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    Questionnaires: Add Questions

    Allows you to add new questions to be inserted into a previously selected questionnaire.


    • It is an administration interface


    Add Questions
    • Title (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Title (required) for the question.
    • Type (string, required field, maximum length: 20) : Type (required) for the answer to the question, which can be:
      • Multiple choice - given a list of options, the user has the option to select as many answers as they see fit.
      • Single answer - given a list of options, the user has the option to select one and only one answer.
      • Selection combo - given a selection list, the user has the option to select one and only one answer.
      • Text - discursive response with a text field limited to XX characters.
      • Short text - discursive response with a text field limited to XX characters.
      • True or False - option for true or false as an answer.
      • Number - response in a text field limited to only accept numbers.
      • Date - text field limited to only accept dates.
    • Number of options : Allows determining the number of response options that will be registered; this field will only be shown for questions of type: Multiple choice, Single answer, Selection combo. It is a list containing the number of options that will be available as responses (2 to 10 options).
    • Options : (required when visible) allows registering one of the response options, and the quantity of this field is related to the option selected in the Number of options field.
    • Question order (integer, required field) : (required) numeric value of the position of this question in its questionnaire. The administration allows for two questions to be registered with the same value for this field. In this case, the order between these questions will not be determined.
    • Mandatory question (boolean, required field) : Option to make the question mandatory or not.


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit