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    Accessibility Monitoring

    The Accessibility Standards Evaluation service provides a resource for monitoring Accessibility Standards of all requested pages within a channel hierarchy.

    To activate this feature, it is necessary to add the property bag “lumis.portal.presentation.htmlevaluation.level” in the channel and specify one of the following values:

    • INFO:Conduct an evaluation considering the issues characterized as INFO, WARNING, and ERROR.
    • WARNING:Conduct an evaluation considering the issues characterized as WARNING and ERROR.
    • ERROR:Conduct an evaluation considering the issues characterized as ERROR.
    • SUMMARY:Present only the summary containing the total number of each type of issues found (INFO, WARNING, and ERROR).

    For the first three options, a summary is presented at the end of the report.

    The result of the evaluation of each request is logged in the LumisXP Log as shown in Figure 1.

    Result of Accessibility Monitoring