Interface | Description |
ICustomAction |
Custom action to be executed by an experience automation flow.
IExperienceAutomationFlowContext |
Describes an experience automation flow context.
IExperienceAutomationFlowContext.IExperienceAutomationFlow |
Describes an experience automation flow.
Class | Description |
AbstractJourneyTransitionActionNode |
Transition the flow context's user through a journey.
AddUserAttributeActionNode |
Adds an attribute value to the user the flow is being executed to.
AddUserToJourneyActionNode |
Adds the flow context's user to a journey through a given journey stage.
CustomActionActionNode |
Custom action action node.
MoveUserInJourneyActionNode |
Moves the flow context's user to a given journey stage.
RecalculateUserSegmentationsMembershipActionNode |
Recalculate user segmentation membership.
RemoveUserAttributeActionNode |
Remove an attribute value from the user the flow is being executed to.
RemoveUserFromJourneyActionNode |
Removes the flow context's user from the given journey.
SendEmailActionNode |
Action node responsible for sending e-mails.
SendEmailActionNode.Addressee |
A class to hold how to obtain addressee (to).
SendEmailActionNode.EmailVariableDefinition |
A class to hold how to obtain values for each variable.
WaitActionNode |
Action node that waits a given time (suspends the flow).
WaitForEventActionNode |
The wait for event node.
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