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    Website Manager: Add website with virtual host


    • It is an administration interface


    Add website with virtual host
    • Basic Information
      • Name: Display name of the website, used to reference it in the portal administration. This field is mandatory and must be unique among websites.
      • Friendly Identifier: Friendly identifier of the website. Used as an identifier in creating the configuration file and directories.
      • Use default identifier: If checked, it uses a generated identifier based on the website name by default. If unchecked, the user can customize the friendly identifier.
      • Root Channel(internal channel): Portal channel that will be the root of the website.
      • Priority(integer, required field): Order in which websites are checked to fulfill a request to the portal. Websites with a lower priority value are checked first. That is, if there is an intersection between the URLs of two websites, the website with the lower priority value will be used.
    • Basic Information
      • Use IP: If checked, defines that the URL will use the first available IP by default.
      • Use name: Defines that the URL will use a given domain, whether it is the default or customized.
      • Use default URL: If checked, uses the default URL given from the friendly identifier. If unchecked, allows the URL to be customized with the provided domain or IP.



    • Edit service instance content: Allows management of all data for this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit