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    Multi-Server Manager: Configuration

    It is still possible to perform a configuration related to the time that certain exchanged messages should be persisted (durable messages), which by default is 10,080 minutes (one week).

    Such messages may be related to the creation and deletion of certain files, such as HTML cache, search indexes, public files.

    To change therefore the persistence time of certain messages, one must trigger Configuration and change the default value from 10,080 to the desired value which will be considered in minutes.

    If the value is equal to zero, the messages will be considered non-persistent.

    The configuration change will only be processed if the cluster configuration is enabled in the file lumisdata/config/lumisportalconfig.xml.

    The implementation that uses the API of lumis.portal.cluster can decide whether the message will be durable or not. This decision should be based on the importance of delivery assurance and on the performance and storage cost that the message being durable may bring. For example, messages for creating HTML page cache are not persisted, while messages for removing the same are persisted. Thus, a machine that is not active in the cluster when the removal of an HTML cache occurs on another active server will receive the cache removal message as soon as its connection is reestablished.


    • It is an administration interface


    • Lifetime of durable messages (min) (integer, required field)


    • Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it entirely.


    • commit