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    Content Popularity

    On this page, it is possible to view the contents of the portal and their popularity, sorted from the most popular to the least popular.
    It is also possible to change the popularity calculation settings through the button Configure and force the reprocessing of popularity through the button Recalculate Popularities.
    On the Configure screen, it is possible to change the following options:

    The popularity calculation will be the default of LumisXP and will take into account the age and the number of unique visitors of a particular content to calculate its age. If this option is selected, the following options will be available:
    Maximum number of affected contents
    This is the maximum number of contents that will have their popularity altered by the calculation process. All other contents will have popularity 1 (which does not influence the relevance in the search).
    Default value: 1000 .
    Unique visitor window
    This setting determines the period (in hours) to be taken into account when calculating the contents with the most unique visitors. That is, when the portal calculates which contents had the most unique accesses, it will filter by accesses made between the current moment and the current moment minus this setting in hours.
    Default: 1440 hours (equivalent to 60 days).
    Age limit
    It is a configurable age limit of a content (in hours). Between 0 (content just published) and Age limit , the lower the age of the content, the greater its influence on popularity. From Age limit onwards, the age of the content no longer influences the popularity of the content.
    Default: 720 hours (equivalent to 30 days).
    Unique visitor limit
    It is a configurable limit of unique visitors for a content. Between 0 and Unique visitor limit , the greater the number of unique visitors to a content, the greater its influence on popularity. Upon reaching Unique visitor limit , the influence on the popularity of the content will reach its maximum value and from this limit it will continue to be that same maximum value.
    If not filled out, the default value for this parameter is calculated as follows:
    1. The portal queries to obtain the total number of unique visitors within the configured period Unique visitor window.
    2. The default value for Unique visitor limit will be 50% of the total unique visitors. That is, if during the period the portal had 100 unique visitors, the parameter Unique visitor limit will take the default value of 50. This value will be rounded down to the nearest integer greater than or equal to the result. For example, if the total number of unique visitors is 33, 50% would be 16.5. This value will be rounded to 17.
    All contents of the portal will have the same popularity: 1 (which does not influence the calculation of search scoring).
    Allows plugging in a class to customize the calculation of contents' popularities.
    If this option is selected, the following option will be available:
    A Java class for developers to customize the calculation of contents' popularities. Must implement the interface lumis.portal.bigdata.IDocumentPopularityProvider.