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    Main Content

    Functionality that defines the current content as main content.

    This functionality is supported by content-type services. To use it, just add the metadata Main Content in the source content of the content.

    When the metadata for Main Content is enabled, the content will be set as the default to be displayed by the service's details interface.

    If a content has this metadata, its Web Resource for details will not have the lumItemId parameter. If the content is not the main content, the Web Resource for details will have the Id of the content in the lumItemId parameter.

    When defining contents with this metadata, the display order in the details interface will follow these rules:

    • If the content(s) have the field isPosition = true :
      • The sorting will be given by the lowest position.
      • If two or more contents have the same position, the order will be defined by the publication date (most recent first).
    • Otherwise:
      • The sorting will be given by the publication order (most recent first).