All Element Summary |
control (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_addButton (type lum_button:lum_addButton) |
Defines an add button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_adminList (type lum_adminList:lum_adminList) |
Renders a list of data with filters, tabular data and pagination information.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_advancedTabularData (type lum_tabularData:lum_advancedTabularData) |
Used to render data from a tabular data source.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoAdminListButtons (type lum_button:lum_autoAdminListButtons) |
Detects and automatically adds the following controls: lum_interfaceHeaderButtons, lum_addButton, lum_editButton, lum_deleteButton, lum_versionsButton, lum_configureButton.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 9 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoContentAdminListButtons (type lum_button:lum_autoAdminListButtons) |
Detects and automatically adds the following controls: lum_interfaceHeaderButtons, lum_addButton, lum_editButton, lum_deleteButton, lum_versionsButton, lum_previewButton, lum_configureButton.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 9 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoEmbeddedInterfaceStandardButtons (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders the standard buttons for a property page embedded within a Lumis Portal page.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutAdministrationList (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
This control renders interface header, administration buttons, and an administration list control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutAssociationInformation (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Control that associates a content to other contents.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentAdministrationList (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
This control renders interface header, administration buttons, and an administration list control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentDetails (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Used to render read details information of a single content.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentEmbeddedPropertyPage (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Used for embedded pages.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentFields (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Renders a table control with the visible source content fields as label input control pairs.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentList (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Autolayout control that creates a form, interface header and list associated with the interface's default source.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentPropertyPage (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Renders a property page control with the visible source fields as label: input control pairs.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutContentQuickList (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Control that renders a quick list with a link to a complete list.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutDetails (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Used to render read details information of a single data tabular data row.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutFields (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Renders a table control with the visible source fields as label input control pairs.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutLanguageInformation (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Performs autolayout of language information.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutList (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Autolayout control that creates a form, interface header and list associated with the interface's default source.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutMetaDataInformation (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Renders metadata input controls based on the metadata specified in the source.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutPropertyPage (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Renders a property page control with the visible source fields as label: input control pairs.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutPublishingInformation (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Performs autolayout of publishing information.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_autoLayoutQuickList (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Control that renders a quick list with a link to a complete list.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autoRefresh (type lum_autoRefresh:lum_autoRefresh) |
Used to refresh the page at the given interval period.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 12 attributes, 4 elements |
Defined: |
lum_autolayoutworkflowinformation (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Renders workflow input controls based on the workflow information.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_button (type lum_button:lum_button) |
Defines a standard button control with text, image and onClick definition.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_buttonList (type lum_button:lum_buttonList) |
A simple control that renders a list of buttons.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 8 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_calendar (type lum_dateTimePicker:lum_calendar) |
This calendar control is used to select a date graphically, navigating years and months with mouse clicks.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 11 attributes, 7 elements |
Defined: |
lum_cancelButton (type lum_button:lum_button) |
Defines a cancel button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_checkBox (type lum_checkBox:lum_checkBox) |
Renders a checkbox control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_checkBoxList (type lum_checkBoxList:lum_checkBoxList) |
Used to render a list of check boxes to allow the user to choose one or more of a given set of options.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 6 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_conditionalRender (type lum_conditionalRender:lum_conditionalRender) |
Used to render a control only if a provided condition is met.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 100 elements |
Defined: |
lum_configureButton (type lum_button:lum_button) |
Defines a configure button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_controlGroup (type lum_controlGroup:lum_controlGroup) |
Used to organize front end forms where grouping controls within a box with an optional title helps usability.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_dataGrid (type lum_dataGrid:lum_dataGrid) |
Used to render a data grid that allows the end user to manipulate multiple fields and rows of a given source.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 9 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_dateCompareValidator (type lum_genericValidator:lum_dateCompareValidator) |
Generates client side and server side validation that compares date values of two controls.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 9 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_dateTimePicker (type lum_dateTimePicker:lum_dateTimePicker) |
Renders two input text boxes for date and time.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 7 elements |
Defined: |
lum_datepicker (type lum_dateTimePicker:lum_datePicker) |
Renders one input text box for the date.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 6 elements |
Defined: |
lum_deleteButton (type lum_button:lum_deleteButton) |
Defines an delete button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 6 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_details (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Used to render read only data from a tabular data source.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_div (type lum_div:lum_div) |
Used to render an HTML div.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_documentPicker (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to input a document.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_dropDownList (type lum_dropDownList:lum_dropDownList) |
Used to render a drop down combo box control to allow the user to choose one of a given set of options.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 10 attributes, 3 elements |
Defined: |
lum_editButton (type lum_button:lum_editButton) |
Defines an edit button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 7 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_emailValidator (type lum_genericValidator:lum_genericValidator) |
Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided is formatted as a valid email address.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 5 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_fileUpload (type lum_fileUpload:lum_fileUpload) |
Allows one to upload files.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_filters (type lum_filters:lum_filters) |
Renders all the filters associated to the control's source.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 8 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_form (type lum_form:lum_form) |
