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    News: Details

    Displays the full content of a news article accessed through one of the lists: quick list or standard list.


    • It is a detail interface





    • Title(string) : Title (required) linkable that makes up the news list.
    • Introduction(text) : Text (optional) that accompanies the title in the quick list and the news list.
    • Content(html) : Text (required) internal to the news that corresponds to its details. The user is redirected to this content by clicking on the news title. The registration of this field is performed in a text editor that allows formatting types similar to well-known text editors. It can also be edited in HTML through the "Source Code" option of the text editor.
    • Image(media) : Illustration (optional) that accompanies the content of the news, that is, in its detail. However, the content image is always positioned at the beginning of it. The news content can be illustrated through attached images in the text/HTML editor that allows content registration.