Class | Description |
AccessControlButton |
Control that opens the Access Control configuration screen.
AddButton2Control |
Defines an add button control.
AddButtonControl |
Defines an add button control.
AutoAdministrationListButtonsControl<S extends Source<?>> |
Detects and automatically adds the following controls: lum_interfaceHeaderButtons, lum_addButton, lum_editButton,
lum_deleteButton, lum_positionFieldOrderButton, lum_lockButton, lum_configureButton.
AutoEmbeddedInterfaceStandardButtonsControl |
Renders the standard buttons for a property page embedded within a LumisXP page.
AutoInterfaceStandardButtonsControl |
Adds standard ok and cancel buttons.
AutoPopupInterfaceStandardButtonsControl | |
ButtonControl |
Defines a standard button control with text, image and onClick definition.
CancelButtonControl |
Defines an cancel button control.
ConfigureButtonControl |
Renders a configure button if the service has a configuration interface
Example use:
DeleteButtonControl |
Defines a delete button control.
EditButton2Control |
Defines an edit button control.
EditButtonControl |
Defines an edit button control.
OkButtonControl |
Defines an ok button control.
PositionFieldOrderButtonControl |
Renders a button that opens an interface that the user may use to order items.
PrintButtonControl |
Print Button Control
RefreshButtonControl |
ButtonControl that simply refreshes the current page.
VersionEditButtonControl |
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