The service can be assembled in various ways for the service administrators, depending on how it was architected by the portal administrator.
To use the Producer WSRP service, simply instantiate it in a channel and drag its interface to the page area in editing mode. Its interface corresponds to an administrative environment.
- Producer Administration: This interface allows for the configuration of remote portlet and the registration of interface instances.
- Manage Records: This interface allows for the addition of outbound records, extending lifetime, and deleting records.
- Record Details: This interface allows you to view the details of a record. A link is generated from the Manage Records interface to this interface once it is instantiated.
The administrative environment of the Producer WSRP service requires a page for each interface in a restricted channel of the portal, where only portlet editors will have access after logging in. In order to provide greater organization in the portal, it is advisable that this page belongs to a specific channel, which is referred to here as “Producer WSRP”.
Permission Assignment
To register, configure, and publish portlet, the portal administrator must assign the permission "View service instance". This permission is granted in the access control of the service instance.
In the following figure, there is an example of the access control of a service instance, where the user “Andresa” has the permission “View service instance”, assigned by the portal administrator. With the permission “View service instance”, the user has access to the administrative interface and will be able to register and configure portlet.