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    Media Repository : Add

    Allows the upload of media in the environment, adding them to the repository. It is possible to upload multiple media files simultaneously by selecting or dragging several files at once.
    After the upload process is complete, fields for editing will be available.

    The media will be published inheriting the publish field from the folder where they are being added.


    • It is an administration interface


    Fields will be displayed for each media successfully uploaded.
    • Title : Descriptive name for the media.
    • Caption : Text to be displayed when hovering over the media. When not filled, the title takes the role of caption. Editing the caption does not change the HTML alt of the media. This is a behavior of Lumis.
    • Credits : Responsible for the media.


    • Edit content of service instance: Allows management of all data for this service instance with publisher profile.


    • Save : Completes the upload process, permanently saving the media and its information.