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    Cache Page Manager: Edit Generator


    • It is an administration interface


    Edit Generator
    • Name (string, required field, maximum length: 50) : Profile name.
    • Profile (string, required field, maximum length: 32) : Profile to be used by the Generator. A previously registered profile must be selected.
    • Queues
      • Priority queues : Set of queues whose caches the generator will prioritize generating
      • Generate other queues (boolean, required field, default value: true) : If unchecked, the generator's threads (configured in the profile) will only be used to generate cache for pages belonging to the queues included in the "Priority queues" field. If checked, the generator's threads may generate cache for pages from other queues, if the queues included in the "Priority queues" field do not have any pending generation.
    • Servers : It is allowed to register the servers that will generate the page caches according to the configurations defined in the generator. This makes it possible to create a Generator that uses servers that haven’t been added yet (or are activated only under certain circumstances). To register all servers, simply use the character “*”. The configured number of threads represents the number of threads that will execute on each of the servers (it does not represent the total number).


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit