Comments : Administration
- It is an administration interface
- Content(identifier) : Identifier of the content to be commented on.
- Give your rating(integer) : Rating for the content.
- Created by(user or group) : User who posted the comment.
: State of workflow of the comment. It has the following values:
- Pending: status that is automatically assigned to the comment when it is posted, when the service is configured as moderated. With this status, the comment is not published in the lists. It can be changed to another status, as needed;
- Approved: status assigned to the comment so it can be published. When the service is not configured as moderated, all posted comments have this status. It can be changed to another status, as needed;
- Disapproved: status assigned to the comment so it is not published. Once the comment is approved, changing the status to "Disapproved" will exclude the comment from the comment lists;
- Archived: this status is convenient when the comment is to undergo a review by the service administrator. Thus, the comment is not visible in the comment lists.
- Edit
- Configuration (Configure)
- Manage: Allows interference in the publication of comments and votes, as well as viewing the results of the content evaluations. This permission implies that the user has permission to "Comment".
- Delete