SocialNetworkMessage message
boolean updated
boolean isDefault
String id
ContentVersion contentVersion
Content associatedContent
String type
String id
String createdBy
Date createdDateTime
String commentText
ContentLocale contentLocale
String id
String createdBy
Date createdDateTime
String locale
boolean dirty
ContentVersion activeVersion
ContentVersion publishedVersion
List<E> comments
List<E> versions
Content content
Collection<E> tags
LockType lockType
String lockedBy
Date lockedDate
String id
boolean highlight
Date highlightEndDateTime
Date publishEndDateTime
Date publishStartDateTime
boolean published
boolean waitingForExpiration
boolean waitingForPublishing
Collection<E> serviceInstanceIds
Collection<E> principalIds
ContentVersion contentVersion
String id
String name
String normalizedName
ContentVersion contentVersion
String id
String itemId
String lastModifiedBy
Date lastModifiedDateTime
String primaryName
int versionNumber
String introduction
Collection<E> contentAssociations
Collection<E> publications
ContentLocale contentLocale
String contentLocaleId
String pageTitle
String canonicalUrl
String urlTitle
String seoDescription
String socialTitle
String socialDescription
String socialImage
boolean sendDeleteClusterCommand
String id
String originServiceInstanceId
long createdDateTimeMillis
String customData
ActivityActor actor
ActivityAction action
ActivityObject object
ActivityObject target
String scopes
String id
ActivityAction activityAction
ActivityObjectType activityObjectType
String userSessionId
Locale locale
String userId
boolean impersonated
long expiration
String name
String contentType
IInputStreamProvider inputStreamProvider
DocumentType documentType
Map<K,V> fieldValues
String id
DocumentTypeField.IndexMode index
boolean includeInGlobalSearch
DocumentTypeField.DataType dataType
boolean isList
String analyzer
boolean isAggregatable
boolean isImmutable
CompositeDocumentTypeField parentField
double lat
double lon
Comparable<T> from
Comparable<T> to
Collection<E> list
boolean removeInProgress
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
String serverId
String id
String rawVersion
IVersion version
String description
String channelId
String sourcePath
String checksum
ComponentStatus status
int numErrors
int numWarnings
String deployMessage
Date deploymentDateTime
Module module
boolean resolved
String lastUpgradeStepExecuted
Node constraints
Node replace
ComponentObject metadata
ClusterMirroredLocalDataFile planTempDirectory
String id
String displayName
String description
Date deploymentDateTime
int numErrors
int numWarnings
String deployMessage
String sourceDir
ModuleStatus status
ModuleType type
String checksum
ModuleObject metadata
String versionStr
List<E> components
boolean isComponentsInitialized
IVersion version
boolean resolved
int major
int minor
int release
int build
PortalEntity portalEntity
Collection<E> addedFiles
Collection<E> changedFiles
Collection<E> removedFiles
boolean mustRebuildClassLoader
String path
String lastUpgradeStepExecuted
Collection<E> currentlyInstalledModules
boolean forceReprocess
String moduleId
String packageId
Set<E> modulesAffected
ModuleDiff diff
Collection<E> currentlyInstalledModules
boolean forceReprocess
Collection<E> currentlyInstalledModules
IModule originalModule
ModuleDiff diff
boolean forceReprocess
Map<K,V> environment
String message
String ownerId
IScriptStepExecutable.ScriptOwnerType ownerType
String stepId
ILogger logger
String contentType
long size
FileMetadata metadata
String serviceInstanceId
Collection<E> fileConfigIds
String id
String filePrefix
String fileSufix
String contentType
String extension
String name
String displayName
String serviceInstanceId
Set<E> transformationParameters
Collection<E> fileConfigIds
IWebRootPortalBaseFolder oldWebRoot
if they were
not in any web root.Collection<E> fileConfigIds
FileTransformation fileTransformation
IWebRootPortalBaseFolder webRootBaseFolder
SessionConfig currentSessionConfig
Collection<E> transformedFileIds
Collection<E> transformedFilePaths
String id
IParameterType parameter
String value
FileTransformation fileTransformation
Collection<E> fileIds
PortalFilePath portalFilePath
IPortalBaseFolder baseFolder
String[] relativePath
private Object writeReplace()
HealthCheckResult result
String id
String title
Integer lastExecutedStep
ProcessState state
List<E> steps
String owner
String ownerUserId
Date lastExecutedStepDate
Date creationDate
byte[] callbackHandler
IProcessCallbackHandler callbackHandlerObject
String id
IStepExecutable executableObject
byte[] executable
Process process
int stepNumber
boolean mandatory
StepOutcome outcome
Collection<E> environments
String ignoredUserId
Date ignoredDate
String stepId
Step step
StepOutcomeStatus status
String message
List<E> originalAggregationValues
SessionConfig lastSessionConfig
long httpSessionCreationTimeMillis
long lastAccessTimeMillis
String dynamicPath
Locale locale
org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream markupStream
PageDocType pageDocType
Class<T> markupFilterClass
String dynamicPath
.PageDocType pageDocType
org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupResourceStreamProvider markupResourceStreamProvider
String cacheKey
Boolean safeMode
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse
stored in Component.beforeRender()
.Document pageLayoutDocument
boolean tableless
IPortalMode portalMode
URL layoutFilePathURL
IPortalMode portalMode
Set<E> attributeNames
String description
int id
String name
IPermissionProvider permissionProvider
Class<T> renderComponentClass
Class<T> markupFilterClass
String modeRootUrl
boolean hidden
private Object writeReplace()
as the serialization of this portal mode.private Object writeReplace()
as the serialization of this portal mode.private Object writeReplace()
as the serialization of this portal mode.private Object writeReplace()
as the serialization of this portal mode.InputStream markupInputStream
org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupResourceStreamProvider markupResourceStreamProvider
if a safe mode markup is to be used.String fileName
Class<T> markupFilterClass
boolean hasRenderInterfaceChild
String holderId
Pattern ignorePattern
FilterConfig filterConfig
boolean notifyProgress
String id
String parentId
String name
String version
String description
String friendlyId
Boolean automaticFriendlyId
Channel.ChannelType type
Boolean hidden
Integer position
Boolean isTemplate
String parentTemplateId
String pageTemplateId
Boolean inheritPageTemplate
Boolean inheritMetaTags
Boolean inheritStylesheet
Channel.CenterPage centerPagesJpa
Boolean centerPagesXml
Channel.LayoutPageType layoutPagesType
String propertyLayoutFile
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.Channel.Protocol protocol
Boolean localGroups
.String localGroupPrefix
String templateLocalGroupPrefix
. This normally
occurs in channels that are not inside a channel template area.Channel.CachePageType cachePages
Channel.LogPathType friendlyPathType
String friendlyPathUserDefined
Boolean propertyFriendlyURLEnabled
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.String propertyFriendlyURLPattern
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.Boolean friendlyURLPatternEnabled
String friendlyURLPattern
Channel.PageWebResourceDataProviderType pageWebResDataProvType
String pageWebResDataProv
String businessContext
Boolean inheritBusinessContext
boolean ignoreOnExportImport
ChannelTemplateLink channelTemplateLink
AccessControlList accessControlList
PropertyBag propertyBag
List<E> metaTags
List<E> csss
Boolean inheritTheme
List<E> themeIds
LocaleProperty locale
SortedSet<E> groups
String id
String alias
String name
String description
int type
String groupTypeId
Channel channel
String channelId
AccessControlList accessControlList
ChannelTemplateLink channelTemplateLink
List<E> members
GroupMember.PK pk
Integer principalType
AccessControlEntry.PK pk
boolean inherited
Integer allowPermissions
Integer denyPermissions
AccessControlList accessControlList
String principalId
String id
String alias
String name
String description
int type
String groupTypeId
String channelId
String version
AccessControlList accessControlList
List<E> memberships
String id
String interfaceId
String name
String version
String description
String filePath
ServiceInterfaceStyleConfig.IsolationLevel isolationLevel
SortedSet<E> allowedConsumers
InterfaceStyle.InterfaceStylePK interfaceStylePK
