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    Cache Page Manager: Edit Queue


    • It is an administration interface


    Edit Queue
    • Queue (string, required field, maximum length: 50) : Indicates the identifier of the queue responsible for generating the page. A single queue can have different configurations on different servers
    • Maximum number of errors (integer, required field, default value: 0) : numeric. Mandatory field. Number of consecutive errors that causes the status of a page cache to change to: "Outdated with Error".
    • Priority decrement per error (integer, required field, default value: 500) : Amount by which the priority is reduced when an error occurs during generation.
    • On demand only (boolean, required field, default value: true) : If checked, it indicates that caches belonging to this queue should be generated only if demanded by some access.
    • Delete outdated files (boolean, required field, default value: true) : Indicates if files related to outdated caches should be deleted.
    • Shadow cache (boolean, required field, default value: false) : Indicates if Shadow Cache should be used for caches belonging to this queue serving the last generated page when regenerating the page.
    • Isolated (boolean, required field, default value: false) : If checked, it indicates that the page caches associated to the queue will be generated only by the threads allocated to it (defined in the Generator Profile) and will not use idle threads associated with other generators.
    • Error wait (s) (integer, required field, default value: 60) : Indicates the amount, in seconds, of time to be considered in the calculation of wait time between cache generations when an error occurs. The calculation of the wait interval is: number of errors * error wait.
    • Included in automatic bulk operations (boolean, required field, default value: true) : Indicates whether this queue will be included in bulk expiration operations.


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit