Class | Description |
CommentContentFilter |
A filter that gets its value from the itemId from the details interface if it
is not found normally, and uses the corresponding contentLocaleId as its value.
CommentContentLocaleField |
Implementation used for targetContentLocaleId, that shows the primary
name of the content locale.
CommentListServiceInterface |
It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based
on the presence of an itemId.
CommentQuickListServiceInterface |
It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based
on the presence of an itemId.
CommentService |
Comment service class.
CurrentContentLocaleIdControl |
It stores the current content locale identifier in itself.
DeleteRelationCommentProcessActionHandler |
Custom delete process action handler for comment that also
updates the total stored in the
lum_CommentTotal table. |
SetCommentTotalInfoProcessActionHandler |
Updates the comments total information for a given targetContentLocaleId.
SetMetaDataInfoProcessActionHandler |
ProcessActionHandler that sets status attribute in the request.
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