getRegistration() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ClonedPortlet
- getRegistration() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Returns the registration.
- getRegistrationContext() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Returns the registration context.
- getRegistrationContext() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.Registration
- getRegistrationData() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Currently unsupported
- getRegistrationHandle() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ClonedPortlet
- getRegistrationHandle() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.Registration
- getRegistrationState() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.Registration
- getRegularExpression() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule
Returns the regularExpression.
- getReindexerTabularDataProcessorClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0 this method is no longer used and remains only for binary compatibility, due to being replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata. Current implementation of this method throws
. - getRelationId() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryTable
- getRelationName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns the relation name this field uses.
- getRelationship(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.IRelationshipManager
Gets the relationship.
- getRelationship(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.RelationshipManager
- getRelationshipManager() - Static method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetworkManagerFactory
Returns a relationship manager instance.
- getRelationshipType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationship
Gets the relationship type.
- getRelationshipType() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipNode
- getRelationshipType(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.IRelationshipManager
Gets the type of relationship.
- getRelationshipType(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.RelationshipManager
- getRelativeId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getRelativePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns the relative path to
. - getRelativePath(String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.deployment.ComponentFolder
Returns the relative path of the given component identifier.
- getRelativePath(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.AbstractPortalBaseFolder
- getRelativePath(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFilePortalBaseFolder
- getRelativePath(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.filesystem.IPortalBaseFolder
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 it is not recommended to be used anymore due to the filesystem abstraction layer. Every file operation should use the
interface, that can be obtained fromIFileSystemManager.getFile(PortalFilePath)
. The direct usage of Java file API can produce unpredictable portal behavior, when not using the LumisPortal default filesystem implementations. The newfilesystem
API is highly recommended to be used instead. - getRelativePath(String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalBaseFolder
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 it is not recommended to be used anymore due to the filesystem abstraction layer. Every file operation should use the
interface, that can be obtained fromIFileSystemManager.getFile(PortalFilePath)
. The direct usage of Java file API can produce unpredictable portal behavior. The newfilesystem
API is highly recommended to be used instead. - getRelativePath(String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.PortalContext.RelativePathType
- getRelativePath(String, String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.deployment.ComponentFolder
Returns the relative path of the desired path under the given component identifier.
- getRelativePath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileFilter
- getRelativePath(IComponent) - Method in enum lumis.portal.deployment.ComponentFolder
Returns the relative path of the given component.
- getRelativePath(IComponent, String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.deployment.ComponentFolder
Returns the relative path of the desired path under the given component.
- getRelease() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IVersion
Returns the release version number.
- getRelease() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Version
- getReleaseVersion() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
Returns the release version of this build.
- getReload() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
- getRemoteMessageId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Returns the published message's id in the social network.
- getRemotePortletManagementManager(ProducerEntityImpl) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.RemoteServiceManagerFactory
Retrieves the RemotePortletManagmentManager for the given producerEntity.
- getRemoved() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the removed.
- getRemovedFiles() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ModuleDiff
Returns the removed files.
- getRemoveMailsSent() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns true if mails sent successfully should be automatically removed from the database.
- getRenderActionDefinitionNodes(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getRenderAs() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getRenderAs() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getRenderAs(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the renderAs property of an interface instance.
- getRenderAs(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getRenderComponentClass() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Returns the render component
- getRenderComponentClass() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.IPortalModeSPI
Returns the component render.
- getRenderData() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getRenderData() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
- getRenderData() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
Returns an xml string representation of the control for rendering via xsl.
- getRenderData() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.WebsiteChangeCheckControl
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.render.CharSequenceRenderableWrapper
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in interface lumis.doui.render.IRenderable
Returns the data of this object in a standard xml format.
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.render.RenderDataValue
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.LocalizableCharSequenceValue
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.OptionLookupValue
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ChannelDataType.Data
Returns a xml block that contains the id, name and path of the given channel.
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PrincipalDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class
- getRenderData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ResourcesDataType.Data
- getRenderParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
- getRenderParameter(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
- getRenderParameter(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceActionResponse
Deprecated.This method may be removed in the future. If the render parameter set needs to be read, consider storing it somewhere else, for example, as a request attribute. For better backwards compatibility in the doui framework, if the argument is "itemId" and no such render parameter exists, it is also searched in the request attributes.
- getRenderParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
- getRenderParameterMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
- getRenderParameters() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
- getRenderParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
- getRenderParameters() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceActionResponse
Deprecated.This method may be removed in the future. If the render parameter set needs to be read, consider storing it somewhere else, for example, as a request attribute. For better backwards compatibility in the doui framework, if no "itemId" render parameter exists, it is also searched in the request attributes.
- getRenderRequest() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getRenderRequest() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the page web resource render request.
- getRenderRequest() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getRenderResponse() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getReplace() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
Returns the replace.
- getReplaceInterfaceParametersParameterName() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ReplaceInterfacesStorage
- getReplaceInterfacesStorage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the replacement interfaces storage.
- getReplaceInterfacesStorage() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getReplaceInterfacesStorage() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
Returns the replace interfaces storage parameters.
- getReplaceInterfacesStorage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI
Returns the
for the current request. - getReplaceInterfaceStateParameterName() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Returns the replacement interface state parameter name.
- getReplaceNode() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ComponentObject
Returns the replace node.
- getReplication() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationPropertyValue
Returns the web file replication that owns the property.
- getReplyTo() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the reply to field of this mail.
- getReport() - Method in class
Returns the report.
- getReport() - Method in class
Returns the report.
- getReport(String) - Static method in class
Returns the given report.
- getReport(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the given report.
- getReport(String, String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Returns the JSON response for the report
- getReportDetails(String) - Method in class
- getReportImage() - Method in class
Returns the report image.
- getReportImageEmailLink() - Method in class
Returns the report image link.
- getReports() - Method in class
Get reports that have this User Segementation.
- getReportsAndDashboards() - Method in class
Returns the dashboards and reports.
- getReportsToBeUsed() - Method in class
Returns the reports to be used when accessing the dashboard.
- getReportType() - Method in class
Returns the reportType.
- getReportValues() - Method in class
Returns the report values (JSON).
- getRepository() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.BigDataRepositoryInitializedEvent
Returns the repository that has been initialized.
- getRepository() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.BigDataRepositoryPreDestroyEvent
Returns the repository that has been initialized.
- getRepositoryMenus(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceInterface
- getRepositoryMenus(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
- getRequest() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getRequest() - Method in interface
Returns the HTTP request.
- getRequest() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.ActionRequestCycle
- getRequest() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IActionRequestCycle
- getRequest() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IRenderRequestCycle
- getRequest() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.RenderRequestCycle
- getRequest() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.RequestCycle
Return the request used when processing this request cycle.
- getRequest() - Static method in class
Returns the request sent to the current REST operation.
- getRequest(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColDaoJdbc
- getRequestByConversationId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColDaoJdbc
- getRequestDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.MailQueue
- getRequestDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the date this mail has been requested to be sent.
- getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
- getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getRequestedPage(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.LoginControllerHtml
Returns the requested page URI stored for the session, used for redirecting after login.
- getRequestedPath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
Returns the requested path, adjusted according to the destination web resource.
- getRequestedURI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
Returns the
for the given request. - getRequestFieldCode() - Method in class
Return a code request for this field.
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.comments.CommentsControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.language.LanguageControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.language.LanguageFilterControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals.PublishToPrincipalsControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals.PublishToPrincipalsListControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesListControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.PublishToSocialNetworkControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.autorefresh.AutoRefreshControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.CalendarControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.TimePickerControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.dynamiclist.DynamicListControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ErrorSummaryControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataControl
Returns the request parameters help definition.
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.OrderedMultiItemPickerControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.progress.ProgressControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.progress.ProgressPanelControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.radiobutton.RadioButtonControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectChannelChildControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.AdvancedTabularDataControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.text.TextControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.comment.CurrentContentLocaleIdControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.dynamiclist.AddDynamicListSourceControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.fields.FieldsControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.publisherfilters.PublisherFiltersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.upgrade.LicenseTypeInputHiddenControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.XslEditorControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.control.AccountServiceInstancePaneControl
- getRequestHelpDefinition() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.control.CommentAreaListControl
- getRequestMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.controller.ControllerHtml
Returns the mode for the current request.
- getRequestOptions() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the default request options.
- getRequestParameterName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
- getRequestParameterName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.pane.PaneControl
- getRequestParameterName() - Method in class
- getRequestProcessType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IRequestedURI
Returns the type of process required for this request.
- getRequestRate() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgent
Returns the requestRate.
- getRequestTime() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getRequestVariableName() - Method in class
- getRequestVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the request variable name.
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class lumis.portal.acl.PortalAclManager
- getRequiredPermissions() - Static method in enum lumis.portal.acl.PortalPermissions
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class
- getRequiredPermissions() - Static method in enum
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class
- getRequiredPermissions() - Static method in enum
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class
- getRequiredPermissions() - Static method in enum
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class
- getRequiredPermissions() - Static method in enum
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.acl.ServiceAclManager
- getRequiredPermissions() - Static method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.ServiceInstanceAclManager
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class
- getRequiredPermissions(Class<T>) - Static method in class
- getRequiredVariables() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the variables this template needs to be fully filled.
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the localization resource for this workflow.
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
Returns the interface resource.
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.propertybag.PropertyBagProcessActionHandler
- getResource() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlevaluation.URLAccessibilityEvaluationProcessActionHandler
- getResource(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.CKEditorResource
Routes the given path to the appropriate path.
- getResource(PageContext) - Static method in class lumis.portal.taglib.AddResourceTag
Returns the resource set in the current page through this tag.
- getResourceClassName() - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
- getResourceClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiService
- getResourceClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
- getResourceClassName() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getResourceModuleId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
Returns the module id for the given resource
- getResourceModuleId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManagerSPI
Returns the module id corresponding to a resource.
- getResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringConfig
- getResourcePath() - Method in enum lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerMonitorUtil.Event
Returns the resourcePath.
- getResourcePaths() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.GenericStringResource
- getResourcePaths() - Method in interface lumis.util.IResource
- getResourcePriority() - Method in class
Returns the priority for generating the cache for the resource this cache is of.
- getResources() - Method in class
- getResources() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- getResources() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getResources() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getResources() - Method in interface lumis.doui.render.IRenderer
Returns the localization resources to be used in the value render.
- getResources() - Method in exception lumis.portal.PortalException
- getResources() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
- getResources() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the resources.
- getResources(URI, boolean, IResourceFilter) - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
- getResources(URI, boolean, IResourceFilter) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManagerSPI
Returns the available resources within the given base path.
- getResources(IThemeSPI.ResourceFolder) - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.IThemeSPI
Returns the resources inside the given resource folder of this theme.
- getResourcesOfModule(IModule) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Returns all available resources of a given module.
- getRespone() - Static method in class
Returns the response from the current REST operation.
- getResponse() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getResponse() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.ActionRequestCycle
- getResponse() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IActionRequestCycle
- getResponse() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IRenderRequestCycle
- getResponse() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.RenderRequestCycle
- getResponse() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.RequestCycle
Return the response used when processing this request cycle.
- getResponse() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
Returns the wrapped response.
- getResponseContentType() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getResponseContentTypes() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getResponseString() - Method in class
- getResponseString() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getResponseString() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletResponse
- getResponseString() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getResponseString() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPI
Returns this response's output string.
- getResponseString() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getResponseType() - Method in class
Returns the responseType.
- getResponseType() - Method in interface
Returns the response type.
- getResponseVariableName() - Method in class
- getResponseVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the response variable name.
- getResponseXml() - Static method in class lumis.portal.controller.ControllerXml
- getResponseXml(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.controller.ControllerXml
- getResponseXml(PortalException) - Method in class lumis.portal.controller.ControllerXml
- getRestContext() - Static method in class
Return the current thread local.
- getRestFriendlyId() - Method in class
Returns the restFriendlyId.
- getRestInterfaceId() - Method in interface
Returns the REST interface identifier.
- getRestShortName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Returns the Rest shortName.
- getResult() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.ITransmissionResult
Returns the transmission execution result.
- getResult() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.TransmissionResult
- getResult() - Method in exception lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckException
- getResult() - Method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckResult
Returns the health check result.
- getResults(RssConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssDao
Get the results of the Rss Xml file
- getResults(RssConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssDao
- getResume() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Returns the resume.
- getResumeDateTime() - Method in class
Returns the resumeDateTime.
- getResumeNode() - Method in class
Returns the resume node.
- getRetiredAliasName() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the alias used for LumisXP indices that were used in previous versions but are no longer used in current version.
- getReturnType(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiService
Returns the type of the REST result.
- getReversedNormalizedToken() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorStringField
Returns the value of reversed normalized token version of the string stored in this document.
- getReversedNormalizedToken(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the string reversed normalized token version if normalizedToken is not null, otherwise returns null.
- getReverseName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationshipType
Gets the display name to target.
- getReverseName() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipType
- getReversibleCipher() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.CryptoManager
- getReversibleCipher() - Method in interface lumis.portal.crypto.ICryptoManager
Returns a cipher that is able to encrypt data, and decrypt it back.
- getRightField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryAssignment
- getRightField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilter
- getRightField() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryJoin
- getRightParentheses() - Method in class
Returns a string containing right parentheses set in this entry.
- getRole() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowPermission
Returns the role this permission instance is granting.
- getRole() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermission
Returns the role.
- getRole() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermissionRoleXml
Returns the role.
- getRoles() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the roles for this Workflow.
- getRoles() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermissionXml
Returns the service instance workflow roles.
