Standard Page Manager: Add
- It is an administration interface
- General
- Basic Information
- Name (string, required field, maximum length: 100) : Name of the standard page. This name will be displayed in the standard page administration list and can be searched for.
- Website (string, required field, maximum length: 32) : Allows specifying which website the standard page refers to. When the website is accessed via a specific URL, the configured Home Page and/or Login pages will be used.
- Page (string, required field, maximum length: 32) : To specify which portal page will be displayed as standard (one for home page, another for login page) select it via the button.
- Type (integer, required field) : Allows defining whether the selected page in the above field will be standard for the login page or for the main page of the solution;
- The Login Page: Defines the page as a login type, meaning when a user accesses an area they do not have access to, the page configured as the standard login page will be displayed.
- Home page: Defines the page as a home page type (main page) when the URL of the solution is accessed; and after session expiration and login.
- Error Page: Defines the page as an error type, meaning that when an error occurs during a user's navigation, they will be redirected to this page. Note that unauthenticated users can also be redirected to this page, so the error page must have view permission for all users.
- If a web resource is mapped to the friendly path "/" (in the LumisXP installation, the Portal channel comes with this friendly path configured by default), the standard page settings will have no effect, as the web resource configured at the root will take precedence. In this case, to use a standard page of type home, one must reconfigure the friendly paths so that there is no web resource at "/" and delete the existing one for it to be recalculated.
- Channel (string, maximum length: 32) : You can specify the scope of displaying the standard login page. The scope corresponds to the channel specified to its last child channel. In requests where it is not possible to identify the portal page/channel, the root channel of the requesting website will be considered for the choice of the corresponding standard login page. If this field is defined, this standard page will not be used in contexts without a channel. If this field is not defined, this standard page may be used in any context.
- Priority (integer, required field, default value: 0) : Order in which standard pages (login or Home Page) are checked to fulfill a request to the portal. Standard pages with a lower priority value are used first. That is, if there is more than one standard page that can be used for redirection, the standard page with the lowest priority value will be used.
- Basic Information
- Context Rules
- Context Rules : Allows specifying what capabilities a certain device must have to be redirected to the specified URL. This field can contain logical expressions such as AND, OR, ==, != , >, <, >=, <= and parentheses. For string values, use single quotes as shown in previous figures
- Scenarios (text)
- Context Rules : Allows specifying what capabilities a certain device must have to be redirected to the specified URL. This field can contain logical expressions such as AND, OR, ==, != , >, <, >=, <= and parentheses. For string values, use single quotes as shown in previous figures
- URL Rules
- URL Rules : Allows specifying which URLs of the website will apply the redirection of the standard page.
- url
- URL Rules : Allows specifying which URLs of the website will apply the redirection of the standard page.
- Select channel (Select)
- Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it entirely.
- commit