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    Page Template Manager: Add Page Template

    There are two ways to create a page template:

    1. In the browser, right-click on the "Portal" channel or another channel, select the Add Page Template option and specify the template properties.
    2. In the browser, left-click to select the "Portal" channel or another channel and select Manage Page Template from the menu to add new templates.


    • It's an administration interface


    • General
      • Basic Information
        • Name (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : The name of the template that appears in the browser and in the administrative area of the channel
        • Position (integer) : The absolute location of the template in the browser. The first position is represented by 0 (zero). If more than one template occupies position zero, their organization will be in alphabetical order. This property will not be inherited by the page applying the template
        • Default page template for the channel
      • Layout
        • Layout Type (integer, required field) : Allows you to define how the HTML code of the page will be generated. The options are:
          1. Inherit Configuration: uses the value defined for the parent channel.
          2. With tables: the code will be generated using the html tag <table>.
          3. Without tables: the code will be generated using the html tag <div>.
          4. Layout file: the code will be generated from the specified layout file. The path of the file used is relative to the root of the classpath or the "lumisdata/shared/def" folder. The layout file can also be in a module or a theme. For more details see the Layout File topic. A list of layout files in the www folder of the applied themes is suggested.

        The default framework value for the portal is to generate HTML code with a table.

        It is important to emphasize that in tableless pages, what is viewed outside the administrative mode of the portal (outside the F2) may differ from what is viewed inside the F2.

      • Layout file (string) : The path of the file used is relative to the root of the classpath or the "lumisdata/shared/def" folder. The layout file can also be in a module or a theme.
      • Center Page (integer, required field) : Center the body of the page. Not applicable if a layout file is specified.
    • Actions
      • Copy from Page
      • Copy from Page Template
    SEO and Data Analysis
    • SEO and Data Analysis
      • Meta-Tags
        • Description (text) : Brief description of the page template, it will be added as a meta-tag to the pages with the template applied.
      • Data Analysis
        • Include Lumis monitoring API (string) :

          This option allows you to configure whether the portal's Javascript monitoring API should be automatically included in the page's HTML. By default, its value is Inherit configuration.

          Valid Options:
          • Inherit configuration: This current page will inherit the configuration of its parent channel;
          • Yes: The Javascript monitoring API code will be included in this page;
          • No: The Javascript monitoring API code will not be included in this page.
    • Style
      • Themes
        • Themes to be used on the page: : Allows you to add themes for the page. The order of the themes indicates the order of their application. The theme lower down is applied over the result of the application of the theme above it. Therefore, the theme that is lower can overwrite characteristics of the themes above.
        • Themes
        • Inherit themes (boolean) : This configuration indicates whether this page should inherit the themes of its parent channel. Below this option, the themes that will be inherited if this option is enabled are displayed. The inherited themes are always applied before the themes directly configured on the page, allowing the latter to overwrite characteristics of the inherited themes.
      • CSS
        • Files to be used on the page: : Allows you to add CSS files that contain formatting for the page. As many files as necessary can be added. If several files have formatting for the same area, the portal will take the formatting contained in the last one in the list. Note that the order of the files can be modified through the Move Up and Move Down actions. The formatting contained in added files also overwrites inherited formatting. If necessary, the files can be removed.
        • CSS
        • Inherit Css's (integer) : It is allowed to inherit the CSS formatting from a list of files. This list corresponds to the CSS files added to upper channels. The last file in the list has priority over the penultimate and so on. Considering the previous figure, the “Administration” page is using the formatting of the “intranet.css” file which overwrites the formatting defined in the “portal.css” file. If inheritance is disabled, the page will adopt only the CSS styles added to it.
    • Identification
      • Identifier : Identifier of the page template
        • Automatically generate a friendly identifier (boolean, required field) : Indicates whether the friendly identifier should be automatically generated by the portal.
        • Friendly identifier (string, maximum length: 50) : Friendly identifier representing this page. This identifier cannot be duplicated across two or more pages that belong to the same channel. When generated automatically, the friendly identifier uses the page name as a base for generation, with some transformations made to ensure uniqueness among sibling elements of the same parent. When not generated automatically, this field is required, and it is recommended to use only unaccented lowercase alphanumeric characters as the value of this field. This field has a limit of 50 characters.



    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with the publisher profile.


    • commit