- getRoomId() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the roomId
- getRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns the root folder of this file.
- getRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.ClusterMirroredLocalDataFile
- getRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFile
- getRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns the root of this path.
- getRootChannelId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
Returns the root channel Id of the page to render.
- getRootChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
- getRootChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getRootChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationConfig
- getRootChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getRootChannelId() - Method in interface
Returns the identifier of the root channel of this web site.
- getRootChannelId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of the root channel of this web site.
- getRootChannelId() - Method in class
- getRootChannelId(PageConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
Returns the root channel id of the current page.
- getRootDir() - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesFolder
- getRootItems() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the sorted root items of this tree.
- getRootPath() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
due to the inclusion of multiple websites, and consequently, multiple web roots.For best compatibility, this method resolves based on the default website's web root folder. If there is no default website, it will throw an
. - getRoutedSpaPathPrefix() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Returns the routed SPA path prefix.
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.SelectItemTabularDataControl
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.announcement.AnnouncementTabularDataControl
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.association.AssociationTabularDataControl
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit.LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl
- getRowHyperlink(TabularSource, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileSystemTabularData
- getRowNumberFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceAddMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Returns the identifier of the field to store the row number.
- getRowNumberFieldId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.processaction.SourceUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
Returns the identifier of the field to store the row number.
- getRowOnClick(TabularSource<?>, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
- getRowOnClick(TabularSource<?>, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalTabularDataControl
Builds the java script to be added to the onClick of the hyperlink
- getRowOnClick(TabularSource<?>, ISourceData, String, int) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui.LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl
- getRows() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularData
Returns the rows in this tabular data.
- getRowsList() - Method in class
Returns the rows list.
- getRowsListVariableName() - Method in class
- getRowsListVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the rows list variable name.
- getRowspan() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getRssManager() - Static method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManagerFactory
Returns a rss manager instance.
- getRssServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getRuleType() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorRequestRule
Returns the ruleType.
- getRunning() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueStatistics
Returns the amount of process in Running status in the queue.
- getRunningClocks(long, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockManager
- getRunningClocks(long, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockManagerSPI
Get clocks running longer than a specific time in milliseconds.
- getRunningClocksInHalfMaxRunTime(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockManager
- getRunningClocksInHalfMaxRunTime(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockManagerSPI
Get clocks running longer than half of its configured maximum run time.
- getRunOnlyOnServer() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
- getRuntimeDataProviderClassName() - Method in class
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 replaced by
. - getRuntimeDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getRuntimeDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 replaced by
IChannelManager.getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, ChannelConfig, ITransaction)
. - getRuntimeDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 replaced by
IPageManager.getPageWebResourceDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction)
. - getRuntimeDataProviderClassName(SessionConfig, PageConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getRuntimeDataProviderType() - Method in class
Deprecated.Since 5.0.0 replaced by
. - getRuntimeDefaultSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
Returns default source to use in the context of the current control when evaluating runtime attributes.
- getRuntimeDefaultSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
- getRuntimeDefaultSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.SourceBoundControl
- getRunTimeInstance(String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao
Get the runtime instance.
- getRunTimeInstance(String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getRunTimeServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
Returns the service instance identifier of the runtime service instance for this page web resource.
- getRunTimeServiceInterfaceId() - Method in class
Returns the service interface identifier of the runtime service interface for this page web resource.
- getSaveXml() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
- getSaveXml() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
- getSaveXml() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
- getScheduled() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueStatistics
Returns the amount of process in Scheduled status in the queue.
- getScheduledDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the time the process is supposed to run.
- getScheduledDateTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueTaskScheduleConfig
Returns the scheduled date-time for the execution of the task.
- getScheduleMonthDay() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getScheduleType() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getScheduleWeekDay() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getScheme() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request.
- getScope() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the scope of this module.
- getScope() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getScope() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the scope for this search clause.
- getScopes() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the scopes for a permission object.
- getScopes() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowTransitionConfig
Returns the scopes for a permission object.
- getScopes() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the scopes that indicates the population this activity is relevant for.
Scopes should be added withActivity.addScope(String)
. - getScopes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the list of
stored in this document. - getScopesList() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResourceInternal
Returns possible activity scope values.
- getScore() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISearchHit
Returns the score of this search hit.
- getScriptActionValidation(Node[], String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getScriptAddErrorMessage(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ErrorSummaryControl
- getScriptAddErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IErrorSummaryControl
Returns the script that will add the given message to the error message list on the client side.
- getScriptCallBackFunction() - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.ContentPickerControl
- getScriptCallBackFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.ContentPickerControl
- getScriptClear() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ErrorSummaryControl
- getScriptClear() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IErrorSummaryControl
Returns the script that will clear the error summary
- getScriptClear() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Clears the message displayed by this validator.
- getScriptClear() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getScriptControl() - Method in class lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks.AutoLayoutPublishToSocialNetworksAdministrationListControl
Returns the scripts control.
- getScriptEngine() - Method in class
- getScriptEngine() - Method in class
- getScriptEngine() - Method in class
Returns the script engine to be used.
- getScriptGetButtonText() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
- getScriptSetButtonImageAlt(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
- getScriptSetButtonText(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
- getScriptSetMessages(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getScriptSetMessages(ValidationMessages, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getScriptSetMessages(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getScriptShow() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ErrorSummaryControl
- getScriptShow() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IErrorSummaryControl
Returns a client side script that shows the error summary
- getScriptValidate() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Returns the code that needs to be executed on the client side for this validation.
- getScriptValidate() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getScriptValidateRegistration() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Returns a script that must be placed on the page.
- getScriptValidateRegistration() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorBlocksValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Returns the client side code that must be placed in a client side function to perform the validation
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadExtensionCheckControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadRequiredValueValidatorControl
Validates if has an upload running during process action.
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateCompareValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateDataTypeValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.HtmlEditorValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.LengthValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RegularExpressionValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RequiredValueValidatorControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RequiredValueWhenVisibleValidatorControl
The script validation client side function calls the method LumisIsControlVisible passing the id of the control that is being validated.
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.filters.FilterUniqueIdValidator
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.control.RequiredValueWhenEnableControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.FriendlyIdValidationControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionImplementation() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.RestShortNameValidationControl
- getScriptValidationFunctionName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Returns the name of the client side validation function.
- getScriptValidationFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
- getSearchableFields() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
- getSearchAggregationId(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the search aggregation identifier to be used on search.
- getSearchAliasName() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
Returns the alias used for searching in LumisXP indices.
- getSearchContent() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns a
object related to the hit, containing allfields
. - getSearchContentAttachments() - Method in interface
Deprecated.Returns the search content attachments to be used for indexing this object.
- getSearchContentAttachments() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getSearchContentAttachments() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType.Data
- getSearchContentAttachments() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType.Data
- getSearchContentAttachments() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
- getSearchContentAttachments() - Method in class
- getSearchContentFields() - Method in interface
Deprecated.Returns the search content fields to be used for indexing this object.
- getSearchContentFields() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
- getSearchContentFields() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType.Data
- getSearchContentFields() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType.Data
- getSearchContentFields() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
- getSearchContentFields() - Method in class
- getSearchContentIds() - Method in class
- getSearchContentsForAdd() - Method in class
- getSearchContentsForAdd() - Method in class
- getSearchContentsForAdd() - Method in interface
- getSearchContentsForRemove() - Method in class
- getSearchContentsForRemove() - Method in class
- getSearchContentsForRemove() - Method in interface
- getSearchEngineId() - Method in class
- getSearcher(String) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Creates an instance of the default
class for the specified search engine. - getSearcher(String, String) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Creates an instance of the
class for the specified search engine and searcher.
The class is determined by a searcher confignode
in search config file. - getSearcherEngineId() - Method in class
- getSearcherEngineId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
- getSearcherId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
- getSearcherScope() - Method in class
- getSearchFieldIds(SessionConfig, SearchSource, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the search fields identifiers.
- getSearchInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
- getSearchInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getSearchMonitor(String, String, SearchSource, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the
object to be used in monitoring ornull
if the search will not be monitored. - getSearchMonitor(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
Returns a monitor for the "" event.
- getSearchQuery(String, Map<DocumentTypeField, Float>, ServiceInstanceConfig, Collection<String>, Collection<SearchQuerySort>, int, int) - Static method in class
Returns the search query using the given parameters.
- getSearchQuery(String, Map<DocumentTypeField, Float>, ServiceInstanceConfig, Collection<String>, Collection<SearchQuerySort>, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the search query using the given parameters.
- getSearchQuery(String, ServiceInstanceConfig, Collection<String>, Collection<SearchQuerySort>, int, int) - Static method in class
Returns the search query using the given parameters.
- getSearchQuery(String, ServiceInstanceConfig, Collection<String>, Collection<SearchQuerySort>, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the search query using the given parameters.
- getSearchQueryFilter() - Method in class
Returns the search query filter.
- getSearchServiceInstance(SessionConfig, SearchSource, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the search service instance.
- getSearchSorts(SessionConfig, SearchSource, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the search's
. - getSearchTerms(String) - Static method in class
Returns the searched terms.
- getSearchWords(String) - Static method in class
Returns the search query split into words
- getSecondsAfterMidnight(Date) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the amount of seconds after midnight for a date.
- getSecondScriptFile(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class lumis.service.tagmanager.util.TagManagerUtil
Returns the
file. - getSecondScriptText(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class lumis.service.tagmanager.util.TagManagerUtil
Returns the content for
script. - getSecurityAlias() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
- getSegmentation(String) - Method in class
Return segmentation by id.
- getSegmentationFilter() - Method in class
Returns the segmentation filter.
- getSegmentationId() - Method in class
Returns the segmentationId.
- getSegmentationIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.Principals
Returns the segmentation ids.
- getSegmentations(String) - Method in class
Returns the segmentations list.
- getSegmentationsThatNeedToHaveMembershipUpdated() - Method in interface
Returns a collection of user segmentations that must have the memberships updated.
- getSegmentationsThatNeedToHaveMembershipUpdated() - Method in class
- getSelectCountStatement(QuerySelect, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryAdapter
- getSelectCountStatement(QuerySelect, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getSelectedChannelId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectchannel.SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl
Returns the selected channel identifier.
- getSelectedItemIds() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.progress.ProgressControl
Returns the selected item identifiers.
- getSelectedItemIds() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicesearchindex.ServiceReindexProgressControl
- getSelectItemsInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl
- getSelector() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
- getSelectorInsertPosition() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
- getSelectPrincipalFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
Returns the script function name for selecting a principal.
- getSelectScriptFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
Returns the select script function name.
- getSelectScriptFunctionName() - Method in class lumis.service.document.control.DocumentPickerControl
Returns the select script function name.
- getSelectSourceIdHql() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList.AddAccessControlListChannelTemplateLinkTask
Returns the HQL for selecting the channel template source identifier.
- getSelectSourceIdHql() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList.AddChannelAccessControlListChannelTemplateLinkTask
- getSelectSourceIdHql() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList.AddGroupAccessControlListChannelTemplateLinkTask
- getSelectSourceIdHql() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList.AddPageAccessControlListChannelTemplateLinkTask
- getSelectSourceIdHql() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList.AddServiceInstanceAccessControlListChannelTemplateLinkTask
- getSelectStatement(QuerySelect, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryAdapter
- getSelectStatement(QuerySelect, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getSendDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getSenderAddressTemplate() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the sender address template.
- getSenderEmail() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getSenderEmail() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the senderEmail.
- getSenderId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterTransmission
Returns the identifier of the node that is the sender of this transmission.
- getSendInterval() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the interval, in seconds, to wait between each mail send in a thread processing the sendmail queue.
- getSendMailDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
Returns the SendMailDao.
- getSendMailManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getSendMailManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getSentDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailSendStatus
Returns the datetime of the last try to send the mail.
- getSentTime() - Method in class
- getSeoDescription() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getSeoDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the description specific for SEO.
- getSeoRuleUrlPattern() - Method in class
- getSeoRuleUrlPattern() - Method in class
- getSeoRuleUrlPattern() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Get the Url Path from the SeoRule linked to this WebResource.
- getSerializationContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationContext
- getSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getSerializationManager2() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getSerializationManager2() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getSerializationMessageConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationMessageConfigNode
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ChannelConfig) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ChannelConfig) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a channel. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ChannelConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ChannelConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a channel ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ChannelConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ChannelConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a channel ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a group. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a group. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a group ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, GroupConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a group ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a page. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a page. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a page ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a page ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, PageConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.serialization.IServiceSerializationManager
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a service. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.serialization.ServiceSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.IServiceInstanceSerializationManager
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a service instance. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.IServiceInstanceSerializationManager
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a service instance. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.serialization.IServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a service instance ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, AccessControlList) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.serialization.ServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.serialization.IServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a service instance ACL. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, AccessControlList, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.serialization.ServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInterfaceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.serialization.IServiceInterfaceSerializationManager
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a service interface. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInterfaceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.serialization.ServiceInterfaceSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.IServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a service interface instance. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.IServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a service interface instance. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, UserConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.serialization.IUserSerializationManager
Get a
object containing fully recursive information about a user. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, UserConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.serialization.UserSerializationManager
- getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, UserConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.serialization.IUserSerializationManager
Get a
object containing partially recursive information about a user. - getSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, UserConfig, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.serialization.UserSerializationManager
- getSerializationSettings() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getSerializationSettings() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getSeries() - Method in class
Returns the value series.
- getServerId() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.ServerConfiguration
Returns the server identifier.
- getServerId() - Method in class
Returns the identifier of the server that last generated this page cache.
