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Package lumis.portal.crypto

Provides the API for cryptographic related operations.

See: Description

Package lumis.portal.crypto Description

Provides the API for cryptographic related operations.

This package offer a higher-level simpler API, focused to be easier to use than the Java Cryptography Architecture. As being simpler, this API also offer less features, because it hides lower-level implementation details.

A one-way and a reversible cipher is provided to be used. The algorithm used by each one is specified in the lumisportalconfig.xml configuration file. Note that changing the configuration may cause further encryption to be incompatible with previous ones.

The cipher can be obtained accessing the ICryptoManager, available using ManagerFactory.getCryptoManager().

A customized cipher class can be created implementing the ICipherSpi interface.

$Revision: 11180 $ $Date: 2009-12-04 20:13:02 +0000 (Fri, 04 Dec 2009) $
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