Friendly URLs
The cache behaves the same whether the structure is configured to use friendly URLs or not. The difference lies in the file name and where it is saved.
As seen in the previous section, the page cache (static page) is displayed with the ".HTM" extension. Moreover, the file name is a Guid. For example: http://domain:port/context/data/pages/8A488A1D22BD37260122BD51809F0652.htm. The htm page is generated in www/data/page.
However, when the cached structure is also configured to be displayed with friendly URLs, the file name will be that defined in the format of the channel or page, and the htm file will be recorded in the path determined by the configuration of the friendly URL generation format.
Therefore, it becomes transparent to the user whether the page is static or dynamic since a structure configured to use friendly URLs will display pages with the HTM extension regardless of being cached or not.
The path of the HTML page cache file, relative to the root of the portal web application, is displayed in the Cached Pages Manager.