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    Newsletter: Edit Category

    Provides a form to edit a category. Accessed via the Category Administration.


    • Is an administration interface


    Edit Category
    • Name (string, required field, maximum length: 100): Display name of the category.
    • Description (text): Brief comment on what a specific category refers to.
    • Position (integer, required field): Indicates the display position of the category in the list of categories.
    • Number of Items (integer, required field): The number of contents that should be linked to the email.
    • Service (identifier, required field): Displays the types of services with instances in the portal. The data source service for the newsletter should be specified.
    • Service Instance (identifier, required field): Displays the instances of the selected service in the Service field. The instance of the data source service for the newsletter should be specified.
    • Data Source (string, required field, maximum length: 250): Displays the existing data sources in the instance of the selected service in the Service Instance field. It is the source of the data used in generating newsletters.


    • Manage: Allows management of models, categories, schedules, and subscriptions of the service instance.


    • Update Category: Updates the existing entry of the category.