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    Email Template Repository: Edit email template

    Allows the publisher to change existing email templates. The form displays the content of the registered template that is to be changed, which has been selected for editing. Once changed, the template will be available via the API IEmailTemplateManager - accessible through the method EmailTemplateManagerFactory.getInstance().


    • It is an administration interface


    Edit email template
    • Title (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : this field represents a mere identification of the template for the publisher.
    • Subject (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : this is the subject of the email to be sent. Accepts variables in its content in the format *|variable_name|*.
    • Email Body (html, required field) : this is the body of the email to be sent. Accepts variables in its content in the format *|variable_name|*.
    • Sender (string, maximum length: 255) : this is the sender of the email to be sent. If this field is not filled, the application must provide the sender before sending the email.


    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit