Allows managing terms and categorizing content based on them.
The Categorization service of LumisXP allows the registration of terms that can categorize content on the portal. It also displays a list of terms, linkable to the previously associated content.
Such terms can be registered hierarchically, but the hierarchy is not explicit to the end user. It is made available in the XML to be customized through the XSL.
Such content that can be associated with terms are those belonging to Content Management services. However, it is necessary to specify in the service instance, which instance of the Categorization service will be used. Check the section Content Categorization in General Features of Content Management Services for more information.
- Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it entirely.
- Edit content of service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.
- View service instance: Allows viewing public data of this service instance.