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    User Manager: Edit User Attributes

    Enables editing of a user attribute.


    • It is an administration interface

    When editing a custom attribute to make it the User Identifier, the anonymization treatment will only apply to new storage. To apply the current settings to already stored values, you will need to perform the operation of Anonymize all users without consent.
    But be careful, once the data is anonymized, it will not be possible to recover its values.


    Edit User Attributes
    • Label (short text (string), required field, maximum length: 80) : Located label of the user attribute.
    • Id (short text (string), required field, maximum length: 80) : Identifier of the user attribute.
    • Data type (short text (string), required field, maximum length: 30) : Data type of the user attribute.
    • Identifies user (conditional (boolean), required field, default value: true) : Indicates if the value of this attribute identifies the user.


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit