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    Cache Page Manager: Administration of Cached Pages

    Allows you to manage cached pages.

    The sorting of HTML pages can be changed using any of the other columns displayed in the manager.

    The cache generation is centralized in threads that can utilize two modes for generating HTML pages: on-demand generation and automatic generation. In both modes, the browser requests via a URL. If the cache is outdated, it is requested for the generator to generate that page. After generation, the generated page is delivered to the browser. The generator is a parallel process that occurs with on-demand generation, speeding up the generation of outdated pages.

    Clear Channel or Page Cache

    Lumis allows triggering cache clearing through the channel tree via the described Cache Cleanup properties.


    • It is an administration interface


    Administration of Cached Pages



    • Web Resource(identifier) : Identifier of the Web Resource related to the cached page.
    • File(string) : Path to the file
    • Created on(date and time) : Indicates the date that the cache of a certain page was created for the first time, or after a deletion
    • Start of generation(date and time) : Indicates the date/time that the cache of the page was updated
    • Generated On(date and time) :
    • Expired On(date and time) : Indicates the date/time that the content of the HTML page has expired
    • Next generation(date and time) : Indicates the date/time of the next attempt to generate the cache. If this field is blank and the cache is outdated, it may be generated at any time.
    • Priority(integer) : The priority for page generation. The higher the value, the higher the priority for generating the page. The value varies according to demand or generation error, returning to zero after generation
    • Queue(string) : Indicates the identifier of the queue responsible for generating the page. The same queue may have different configurations on different servers
    • Errors(integer) : Displays the number of errors that occurred during the attempt to generate the html. There is the default limit of a maximum of 5 errors for the portal not to generate the update of the page cache, making the status "Outdated with error". Use the "Clear Errors" button for the portal to resume updating the page cache; Detailed settings can be found in Cache Queues.
    • Status(integer) : Indicates whether the page cache is:
      • Updated: HTML page generated;
      • Outdated: expired HTML page. If accessed, it may trigger an on-demand generation, or respond with an old version of the cached HTML, depending on the configuration of the corresponding queue and the existence of the old copy or not
      • Outdated with error: expired HTML page, but the error limit has been exceeded and the portal will no longer generate this page cache, which may respond to accesses to this page with an old version or with an error. The "Clear Errors" button can be used to have the portal try to generate this page cache again;
      • Disabled: the page cache will neither be updated nor outdated, regardless of the cache generation process, and its record will not be removed from the cached pages manager;
      • In Generation: HTML page is being generated;
      • In Outdated Generation: HTML page is being generated, but there has already been some modification during generation that will make the generation result be Outdated;
      • Not published: cache is disabled because its main content is not published;
    • ServerId(string) : Indicates the identifier of the server that executed the last generation of this HTML page.


    • Page(identifier) : Selects a page to be expired
    • Channel(identifier) : Selects a channel from which the caches below this will be expired
    • Language(string)
    • Dynamic Path(string)
    • Friendly Path(string)


    • Status(integer)



    • Manage service instance: Allows management of all data of this service instance, including deleting it entirely.


    • Generate : Generates the selected HTML page caches, regardless of their current state.
    • Enable Generation : Globally enables all HTML page generations.
    • Disable Generation : Globally disables all HTML page generations.

      This means that the caches that are in "Updated" status, the user will continue to access an HTML page unless there are structural and content changes causing the cache to become outdated.

      Disabling Generation is useful, for example, in a scenario of importing/exporting an environment with a large number of user accesses. During the update of channels and pages, the HTML generator clears the caches, and if there is access to channels during import, users may access old pages.

      To disable the cache generation of a specific page, access its properties via right-click, and set the value "No" for the field Generate HTML file. This way, for each HTML cache of the page, the Status will be "Disabled", meaning that the user will no longer access an HTML page but rather a dynamic page (JSP);

    • Clear Errors : Allows resetting the number of errors that occurred during the attempt to generate a page cache. Useful for moving pages from the Outdated with error state to the Outdated state, thus allowing them to be generated again.