Defines a form control.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 6 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_generic (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
A generic control in itself does not render anything, however it calls all its sub controls to render themselves.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_html (type lum_text:lum_text) |
Renders read only data as HTML content.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_imagePicker (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to input an image.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_inputHidden (type lum_inputText:lum_inputText) |
Defines an input hidden control, used to render hidden information.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 3 elements |
Defined: |
lum_inputHtmlEditor (type lum_inputHtmlEditor:lum_inputHtmlEditor) |
Used to render an HTML editor control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 4 elements |
Defined: |
lum_inputNumber (type lum_inputText:lum_inputText) |
Defines an input number control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 3 elements |
Defined: |
lum_inputText (type lum_inputText:lum_inputText) |
Defines an input text control that allows the user to enter any text value.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 3 elements |
Defined: |
lum_inputTextArea (type lum_inputText:lum_inputTextArea) |
Defines an input text control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 7 attributes, 3 elements |
Defined: |
lum_integerDataTypeValidator (type lum_genericValidator:lum_integerDataTypeValidator) |
Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided is a valid integer.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 7 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_interfaceButtons (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Used to render buttons within a property page control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_interfaceHeader (type lum_interfaceHeader:lum_interfaceHeader) |
Renders an interface header.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 7 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_interfaceHeaderButtons (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Generic control that simply renders each control within it as a horizontal list of buttons.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_itemPicker (type lum_itemPicker:lum_itemPicker) |
Defines a control that allows the end user to pick an item from a large list selected in a popup interface.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_label (type lum_label:lum_label) |
Renders a label within a form.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 5 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_language (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Control for selecting language.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_lengthValidator (type lum_genericValidator:lum_lengthValidator) |
Generates client side and server side validation that verifies the length of a string.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 7 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_link (type lum_link:lum_link) |
Used to render a link to an explicit url or to dynamically calculate and render a link to another interface in another page in the portal.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 7 attributes, 101 elements |
Defined: |
lum_list (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Renders lists for the end user.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_lockButton (type lum_button:lum_lockButton) |
Defines a lock/unlock button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_lockedMessage (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleDataBoundControl) |
Renders message for the end user.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 3 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_multiFileUpload (type lum_multiFileUpload:lum_multiFileUpload) |
Allows multiple to upload files.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 3 elements |
Defined: |
lum_multiItemPicker (type lum_itemPicker:lum_multiItemPicker) |
Defines a control that allows the end user to pick one or more items from a large list selected in a popup interface.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 6 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_okButton (type lum_button:lum_button) |
Defines an ok button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_pagination (type lum_pagination:lum_pagination) |
Renders the current selected page and possible pages that the user can navigate to.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 7+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_pane (type lum_pane:lum_pane) |
Used to render one of the (n) specified panes when rendering an interface.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_password (type lum_password:lum_password) |
Renders an input password control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_previewButton (type lum_button:lum_button) |
Defines a preview button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 2 elements |
Defined: |
lum_propertyPage (type lum_propertyPage:lum_propertyPage) |
Renders a property page with an interface header control on top and possible [OK] [CANCEL] button controls at the bottom.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 10 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_radioButton (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders a radio button control.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_regularExpressionValidator (type lum_genericValidator:lum_regularExpressionValidator) |
Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided matches the regular expression specified in the <b>expression</b> attribute of the validator.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 6 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_requiredValueValidator (type lum_genericValidator:lum_genericValidator) |
Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control has a value that is not null.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 5 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_requiredValuesDescriptor (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Simply used to render a text indicating the fields marked with a * are required.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_script (type lum_script:lum_script) |
Renders client side script.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 100 elements |
Defined: |
lum_selectItemTabularData (type lum_tabularData:lum_selectItemTabularData) |
Used to render data for selection from a tabular data source.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 4 elements |
Defined: |
lum_selectPage (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to select a page of the Lumis Portal.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_selectPageOrPageTemplate (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to select a page or page template of the Lumis Portal.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_selectPageTemplate (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to select a page template of the Lumis Portal.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_selectParentContent (type lum_genericControl:lum_simpleControl) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to select another content within the same service instance that represents the parent of the current content.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_serviceInstancePrincipalPicker (type lum_principalPicker:lum_serviceInstancePrincipalPicker) |
Renders a control that allows the end user to select a principal that has access to the given service instance.
Type: |
Content: |
empty, 5 attributes |
Defined: |
lum_span (type lum_div:lum_div) |
Used to render an HTML span.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 99 elements |
Defined: |
lum_strings (type lum_genericControl:lum_genericControl) |
Renders javascript on the client side that makes available in an array a list of translated strings.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5+any attributes, 99+any elements |
Defined: |
lum_table (type lum_table:lum_table) |
Used to layout controls within a form.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 9 attributes, 100 elements |
Defined: |
lum_tabs (type lum_tabs:lum_tabs) |
Use to render a tabbed control to the client.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_tabularData (type lum_tabularData:lum_tabularData) |
Used to render data from a tabular data source.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 4 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_text (type lum_text:lum_text) |
Renders read only data as text.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_timePicker (type lum_dateTimePicker:lum_timePicker) |
Renders one input text box for the time.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 attributes, 1 element |
Defined: |
lum_workflowAssignedToFilter (type lum_genericControl:lum_dataControl) |
Used to render a filter control in administration list to filter workflow assignedTo field.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 11 attributes, 4 elements |
Defined: |
lum_workflowStateFilter (type lum_genericControl:lum_dataControl) |
Used to render a filter control in administration list to filter workflow state field.
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 11 attributes, 4 elements |
Defined: |