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    Reindexing Content

    Through the Content Reindexing administration, it is possible to reindex the content of search-enabled services.


    This interface has three buttons:

    Service Reindexing

    By selecting at least one service from the list and clicking the "Reindex Services" button, the following screen will appear:


    Progress screen, where you can see which services have already been reindexed and which still need to be done. Note that if the process is interrupted prematurely, only the interfaces with the status " Finished " will be reindexed.

    In service reindexing, the BigData structures related to all Sources of that service are rebuilt.

    Sources of type "table" will only be processed in this type of reindexing, this happens because the data in these Sources is considered global and, therefore, not belonging to a service instance. Sources of type "contentTable" will be reindexed in both types of reindexing.

    Service Instance Reindexing

    By selecting at least one service and clicking on "Reindex Service Instances", the following screen will appear:


    On this screen, the user can choose one or more instances of the previously selected services to reindex.

    After selecting the "Reindex" button, the user will be taken to a progress screen similar to the service screen, only listing the selected service instances.

    LumisXP automatically adds, updates, and deletes indexed documents related to the content when they are added, edited, or deleted, respectively.

    In service instance reindexings, LumisXP does not rebuild the BigData structures related to the services' Sources. It only deletes the stored documents belonging to the service instance and attempts to recreate them using the current data.

    Reindex All Services

    By selecting this button, the portal will take you directly to this screen:


    On this screen, a list containing all services that allow reindexing will be shown, listed alphabetically. It is important to remember that if this interface is closed prematurely, only the services where the status is " Finished " will be reindexed.

    Force Publication of Synonyms

    This button allows you to force the immediate publication of registered synonyms.