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    Export in LEC

    This option allows for the export of channel structures (with pages; service instances; local groups; XSL files; and references to CSS files, workflows, customized services, users or global groups, and access control) and content into a compressed file with a .lec extension (Lumis Exported Channel) to the directory “lumisdata/data/exporteddata.”

    During export, all external dependencies are checked, meaning exported objects that depend on objects not being exported, to inform the administrator that such objects must be present at the destination for the import to be successful. However, some dependencies prevent import while others do not.

    Examples of external dependencies:

    • Channel or page templates created outside the export channel scope and applied to channels and pages of this channel;
    • Service instances that utilize other service instances. E.g., a News service instance that may use instances of Document and Image services, which in turn are instantiated outside the scope of the structure to be exported;
    • customized workflow belonging or not to the export scope;
    • Global users and groups from access control of an object belonging to the export scope.

    Consider the following scenario: Exporting the "Event Agenda" channel.

    The "Event Agenda" structure has two channels: "Event Agenda" and "Administration"; and four pages: "Quick List," "List," and "Details" belonging to the "Event Agenda" channel and "Administration" belonging to the channel of the same name. In these pages, the corresponding interfaces of the mentioned pages are instantiated. These interfaces are from the "Event Agenda" service instance that is in the channel of the same name.

    The pages have the “templ_interna” template applied. This template is located in the “templates” channel, which is at the same level as the “Event Agenda” channel. The Logout interface instantiated in this template belongs to the Login service instance in the channel of the same name, which in turn is also outside the scope of the channel to be exported.

    The “Event Agenda” structure, as well as its interfaces, has a customized XSL (“intranetJava.xsl”), and additionally, the “Event Agenda” service instance uses a customized workflow (“workflow2”).

    In the access control of the object to be exported, the local user "Lumis.bruno" is added. Standard global product groups are also included.


    Finally, with a right-click on the "Event Agenda" channel, select the Export option. Then, fill in the export form:

    General Tab:



    • the name for archiving the structure to be exported. It is recommended to name the file after the channel to be exported;
    • Include sub-channels recursively: allows you to choose whether the sub-channels of the structure will be exported or not. Sometimes it is necessary to export only the pages, page templates, local groups, service instances, among others; without exporting the sub-channels. During import, those sub-channels would, in turn, not be altered. In such cases, this option should be unchecked as it is selected by default. Moreover, global elements like XSL, for example, are exported and imported regardless of this option;
    • Include content: if you wish to export the content (with its versioning, publishing information, and workflow) of the service instance;
    • Include references to members of the user type: allows including or not in the export the relationship of "member of" between user and group.

    In scenarios where there are local users belonging to local groups, this option is irrelevant since users and local groups are exported.

    In scenarios where there are global users belonging to local groups, it is useful to select this option since global users are not exported, and they may not exist at the destination, or exist but with IDs different, leading to future problems during import.

    There is also the case where global users are members of global groups. Global groups of the standard type can be exported or not, depending on what is configured in the "global groups" tab. But since global users are not, you may choose not to include their references of "member of" with such groups. Unless those global users exist at the destination (registered with the same ID), you may include their references so that at the destination they maintain the same "member of" relationship between global users and their groups;

    When the global groups to be exported are of the dynamic type, there is no need to include user-type references since the users of these groups will be included at the destination through a dynamic calculation.

    • Display alerts about external dependencies: if you want to display alerts about external dependencies in the export report. Otherwise, only information about the number of external dependencies and whether the channel was successfully exported will be shown.

    Global Groups

    One way to export global groups is to specify them in the channel export form, even if they are not part of that channel's access control. If the groups do not exist at the destination, they will be created.

    To do this, just click on add, and all global groups from the portal will be displayed, minus the standard groups (Portal Administrators, Developers, Registered Users, and All Users). This is because the product's standard global groups are always exported.

    The reasons for exporting global groups were explained earlier in the option of including references to members of the user type.


    According to the information from the general tab form, the file to be generated in the directory “lumisdata/data/exporteddata” will be “Event Agenda.lec”, and it will contain the content of the service instance present in the channel to be exported.

    The administrator will be notified if the export was successful, and, in case of external dependencies, these will be displayed in an export report, and the objects involved in the external dependencies can be viewed by clicking the arrows next to each of them.

    The following figure is an example of a report generated from the export of the "Event Agenda" channel, which states that the four contents registered for the "Event Agenda" instance were exported successfully, and that the page "List" depends on the "templ_interna" located in the "Portal/templates" channel:


    Another segment of the report:

    Dependent Object:
    Service Instance portalStudio069
    Name: Event Agenda
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F72EF8C2A164F
    Name: Event Agenda
    ID: lumis.service.event
    Channel portalStudio069
    Name: Portal/Event Agenda
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F72EF8BDC164D
    Object Dependent On:
    ID: workflow2
    Dependent Object:
    Service Interface Instance portalStudio069
    Area: 2
    Column: 1
    Row: 1
    Cell: 1
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F730A398E1977
    Page portalStudio069
    Name: Administration
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F72EF8F841669
    Channel portalStudio069
    Name: Portal/Event Agenda/Administration
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F72EF8EA91667
    Service Interface
    Name: Logout
    ID: lumis.service.login.logout
    Object Dependent On:
    Service Instance portalStudio069
    Name: Login
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F7257F36905E9
    Name: Login
    ID: lumis.service.login
    Channel portalStudio069
    Name: Portal/Login
    ID: 8A488ACB0F71632D010F7257C56B058D

    The segment of the report above indicates that:

    The service instance “Event Agenda” belonging to the channel of the same name, depends on the customized object “workflow2” that may or may not be registered in the destination portal.

    The interface instance “Logout” located on the “Administration” page of the “Portal/Event Agenda/Administration” channel DEPENDS on the “Login” service instance that is situated in a channel not belonging to the exported structure “Portal/Login.”

    For each of the objects mentioned, their ID and other identifying information such as name and title, etc., are provided. In addition, the arrows next to all listed objects in the report point to their location in the portal.

    It will be up to the administrator to make one of the following decisions regarding external dependencies so that there are no problems during import:

    • Export the external dependencies, preserving the IDs, so that the references are maintained;
    • Exclude the dependent objects and export the channel again, now without dependencies. In this way, these objects will need to be added to the destination portal if the structure is to remain as the original;
    • Register workflows and custom services that do not exist in the destination portal. Since the ID of workflows and services are found in the files to be registered, it will always match the ID registered in the source.

    It is important to pay attention to the alerts in the export report, which may be:

    • Information about the progress of the export process and about the success of the export of the contents of the service instance(s), represented by the icon:portalStudio071;
    • General warnings, such as restrictions regarding external dependencies, represented by the icon:portalStudio073;
    • Possible unexpected errors during export, represented by the icon:portalStudio075. Such errors may occur, for example, when there is insufficient memory, disk space, etc.;
    • Result of the export being successful, represented by the icon: portalStudio077

    The export can be canceled at any time before it is completed by selecting the "Cancel" button.