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    Dynamic Groups

    The LumisXP allows for the creation of dynamic groups.

    The registration of a dynamic group has the distinguishing feature that it must have a type whose implementation provides parameters that will compose the filter to be configured in the group. The filter will dynamically select the members as soon as they are registered in the portal and will automatically add them to the groups.

    The registered dynamic groups can be viewed in the group manager along with the other groups that are not dynamic and with those that are standard to the product:

    In the list, dynamic groups are identified with an icon next to their identified name. This icon refers to the group configuration that will be seen shortly below.

    To register a dynamic group, just click "Add" and fill in the following information:

    • Nickname: Required field that must contain a short name for identifying the dynamic group. It is considered the shortID;
    • Name: Required field that must contain the full name of the group;
    • Description: Brief description about the group. Not required;
    • Group Type: Required field in which the group type for the group being registered must be chosen. Such type must contain implementation for the members of a group to be calculated dynamically from data obtained in a view or a table from the database.

    To edit and delete a group, follow the same steps described in the group manager.

    Dynamic Group Configuration

    After registering the group, it is necessary to configure it, that is, define the member profile through filters. Members will be added dynamically and automatically to the groups as soon as they are registered in the portal.

    To configure the filter of a dynamic group, simply select an icon located next to its name in the group list in the manager. From there, add as many filters as needed.

    The parameters available for the filters are predetermined in the implementation of the group type registered for the group.

    As an example, we have the configurations of the registered dynamic group "GroupA".

    When clicking to add, the following parameters are displayed in its configurations:

    For the operators, the following notes apply:

    • Operators =, <>, LIKE and NOT LIKE are case insensitive. The columns to which these operators are applied in the database cannot be accent sensitive, or it may cause inconsistent behavior;
    • Operators >, >=, <, <= should not be used for textual fields, unless the database interprets these operators in the respective columns equivalently to String.compareTo;
    • Operators LIKE and NOT LIKE can use wildcard characters:
    • "_" to represent any single character;
    • "%" to represent any number of characters, including zero characters;
    • For date/datetime/time columns, the value must be specified following the ISO 8601 standard. Examples: 2000-01-05T13:05:32, 2000-01-05, 13:05:32, 13:05:32.000-03:00;
    • For numerical values, the decimal separator must be a point (according to the North American standard).

    The figure below displays the filter established for the dynamic group "GroupA":

    Two member profiles have been defined through two filters: Members whose first name starts with the word "user" will be added, but the member "user 1" will not be included.

    Therefore, all users and groups that are registered in the portal and have these profiles will be automatically added to "GroupA".

    The figure below shows the members of "GroupA" who were automatically added according to the profiles established above: