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    Apache Tomcat

    This option allows the deployment of a portlet in the JSR-168 standard so that it can be used as a portal service.

    The deployment is an installation of a .war file that can contain one or several portlets. The deployment of a .war file corresponds to the registration of just one service in the portal, which may have as many interfaces as there are portlets contained in the .war file. The registered service will be located in a directory in “lumisdata/def” and will be ready to be instantiated.

    The following steps must be followed to perform the “Deploy”

    1. Deployment Type: This field allows you to specify whether it will be a “New service” or “Update existing service”
      • a)"New service" should be chosen when the deployment of a portlet is done for the first time
      • b)"Update existing service" is used when the portlet or portlets have been altered, and therefore, a new deployment of the war file is necessary.
      In the example, the option “New service” was chosen;
    2. Deployment file: This field specifies the portlet service file. Ex:calcportlet.war;
    3. Context path: you must specify what the context path of the application server is where the portlet will be installed. Ex: “/calcportlet”;
    4. Service identifier: you must specify the service identifier, which must follow a directory hierarchy pattern, separated by (.). In this example, the hierarchy is: “portlet.lumis.calc”.
    5. Export: exports a zip file of the deployment file to “/lumisdata/deployment”. If this directory does not exist, it will be created on the first portlet export.

    The zip file contains the war file modified by Lumis and the servicedefinition.xml so that the portlet can be registered as a service.

    Therefore, after the export, the zip file must be unzipped and the portlet must be manually registered in the portal, through its servicedefinition.xml, located in "lumisdata/deployment/lumisdata/def/portlet/lumis”. To register, refer to the Service Manager section.

    Furthermore, the unzipped war file must be effectively deployed on the application server. This unzipped war file is different from the one specified in the Deployment File field, and during its execution, it is necessary to share the shared libs of the portal.

    The following figures display respectively the service instance “Calculator”, which is the result of a deployment of the portlet calcportlet; and a page with the rendered interface. The name of the service and its description were changed in “lumidata/def/portlet/lumis/calc/servicedefinition.xml".

    The title bar of the interface that is above the calculator can be configured to be displayed or not. This configuration is done through the option “Show Title Bar”, in the properties of the interface, accessed from the right-click of it. By default, this property has a value of “no”.