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    Environment Verification: Check the health of the environment

    Allows portal administrators to perform certain checks.

    By default, the portal has the following:

    • Missing themedefinition.xml files: Checks if there are themes registered with a missing themedefinition.xml file
    • Average rendering time of Web Resources: Checks the average rendering time of the portal's web resources over the last 7 days and displays a list of web resources with significant rendering delays.
    • Language configuration check of the portal: Checks if there are any locales without content.
    • Time difference check between servers: Checks the time difference on the servers' clocks.
    • Database latency check: Checks the database latency.
    • Check for lost entries in the table lum_LRResource: Checks if there are any IDs in the lum_LRResource table without a corresponding entry in lum_LRResourceLock.
    • Cache status check of pages: Checks if there are any cached pages in an outdated state with an error or if any had an error during their last generation.
    • Check for generated XML size in interface rendering: Checks if the XMLs generated in the renderings of the interfaces are too large.
    • Total swap space size check: Checks the total used size of the operating system's swap space.
    • Check for templates with interface instance cache disabled: Checks if there is any page template containing an interface instance with cache disabled.
    • Database execution time check: Checks execution time of insert, select, and delete for 500 rows with around 10KiB of data each.
    • Style cache check: Checks if all style files have cache enabled.
    • LumisPortal log check: Checks if there are any occurrences of Error or Warn in the LogFull log.
    • Free memory percentage check: Checks the percentage of free memory in the operating system.
    • Check for files stored in the file manager: Checks that the files stored in the portal's file manager are correctly present in the file system. (displays up to 20 missing files)
    • Check for clocks that ran for more than 10 seconds: Checks if any clock took longer than 10 seconds in its last execution
    • Check for the sizes of the portal's memory caches: Checks if the size of the portal's memory caches are at the limit.
    • Check for the configured size in max_allowed_packet in MySql: Checks if the parameter configuration in MySql meets the recommended minimum requirements of 128MB.
    • Check if the web server can read the static files created by the application server: Checks if the web server can read the static files copied by the application server.
    • Check for read committed snapshot in SQL servers: Necessary configuration for SQL servers.
    • Production environment check: Indicates if it is a production environment.
    • Check for public media files: Checks if the media service instances have public files enabled.
    • Check for public documents: Checks if the document service instances have public files enabled.
    • Debug log check: Checks if there is any log at debug level.
    • Check for src/href not found: Checks if, on home pages or templates, the links, images, videos, and scripts do not return error 404.
    • Check for versions of the lumisportal libraries: Versions of the lumisportal libraries correspond to the current version of the portal.
    • Check for active clocks: Checks if all clocks are active.
    • Check for running clocks: Checks if there is any clock running for a significant time.
    • Check for locks: Checks if there is any lock created for a significant time.
    • Check for existence of temporary files in <install>/lumisdata/data/installedmodules/lib: Verifies if there are files that end with "_newJar.jar" or "_toBeDeleted.jar" in <install>/lumisdata/data/installedmodules/lib.
    • Check for write/read disk time and consistency of the written and read file: Checks the time spent writing/reading from disk and the consistency of a file written and then read. This validation is executed in the public folders of each website, in the 'lumisdata/data' folder, and in the 'lumisdata/shared/data' folder.
    • Check interface instances with low XML/HTML ratio: Checks interfaces that produce a large XML but transform it into a small fragment of HTML.
    • Check for missing indices: Checks if there are missing indices in Elasticsearch.
    • Access control check using global groups: Checks if Global Groups are being used in access control.
    • Check for Customer Experience instance without Privacy Term: Checks if there is any Customer Experience instance not associated with a Privacy Term.
    • Check for existence of customized navigation trees: Checks if there are no customized navigation trees.
    • Check for active cluster configured for replicated copy: Checks if the environment is multi-server and has the file system implementation configured for replicated copy.
    • Check for limit of open files: Checks if the Linux system is having a number of open files close to the limit set in the system.
    • Check for the size of the HTML cache cleaning queue: Checks if the size of the HTML cache cleaning queue is greater than 10.

    The checks return states, and in some cases, an additional message:

    • OK: Check passed.
    • FAILED: Check did not pass. shows a message informing the possible problems.
    • WARNING: When something is found that the user should evaluate if it could represent a problem.
    • NOT EXECUTED: When the check could not be executed for some specific reason.
    • ERROR: When it was not possible to execute the check due to some unexpected error.

    To create customizable checks access: Creating a Check


    • It is an administration interface


    Check the health of the environment



    • Name(string)
    • Description(text)
    • State(integer)
    • Messages(text)


    • Edit content of service instance: Allows management of all data of this service instance with a publisher profile.