General Features of Content Management Services
The services of LumisXP are components that provide information or tools for the solution in an integrated manner within the Tool. Among the native services of the tool that allow information to be made available, we consider: News, Polls, Notices, FAQ, Banner, Event Schedule, Meeting Room Schedule, Photo Album, Blog, Contacts, Documents, Email Marketing, Survey, Forum, Newsletter, Wiki, among others. Of the native services that are considered auxiliary tools in the portal, the following stand out: Chat, Search, Navigation Bar, Print, Web Page, WebService Viewer, SEO, Comments, Send to a Friend, etc.
The procedures used for publishing content in content management services are common among them, such as: registering content in administrative forms, defining publishing periods and highlighting content on the portal; language associations; associations between content; workflow; among others. All these are carried out through forms available in the interfaces of certain services and do not require any types of implementation for this.
It is important to emphasize that the procedures discussed are general functionalities and that not all services have all the functionalities, therefore requiring customizations by the portal administrator or the developer.