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    Meeting Room Schedule: Details

    This presents the complete details of the meeting room reservation. It even displays the additional resources requested for conducting a meeting.


    • It is a details interface




    Meeting Time

    • Title(string) : Mandatory field that represents the reservation, which can contain the name of the room to be reserved - for example, "Reservation Room 2" -, or even the reason for the scheduling - for example, "Meeting X".
    • Description(html) : Optional field that may contain the reason, or notes or clarifications of the reservation.
    • Room(identifier) : Must be filled with one of the registered rooms that are not allocated in another schedule for the same period.
    • Start Date(date and time) : Mandatory field to be filled with the date and time that the resource(s) will not be available for another reservation. By default, the current date/time is stipulated.
    • End Date(date and time) : Mandatory field to be filled with the date and time that the resource(s) will be available for other reservations. By default, one hour more than the current time is stipulated.
    • Resources(Resource List) : Other resources may be reserved, together with a certain room, as needed and as long as they are not part of another reservation with overlapping time periods.
    • Responsible(user or group) : Mandatory field to specify the person responsible for the resource reservation. By default, the current user (authenticated in the portal) is displayed, but it is possible to reserve the resource for another responsible person.

    Meeting Schedule

    • Name(string) : Mandatory field that must contain the name of the resource.
    • Description(text) : Optional description of the resource.
    • Resource Type(integer) : Mandatory field that must contain the type of resource to be identified, during the scheduling, as room or some other type of resource. This distinction is necessary as, during scheduling, the room is a mandatory resource.