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    Form Builder: Add Field

    In this interface, it is possible to insert new fields into a previously selected form.


    • It is an administration interface


    Add Field
    • Field Label (string, required response, maximum size: 255) : Label for the field
    • Value Type (string, required response, maximum size: 20, default value: shorttext) :
      Type for the response to the question, which can be:
      • Multiple choice - given a list of options, the user has the option to select as many options as deemed plausible.
      • Single choice - given a list of options, the user has the option to select one and only one option.
      • Selection combo - given a selection list, the user has the option to select one and only one option.
      • Long text - multi-line text field.
      • Short text - single-line text field.
      • True or False - option for true or false as an option.
      • Number - text field restricted to accept only numbers.
      • Date - text field restricted to accept only dates with an interface to select the date.
      • Field group - groups the fields created after this into a fieldset area.
      • Additional Text - text field for additional information.
      • Title - text field with configurable highlight level to be displayed to the user.
    • Number of options : Allows to determine the number of options to be registered, this field will only be shown for questions of type; Multiple choice, Single choice, Selection combo. It is a list containing the number of options that will be available (1 to 10 options).
    • Field options : (required when visible) allows registering the option, with the quantity of this field related to the option selected in the Number of options field.
    • Text to be displayed on the form (long text) : Text of the title that will be displayed alongside the fields for the user.
    • Title level (integer, default value: 1) : Represents the level of importance that the title will be displayed. Level 1 represents the most relevant title, while higher value levels indicate less prominent titles. Typically, the corresponding HTML uses the elements <h1> to <h6> according to the selected level.
    • Text to be shown on the form (long text) : (required when visible) allows registering the additional text to be shown on the form when the field is of type Additional Text.
    • Field order (integer, required response, default value: 1) : (mandatory) numeric value of this field's position in your form. The administration allows two questions to be recorded with the same value for this field. In this case, the order between these questions will not be determined
    • Character limit (integer) : Defines a maximum number of characters allowed for fields of type Long Text and Short Text. However, in short texts, the maximum acceptable value is 100 characters.
    • Required response (boolean, required response) : option to make filling in the field mandatory or not.
    • Use default field id : allows specifying the identifier of the field generated in the html.
    • Field id (string, required response, maximum size: 255) : Unique identifier of the field to be submitted in the form.
    • Help text (long text) : Help text for the field


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all the data of this service instance with publisher profile.


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