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    Contact Us: Edit Message

    Allows the publisher to change the state of existing messages. The form displays the registered content in a selected message to be edited.


    • It is an administration interface


    Edit Message
    • Name (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : User's name
    • Email (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : User's contact email
    • Subject (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Subject of the message
    • Message (text, required field) : Text of the message to be sent
    • Status (integer, required field, default value: 0) : Processing status of the contact
      • Open: The reason for contact has not been resolved yet;
      • Closed: The reason for contact has been resolved.


    • Administer: User with permission to "Administer", receives messages by email and has access to the administrative areas of messages and categories. This permission includes the permission to "Post Message"


    • commit