Service Overview
Registered users on the portal interact with the service when they subscribe to specific categories of subjects they are interested in. Therefore, these registered users must have subscription permission.
However, users who are not registered on the portal (guest user) can also subscribe. The subscription interface is different, including the email field, which must be filled out for the subscription to be completed. Registered users on the portal who wish to receive campaign updates through another email can use this subscription interface.
One or more categories of interest can be selected for subscription. For example, a certain registered user on the portal, when making their subscription, chose “Sales” and “Workshops” as subjects of interest. In other words, they would like to receive updates (campaigns) about these subjects. To update the subscription, for example, if the user no longer wants to receive campaigns about “Sales,” they must uncheck it and click “subscribe” again. This way, they will only receive campaigns about “Workshops.”
In both interfaces, "No records found" will be displayed if the administrators have not yet registered at least one category to be used in campaign registration.
On the scheduled publication date of each campaign, the user receives, for example, the following email:
When the user wants to unsubscribe from all subscriptions, they just need to click “cancel subscription”.