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    Language Selector: Edit

    Allows changing previously registered expressions.


    • It's an administration interface


    • Code (string, required field, maximum size: 50) : You must select the language (corresponding to the language) that was previously registered.
    • Expression (string, required field, maximum size: 100) : Occurrence that should be translated when the language determined in the field above is selected by the user.
    • Translation (string, required field, maximum size: 1000) : Name that will replace the previously registered expression.
    • Resource path (string, required field, maximum size: 255) : Path to the XML file that contains the original translation of the term you want to replace. The file with the most translations is lumis/portal/strings/strings.pt_br.xml.
    • Status (integer, required field) : Allows enabling or disabling the translation of the occurrence of the expression in the portal when the language is selected by the user.


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • Edit an expression