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    Email Sending Manager: Configuration


    • It is an administration interface


    • SMTP Host (string, required field) : Defines the SMTP server for sending mails. Ex:
    • SMTP Port (integer, required field) : Allows defining the communication port for sending emails
    • SMTP User (string) : User's name for authentication on the SMTP server. If this field is not filled, email sending will be without authentication
    • SMTP Password (string) : User's password for authentication on the SMTP server
    • Cryptographic protocol (string) : This property allows configuring the encryption protocol that the email server will use. For this, just specify which protocol will be used: None (default); SSL or TLS
    • Socket I/O Timeout (milliseconds) (integer) : Corresponds to the timeout for input and output of the socket in milliseconds. The default timeout is infinite
    • Socket Connection Timeout (milliseconds) (integer) : Corresponds to the connection timeout in milliseconds. The default timeout is infinite
    • Maximum number of sending threads (integer, required field) : Corresponds to the number of mail queues to be executed simultaneously on each server
    • Queue lock timeout (seconds) (integer, required field) : Corresponds to the timeout in seconds for sending an email from the queue
    • Sending interval (seconds) (integer, required field) : Allows determining the time considered between sending one email and another from the same queue
    • Block size (number of emails) (integer, required field) : You can determine the amount of emails from the same queue that after being sent there will be a specified pause in the “Block Interval” field
    • Block interval (seconds) (integer, required field) : It is the time, in seconds, considered between sending blocks (field “Block Size”) from the same queue
    • Remove sent emails (boolean) : Allows determining whether successfully sent emails will remain or not in the list
    • Email sending class (string, required field) : Determines the class that should be used for sending emails. This new class must implement the IMailSender interface
    • Default sender address (string, required field) : A valid email must be specified to be used as the default sender address for sending emails. If not specified, default_from_address@localhost will be used as the default email. For example: The default email sending for workflow does not use the user's address as the sender. Emails have the sender address specified in the email manager configuration. If not specified, emails will not contain a sender. However, it is common for SMTP servers not to accept sending emails without a sender. Therefore, it is necessary to verify the rules of this type of server.

    After the correct configurations, especially for the fields SMTP Host, SMTP Port, SMTP User, SMTP Password, and Default sender address, requests will be logged under one of the following situations:

    email successfully sent by the Portal;
    send error
    email not sent successfully. The error log for sending email can be found at: lumisdata/log/lumis/sendmail/sendmail.log;
    processing the send;
    the email has not been processed yet.


    • Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it entirely.


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