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keepAlive() - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.SessionKeepAliveControllerXml
keepAlive() - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.MobileAPIV10
Endpoint to keep user's session alive.
keepPagePreviousState(IServiceInterfaceUrl, HyperLinkConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.GenericHyperLinkResolver
Configures the URL object to keep the current page previous parameters.
keepSessionAlive(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationDaoJdbc
keepSessionAlive(SessionConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationManager
keepSessionAlive(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationDao
Update the last access date for the given session.
keepSessionAlive(SessionConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationManager
Keeps the specified session alive by updating the last time the session was used.
keptUnchanged() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Mark this channel as it was kept unchanged.
KEY - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Page.BusinessContext
Business context key field.
KEY - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User.Attributes
Attribute key field.
KEY_CACHE_SELECTION - Static variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Key to store/retrieve the selected BusinessContext items to be used in service interface instance caching.
KEY_CACHE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Key to store/retrieve the selected expiration items to be used in service interface instance caching.
KEY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY_CACHE_KEY_BUSINESS_CONTEXT - Static variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Constant indicating that the value stored in the cache key generation custom property uses BusinessContext.
KEY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY_CACHE_KEY_CLASS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Constant indicating that the value stored in the cache key generation custom property uses a configured class.
KEY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY_CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Constant indicating that the value stored in the cache key generation custom property uses the default values.
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.PrincipalManager
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.operation.IConfigKeyChecker
Checks if configId matches an already persisted object
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceManager
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceManager
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
keyExists(SessionConfig, Object, Object, ITransaction) - Method in class
keySet() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceData
keySet() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularData
Delegates the call to the first row, or returns an empty set if there is no first row.
keySet() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Document
keywords - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
keywordsSourceField - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.Source
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