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Package lumis.portal.privacyterm

This package has utilities for dealing with privacy terms.
These utilities are meant to ease the development and usage of LumisXP in accordance to privacy protection laws.
The entry point of the utilities is the IPrivacyTermManager.

There are two entities the users may accept:
The privacy term The processing purpose The privacy term is a text with general rules users implicitly accept by using the LumisXP in order to use some part or the entire site.
The processing purpose indicates what any personal data will be used for and the users may decline to accept.
The privacy term may have zero or more processing purposes.

If some user does not accept some processing purpose, his data must not be used for that purpose.

See: Description

Package lumis.portal.privacyterm Description

This package has utilities for dealing with privacy terms.
These utilities are meant to ease the development and usage of LumisXP in accordance to privacy protection laws.
The entry point of the utilities is the IPrivacyTermManager.

There are two entities the users may accept:
  1. The privacy term
  2. The processing purpose
The privacy term is a text with general rules users implicitly accept by using the LumisXP in order to use some part or the entire site.
The processing purpose indicates what any personal data will be used for and the users may decline to accept.
The privacy term may have zero or more processing purposes.

If some user does not accept some processing purpose, his data must not be used for that purpose.
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