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    Login : Update Registration

    This interface allows the end user to change their information. The Links service can be used to redirect the user to the page containing this interface.


    Update Registration
    • Profile picture (image file) : User's profile picture.
    • First name (string, maximum length: 100) : Required field for the user's first name description.
    • Middle name (string, maximum length: 100) : Describes the user's middle name.
    • Last name (string, maximum length: 100) : Describes the user's last name.
    • Email (string, maximum length: 255) : Describes the user's email, this field can be used by the Frame
    • Password (string, maximum length: 255) : Field that describes the user's password, it is not required.
    • Confirm password (string) : Field that describes the user's password confirmation, it is not required and must match the Password field.


    • Update user registration