Class SourceUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler<S extends Source<?>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IProcessActionHandler, IParameters

    public class SourceUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler<S extends Source<?>>
    extends BaseSourceProcessActionHandler<S>
    Update process action handler for a multi row editor.

    This process action handler should have the following nodes in its definition:

    • totalRowsParameterId: the parameter id that holds the total number of rows posted.
    • rowsDeletedParameterId: the parameter id that holds the primary keys of the rows that were deleted.
    Example use of this process action <processAction id="commit" type="tableUpdateMultiRowData" sourceId="song"> <totalRowsParameterId>dataGrid.numberOfRows</totalRowsParameterId> <fieldValues> <fieldValue id="cdId" type="parameter">cdId</fieldValue> </fieldValues> <response type="doui_standardCommit"/> </processAction>
    $Revision: 21292 $ $Date: 2018-05-10 15:35:12 -0300 (Thu, 10 May 2018) $