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    Content Manipulation

    A content instance is composed of data and metadata. The most common data elements are Title, Introduction, and Contents. Other fields may make up the content, depending on the service. Metadata, on the other hand, are supplemental information to the content such as publish date/time, workflow, comments, among others.

    • Command Bar: The administrative interface contains the following functionalities: Add, Edit, Delete, and View. However, depending on the service, this bar may contain other commands, such as Versions that allows you to determine which version of the content will be published;
    • Filters: Fields whose values applied to the registered content list determine the records to be returned. A filter is composed of a field or a combination of them;

      By default, the filter operator is set to “equal to.” This means that the results to be obtained must be exactly equal to the value entered. You can filter by initial parts of the content by typing "string*" or "string%"; by final parts, by typing "*string" or "%string"; and by central parts, by typing "*string*" or "%string%";

    • Pagination: When a list exceeds a certain number of records set to be displayed in the administrative interface, pagination is generated for them. The default limit of content records per page is 50. The figure below exemplifies this functionality. The interface was configured to display two contents; if the service has more, pagination is generated, with each page displaying two contents. The last page, however, may display up to two contents;
    • Sorting: Records are classified according to sorting criteria determined by the portal administrator. Sorting in ascending and descending order of the records can be changed by selecting a specific column: