Open the menu

    Hierarchical Contents: Generate HTML Content

    In the context menu of the Content Menu interface, there is the option “Generate HTML Content”. This option allows content to be created from a menu HTML.


    Generate HTML Content

    When this option is selected, a form is displayed to provide the HTML fragment that will be imported for contents. The HTML Fragment for import field will initially be filled with the HTML contained in the page:holder where the interface instance is mounted. If it is not in a page:holder, it will initially be empty.

    The user can change the HTML fragment to be imported as desired, then must press the Next button to continue the import process or Cancel to cancel the process. After proceeding, a summary of the contents that will be created by importing the provided HTML will be displayed. The user can then click OK to continue creating the contents, or Cancel to abort the operation without creating any contents.

    The import will take into account <ul> or <ol> and <li> elements to identify the elements that make up the menu and their respective hierarchy as follows:

    • Each <ul> or <ol> element will be considered to represent a list of menu items, where these items have as their parent the closest ancestral <li> item of the <ul> or <ol>, if it exists, or that the items are at the root of the menu if such an <li> does not exist.
    • Each <li> will be considered a menu element and content will be created to represent it. The title of the content will be the text contained in the <li>, ignoring any content in <ul> or <ol> of this <li>. If the <li> does not have text to be used as the title of the content, it will be ignored.

    The contents created by the import will be of the Internal Content type and will have its Content field filled with a random fictitious text style Lorem Ipsum.

    If the service instance has a workflow with a transition between the initial state and the published state, this transition will be executed.

    Existing contents are not taken into account by this import. The contents identified by the import will be added, regardless of whether there are already equivalent ones.


    • Manage service instance: Allows managing all the data of this service instance, including deleting it in its entirety.