- getServerId() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the server id of the current server.
- getServerIds() - Method in class
Returns the persistent collection containing the associated servers.
- getServerName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the host name of the server that received the request.
- getServerPort() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the port number on which this request was received.
- getServerSideIncludeType() - Method in class
Returns whether the server side include directives are processed for this page.
- getService(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceManager
Get the service.
- getService(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceManager
- getServiceAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getServiceConfigs(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.source.dataprovider.ContentServicesDataProvider
- getServiceConfigs(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.service.ServiceSource
- getServiceConfigs(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceAddDataProvider
- getServiceContainer() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the service container associated with this portal application.
- getServiceContainerHttpServletRequest() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceContainerHttpServletRequest() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI
Returns the
. - getServiceContainerHttpServletResponse() - Method in class
- getServiceContainerHttpServletResponse() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getServiceContainerHttpServletResponse() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerResponse
- getServiceContainerHttpServletResponse() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.BufferedServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPI
- getServiceContainerHttpServletResponse() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPI
Returns the
. - getServiceContainerHttpServletResponse() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getServiceDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getServiceDescription(URL, String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
- getServiceDescriptionLastModified() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.content.wizard.ContentWizardServiceConfig
- getServiceId() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.IEditFieldParams
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiConfig
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceTestCase
Return the service id to be instantiated
- getServiceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the service identifier present in this document.
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Returns the identifier of the service this clock belongs to.
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
- getServiceId() - Method in exception lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDuplicatedInChannelException
Returns the serviceId of the duplicated service.
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the serviceId.
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.portlet.container.deployment.PortletDeployConfig
Deprecated.Returns the id for the service that will be created for the portlet.
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.service.content.wizard.EditFieldsParams
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the serviceId.
- getServiceId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getServiceInstance() - Method in interface
Returns the service instance.
- getServiceInstance() - Method in class
Returns the serviceInstance.
- getServiceInstance() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceCustomProperty
Returns the serviceInstance.
- getServiceInstance() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflow
Returns the service instance.
- getServiceInstance() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.ServiceInstanceAclControl
Returns the service instance whose acl this control edits.
- getServiceInstanceAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceInstanceAclManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInstanceByDependency(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Get the service instance the given service instance depends on by the given dependency type.
- getServiceInstanceByDependency(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceContext
Returns the service instance of this context.
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContext
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in class
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in interface
Returns the serviceInstanceConfig.
- getServiceInstanceConfig() - Method in class
Returns the serviceInstanceConfig.
- getServiceInstanceDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceInstanceDebugLevel() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceInstanceDebugLevel() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getServiceInstanceDependency(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Get a
by the dependencyId. - getServiceInstanceDependency(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoHib
- getServiceInstanceDependency(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getServiceInstanceDeserializationContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
- getServiceInstanceField() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getServiceInstanceFromRequest(JSONObject) - Static method in class
Returns the service instance id from the request.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.Content
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.ContentPickerControl
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.Content
Returns the identifier of the service instance this content belongs to.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUniqueSlug
Returns the service instance identifier.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.socialnetwork.integration.SocialNetworkAccountServiceInstanceAssociation
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionPersistenceData
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowPermission
Returns the identifier of the service instance this permission applies to.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface
Returns the flow's service instance.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface
Returns the service instance identifier.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.IDocumentPopularityProvider.DocumentPopularityKey
Returns the service instance identifier.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the service instance identifier present in this document.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorElementSPI
Returns the element service instance identifier.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttribute
Returns the service instance identifier of this attribute stored in this document.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependencyConfig
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependency
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResource.MessageVO
Returns the activity stream service instance this message belongs to.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
Returns the service instance identifier.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
Returns the service instance Id from the content item Id.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeExclusion
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns the identifier of the service instance from this comment.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.customproperties.AbstractServiceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler
Get the service instance identifier to add the property to.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.customproperties.ServiceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the identifier of the service instance in witch the template was created on.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns the identifier of the service instance from this liking.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Post
Gets the service instance ID associated to the post
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.PostAttachment
Gets the service instance ID associated to the post
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Returns the serviceInstanceId.
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesFolder
- getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the identifier of the service instance this account belongs to.
- getServiceInstanceId(Source<ISourceField>) - Method in class lumis.service.doui.customproperties.AbstractServiceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider
Get the service instance identifier to get the property from.
- getServiceInstanceId(Source<ISourceField>) - Method in class lumis.service.doui.customproperties.ServiceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider
- getServiceInstanceIds() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the identifiers of the service instances this publication was made to.
- getServiceInstanceIds() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Returns the identifiers of the service instances this publication is done to.
- getServiceInstanceInfo() - Method in class
Returns information about the customer experience service instance.
- getServiceInstanceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceInstanceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInstanceName() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getServiceInstancePreviewPage(Collection<String>, SessionConfig, DouiContext, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.content.preview.PreviewUtil
Get a list of pages capable of previewing the content
- getServiceInstances() - Method in class
- getServiceInstancesByDependency(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Returns the service instances the given service instance depends on by the given dependency type.
- getServiceInstancesByDependency(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getServiceInstancesChanged() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceRenderDataChangedEvent
Returns the service instances whose render data may have changed.
- getServiceInstanceSerializationContext() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getServiceInstanceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getServiceInstanceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInstancesIdsByAutoAdminPageId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceDao
Returns a collection of serviceInstanceIds that contain the pageid as its auto administration page.
- getServiceInstancesIdsByAutoAdminPageId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManagerSPI
Returns the service instance ids that use the indicated page id as the auto administration page.
- getServiceInstancesIdsByAutoAdminPageId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc
- getServiceInstancesIdsByAutoAdminPageId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
- getServiceInstanceWorkflow() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermission
Returns the service instance workflow.
- getServiceInstanceWorkflow(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the workflow of a service instance.
- getServiceInstanceWorkflow(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getServiceInstanceWorkflowSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, WorkflowPermission) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializationManager
- getServiceInstanceWorkflowSerializationMessageConfigNode(BaseSerializationContext, ServiceInstanceConfig, WorkflowPermission, EnumSet<SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints>) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializationManager
- getServiceInterface(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the service interface.
- getServiceInterface(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getServiceInterfaceConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceInterfaceConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getServiceInterfaceConfig(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the configuration of the service interface.
- getServiceInterfaceConfig(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getServiceInterfaceDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceInterfaceHyperLink(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
- getServiceInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceTestCase
Return the service interface id to be instantiated
- getServiceInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getServiceInterfaceId() - Method in class
- getServiceInterfaceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig() - Method in interface
The service interface instance for which the menu item is being rendered.
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstancePersistableConfig
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceConfigForRendering(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout.AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
Returns the Interface instance config to be rendered.
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceFileParameter(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceFileParameterValue(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceIds() - Method in class
Returns the list of identifiers of service interface instances in this holder.
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceMenu(Node, ServiceInterfaceMenuLevel, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceControllerXml
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameter(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameterNames(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameterNames(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameters(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameters(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameterValue(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameterValues(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceParameterValues(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletRequest
- getServiceInterfaceInstancePreferences(String, PreferencesLevel) - Method in interface lumis.portal.preferences.IPreferencesManager
Returns the preferences for a specified resource at the specified level.
- getServiceInterfaceInstancePreferences(String, PreferencesLevel) - Method in class lumis.portal.preferences.PreferencesManager
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceProperties(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceControllerXml
- getServiceInterfaceInstances() - Method in class
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceSafeModeHTML(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PageRendererUtil
Returns the HTML used for a service interface instance rendering in safe mode.
- getServiceInterfaceInstancesChanged() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceRenderDataChangedEvent
Returns the service interface instances whose render data may have changed.
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceStyleConfigKeyChecker() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceStyleConfigKeyChecker() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getServiceInterfaceInstanceXmlData() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceControllerHtml
- getServiceInterfaceList(Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list.ServiceInterfaceListControllerXml
- getServiceInterfaceListDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceInterfaceListManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceInterfaceListManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInterfaceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceInterfaceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInterfaceMenuGroupTypeDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceInterfaceMenuItemTypeDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceInterfaceMenuLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the menu level where this item will be used.
- getServiceInterfaceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getServiceInterfaceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInterfaceStyleId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getServiceInterfaceStyleManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServiceInterfaceStyles() - Method in class
- getServiceInterfaceTypeConfig(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getServiceInterfaceTypeDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServiceLocalizedName() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl.ServiceAclControl
Returns the localized name of the service whose acl this control edits.
- getServiceLogger(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.log.LoggerFactory
- getServiceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getServiceManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServices(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.StructureEditorResource
Returns the portal instantiable services.
- getServices(SessionConfig, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceManager
Get services.
- getServices(SessionConfig, boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceManager
- getServicesChanged() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceRenderDataChangedEvent
Returns the services whose render data may have changed.
- getServiceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getServiceSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getServicesIds(boolean, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IServiceDao
Get the ids of services.
- getServicesIds(boolean, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceDaoHib
- getServiceSource(String, ISourceContext) - Static method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
Returns the source of a service.
- getServiceType() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getServiceType() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getServiceTypeConfig(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceManager
- getServiceTypeDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getServInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getSession() - Method in interface lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.ITransactionHibernate
Returns the default hibernate session for this transaction.
- getSession() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getSession() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getSession(boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getSession(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.ITransactionHibernate
Returns the hibernate session associated with the specified database.
- getSession(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getSession(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateDao
Returns the hibernate session associated with the given transaction.
- getSessionConfig() - Method in interface
Returns the user's session.
- getSessionConfig() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceContext
Returns the user session information.
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContext
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.controller.ControllerHtml
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.AbstractTransactionalPortalEvent
Returns the user session associated with this event.
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationContext
- getSessionConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
- getSessionConfig() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the session of the user that has performed the request.
- getSessionConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getSessionConfig(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.webservice.WebServiceUtil
Get a
object for a sessionId. - getSessionConfig(AtmosphereResource) - Method in class lumis.portal.atmosphere.BaseAtmosphereHandler
Returns the
object associated in theHttpSession
of the given atmosphere resource. - getSessionFactory() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil
Returns the default session factory, that access the portal's main database.
- getSessionFactory(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil
Returns the session factory associated with the given id.
- getSessionMutex(HttpSession) - Static method in class lumis.portal.servlet.ServletUtil
Return the object to synchronize on for the given session.
- getSessions() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.event.SessionEvent
Returns the sessions this event refers to.
- getSessionsByUserId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationDaoJdbc
- getSessionsByUserId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationDao
Returns a collection of active session objects for the given user.
- getSessionsByUserId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationManager
- getSessionsByUserId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationManager
Returns a collection of active session objects for the given user.
- getSessionScopeMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.AbstractRequestVariableResolver
Returns the session scope map.
- getSessionScopeMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.el.HttpServletRequestVariableResolver
- getSessionScopeMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestVariableResolver
- getSessionTimeout() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the maximum amount of time (in minutes) a session can be inactive before it expires.
- getSex() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets sex.
- getSharedLocks() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueTaskScheduleConfig
Returns the shared locks for this task.
- getShortId() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
- getShortId() - Method in class
- getShowAbandoned() - Method in class
Returns the showAbandoned.
- getShowExternalDependencyWarnings() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
- getShowTable() - Method in class
Returns the showTable.
- getShowTotal() - Method in class
Returns the showTotal.
- getShowType() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
Returns the type of principals be showed.
- getShtmlFileExtension() - Method in class
Returns the extension used for shtml files.
- getSimpleTitle() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getSimpleTitle() - Method in class
Returns the simple title for the page web resource.
- getSimpleTitle() - Method in class
- getSimpleTitle() - Method in class
Returns the page web resource simple title.
It's important to notice that this title may not be the final title of the web resource. - getSimpleVersion() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns a simplified version of product's version (in the form <major>.<minor>.<release>).
- getSingleCopyFileFile(IFile) - Static method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.FileSystemInternalUtil
- getSingleNextNodeInJson(JSONObject, FlowEntry) - Static method in class
Returns the next node from the given JSON object, using the
key to get it. - getSingleResult() - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryStatement
Return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results.
- getSize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISizeAwareAggregation
Returns the number of buckets to be returned in aggregation.
- getSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.TermsAggregation
- getSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Returns the number of entries currently stored in this cache.
- getSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileParameter
- getSizeInMemory() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.HibernatePortalCache
- getSkin(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.device.DeviceSkinManager
- getSkin(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDeviceSkinManager
Returns the Skin properties of a given device name.
- getSkinList(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.device.DeviceSkinManager
- getSkinList(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDeviceSkinManager
Returns the Skin List with the given name.
- getSkinListNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.device.DeviceSkinManager
- getSkinListNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDeviceSkinManager
Returns the list of all Skin List Names.
- getSkinNames() - Method in class lumis.portal.device.DeviceSkinManager
- getSkinNames() - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDeviceSkinManager
Returns the list of all Skin Names.
- getSlashReplacementString() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.GenericURLResolver
Returns the substituter string for slashes.
- getSlug() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUniqueSlug
Returns the slug.
- getSlug() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the slug.
- getSmallImage() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
Returns the icon for this service.
- getSmtpHost() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the smtp server hostname.
- getSmtpPassword() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the smtp server authentication password.
- getSmtpPort() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the smtp server connection port.
- getSmtpUser() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the smtp server authentication user.
- getSnippet() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the snippet value.
- getSocialDescription() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getSocialDescription() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the description specific for social usage.
- getSocialDescription() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the social description.
- getSocialImage() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the social image.
- getSocialImageMediaId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getSocialImageMediaId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the media identifier for the image specific for social usage.
- getSocialNetwork() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Returns the social network the application is associated to.
