Private Social Network Manager: Edit
- It is an administration interface
- General
- Name (string, required field, maximum length: 150) : Name of the social network.
- Base Channel (internal channel, required field) : Portal channel that will serve as the base for the social network.
- Personal Page (internal page, required field) : Portal page that will be used to display social profile information.
- Advanced
- Information provider for social profile
- Service
- Service Instance (identifier) : Instances of the selected service. This is the instance from where the social profile data of users should be read.
- Source (string, maximum length: 255) : Sources of the selected service instance. This is the source from where the social profile data of users should be read.
- Field (string, maximum length: 255) : Fields of the selected source. This is the field that stores the user identifier. This field is used to filter the user's profile.
- Class (string, maximum length: 255) : In this option, the social network will be configured from a Java class. It must be filled with the full name of the class that will be used for data provider customization.
- Information provider for social profile
- Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it completely.
- Save Changes to Social Network : Saves the edits made to a social network, altering its registration.