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    WSRP Consumer

    The WSRP Consumer service allows consuming portlets remotely and displaying them as a portal interface.

    WSRP is a standard defined by OASIS that defines a set of related interfaces and semantics that standardize interactions with components that provide a markup to the user, including processing user interactions with that markup. For more details about the WSRP standard, visit

    Behavioral Aspects

    The current implementation of the WSRP consumer in LumisXP presents the behavioral aspects described below. These behaviors may change in future versions of LumisXP aiming for improvements and evolution of this service.

    • Registration: as a consumer, Lumis supports inband and outband registration.
    • Public render parameters: the consumer ignores provided public parameters and does not send any public parameters.
    • Resource URL: Resource URL via SOAP is not supported. Only Resource URL via proxy is supported.
    • User categories: the consumer does not pass any information about user category.
    • User information: the consumer does not pass any information about the user.
    • Markup caching: the consumer does not cache the markup.
    • Resource caching: the consumer does not cache resources.
    • Events: the consumer neither generates nor processes events.
    • Consumer Configured Portlet: the consumer is capable of consuming or creating Consumer Configured Portlet.  However, the creation or configuration is natively available only to portal builders.  If it is desirable to configure properties by the end user, the portlet itself must provide the edit interface for that.
    • During import/export, application of channel template or page template, the portlet handle associated with each Remote Portlet interface instance is brought from source to destination. The settings of the WSRP Consumer service instance (producer access configuration) are not brought.
    • The remote portlet interface may not function properly along with the following functionalities of LumisXP:
    • Page with HTML caching enabled or interface caching enabled: In addition to the usual limitations of these caches (e.g.: may not be suitable for dynamic interfaces), the WSRP consumer service does not generate cache cleanup events. Therefore, the interface may display old cached renderings. One possible way for those who wish to enable such caches in this service is to generate the cache cleanup events that meet the solution's needs through implementations in the solution.