- getSocialNetworkByChannelId(String) - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetworkManager
Get an instance of
based inChannelConfig
identifier. - getSocialNetworkByServiceInstanceId(String) - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.ISocialNetworkManager
Get an instance of
based inServiceInstanceConfig
identifier. - getSocialNetworkId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Returns the socialNetworkId.
- getSocialNetworkManager() - Static method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetworkManagerFactory
Returns a social network manager instance.
- getSocialProfileById(String, ISocialNetwork) - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile.ISocialProfileManager
Get an instance of
based in Social Profile identifier. - getSocialProfileInformationById(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.socialprofile.integration.DouiSourceSocialProfileProvider
Returns the
social profile information
associated to the given user in the givensocial network
. - getSocialProfileInformationById(String) - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile.ISocialProfileProvider
Finds the social profile information by the given user id.
- getSocialProfileInformationsByKeyword(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.socialprofile.integration.DouiSourceSocialProfileProvider
Returns a list of
social profile information
associated with the given keyword. - getSocialProfileInformationsByKeyword(String) - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile.ISocialProfileProvider
Finds the social profile information based on a given keyword.
- getSocialProfileManager() - Static method in class lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile.SocialProfileManagerFactory
Returns a social profile manager instance.
- getSocialProfileProviderClassName() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the socialProfileClassName.
- getSocialProfilesByKeyword(String, ISocialNetwork) - Method in interface lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile.ISocialProfileManager
Get a list of
list of profiles identifier existing. - getSocialProfileServiceInstanceId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the socialProfileServiceInstanceId.
- getSocialProfileServiceInstanceSourceId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the socialProfileServiceInstanceSourceId.
- getSocialProfileUserFieldId() - Method in class lumis.socialnetwork.SocialNetwork
Returns the socialProfileUserFieldId.
- getSocialTitle() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getSocialTitle() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the title specific for social usage.
- getSocialTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the social title.
- getSocketConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
- getSocketTimeout() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailConfig
Returns the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.
- getSortedFieldIds(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.This method may be removed in the future, because it is public and references field xml definition.
- getSortOrders() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySelect
- getSortOrders(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getSorts() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns an unmodifiable list of added sorts.
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
Returns the source related to this data bound control.
- getSource() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataBoundControl
Returns the source object that the current control is associated to
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.SourceBoundControl
Returns the source bound to to this source bound control.
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceAddDataEvent
Returns the source that triggered this event.
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceDeleteDataEvent
Returns the source that triggered this event.
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourceUpdateDataEvent
Returns the source that triggered this event.
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.AbstractTableSourceFilter
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getSource() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationship
Gets the IRelatable source.
- getSource() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipNode
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSourceAddDataResult() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourcePostAddDataEvent
Returns the result of the source's add data operation.
- getSourceById(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
- getSourceById(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContainer
- getSourceClass(Node, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceFactory
- getSourceComponent() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the string describing the source component for this mail request.
- getSourceComponentStringsUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the strings url prefix for translating
. - getSourceContainer() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getSourceContainer() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns this source's container.
- getSourceContentFillerClassName() - Method in class
- getSourceContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getSourceContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
- getSourceContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.SourceBoundControl
- getSourceContext() - Method in interface lumis.doui.render.IRenderer
Returns the source context where this renderer belongs to.
- getSourceContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns this source's context.
- getSourceContext() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContainer
- getSourceDao() - Static method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoFactory
- getSourceDefinitionNodes() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiRestInterfaceDefinition
- getSourceDefinitionNodes() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
- getSourceDir() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the source directory of the module
- getSourceDir() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getSourceFieldValue(SearchHit, String...) - Static method in class lumis.portal.healthmonitor.HealthCheckGeneral
Get value of field path in elasticsearch document.
- getSourceFieldValue(Node, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
- getSourceId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.Content
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.Content
Returns the source this content belongs to.
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUniqueSlug
Returns the source identifier.
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.IDocumentPopularityProvider.DocumentPopularityKey
Returns the source identifier.
- getSourceId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns this document sourceId.
- getSourceId() - Method in class
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.ChannelTemplateLink
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Category
Returns the sourceId.
- getSourceId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getSourceIp() - Method in class lumis.service.privacyterm.api.UserConsent
Returns the sourceIp.
- getSourceManager() - Static method in class lumis.doui.DouiManagerFactory
- getSourcePageId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getSourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getSourcePath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the component source path.
- getSourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ComponentObject
Returns the source path.
- getSourceSearchContentFillerClassName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0 this method is no longer used and remains only for binary compatibility, due to being replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata. Consider using
instead. - getSourcesMap() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContainer
Returns the map with the sources in this source container.
- getSourceTypes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationshipType
Gets all sources type.
- getSourceTypes() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipType
- getSourceUpdateDataResult() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourcePostUpdateDataEvent
Returns the result of the source's update data operation.
- getSplashScreensFile(String, IModule) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Returns the splashscreens file.
- getSQLs() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.RunSqlStepExecutable
Returns the SQL mappings.
- getSqlServerStylePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.script.install.DeploymentSqlGenerator
- getSqlServerStylePath() - Method in class lumis.util.AbstractSqlGenerator
Returns the stylesheet file path for SQL Server.
- getSqlServerStylePath() - Method in class lumis.util.SqlGenerator
- getSsiWaitBeforeSendRedirect() - Method in class
Returns the time to wait in milliseconds before sending a redirect for a SSI page that was not found.
- getSSLConnectorPort() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
due to the inclusion of multiple websites.For best compatibility, this method resolves based on the default website's main non-secure URL. If there is no default website, it will throw an
. - getStackTopByExistentItem(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ReplaceInterfacesStorage
Returns the top of replace stack by a given item.
- getStackTrace() - Static method in class lumis.portal.util.PortalUtilInternal
Returns a String representation of current stack trace, one entry per line.
- getStackTrace(int) - Static method in class lumis.portal.util.PortalUtilInternal
Returns a String representation of current stack trace, one entry per line.
- getStackTrace(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.util.PortalUtilInternal
Returns a String representation of current stack trace, one entry per line.
- getStage() - Method in class
Returns the stage.
- getStage() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserJourneys
Returns the informations of stage journey stored in this document.
- getStage(String) - Static method in class
Returns the journey stage with the given identifier.
- getStageId() - Method in class
Returns the stageId.
- getStages() - Method in class
Returns the stages.
- getStandard() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument
Returns an API for accessing the standard fields in this document.
- getStandardDashboardByType(String) - Static method in class
Returns the standard dashboard by its type.
- getStandardReportByTitle(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns the standard report by the given title and service instance identifier.
- getStandardUserProfileMapping() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
Currently unsupported
- getStartAt() - Method in interface
Returns the start at configuration.
- getStartAt() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Returns the row start position the data of this source shold be read from.
- getStartAt() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
- getStartAt() - Method in class
Returns the index of the first result being returned in the current ListResult.
- getStartAt() - Method in class
- getStartAt() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySelect
- getStartAtValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getStartDate() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getStartDateTime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the time the process started running.
- getStartDateTime() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the startDateTime.
- getStartHighlightTag() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.HighlightConfig
Returns the custom start highlight tag.
- getStartScriptTag() - Method in class
- getStartScriptTag() - Method in interface
Returns the start script tag.
- getStartState() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the start state for this workflow.
- getStartTime() - Method in class
- getStartTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
- getStartTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getStartTimeFrameFieldClause(SessionConfig, Source<?>, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.service.smartcontent.SmartContentUtil
Returns the field clause that filters by the start of the time frame.
- getStartValueTag() - Method in class
- getStartValueTag() - Method in interface
Returns the start value tag.
- getState() - Method in class
- getState() - Method in class
- getState() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Utility method that returns the
that corresponds to theContentWorkflowMetaData.getContentLocaleId()
stored in this ContentWorkflowMetaData, based on the current transaction. - getState() - Method in class lumis.portal.geolocation.ExtendedGeoPoint
Returns an optional state information.
- getState() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns the process state.
- getState() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
- getState() - Method in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
- getState() - Method in class
- getState() - Method in class
- getState(String) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the specified state of this workflow.
- getState(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns a workflow state.
- getState(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getStateId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.WorkflowMetaData
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getStateId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Returns the identifier of the workflow state the content is currently in.
- getStateId(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.WorkflowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider
Returns an unique state identifier.
- getStates() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns all states of this workflow.
- getStateString() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ReplaceInterfacesStorage
Returns the state of replace interface information as a string in the format for
. - getStatistics() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
- getStatistics() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Returns statistics about monitoring framework.
- getStatistics() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
- getStatus() - Method in class
Returns the status.
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getStatus() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the component state.
- getStatus() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the module status.
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getStatus() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStepOutcome
Returns the status.
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.StepOutcome
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringConfig
- getStatus() - Method in class
- getStatus() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the status the process is in.
- getStatus() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailSendStatus
Returns the status of the sending of the mail.
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Answer
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Schedule
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Returns the message's publishing status.
- getStatus() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageQueueItem
Returns the status.
- getStatusCode() - Method in class
Returns the status code stored in this error entity.
- getStatusCode() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
Returns the status code
- getStatusMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
Returns the status message
- getStemmed() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Hash
- getStep() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.StepOutcome
Returns the step.
- getStepId() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.AbstractScriptStepExecutable
- getStepId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script.IScriptStepExecutable
Returns this step identifier.
- getStepNumber() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns the number of this step.
- getStepNumber() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
- getSteps() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns an unmodifiable list of the steps.
- getSteps() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
- getSteps() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getStepsStatus(IProcess) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.interactiveprocess.StepsDataProvider
Returns a map with steps status for a given process.
- getStopTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
- getStoredValues() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
Returns a unmodifiable view of the stored values in this context.
- getStrictErrorChecking() - Method in class
- getString() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringConfig
- getStringCharset() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.AbstractCipher
The charset used to perform the encoding between String and bytes of the plain text string values in
. - getStringId() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringConfig
- getStringResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityAction
Returns the string resource used to localize this action's strings.
- getStringResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObjectType
Returns the string resource used to localize this object type's strings.
- getStringResource() - Method in class
- getStringResource() - Method in class
- getStringResource() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.AddMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getStringResource() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.EditMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
The string resource path for localizing this event's strings.
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns this field string resource path (used, if present, to localize strings).
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the string resource path used for localizing the attribute label.
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.service.abstractuserinteraction.AbstractObjectInteractionMonitorUtil
Returns the interaction string resource path.
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItMonitorUtil
- getStringResourcePath() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItMonitorUtil
- getStringsResourcePath() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityProcessorConfig
Returns the strings resource path of this activity processor.
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutContentIdentificationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutMetaDataInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutSeoInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutTagInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals.PublishToPrincipalsControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.PublishToSocialNetworkControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.tag.InputTagControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowSendToControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FiltersControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorBlocksValidatorControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.interfaceheaderbuttons.InterfaceHeaderButtonsControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.label.LabelControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.pagination.PaginationControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.progress.ProgressControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.TabularDataControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowSendToControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.service.document.control.DocumentPickerControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control.PagePersonalizationWidgetUsedByControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl.GenericAclControl
- getStringsToLocalize() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceUsedByControl
- getStringsUrlPrefix() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns the first string resource path for this workflow.
- getStringsUrlPrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getStringsUrlPrefix() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getStringsUrlPrefixes() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowConfig
Returns this workflow's string resource paths.
- getStringsUrlPrefixes() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getStringsUrlPrefixes() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getStringTable() - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.MainStringLocalizationDaoXml.ResourceSAXHandler
- getStringTable(String, Locale, List<ITheme>) - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.CustomStringLocalizationDaoJdbc
- getStringTable(String, Locale, List<ITheme>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.localization.IStringLocalizationDao
Get the string table of the string localization.
- getStringTable(String, Locale, List<ITheme>) - Method in class lumis.portal.localization.MainStringLocalizationDaoXml
- getStringToLocallyWrite(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
Returns the string to be written locally (inline).
- getStripLayoutFileTags() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileApplication
Returns whether to remove layout file tags from the output.
- getStructureDirectory() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getStructureFileName() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
- getStructureFileName() - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.sync.IFileStructureElement
Returns the name of the structure file for this element.
- getStructureFileName() - Method in class
- getStructureFileName() - Method in class
- getStructureFileName() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
- getStructureFilePath(boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns the relative path to this channel structure file.
- getStructureSyncManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for structure synchronization.
- getStructureVersion() - Method in exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureVersionException
Returns the current structure invalid version.
- getStyle() - Method in class
- getStyle(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the style configuration os the service interface.
- getStyle(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getStyleApplyRule() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
Returns the style apply rule set by the call to
IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse.applyStyle(int, String)
. - getStyleApplyRule() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getStyleByServiceInterfaceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the Style given the ServiceInterfaceInstanceId.
- getStyleByServiceInterfaceInstanceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getStyleCacheConfig(String) - Method in interface
Get the styleCacheConfig.
- getStyleCacheConfig(String) - Method in class
- getStyleCacheConfig(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
- getStyleConfigKeyChecker() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
- getStyleConfigKeyChecker() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getStyleFactory(StyleFactoryResolver.StyleType) - Static method in class
Returns the
style factory
for the given style type. - getStyleFactoryByStylePath(String) - Static method in class
Resolves the
accordingly to the style path. - getStyleFile() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
Returns the file path set by the call to
IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse.applyStyle(int, String)
. - getStyleFile() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getStyleFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getStyleId() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
Returns the styleId set by a call to the
method. - getStyleId() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getStyleId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getStyleIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the Id of all styles associated with a service interface.
- getStyleIds(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getStyleIdsByInterfaceInstance(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction, boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
Get the Id of all styles available to an interface instance considering the isolation rules.
- getStyleIdsByInterfaceInstance(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
- getStyleType(String) - Static method in class
Returns the
for the given style file path. - getSubAggregation(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IMultiBucketAggregationResult.IBucket
Returns the sub aggregation with the given identifier or
. - getSubAggregations() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.AbstractSubAggregationAwareAggregationResult
- getSubAggregations() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.AbstractSubAggregationAwareAggregation
- getSubAggregations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IMultiBucketAggregationResult.IBucket
Returns an unmodifiable list of sub-aggregation results.
- getSubAggregations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IReverseNestedAggregationResult
Returns the sub aggregations of this aggregation.
- getSubAggregations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISingleBucketAggregationResult
Returns an unmodifiable map of the sub-aggregations.
- getSubAggregations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISubAggregationAwareAggregation
Returns an unmodifiable list of the sub-aggregations.
- getSubAggregations() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISubAggregationAwareAggregationResult
Returns the sub aggregations of this aggregation.
- getSubChannelIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getSubChannelIds(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Get a list with ids of the sub channels.
- getSubject() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IBaseMail
Returns the subject of this mail.
- getSubject() - Method in class
- getSubject() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getSubject() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the subject.
- getSubjectTemplate() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the subject template.
- getSubscriptionsIds(Collection<String>, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.mobileapp.IMobileAppManagerSPI
Returns the users' subscriptions in the given website.
- getSubscriptionsIds(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAppManager
- getSubtitle() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the subtitle field value.
- getSubtitleFieldValue() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the value of the subtitle field.
- getSubType() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
- getSuggestions(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.commandpalette.CommandPaletteResource
Returns the suggestions for the given hint.
- getSupportedLocales() - Method in class
- getSupportedModes() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns a unmodifiable list with the supported modes for this interface.
- getSupportedProcessingEventHolders(EntityID) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletDescriptorHolderImpl
- getSupportedPublicRenderParameterHolders(EntityID, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletDescriptorHolderImpl
- getSupportedPublishingEventHolders(EntityID) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.PortletDescriptorHolderImpl
- getSynonymById(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.BigDataManager
- getSynonymById(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataManager
Returns the synonym with the given identifier.
- getSynonymsFiles() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
- getSynonymsFiles() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.spi.IBigDataRepositorySPI
Return a map with all files that the portal need to create based the Locales of synonyms and Locales of portal.
- getSynonymsStatus() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.BigDataManager
- getSynonymsStatus() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IBigDataManagerSPI
Returns the synonyms status.
- getTable() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
- getTable() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getTable(String) - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getTable(TableSource) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.QueryBuilder
- getTableAlias() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryTable
- getTableByRelationId(String) - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getTableDao() - Static method in class lumis.doui.dao.DouiDaoFactory
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.VersionActiveField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.WorkflowAssignedToSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.ChannelTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.ExperimentalGenericTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.FileTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.field.ITableSourceField
Returns the table mapping for this field.
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.PageTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.ParentContentSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.SingleColumnTableSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.service.comment.CommentContentLocaleField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentSourceField
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class
- getTableMapping(QueryBase) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- getTableName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns the name of the table from where the options will be read.
- getTableName() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableSource
Returns the table name for this source.
- getTableName() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getTableName() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryTable
- getTableOrView() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
- getTables() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.TableSourceFieldMapping
- getTables() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
- getTagPrefix() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiLogicTagProcessor
Retrives the prefix of the doui logic tags present in the service interface definition.
- getTags() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the tags associated with this
. - getTags() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType.Data
Returns the list of tags ordered by name.
- getTags() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the tag list present in this content locale.
- getTags() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the collection of tags this environment has.
- getTagSourceFieldId(T) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.GenericServiceInstancesTagListDataProvider
Returns the tag source field identifier.
- getTarget() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity
Returns the target of this activity.
- getTarget() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivity
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getTarget() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationship
Gets the IRelatable target.
- getTarget() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipNode
- getTarget(String, String, ISourceData, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.DouiHyperlink
- getTargetFieldId(JSONObject) - Method in class
- getTargetFieldId(JSONObject) - Method in class
- getTargetId() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getTargetId() - Method in class
Returns the target identifier for this page web resource.
- getTargetId() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Returns the target identifier of this URL.
- getTargetLocale() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.DocumentLocaleClause
Returns the target locale.
- getTargetObjectsSourceFilter(SearchSource, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the target objects source id filter.
- getTargetScope() - Method in class
Returns the target scope for this page web resource.
- getTargetScope() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Returns the target scope of this URL.
- getTargetType() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
- getTargetTypes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationshipType
Gets all targets type.
- getTargetTypes() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipType
- getTask() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the process' task.
- getTaskProcess(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IProcessQueueManager
Retrieves the queue item of represented by the processId.
- getTaskProcess(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueManager
- getTaskProcessByOwnerId(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IProcessQueueManager
Returns the processes of a given owner.
- getTaskProcessByOwnerId(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueManager
- getTemplate() - Method in class
- getTemplate() - Method in class
- getTemplate() - Method in class
Returns the
style template
to be used. - getTemplateChannelId() - Method in class
- getTemplateChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelTemplateLinkInfo
Returns the identifier of the channel template applied.
- getTemplateChannelId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.ChannelTemplateLink
- getTemplateDashboards() - Static method in class
Returns a map with the template dashboards.
- getTemplateLinksList() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationConfig
Returns the links of channel template for the structure being imported.
- getTemplateLocalGroupPrefix() - Method in class
Returns the template local group prefix.
- GetTemporaryHoldersAction - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction
implementation for obtaining temporary holders. - GetTemporaryHoldersAction() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.GetTemporaryHoldersAction
- getTempPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadUtil
Gets an temporary path based on relative path.
- getTermChildrenByContentId(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationUtil
Returns a list of all direct children from a given term content identifier.
- getTermPathContentIds(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationUtil
Returns the content identifiers that make up the path to the specified term.
- getTermPathNames(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.categorization.CategorizationUtil
Returns the names of terms make up the path to the specified term.
- getTerms() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData
Returns the terms present in this term group.
- getTerms() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the terms this clause searches for.
- getTestsRunningStatus() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.testautomation.TestAutomationResource
- getText() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.button.ButtonControl
- getTextColor() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the textColor.
- getTextColumnName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns the name of the column from where the exhibition text will be read.
- getTextContent() - Method in class
- getTextContent(Node) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getTextFieldValue() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the value of the text field.
- getTextMsg() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.IMailBody
Returns the text message in the body, or null if there is no text message.
- getTheme(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.IThemeManagerSPI
Returns the theme with the given identifier.
- getTheme(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
- getThemeIdByPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUtil
Returns the theme identifier of the given theme path.
- getThemeList() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.itempicker.ThemeResource
- getThemeManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for portal themes.
- getThemePathById(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUtil
Returns the theme path of the given theme identifier.
- getThemeProvider(WebResource) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceUtil
Returns the theme provider set in the given web resource.
- getThemeRootDir(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUtil
- getThemes() - Method in interface lumis.portal.theme.IThemeProvider
Returns the list of themes that should be used.
- getThemes(List<String>) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Returns the applied themes from an applied themes identifiers list.
- getThemes(WebResource) - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeManager
Returns the applied themes in the given web resource.
- getThreadPoolSize() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentMonitorConfiguration
Returns the monitoring framework thread pool size.
- getThreadPriority() - Method in class
Returns the priority of the generation threads.
- getThumbnailMediaFile() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the thumbnail media file.
- getTickInterval() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
- getTickIntervalType() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
- getTimeFrame() - Method in class
Returns the timeFrame.
- getTimeFrame() - Method in class
Returns the timeFrame.
- getTimeFrame() - Method in class
- getTimeFrame() - Method in interface
Returns the timeFrame.
- getTimeIntervalFilter(JSONObject, String, DocumentTypeField, DocumentTypeField, UserAttribute, DocumentTypeField) - Static method in class
Method that creates the time interval filter.
- getTimeofday() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of time of day stored in this document.
- getTimeout() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.HibernatePortalCache
- getTimeoutAmount() - Method in class
Returns the timeoutAmount.
- getTimeoutAmount() - Method in interface
Returns the timeoutAmount.
- getTimeoutAmount() - Method in class
- getTimeoutAmount() - Method in class
- getTimeoutDateTime() - Method in class
Returns the timeoutDateTime.
- getTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface
Returns the timeout amount in milliseconds.
- getTimeoutNode() - Method in class
Returns the timeout node.
- getTimeoutUnit() - Method in class
Returns the timeoutUnit.
- getTimeoutUnit() - Method in interface
Returns the timeoutUnit.
- getTimeoutUnit() - Method in class
- getTimeoutUnit() - Method in class
- getTimestampByDate(Date) - Static method in class lumis.util.JdbcUtil
- getTitle() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
Returns the title set by
. - getTitle() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getTitle() - Method in enum lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager.AuditType
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.ISynonym
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns the title present in this document.
- getTitle() - Method in enum
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Returns the title of this process.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in enum
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title for the page web resource.
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the page web resource title.
- getTitle() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueTaskProcess
Returns the title of the process.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueTaskScheduleConfig
Returns the title for the task set in this configuration.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.serialization.ServiceInterfaceSerializationMessageConfig
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationMessageConfig
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the title for this web resource.
- getTitle() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the title field value.
- getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.chatroom.ChatRoomConfig
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
- getTitle() - Method in interface lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository.IEmailTemplate
Returns the (informative only) title of the template.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Form
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.Bulletin
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns the media title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.Schedule
Returns the title.
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssResultRow
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Gets title
- getTitle() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPost
Returns the user post title.
- getTitle(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the title for a service interface instance.
- getTitle(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getTitleFieldId() - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
- getTitleFieldValue() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the value of the title field.
- getTitlePattern() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getTitlePattern() - Method in class
Returns the pattern to be used when resolving the title or
if there's no specific title pattern. - getTo() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.Range
Returns the to.
- getTo() - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.ISingleMail
Returns the to field value for this mail.
- getToggleModeUrl(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
- getToken() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorStringField
Returns the value of token version of the string stored in this document.
- getTone() - Method in class
- getTopbarBackgroundColor() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the topbarBackgroundColor.
- getTopbarTextColor() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the topbarTextColor.
- getTopic() - Method in class
- getTopic(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Gets the
for the specified topicId. - getTopicContentId() - Method in class
- getTopUniqueVisitorHours() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentStandardBigDataDocumentPopularityProviderConfiguration
Returns the topUniqueVisitorDays.
- getTotal() - Method in interface lumis.portal.processqueue.IQueueStatistics
Returns the total amount of processes in the queue.
- getTotalCount() - Method in class
Returns the total number of items that exist, although not all of them may be returned in this ListResult.
- getTotalHits() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.ISearchResults
Returns the number of
in the collection. - getTotalInfo(QuerySelect, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.doui.table.ITableDao
- getTotalInfo(QuerySelect, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.TableDaoJdbc
- getTotalRowCount() - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryStatement
Returns the total number of rows (ignoring
) available. - getTotalRows() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularData
- getTotalRows(SessionConfig, TabularSource, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.RegistrationManagementInterfaceDataProvider
- getTotalRows(SessionConfig, S, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.AbstractObjectDataProvider
Returns the total rows to be set on the generated tabular data.
- getToUserId() - Method in class
- getTrackId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the track identifier of this monitor user.
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
- getTransaction() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceContext
Returns the transaction for persistence access.
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the transaction for this source.
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContext
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.AbstractTransactionalPortalEvent
Returns the transaction in which this event occurs.
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationContext
- getTransaction() - Static method in class lumis.portal.transaction.PortalTransactionFactory
Deprecated.Since 4.2.0, replaced by
. Current implementation behaves ascreateTransaction()
. - getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.AddMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getTransaction() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction.EditMobileAppProcessActionHandler
- getTransactionCreationTrace() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
- getTransactionCreationTrace() - Method in interface lumis.portal.transaction.spi.ITransactionSPI
Returns a throwable used just as a trace to the transaction creation.
- getTransactionLogAbandonedTimeout() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns the timeout for the logging of long-lived transactions.
- getTransformationBuilder() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IParameterType
Returns the transformation builder.
- getTransformationBuilder() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleParameterType
Returns the transformationBuilder.
- getTransformationParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
Returns the transformationParameters.
- getTransformationParameters() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformation
Returns the
transformation parameters
. - getTransformations() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.FileTransformationSerializationConfig
Gets transformations for serialization.
- getTransformedFileConfig(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
- getTransformedFileConfig(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IFileTransformationManagerSPI
Returns the persisted generated file.
- getTransformedFileConfigByOriginalId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
- getTransformedFileConfigByOriginalId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.IFileTransformationManagerSPI
Returns all transformed files by the original file.
- getTransformedFileId() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.TransformedFileConfig
Returns the transformedFileId.
- getTransformer() - Method in class
Returns the transformer.
- getTransformer(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformerFactory
Returns the proper transformer.
Returns a customized extractor if defined else returns the default content extractor. - getTransientFields() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getTransientFieldsForClass(Class) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationSettings
- getTransition(String) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns the specified transition defined in this workflow state.
- getTransition(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns a workflow transition.
- getTransition(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getTransitions() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Returns all transitions defined for this state.
- getTransitionsByStateId(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the transitions for a workflow state.
- getTransitionsByStateId(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getTranslatedString() - Method in enum lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessageStatus
Returns the translated string.
- getTranslateFunc() - Method in class
Returns the translateFunc.
- getTransmissionId() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
Returns the unique identifier of the transmission for which this header belongs.
- getTransmissionOrder() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
Returns the transmission order generated for the corresponding transmission.
- getTree() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeExclusion
Returns the tree.
- getTree() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the tree.
- getTriggers() - Method in class
Returns the triggers.
- getTrueNodeFromJson(FlowEntry, JSONObject) - Method in class
Returns the true node from the next nodes JSON object.
- getTrustedEmail() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the trusted email.
- getTrustedFirstName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the trusted first name.
- getTrustedFullName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the trusted full name of this user.
- getTrustedLastName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the trusted last name.
- getTrustedMiddleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the trusted middle Name.
- getTrustedProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns this user's trusted properties.
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentAssociation
- getType() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.MetaDataSourceField
- getType() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowPermission
Returns the type of this permission.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getType() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlConfig
- getType() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
- getType() - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionConfig
- getType() - Method in interface
Returns the parameter type.
- getType() - Method in class
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceConfig
- getType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's type stored in this document.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the type of this object.
- getType() - Method in class
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.DateHistogramAggregation.Interval
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the environment type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeployConfig
Deprecated.Returns the type of this deployment.
- getType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the type of the module.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Returns the type of this object.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ServiceObject
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.WorkflowObject
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagConfig
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext.RelativePath
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalConfig
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.type.ServiceTypeConfig
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type.ServiceInterfaceTypeConfig
- getType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelatable
Gets the IRelatable type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelatableNode
- getType() - Method in class
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformationParameter
Returns the
transformation parameter type
. - getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermission
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermissionRoleXml
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncInSelectedElement
Returns this element's type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the type of the replication.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationProperty
Returns the web file replication type that owns the property.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
- getType() - Method in class
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTree
Returns the tree type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeExclusion
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.entity.AutoAdministrationTreeItem
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.areatag.AreaTagsControl
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.server.ConfigurationTagsControl
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.server.EnviromentPropertiesControl
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Gets question type
- getType() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the
of rule. - getType() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgentPermission
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class
- getType_boolean() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the boolean attributes stored in this document.
- getType_datetime() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the dateTime attributes stored in this document.
- getType_double() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the double attributes stored in this document.
- getType_keyword() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the keyword attributes stored in this document.
- getType_long() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the long attributes stored in this document.
- getType_string() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the string attributes stored in this document.
- getType_text() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the text attributes stored in this document.
- getType_url() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributes
Returns the URL attributes stored in this document.
- getUnboundedConverter() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
Deprecated.Since 4.0.10, this method is not used anymore. For best backward compatibility, this implementation delegates to
. - getUniqueKeys() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
Returns the unique keys used.
- getUniqueSlug() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUniqueSlug
Returns the unique slug.
- getUniqueVisitorThreshold() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentStandardBigDataDocumentPopularityProviderConfiguration
Returns the uniqueVisitorThreshold.
- getUniqueWriterController() - Method in class lumis.portal.DefaultPortalPrintWriter
- getUniqueWriterController() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalPrintWriter
Returns the
that will handle before writes. - getUnit() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.Distance
Returns the unit.
- getUnit() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorField
Returns the (localizable) unit of this field.
- getUnit() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorField
- getUnit() - Method in enum
Returns the unit of the measure type.
- getUnmappedId() - Method in interface lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.IStructureElement
Returns the unmapped identifier.
- getUnreadActivitiesCount(String, DateParam) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResource
Returns the number of unread activities the current user has in the specified activity stream interface instance.
- getUntracedKeys() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.UniqueWriterController
A list containing all items from
without the items present inUniqueWriterController.tracedItems
. - getUntrustedEmail() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the untrusted email of this user.
- getUntrustedFirstName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the untrusted first name of this user.
- getUntrustedFullName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the untrusted full name of this user.
- getUntrustedLastName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the untrusted last name of this user.
- getUntrustedMiddleName() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns the untrusted middle name of this user.
- getUntrustedProperties() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns this user's untrusted properties.
- getUpdateDataItemId(IParameters) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Returns the item identifier of a data being updated, this will consider the id to the right active version.
- getUpdateDataItemId(IParameters) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns the item identifier of a data being updated.
- getUpdatedContentWorkflowMetaData() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowActionExecutedEvent
Returns the
value after the action was executed. - getUpdatedData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.event.SourcePostUpdateDataEvent
Returns the updated data.
- getUpdateStatement(QueryUpdate, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryAdapter
- getUpdateStatement(QueryUpdate, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getUpgradeDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getUpgradeDate() - Method in class lumis.upgrade.BuildConfig
- getUpgradeManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getUpgradeManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getUploadFolder() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadControl
Returns the folder where temporary uploads are stored.
- getUploadPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadUtil
Gets an upload path based on relative path.
- getURIResolver() - Method in class
- getUrl() - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.PreparedUrl
- getUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocument.IActivityObject
Returns the object's URL stored in this document.
- getUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityObject
Returns the URL to the main page of this object.
- getUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard.Publication.Context
Returns the access URL.
- getUrl() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Since 4.0.7 this method was replaced by
method, so this interface uses the same method as specified in thePortletURL
interface. - getUrl() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceUrl
Deprecated.Since 4.0.7 this method was replaced by
method, so this interface uses the same method as specified in thePortletURL
interface. - getUrl() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the URL for this attachment.
- getUrl() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the URL field value.
- getUrl() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.RobotsTxtSitemap
Returns the url.
- getUrl() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkMessage
Returns the url.
- getUrl(String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.hyperlink.DouiHyperlink
- getUrl(SessionConfig, HyperLinkConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkManager
- getUrl(SessionConfig, HyperLinkConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.hyperlink.IHyperLinkManager
Returns the URL corresponding to the information contained in the given
. - getUrl(Node, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
- getURL() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getUrlAction() - Method in class
Returns the urlAction.
- getURLFactory() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
Returns the URL factory to be used for creating the HyperLink URL.
- getUrlFieldValue() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the value of the URL field.
- getURLManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getURLManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the URL manager.
- getUrlMetaInformation(String) - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPostResource
Given a url returns the meta information extracted from the url.
- getURLParam() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Returns the APP URL parameter for this mode.
- getUrlPath() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getUrlPath() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the content version's URL friendly path customized by the publisher.
- getUrlPath() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getUrlPath() - Method in class
Returns the URL path.
- getUrlPath() - Method in class
Returns the URL path.
- getUrlPath() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.entity.SeoRule
Returns the url path.
- getUrlPathByChannelId(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the url path for the specified
if defined. - getUrlPathByChannelId(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
- getUrlPathByPageId(String, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns the url path for the specified
PageConfig#getId( page)
if defined. - getUrlPathByPageId(String, Locale) - Static method in class lumis.service.seo.SeoServiceUtil
Returns the url path for the specified
PageConfig#getId( page)
if defined. - getUrlPatterns() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
- getUrlPatternsArray() - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjectionConfig
- getURLShortenerManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the
manager for URL shortening operations
. - getUrlTitle() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getUrlTitle() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns the title to be used when generating the URL for the detail page that displays this content.
- getUrlTitle() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getUrlTitle() - Method in class
- getUrlTitle() - Method in class
- getUrlTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title to be used when generating the URL of the page web resource.
- getUrlTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title value used for friendly URL generation of the web resource.
- getUrlTitle() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the title value meant to be used for friendly URL generation of this web resource.
- getUrlType() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.Returns the type of url.
- getUrlType() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceUrl
Returns the type of url.
- getUser() - Method in class
Returns the user.
- getUser() - Method in class
Returns the userId.
- getUser(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getUser(SessionConfig, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a chat user given the portal user id, conversation id and optionally the user sessionId
- getUser(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getUser(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns a chat user given the chat user id
- getUserAgent() - Method in class lumis.portal.device.Device
Returns string representing the device's user agent
- getUserAgent() - Method in interface lumis.portal.device.IDevice
Returns string representing the device's user agent
- getUserAgent() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgent
Returns the userAgent.
- getUserAgent() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgentPermission
Returns the userAgent.
- getUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserAttributeManagerSPI
Returns an unmodifiable user attribute.
- getUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeManager
- getUserAttributeId() - Method in class
Returns the userAttributeId.
- getUserAttributeId() - Method in class
Returns the userAttributeId.
- getUserAttributeId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.IMonitorUserAttributeValue
Returns user attribute identifier.
- getUserAttributeId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttribute
Returns the userAttributeId.
- getUserAttributeManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager for user attribute definitions.
- getUserAttributesByServiceInstance() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserAttributeManagerSPI
Returns an unmodifiable map with a unmodifiable implementation of all defined
user attributes
. - getUserAttributesByServiceInstance() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeManager
- getUserAttributesByUserAttributeId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserAttributeManagerSPI
Returns the all user attributes mapped by user attribute identifier.
- getUserAttributesByUserAttributeId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeManager
- getUserAttributesMap() - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserAttributeManagerSPI
- getUserAttributesMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserAttributeManager
- getUserCategoryMapping() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
Currently unsupported
- getUserConfig() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.SessionConfig
Returns the
associated with this session, cached inside this instance. - getUserDao() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.DaoFactory
- getUserData(String) - Method in class
- getUserDetails(String) - Method in class
Returns the user details.
- getUserId() - Method in class
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl.ProfileImageData
- getUserId() - Method in class
Returns the userId.
- getUserId() - Method in class
Returns the userId.
- getUserId() - Method in class
Returns the userId.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.SessionConfig
Gets the user id associated with this session.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.Principals
Returns the user id.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.Comment
Returns the identifier of the user which created this comment.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.Answer
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.Like
Returns the identifier of the user which expressed this liking.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.mailmarketing.UserSubscription
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
Returns the userId.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns the identifier of the user this holder is personalized for.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Answer
Get user identifier
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Returns the userId.
- getUserId() - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile.SocialProfile
Sets lumis user identifier
- getUserId(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationDaoJdbc
- getUserId(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationDao
Get the user id.
- getUserId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManager
Deprecated.Since 4.0.10, replaced by
IUserManager.getUserIdByLogin(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction)
. - getUserId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getUserIdByLogin(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.UserService
Get a user identifier by its login
- getUserIdByLogin(String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Get the id of the user.
- getUserIdByLogin(String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- getUserIdByLogin(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManager
Get the id for a user with the given login.
- getUserIdByLogin(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getUserIdBySessionId(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationManager
- getUserIdBySessionId(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationManager
Deprecated.Since 4.0.8, this method was replaced by
. - getUserInfoTXT(String, String, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Returns the user details.
- getUserLimit() - Method in class
- getUserLinks(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.userlink.UserLinkResource
Given an array of logins, returns a json array with all users meta informaiton.
- getUserManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
- getUserManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getUserParameters() - Method in interface
Returns the user parameters.
- getUserPrimaryLogin(Attributes) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.reader.ActiveDirectoryPrincipalReader
Returns the primary login for the user with the given attributes.
- getUserPrincipal() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getUserPrincipalsInUserSession(SessionConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationUtil
Returns the groups of the user of the given session.
- getUserProfileImageContentTypeFile(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManagerSPI
Returns the user's profile image content type file.
- getUserProfileImageContentTypeFile(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getUserProfileImageFile(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManagerSPI
Returns the user's profile image file.
- getUserProfileImageFile(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getUserProfileImageHref(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManagerSPI
Get user profile image href by user identifier
- getUserProfileImageHref(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getUserQuery() - Method in class
Returns the user query.
- getUserQuery() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchQuery
Returns the user query, which is the user-defined portion of the
, usually entered by the final user using front-end interfaces. - getUserQuery() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the user query, which is the user-defined portion of the
, usually entered by the final user using front-end interfaces. - getUserQuery(SessionConfig, SearchSource, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the user query to be used in search.
- getUsers() - Method in class
- getUsers(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserInternalResource
Returns a list of user information given a query string.
- getUsers(String, int, int) - Method in class
Returns the users list based on the given filters.
- getUsers(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getUsers(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns all the chat users given the conversation id
- getUsersByLogins(Set<String>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Get users with the given logins.
- getUsersByLogins(Set<String>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManagerSPI
Get users with the given logins.
- getUsersByLogins(Set<String>) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
- getUsersByLogins(Set<String>) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
- getUserSegmentation() - Method in class
Returns the userSegmentation.
- getUserSegmentation() - Method in class
Returns the userSegmentation.
- getUserSegmentation() - Method in class
- getUserSegmentation() - Method in interface
Returns the userSegmentation.
- getUserSegmentationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the user segmentation manager.
- getUserSegmentationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the user segmentation manager.
- getUserSegmentationMaxMembers() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of members are calculated for each user segmentation.
- getUserSegmentationMonitorValuesProvider(IUserSegmentation) - Method in interface
Returns a
that fills user segmentation information. - getUserSegmentationMonitorValuesProvider(IUserSegmentation) - Method in class
- getUserSegmentationRef() - Method in class
Returns the user segmentation reference.
- getUserSegmentationRef() - Method in class
Returns the user segmentation reference.
- getUserSegmentations(SessionConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationUtil
Returns the groups of the user of the given session.
- getUserSegmentationsByServiceInstanceId() - Method in class
Returns the user segmentations of the given service instance.
- getUserSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Deprecated.Since 6.0.0, methods in ManagerFactory that return non-stable (see
) objects are deprecated, due to risk of incompatibility between versions. Such methods are for portal internal use. - getUserSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
- getUserSessionId() - Method in class
- getUserSessionId() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.SessionConfig
- getUserWallPosts(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostManager
Returns the user wall posts.
- getUsesFileTransformation() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Returns the usesFileTransformation.
- getUsesPublicFileStorage() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Deprecated.Since 12.2.0 replaced by
. - getUsesSocialProfileInformation() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns whether this interface uses social profile information.
- getUseURLSafeBase64Variant() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.AbstractCipher
Indicates if a URL safe Base64 variant is to be used when encoding bytes to String.
- getUseURLSafeBase64Variant() - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.MessageDigestCipher
- getValidationResult() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
Returns the validation result for this DOUI context.
- getValidationScript(Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getValidationScript(Node) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagecache.ValidatorButton
- getValidWebResourceRootChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractPortalMode
Used by the default implementation of
AbstractPortalMode.isWebResourceAvailable(WebResource, ChannelConfig)
. - getValidWebResourceRootChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.ContentAdministrationPortalMode
- getValidWebResourceRootChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.ContentPublicationPortalMode
- getValidWebResourceRootChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.NavigationPortalMode
- getValidWebResourceRootChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.PortalStudioPortalMode
- getValidWebResourceRootChannels() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.SettingsPortalMode
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.checkbox.CheckBoxControl
A check box control with a null value returns a false boolean as its value.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataControl
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidationMessages
- getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.query.IValueAggregationResult
Returns the value of this aggregation.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.CacheItem
Returns the value of this cache item.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.transformation.ITransformationParameter
Returns the parameter value.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleTransformationParameter
Returns the transformation parameter value.
- getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value that this entry operates on.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.IMonitorUserAttributeValue
Returns custom attribute value.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeBoolean
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeDateTime
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeDouble
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeKeyword
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeLong
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeString
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeText
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUserAttributesTypeUrl
Returns the value of this attribute stored in this document.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters.PreviousParameters
The value for the previous parameters.
- getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value that will be used to generate the JSON.
- getValue() - Method in class
Returns the code of this XML fragment.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceCustomProperty
Returns the value.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplicationPropertyValue
Returns the value of the property.
- getValue() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the field value.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgentPermission
Returns the userAgentId.
- getValue() - Method in enum lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPVersionFromTo
Returns this constant value.
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc.Parameter
- getValue() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryValue
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IDataControl
- getValue(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
Returns the value of the given property.
- getValue(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Deprecated.since 12.0.0 prefer
IPropertyBagManager.getValue(String, String, String)
, that use a more optimized cache. - getValue(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
- getValue(String, String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.propertybag.IPropertyBagManager
Returns the value of the property with the given name for the property bag with the given identifier and, if no value was found, return the given default value.
The calculated value will be calculated considering the inherited values.
When changing some property bag values, the new values will only be available in this method after the transaction that changed the property bag values is commited.
This method is preferable toPropertyBag.getValue(String, String)
. - getValue(IQueryValue, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getValue(IQueryValue, IQueryValue, boolean) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getValue(IQueryValue, QueryField, boolean) - Method in class lumis.util.query.jdbc.GenericQueryAdapterJdbc
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.content.control.tag.InputTagControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.TagDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
Returns the class the possible values of this control are assignable to.
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.OrderedMultiItemPickerControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.optionlist.OptionListControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.datatype.AbstractDouiDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in interface lumis.doui.datatype.IDouiDataType
Returns the value class for data of this type.
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
Returns the class this field's possible values are assignable to.
- getValueClass() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns the class this field's possible values are assignable to.
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.BooleanDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.ChannelDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DateTimeDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.DoubleDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.EmailDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.HtmlDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.IntegerDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.LongDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PageDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.PrincipalDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.StringDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.TimeDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag.TagControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.service.doui.publisherfilters.PublisherFiltersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.service.image.field.ImageDataType
- getValueClass() - Method in class
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization.SelectImportFileControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.server.EnviromentPropertiesControl
- getValueClass() - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ResourcesDataType
- getValueClass(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.AbstractSourceData
Returns the class the value of the given key is to be kept as.
- getValueColumnName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns the name of the column from where the option's value will be read.
- getValueInMapChain(String, Map) - Static method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchUtil
Returns event field value from the given object by your full key id.
- getValueMap() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Deprecated.since 12.0.0, prefer
, that use a more optimized cache. - getValueMap(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.propertybag.IPropertyBagManager
Returns the value map for the property bag with the given identifier.
The resulting map will be calculated considering the inherited values and will be an unmodifiable map.
When changing some property bag values, the new values will only be available in this method after the transaction that changed the property bag values is commited.
This method is preferable toPropertyBag.getValueMap()
. - getValueParameters() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryValue
Returns a list of parameters to this query value.
- getValueProvider() - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContextProperty
Returns the property value.
- getValueProvider() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextProperty
- getValues() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFieldClause
Returns the values this clause searches for.
- getValues() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentProperty
Returns the values.
- getValues() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns the values for this property, applying all property values evaluation rules.
- getValues() - Method in class
Returns the values.
- getValues() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryValue
- getValues(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.propertybag.IPropertyBagManagerSPI
- getValues(String, String[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
- getValues(String, String, List<String>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.propertybag.IPropertyBagManager
Returns the values of the property with the given name for the property bag with the given identifier and, if no value was found, return the given default values.
The calculated value will be calculated considering the inherited values.
When changing some property bag values, the new values will only be available in this method after the transaction that changed the property bag values is commited.
If the values could be calculated (and, thus, the default values are not used), the returned list will be immutable.
If the values couldn't be found, the default values will be returned and, whether it is an immutable list is not defined.
This method is preferable toPropertyBag.getValues(String, List)
. - getValues(String, List<String>) - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.PropertyBag
Deprecated.since 12.0.0 prefer
IPropertyBagManager.getValues(String, String, List)
, that use a more optimized cache. - getValues(SessionConfig, IMonitorField, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.AbstractMonitorValuesProvider
- getValues(SessionConfig, IMonitorField, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorValuesProvider
Returns the values for the given field.
If this value provider does not provide values for the given field, it must returnnull
Note that returning anull
value is not the same as returning an empty list. - getValues(SessionConfig, IMonitorField, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEventValuesProvider
- getValues(SessionConfig, IMonitorField, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.SimpleMonitorValuesProvider
- getValuesInMapChain(String, Object) - Static method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchUtil
Returns event field values from the given object by your full key id.
- getValuesToFilterProjectIdFor(ServiceInstanceConfig, boolean) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the filter values to be applied in project id field.
- getVariableResolver() - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
- getVariableResolver() - Method in class
Returns the variable resolver used to resolve title against the title pattern.
- getVariableResolver() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getVariableResolver() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI
Returns the
for this request. - getVariantId() - Method in class
Returns the variantId.
- getVariantName() - Method in class
Returns the variantName.
- getVariants() - Method in class
Returns The list of variants of this experiment.
- getVerb() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns the verb.
- getVerb() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorEvent
- getVersion() - Method in class
- getVersion() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Component
- getVersion() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IComponent
Returns the component version.
- getVersion() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
Returns the module version.
- getVersion() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
- getVersion() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the version.
- getVersion() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityImpl
- getVersionContentId() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
- getVersionNumber() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getVersionNumber() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentVersion
Returns this version's number.
- getVersions() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentLocale
Returns the versions for the content in this locale.
- getVersions() - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPI
Returns a list of all mobile API versions available.
- getVideoFrameRate() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
- getVideoFrameRate() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the video frame rate metadata.
- getViewFields() - Method in class
Returns the fields from the view that will be used to select the membership for groups.
- getViewName() - Method in class
Returns the view name.
- getViewPermission() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.mode.customerexperience.CustomerExperienceApp
Returns the permission required so that a user can view the mode.
- getViolatedForeignKeys(DeserializationContext, PageConfig) - Static method in class
Returns a collection of service interface instances' identifiers, referenced by the page's layout, that represents violated foreign keys.
- getViolationValue() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigForeignKey
- getVisitorId() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUser
Returns a auto-increment identifier that offers a simpler way to differentiate visitors.
- getVisitorId() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getVisitorId() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Returns the visitor identifier of this user.
- getVisitTime() - Method in class lumis.service.seo.robotstxt.UserAgent
Returns the visitTime.
- getVoteLogDate(String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getVoteOptions(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Returns the options for a vote question.
- getVoteQuestion(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
- getWaitingEventId() - Method in class
Returns the waiting event identifier of self node.
- getWaitingEventId() - Method in class
Returns the waitingEventId.
- getWaitStartTime() - Method in class
Returns the waitStartTime.
- getWarningResultList() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil.DeploymentMessageSummary
Returns the warningResultList.
- getWebAppRelativePath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, replaced by
in website'sweb root base folder
, due to the inclusion of multiple websites, and consequently, multiple web roots.For best compatibility, this method resolves based on the default website's web root folder. If there is no default website, it will throw an
. - getWebFileReplication() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.AbstractFileReplicator
Returns the WebFileReplication with the information of the target repository.
- getWebInfPath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Deprecated.Data is not stored in WEB-INF anymore, so this method should not be used. Instead use
, orPortalContext.getDataPath(String)
. - getWebResource() - Method in class
- getWebResource() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.core.IPageRenderer
- getWebResource() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml.PresentationPageRenderer
- getWebResource(ServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
Returns the web resource for the given request.
- getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String, IURLManager.CreateStrategy) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Returns a web resource for the given dynamic path.
- getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String, IURLManager.CreateStrategy, Locale) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Returns a web resource for the given dynamic path.
- getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String, IURLManager.CreateStrategy, Locale, WebResource) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Returns a web resource for the given dynamic path.
- getWebResourceByDynamicPath(String, IURLManager.CreateStrategy, Locale, WebResource) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
- getWebResourceByParameterAndValue(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Get all
web resources
that fits the given parameter name with the given parameter value. - getWebResourceByParameterAndValue(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
- getWebResourcePathByDynamicPath(String, Locale) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, due to inclusion of website feature, the web resource path is not unique, so this method is no longer appropriated for its original purpose of adjusting links URIs. Consider using
IURLManager.getWebResourceURI(String, Locale, IWebsite, boolean)
instead. - getWebResourcePathByDynamicPath(String, Locale) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
- getWebResourceToRedirect(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Returns the web resource to redirect to when the given path on the given website is accessed.
- getWebResourceToRedirect(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
- getWebResourceURI(String, Locale, IWebsite, boolean) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Deprecated.The (
portal mode
is now relevant and should be passed as parameter. Prefer the methodIURLManager.getWebResourceURI(String, Locale, IWebsite, boolean, IPortalMode)
. - getWebResourceURI(String, Locale, IWebsite, boolean, IPortalMode) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Returns the URI for referencing a web resource given its dynamic path.
- getWebResourceURI(String, Locale, IWebsite, boolean, IPortalMode, WebResource) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Returns the URI for referencing a web resource given its dynamic path.
- getWebResourceURI(String, Locale, IWebsite, boolean, IPortalMode, WebResource) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
- getWebRootBaseFolder() - Method in interface
Returns the base folder that corresponds to the web root folder of this website.
- getWebRootBaseFolder() - Method in class
Returns the base folder that corresponds to the web root folder of this website.
- getWebRootBaseFolder() - Method in class
- getWebRootPath() - Method in class
Returns the web root path defined for this website.
- getWebsite() - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkConfig
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0, due to the inclusion of websites feature. The LumisXP itself did not use this property. Kept only for backward compatibility.
- getWebsite() - Method in class
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 replaced by
. - getWebsite() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns the website this channel belongs to.
- getWebsite() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns the website this web resource belongs to.
- getWebsite() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.WebFileReplication
Returns the website of this replication.
- getWebsite() - Method in interface
Returns the website related to this base folder.
- getWebsite() - Method in interface
Returns the website this base URL belongs to.
- getWebsite() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the website.
- getWebsite() - Method in class
- getWebsite() - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesFolder
- getWebsite(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.util.PortalUtil
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 use
to get theIWebsiteBaseURL
that represents the website url for the given request. - getWebsiteBaseURL() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
Returns the website's base URL accessed to generate this request.
- getWebsiteBaseURL() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns the website's base URL accessed to generate this request.
- getWebsiteBaseURL() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
- getWebsiteBaseURL(URI) - Method in interface
Returns the website base URL that serves the given URI or
if there's no base URL that serves the given URI.
If the given URI is not absolute or is opaque,null
will be returned.
This method will not fallback to default website if no website can relativize the given URI. - getWebsiteBaseURL(URI) - Method in class
- getWebsiteBaseURL(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
Returns the website's base URL that a request corresponds to.
- getWebsiteBaseURL(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
- getWebsiteBaseURLAsURI(URI) - Method in interface
Returns the website base URL as a URI that serves the given URI or
if there's no base URL that serves the given URI.
If the given URI is not absolute or is opaque,null
will be returned.
This method will not fallback to default website if no website can relativize the given URI. - getWebsiteBaseURLAsURI(URI) - Method in class
- getWebsiteBaseURLById(String) - Static method in class
Returns the
website base URL
based on its identification. - getWebsiteBaseURLId() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the websiteBaseURLId.
- getWebsiteBaseURLProtocol() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the websiteBaseURLProtocol.
- getWebsiteBaseURLs() - Method in class
Returns an
unmodifiable collection
ofwebsite base URLs
associated with this page link. - getWebsiteByChannelId(String) - Method in interface
Returns the website that the specific channel belongs to.
- getWebsiteByChannelId(String) - Method in class
- getWebsiteByChannelId(String, FlushModeType) - Method in class
Returns the website that the specific channel belongs to using the specified
. - getWebsiteByChannelIdNonRecursively(String, FlushModeType) - Method in class
Returns the channel's
non-recursively (i.e. - getWebsiteByFile(FileConfig, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.FileUtil
Returns the website of the given file (the website that contains the file's service instance).