InterfaceStyle.InterfaceStylePK id
String name
String description
String filePath
boolean isFromDefinition
ServiceInterfaceStyleConfig.IsolationLevel isolationLevel
String interfaceInstanceId
String pageId
String serviceInstanceId
String interfaceId
String parentInterfaceInstanceId
Integer holderPriority
boolean isCreatedRunTime
String displayName
String title
String width
String height
String paddingTop
String paddingRight
String paddingBottom
String paddingLeft
Integer colspan
Integer rowspan
InterfaceInstance.PrintType isPrintable
InterfaceInstance.RenderAs renderAs
InterfaceInstance.EnableCache enableCache
InterfaceInstance.CacheLevel cacheLevel
InterfaceInstance.CacheServerSideInclude cacheServerSideInclude
Boolean showTitleBar
Boolean disableInContextEdit
InterfaceInstance.CachePersonalization cachePersonalization
String interfaceStyleId
SortedSet<E> isolatedInterfaceStyles
(relationship with InterfaceInstance
not mapped in JPA).SortedSet<E> customProperties
ChannelTemplateLink channelTemplateLink
String customPropertyId
String name
String value
InterfaceInstance interfaceInstance
String id
String name
String version
String description
String channelId
String friendlyId
Boolean automaticFriendlyId
Boolean isTemplate
String parentTemplateId
Boolean hidden
Integer position
String pageTitle
String keywords
Boolean inheritMetaTags
Boolean inheritStylesheet
int type
Page.CenterPageType centerPageJpa
Boolean centerPageXml
Page.PageLayoutType layoutType
String propertyLayoutFile
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.String layout
Boolean propertyFriendlyURLEnabled
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.Boolean propertyIsPageBlock
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.String propertyFriendlyURLPattern
property. Copied to/from the property bag during XML callbacks.Page.PageCacheType cache
Boolean overrideSsi
Boolean ssiType
Boolean ssiEnabled
Page.PageProtocolType protocol
Page.PageWebResourceDataProviderType pageWebResDataProvType
String pageWebResDataProv
ChannelTemplateLink channelTemplateLink
AccessControlList accessControlList
PropertyBag propertyBag
List<E> metaTags
List<E> csss
Boolean inheritTheme
List<E> themeIds
SortedSet<E> interfaceInstances
String id
String name
Boolean isPrivate
Property.InheritMode inheritMode
PropertyBag propertyBag
PropertyDefault propertyDefault
PropertyDefaultValue.PK pk
String value
PropertyDefault propertyDefault
int position
String path
String key
String id
String name
WebFileReplicationType type
String filterChannelId
String filterPath
Collection<E> propertyValues
Website website
String id
String name
String dataType
WebFileReplicationType type
String id
WebFileReplication replication
WebFileReplicationProperty property
String value
String id
String name
String fileReplicatorClassName
Collection<E> properties
HashMap<K,V> searchContentFieldsByFieldName
Collection<E> attachments
int maxLength
int maxLength
String rssId
String portletHandle
String name
Registration registration
Collection<E> interfaceInstanceIds
String id
String producerName
String producerURL
short status
String serviceDescription
com.sun.portal.wsrp.common.WSRPVersion producerVersion
Date serviceDescriptionLastModified
String producerMarkupEndpoint
Registration registration
String registrationHandle
byte[] registrationState
Set<E> clonedPortlets
ProducerEntityImpl producerEntity
String id
int messageMaxLength
String name
String permissions
Set<E> applications
SocialNetworkApplication application
String authenticationResponse
String id
boolean enabled
boolean isAllServiceInstances
String name
String serviceInstanceId
String publicationDestination
String publicationToken
String consumerKey
String consumerKeySecret
boolean enabled
Set<E> accounts
String id
String name
SocialNetwork socialNetwork
SocialNetworkAccount account
String id
String messageContent
Date publishDate
SocialNetworkMessageStatus status
String processId
String messageId
String messageContent
Locale locale
Date publishDateTime
SocialNetworkMessageStatus status
char action
SocialNetworkAccount account
String messageId
String messageContent
String accountId
Date publishDate
BuildConfig buildConfig
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