- getWebsiteFilesDir(String) - Method in class lumis.service.websitefiles.WebsiteFilesResource
Returns a file object that represents website files root folder.
- getWebsiteHomepagePath() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the websiteHomepagePath.
- getWebsiteInfo() - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIV10
- getWebsiteManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactory
Returns the manager providing high-level website related operations.
- getWebsiteManager() - Static method in class lumis.portal.manager.ManagerFactoryInternal
Returns the manager providing high-level website related operations.
- getWebsiteObject() - Method in class
Returns the website object that contains all informations about the website and URLs.
- getWebsiteProjectIds() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorUser
Returns the website project identifiers.
- getWebsiteRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Returns the request's website's attributes.
- getWebsiteUri(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.util.PortalUtil
Deprecated.Since 6.2.0 use
to get theIWebsiteBaseURL
for the given request. After that useIWebsiteBaseURL.getPath()
to get the website URI. - getWebsiteUrl(SessionConfig, ContentLocale, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.action.WorkflowSendMailActionHandler
Method created so that classes that extend this object may customize the website url referenced in the link to the content.
- getWebsiteURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Returns the current WebsiteURL.
- getWhenToDelete() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.PPInterfaceInstanceToBeDeleted
Returns the whenToDelete.
- getWidgetContentId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstance
Returns the identifier of the content of the widget this instance is of.
- getWidgetContentId() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.widgetmanipulationaction.PagePersonalizationManager.DeletedWidgetData
Returns the widgetContentId.
- getWidgetInstanceHolderInterfaceInstanceId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.PagePersonalizationUtil
Returns the widget holder's interface instance id for a widget instance that corresponds to the specified interface instance only if it's a holder widget instance.
- getWidgetInstances() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns the persistent list with the widget instances in this holder.
- getWidgetStyle(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
- getWidth() - Method in class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
Returns the width metadata.
- getWidth() - Method in interface lumis.portal.file.metadata.IFileMetadata
Returns the width metadata.
- getWidth() - Method in interface lumis.portal.fileparser.IFileMetadata
Deprecated.Returns the width metadata.
- getWidth() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
- getWidth() - Method in class
Returns the width.
- getWidth() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
- getWindowID() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getWindowOpen(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
Deprecated.since 8.2.0 replaced by
ServiceContainerUrl.getOpenScript(IServiceInterfaceRequest, String, ITransaction)
- getWindowProperties(String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
Returns the window properties used when a "popupRunTimeInterface" is used as an event handler.
- getWindowProperties(String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
- getWindowState() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
- getWindowState() - Method in class
Returns the window state for the target in this page web resource.
- getWindowState() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
- getWindowState() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
- getWindowState() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerUrl
- getWords() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.ISynonym
Returns the words.
- getWorkflow() - Method in class lumis.content.service.serialization.ContentServiceInstanceSerializableConfig
- getWorkflow(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns a workflow.
- getWorkflow(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getWorkflowActionSubControlXML(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowStatusAdvancedTabularDataControl
Returns the Workflow action sub controls using a id to make relation between the sub controls.
- getWorkflowConfig() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Returns the workflow associated with this source.
- getWorkflowCurrentStateSubControlXML(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowStatusAdvancedTabularDataControl
Returns the Workflow current state sub controls using a id to make relation between the sub controls.
- getWorkflowId() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.WorkflowMetaData
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getWorkflowId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowPermission
Returns the identifier of the workflow this permission applies to.
- getWorkflowId() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
- getWorkflowId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the workflow identifier.
- getWorkflowId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflow
Returns the workflow identifier.
- getWorkflowManager() - Static method in class lumis.content.ContentManagerFactory
- getWorkflowMetaData() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentLocale
Returns the value of
stored in this document. - getWorkflowMetaDataId() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.ContentWorkflowMetaData
Returns the identifier of this workflow metadata.
- getWorkflowPermissions() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the set of permissions for the XML serialization.
- getWorkflowPermissions(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the permissions set for a workflow in a service instance.
- getWorkflowPermissions(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
- getWorkflowResource() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.WorkflowStateDataType.Data
- getWorkflowSerializationManager() - Static method in class lumis.content.ContentManagerFactory
- getWorkflowSerializationMessageConfigNode(String) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowSerializationManager
- getWorkflowStatePrincipals() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataInfoController
- getWorkflowSubControlXML(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.LastContentsAdvancedTabularDataControl
- getWorkflowSubControlXML(String) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowStatusAdvancedTabularDataControl
Returns the workflow sub controls defined for the given itemId.
- getWorkflowToRegister(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns the
instance to save in the register. - getWriteLock(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.lock.ILockManager
Returns an exclusive write lock object for the specified resource.
- getWriteLock(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.LockManager
- getWriter() - Method in class
- getWriter() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerHttpServletResponse
- getWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
- getWriter() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
- getWriter() - Method in class lumis.portal.servlet.BufferedHttpServletResponse
- getWriterOutput() - Method in interface lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
Returns the output written to
. - getWriterOutput() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
- getXmlData() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData
Returns the XML data of this group.
- getXmlData() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData.TermData
Returns the XML data of this group.
- getXmlData(SessionConfig, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Returns the previously saved XML data for the service interface instance for the given user session
- getXmlData(SessionConfig, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
- getXmlDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getXMLDocumentFromString(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Deprecated.since 4.2.0 replaced by
. - getXmlEncoding() - Method in class
- getXmlEncoding(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Returns the XML encoding for the xml with the given String.
- getXMLFragment(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.LocaleMetaDataDataType.Data
- getXMLFragmentData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.Data
Generates the XML with the file informations.
- getXMLFragmentData(IRenderer) - Method in class lumis.service.document.field.DocumentDataType.Data
Returns the render data XML fragment.
- getXMLFragmentData(IRenderer) - Method in class
Returns the render data XML fragment.
- getXmlStandalone() - Method in class
- getXmlString() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.Data
Returns the XML string of this data.
- getXmlString(SessionConfig, Node, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.HyperLinkManager
- getXmlString(SessionConfig, Node, String, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.hyperlink.IHyperLinkManager
Deprecated.This method may be removed in the future.
- getXmlString(Document) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getXmlString(Element) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
- getXmlString(Node) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Returns the xml string representation for a node.
- getXmlVersion() - Method in class
- getXPathVariableName() - Method in class
- getXPathVariableName() - Method in interface
Returns the
variable name. - getXslHtmlMode() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the xslHtmlMode.
- getXslTextMode() - Method in class lumis.service.newsletter.Model
Returns the xslTextMode.
- getYear() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocument.IMonitorDateTimeField
Returns the value of year stored in this document.
- getYear(Date) - Static method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUtilInternal
Returns the year for a date.
- GLOBAL - lumis.portal.deployment.ModuleScope
Indicates the module will be global.
- GLOBAL_DOMAIN_VALUE - Static variable in class
The value used to represent the global domain.
- GLOBAL_GROUP_FOLDER_NAME - Static variable in class
- GlobalGroup - Class in
Group model.
- GlobalGroup() - Constructor for class
- GlobalGroupMembership - Class in
Global group membership entity for serialization.
- GlobalGroupMembership.PK - Class in
The primary key class.
- GlobalInterfaceStyle - Class in
Bean used for XML serialization of non-isolated interface styles.
- GlobalInterfaceStyle(InterfaceStyle) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
by copying relevant properties from aInterfaceStyle
. - GoogleAnalyticsInheritancePostLoadProcessor - Class in
Current channel Google Analytics inheritance Post Load Processor
- GoogleAnalyticsInheritancePostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance
Current Service instance Google Analytics inheritance Post Load Processor
- GoogleAnalyticsInheritancePostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class
- GoogleAnalyticsInheritancePostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance.GoogleAnalyticsInheritancePostLoadProcessor
- GoogleApiKeyDataProvider - Class in
Google api key data provider used in Google Analytics integration service
- GoogleApiKeyDataProvider() - Constructor for class
- goTo(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.documentation.DocumentationResource
Redirects user to the desired page in the online documentation.
- goToAdmin() - Method in class
Returns the response to go the administration.
- goToAdmin() - Method in class
Returns the flows of the given service instance as a JSON array.
- goToAdministration(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerResource
Returns a response redirecting to add interface if the given Files is empty or to administration interface, otherwise.
- goToSearchResults(String, String, String) - Method in class
Redirects the request to the nearest page that contains the search results service interface.
- goToUpgradePage() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.upgrade.UpgradeCheckResource
Redirects user to the portal upgrade interface (in portal settings mode).
- GREATER_THAN - lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFieldClause.Operator
Only values greater than the searching scope may be present.
- GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - lumis.portal.bigdata.query.SearchFieldClause.Operator
Only values greater than or equal to the searching scope may be present.
- GroovyScriptingStyleTemplate() - Constructor for class
- GroovyStyleFactory - Class in
Groovy style factory.
- GroovyStyleFactory() - Constructor for class
- GroovyStyleFactory.GroovyScriptingStyleTemplate - Class in
Groovy scripting template.
- Group - Class in
Group model.
- Group - lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationMessageConfigNode.RecursionStopPoints
- Group() - Constructor for class
- GROUP_ADD - Static variable in class
- GROUP_ADD - Static variable in class
- GROUP_ADD_MEMBER - Static variable in class
- GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS_ID - Static variable in class
- GROUP_ALL_USERS_ID - Static variable in class
- GROUP_DELETE - Static variable in class
- GROUP_DEVELOPERS_ID - Static variable in class
- GROUP_ID_ALL_REGISTERED_USERS - Static variable in interface
- GROUP_ID_ALL_USERS - Static variable in interface
- GROUP_OPERATOR_AND - Static variable in class
Deprecated.Performs a logical AND when grouping the filters.
- GROUP_OPERATOR_OR - Static variable in class
Deprecated.Performs a logical OR when grouping the filters.
- GROUP_PUBLISHERS_ID - Static variable in class
Deprecated.since 8.0.0 replaced by
- GROUP_REGISTERED_USERS_ID - Static variable in class
- GROUP_REMOVE_MEMBER - Static variable in class
- GROUP_TYPE_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in class
- GROUP_TYPE_FRAMEWORK_IMPLIED_GROUPS - Static variable in class
- GROUP_TYPE_STANDARD - Static variable in class
- GROUP_TYPE_STANDARD_ID - Static variable in class
The identifier of the LumisXP standard group type.
- GROUP_UPDATE - Static variable in class
- GroupAclControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl
- GroupAclControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclControl
- GroupAclManager - Class in
Manage Group ACLs.
- GroupAclManager() - Constructor for class
- GroupAclProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl
- GroupAclProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl.GroupAclProcessActionHandler
- GroupAclSerializationManager - Class in
Manager for Group's Acl serialization
- GroupAclSerializationManager() - Constructor for class
- GroupBy - Class in
A report group by configuration.
- GroupBy(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
- GroupBy.GroupByType - Enum in
The grouping by types.
- GroupByHolder(String, DocumentTypeField, ISubAggregationAwareAggregation, boolean, Function<Object, String>) - Constructor for class
- GroupByHolder(String, DocumentTypeField, ISubAggregationAwareAggregation, boolean, Function<Object, String>, boolean) - Constructor for class
- GroupByHolder(String, DocumentTypeField, ISubAggregationAwareAggregation, Function<Object, String>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
- GroupByHolder(String, DocumentTypeField, ISubAggregationAwareAggregation, Function<Object, String>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
- GroupConfig - Class in
Contains the information about a group principal in the portal.
- GroupConfig() - Constructor for class
- GroupConfigurationButtonField - Class in
Field used for providing information for rendering the configuration button.
- GroupConfigurationButtonField() - Constructor for class
- GroupMember - Class in
Group member model.
- GroupMember(Session, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a group member.
- GroupMember.PK - Class in
- GroupMemberConfig - Class in
Represents a group id and a group member id
- GroupMemberConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class
- GroupMembersDataProvider - Class in
- GroupMembersDataProvider() - Constructor for class
- GroupMemberSerializableConfig - Class in
Serializable value object for Group Member structure properties
- GroupMemberSerializableConfig() - Constructor for class
- GroupMemberXml - Class in
XML model for a group member.
- GroupMemberXml(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with the given parameters.
- GroupOrderComparator() - Constructor for class
- GroupPermissions - Enum in
- GroupProcessActionHandler - Class in
Persists the group information using the custom property domain value.
- GroupProcessActionHandler - Class in
Process action handler for the portalmanagement group service.
- GroupProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class
- GroupProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class
- GROUPS - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocumentType.MonitorUserFields
- GROUPS_ALIASES - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocumentType.MonitorUserFields
- GROUPS_ALIASES - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User
User login field.
- GROUPS_IDS - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorUserDocumentType.MonitorUserFields
- GROUPS_IDS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User
User login field.
- GroupSerializableConfig - Class in
Serializable value object for Group structure properties
- GroupSerializableConfig() - Constructor for class
- GroupSerializationManager - Class in
Manager for Group serialization
- GroupSerializationManager() - Constructor for class
- GroupSerializationMessageConfig - Class in
Information about a group to be used in serialization progress messages
- GroupSerializationMessageConfig() - Constructor for class
- GroupType - Class in
Defines a group's type.
- GroupType() - Constructor for class
- GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype
Field used for providing information for rendering the configuration button.
- GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField
- GroupTypeProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype
Process action handler for the portal administration group type service.
- GroupTypeProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype.GroupTypeProcessActionHandler
- GUID - Static variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.SourceFieldTypes
- GUID - Static variable in class lumis.util.query.QueryFieldTypes
- GuidDataType - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
A guid data type.
- GuidDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.GuidDataType
- GuidGenerator - Class in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate
Identifier generator for hibernate that uses
to generate the identifier. - GuidGenerator() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GuidGenerator
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